


Inventing Today, Inspiring Tomorrow.


At Inventec, possibilities take shape. Since 1975, we have offered scalable manufacturing capabilities to help technology brands and innovators scale new concepts worldwide. We are an innovative engineering partner, working closely with ecosystem players to design and produce cutting-edge solutions that transform ideas into global impact. Through our expertise and worldwide manufacturing presence, we reliably help customers capture market opportunities and make any vision sustainable and durable, regardless of scale or ambition. At Inventec, we are inventing today and inspiring tomorrow.

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Notebook 、Server、AI Technology、Automobile Electronics 、Edge-to-Cloud Computing、Smart Health、AIoT、IIOT、Telecommunication和Private Network


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    To achieve the goal of "zero waste to landfill," Inventec's Taoyuan and Chongqing factories have both obtained the highest level of UL 2799 "Platinum Certification" for zero waste to landfill. Additionally, a launch ceremony for UL 2799 zero landfill was held at the Shilin headquarters, and concrete actions have been implemented in the factories to ensure zero waste to landfill! Rooted in #sustainable values and innovative strategies, #Inventec will continue to promote green #innovation and work together to create a sustainable new future! 為落實「#廢棄物零埋填 」目標,#英業達 桃園廠區與重慶廠區皆取得UL 2799廢棄物零埋填最高級別的「鉑金級認證」,更在士林總部舉辦UL 2799廢棄物零填埋啟動儀式,並具體執行廠區內零廢棄物填埋! 立基#永續 價值、實踐#創新 策略,英業達將持續推動綠色創新,全員共創永續新局!   #Quality #OpenMind #Execution #一起用科技的力量改變世界

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    繼七月智慧製造研討會成功落幕,台灣區電機電子工業同業公會TEEMA於九月帶領會員們參訪英業達桃園工廠,實際走訪並深入了解數發部數產署「5G專頻專網創新應用擴散計畫」之落地應用與產業趨勢。此次參訪活動圓滿成功,感謝所有參與者的熱情支持。 這次英業達工廠參訪可以見證IT、CT與OT三者技術的完美整合。首先,在IT(資訊科技)領域,我們看到邊緣智慧運算(edge AI)的實際運用。此技術不僅提升工廠內部的自動化,還展示電腦視覺技術在人臉偵測和產品瑕疵檢測的應用,顯示出精確識別與提高生產效率的重要性。在CT(通訊科技)方面,5G小基站一體機整合CU、DU與RU,串接核心網路。另有備援機組以確保系統不斷線,充分體現工廠對於高效、安全與穩定運營的重視。最後,OT(營運技術)的展示涵蓋智慧巡檢和數位雙生。智慧巡檢系統監控生產線的運作,而數位雙生技術則展示虛實整合的未來工廠模型,能夠模擬生產過程並進行數據分析,進而優化生產效率和預防潛在問題。這次參訪不僅看到工廠自動化與智慧製造的潛力,更展現技術整合為製造業帶來的新氣象,英業達智慧工廠在產業轉型過程成為理想範例。 #智慧製造 #EdgeAI #Digitaltwin #AIO #5G #工廠

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    💫Sustaining Talent, Sustaining Hope💫 Are tech companies only for science and engineering majors⁉️ #Inventec and National Taiwan University Cooperated on the Taiwan Mentorship Program, offering students cross-disciplinary internships. During the graduation ceremony, each student presents the results of the project they collaborated on with their mentor, adding a standout achievement to their resume! By courageously stepping out of their comfort zones and undergoing a two-month workplace immersion, we believe this experience will help students discover new possibilities for their future careers! #永續人才 永續希望 科技業只適合理工科系人才嗎⁉️ #英業達#台灣大學 合作 #台灣引路人 計劃,提供同學跨領域實習,在結業典禮上,同學上台發表與mentor合作的專案成果,為自己的履歷增添一筆亮眼的戰績!勇敢跳脫舒適圈並經過2個月的職場洗禮,相信能為同學們的未來職涯找出不一樣的可能性,TRY出職涯的N種選擇! #一起用科技的力量改變世界 #InventingToday #InspiringTomorrow #Innovation #Quality #OpenMind #Execution

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    英業達集團致力於以AI驅動ESG,透過科技創新促進人類福祉,今日舉行AI Day,首次公開展示其AI運用成果,領域涵蓋數位轉型服務、機器人控制、智慧工廠、智慧醫療以及可信任人工智慧等,共計22個獨特案例。解決方案包括使用大語言模型(LLM)診斷阿茲海默症、與國立臺灣大學合作的自動化雲霧偵測系統以及智能自動組裝機器手臂。英業達致力於科技創新,推動環境保護、社會責任和永續發展。讓我們一起見證AI的無限可能! #AI #ESG #科技創新 #英業達 #智慧醫療 #環境保護 #智慧製造 The Inventec Group is committed to driving ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) through AI, promoting humanity's well-being through technological innovations. Today, Inventec is hosting AI Day, an event showcasing 22 unique AI applications and solutions. The exhibit spans digital transformation services, robotic control, smart factories, smart healthcare, and trustworthy AI. Solutions include using large language models (LLM) to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease, an automated cloud detection system in collaboration with NTU’s Experimental Forest, and intelligent robotic arms in automated assembly. Inventec is dedicated to technological innovation, advancing environmental protection, social responsibility, and sustainable development. Together we are witnessing the limitless possibilities of AI innovation! #AI #ESG #TechInnovation #Inventec #SmartHealthcare #EnvironmentalProtection #SmartManufacturing https://lnkd.in/gi8Aaqxm

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    See what industry leading website ServeTheHome is saying about Inventec’s latest server products. Inventec exhibited the Artemis NVIDIA Grace Blackwell GB200 systems. These cutting-edge servers are set to redefine AI performance in the upcoming years. The 1U System is compact yet powerful, featuring the GB200 NVL72 cluster, liquid cooling, and advanced power delivery. Curious about how these systems are shaping the future of AI? Read the full deep dive at ServeTheHome: https://lnkd.in/dNf-CmC9 #InventingToday #InspiringTomorrow #cloudAI #datacenter   ServeTheHome深度評測英業達新興伺服器產品NVIDIA Grace Blackwell GB200,在不久的未來,這些AI伺服器將為生成式人工智慧提供強大算力。從配置來看,1U的體積小但功能強大,搭載GB200 NVL72與液體冷卻。欲詳閱這些產品的報導,請至ServeTheHome網站: https://lnkd.in/dNf-CmC9 #InventingToday #InspiringTomorrow #cloudAI #datacenter

    Inventec Artemis 1U and 2U NVIDIA GB200 Systems Shown

    Inventec Artemis 1U and 2U NVIDIA GB200 Systems Shown


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    "Innovation" is Inventec's corporate culture, deeply ingrained in the DNA of every #Inventec employee! At the WWOC Technology Innovation Forum Annual Awards Ceremony held at Shanghai, partners from around the world gathered to share their technological innovation achievements and promote innovation exchanges. Arch Chen, Vice President of the WW Operations Center, also expressed his hope that all partners can maintain a competitive spirit and continue to make progress, just like the athletes in the recently concluded Olympic Games! 💫科技創新|上海廠技術創新論壇 「創新」是 #英業達 的企業文化,更是深植在英業達人血液中的 DNA!在英業達上海廠舉辦的WWOC 技術創新論壇年度頒獎典禮,來自全球各地夥伴齊聚一堂,分享技術創新成果,並促進集團技術創新和跨廠區交流!全球營運中心陳文吉副總也期許夥伴們能如同剛落幕的奧運會上的運動員們,保有競爭精神、持續進步!   #一起用科技的力量改變世界 #InventingToday #InspiringTomorrow #Innovation #Quality #OpenMind #Execution

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    An OT-centered private 5G network is a game changer! #Inventec echoes Omdia's survey results with our own field experience and collaborated with Omdia to develop a white paper on how 5G is revolutionizing manufacturing. Enterprises see private 5G as ideal for automation, security, and digital transformation, offering superior reliability and scalability. Inventec's 5G solutions are key to this shift, integrating IT, CT, and OT with O-RAN and edge computing at our manufacturing sites. This approach addresses supply chain challenges. Learn more in the full white paper on Light Reading. https://lnkd.in/gcVXVDRr #5G #automation #Omdia #ORAN #lightreading 5G企業專網將徹底改造製造業!#英業達 以工廠導入5G專網的經驗與Omdia的調查報告呼應,合作撰寫白皮書詳述5G專網優勢。經市場調查,企業視5G專網為自動化、資訊安全與數位轉型的理想選擇,仰賴的是其穩定與可擴展特質。英業達提供配套完整的5G解決方案,將IT、CT和OT與O-RAN和邊緣運算整合在廠區端,這些解方案為供應鏈挑戰解套,欲瞭解更多資訊,歡迎登記下載完整白皮書。 https://lnkd.in/gcVXVDRr

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    🎉TTQS Gold Award🎉 Talent Quality-management System (TTQS) is a national-level talent development certification system and a crucial indicator of training quality. In 2024, #Inventec stood out among nearly 2,000 companies, earning the prestigious TTQS Gold Award, a clear testament to its dedicated efforts in talent development.   🎉TTQS 金牌獎🎉 人才發展品質管理系統(TTQS)為國家級人才發展的認證系統,是判斷訓練品質的重要指標!#英業達 領先近2,000家企業,於2024年榮獲TTQS金牌獎 殊榮,顯見英業達 #以人為本 的企業文化與人才永續發展的努力深受肯定! #一起用科技的力量改變世界 #InventingToday #InspiringTomorrow #Innovation #Quality #OpenMind #Execution    

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    由台灣區電機電子工業同業公會TEEMA主辦的智慧製造數位轉型研討會成功落幕!為響應數位發展部數位產業署推動的「5G專頻專網創新應用擴散計畫」,英業達持續積極投資產業數位轉型。很榮幸這次能與製造同業分享工廠導入5G專案的經驗,提供5G專網的現況與優勢資訊。 研討會分享的重點除了闡述Edge AI邊緣運算運用在智慧工廠的架構,也展示電腦視覺AIAOI的應用案例。導入數位雙生的工廠配備多種安全與巡檢的功能,包含異常告警、定位、AR智慧巡檢、智慧表頭讀取、遠程協作、e-Fencing、臉部辨識與PPE個人安全裝備穿戴辨識等等。英業達預計在5G擴散計畫中獲得以下效益:人員投入之生產效率可提升30%、SMT之整體設備效率提升30%。 英業達感謝台灣區電機電子工業同業公會TEEMA與數位發展部數位產業署,我們將持續創新研發與應用擴散到國內不同製造業場域中,並與國外的合作夥伴交流深化,讓5G專網的CT與OT應用產值深化,共同推動智慧製造的數位轉型! #TEEMA #數位發展部數位產業署 #智慧製造 #數位轉型 #5G專網 #邊緣運算 #智慧工廠 #數位雙生 #電腦視覺

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    🎉\Grand Opening for Inventec’s New Factory in Mexico 🎉 #Inventec has been developing in Mexico since 2006. Over the past 18 years, Inventec has been a great model for employer branding. Mexico is also an important production site for Inventec’s servers. This month , Inventec’s new factory in Mexico is officially open! This not only represents Inventec’s commitment to sustainability, but also symbolizes the sustained legacy of Taiwan-Mexico friendship. Sam Yeh, the Chairman of Inventec, expressed his gratitude toward the supports of all partners of Inventec. Many guests attended this important event, including: ❒ Othón Valverde, Deputy Minister of Economy Affairs of Mexico ❒ Miguel Samaniego, Representative of Chihuahua state ❒ Cruz Pérez Cuellar, Mayer of Juárez city ❒ Armando Chen, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Mexico 🎉 Inventec 墨西哥新廠正式啟用!🎉 墨西哥是 #英業達 伺服器的重要生產基地,英業達自2006年開始深耕墨西哥,18 年來樹立了良好的雇主品牌典範,本月英業達正式啟用墨西哥新廠!這是英業達在全球佈局重要的里程碑,也象徵台墨友好的永續傳承! 葉力誠董事長特別感謝所有合作夥伴的支持,許多貴賓都出席了這場重要的啟用盛會: ❒ 墨西哥經濟次長 Othón Valverde ❒ 奇瓦瓦州政府代表 Miguel Samaniego ❒ 華雷茲市市長 Cruz Pérez Cuellar ❒ 駐墨西哥代表處代表 Armando Chen #一起用科技的力量改變世界 #InventingToday #InspiringTomorrow #Innovation #Quality #OpenMind #Execution

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