
Gogolook is a leading TrustTech company established in 2012. With "Build for Trust" as its core value, it aims to create an AI- and data-driven global anti-fraud network as well as Risk Management as a Service. From multi-communication to fintech, SaaS and Web3, Gogolook creates trustworthy empowerment with the use of technology in various fields. Gogolook has also teamed up with a number of institutes such as the Taiwan National Police Agency Criminal Investigation Bureau, the Financial Supervisory Service of South Korea, Thai Police Cyber Taskforce, the Fukuoka city government, and the Malaysia Selangor state government to fight fraud and ultimately, to build a trustworthy communication network with the largest database in East Asia and Southeast Asia. 信任科技(TrustTech)公司 Gogolook(走著瞧股份有限公司)成立於2012年,以「Build for Trust」為核心,建立由AI與數據驅動的全球化數位防詐與風險管理解決方案(Risk Management as a Service),從多元通訊、金融科技到企業SaaS服務,打造不同應用場景的信任賦能科技。Gogolook 與台灣警政署刑事局、韓國金融監督院、泰國警政單位、日本福岡市政府、馬來西亞雪蘭莪州政府共同防範詐騙問題,以東亞與東南亞最大的號碼資料庫為基礎為打造「零詐騙環境」。

51-200 名員工




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    🌟 Exciting News from Gogolook! 🌟 We’re proud to announce our application to transition from the Taiwan Innovation Board to the General Board of the Taiwan Stock Exchange. This significant milestone underscores our rapid progress and innovation, just a year and a half after our debut on the Innovation Board. Key Highlights: 📈Revenue Growth: Our revenue has accelerated impressively, showing an 83% increase over the past year. 🌍Global Reach: We’ve expanded our international presence with a new second headquarters in Bangkok. 🤝Strategic Partnerships: We’ve strengthened our alliances with major Japanese corporations and European anti-scam service provider, ScamAdviser.com ✅ Leadership in Innovation: We are poised to be the first new economy software company to make this transition to the General Board. 🚀 Our Commitment: Dedicated to combating scams and building a trustworthy digital ecosystem, this strategic transition aims to enhance market growth and collaborations, attract top talent, and fuel our mission to lead in TrustTech innovation. A huge thank you to our dedicated teams and partners around the world. Here’s to the next chapter in pioneering TrustTech! #Gogolook #CompanyGrowth #AntiScam #TaiwanTech #GlobalExpansion

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    🌟 Must-Read: Democratizing AI Literacy in the Workplace In today's AI-driven world, empowering every department with AI knowledge is crucial. Don't miss this insightful article by Dr. Joc Cing Tay, VP of Engineering at Gogolook, on fostering company-wide AI literacy. • 🧠 AI Literacy Across the Board: Essential not only for tech teams but for every department, enhancing overall corporate competence. • 🤝 Empowered Collaboration: When departments collaborate, they unlock AI’s full potential, fostering innovation and solving complex problems more effectively. • 💡 Innovation from All Angles: Equipping non-technical staff with AI tools enables unexpected, creative solutions that can revolutionize traditional workflows. • 🚀 Culture of Innovation: Cultivating an AI-friendly culture is crucial, as it drives transformative business changes and sets a foundation for continuous advancement. Dr. Tay shares practical strategies and a real-world case study we’ve implemented at Gogolook, making this essential reading for business leaders, team managers, and AI enthusiasts alike. Dive into the future of work! Read the full article on DigiconAsia: https://lnkd.in/gxZPwxAM What's your experience with democratizing AI at work? Share your thoughts below! #AILiteracy #FutureOfWork #DigitalTransformation #InnovationLeadership

    How to democratize AI literacy in the workplace | DigiconAsia

    How to democratize AI literacy in the workplace | DigiconAsia


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    🚀 July Hiring at Gogolook: Engineers and Interns Wanted! Are you eager to tackle challenges and innovate? You might be the perfect fit for our team! Here’s why you’ll love being part of Gogolook: ✅ Innovative Culture: Transform your ideas into reality in our dynamic and collaborative environment.  ✅ Impactful Work: Contribute meaningfully within our company and the wider community. ✅ Remote First Policy: Enjoy unmatched flexibility with our remote-first policy. ✅ Comfortable Workspace: Excel in a state-of-the-art workspace designed for comfort and productivity.  ✅ Generous Vacation Policy: Take advantage of a vacation policy that truly encourages work-life balance. ✅ Diverse Club Activities: Join a community where a variety of activities foster strong bonds and a supportive network. Ready to make an impact? Apply now to become a Gogolooker!  https://lnkd.in/g-U8j5yT #Gogolook #Hiring #CareerOpportunities #Engineers #Internships #WorkLifeBalance #InnovativeCulture

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    🎬 Gogolook - Geeking Out on Fighting Scam Globally 🎬 Did you know Gogolook started as a humble side project? Curious about our evolution from a weekend initiative to creating a worldwide anti-scam network? Dive into the story and discover the incredible impact of passion combined with teamwork. We’re thrilled to share a special feature: Gogolook’s visionary founders are spotlighted in Business Next Media Corp. 巨思媒體集團's “Be Young and Beyond” series! 🚀Explore tales of innovation, resilience, and visionary thinking that transformed our startup into a tech industry titan. This series takes a deep dive into how our founders Jackie Cheng Chien Fu Kuo Reiny Song faced early challenges, orchestrated breakthroughs, and crafted a pioneering path that reshaped the fight against global scams. Watch as they pour their sweat, blood, and tears into our mission, witnessing our growth, innovation, and dedication to creating a safer, more trustworthy digital world for everyone. 🔗 https://lnkd.in/gd_AmWxs #Gogolook #BeYoungAndBeyond #Innovation #TechLeaders #Entrepreneurship

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    🏫Empowering Digital Natives: Gogolook’s Anti-Scam Education Initiative Despite being digital natives, today’s teens are increasingly falling prey to digital scams. This year, Gogolook launched the Whoscall Campus Anti-Scam Campaign, extending our reach to universities across Taiwan to boost awareness and arm students against scams.🪬 🌟Key Highlights from our Campus Tours: 1. Scams Tactics: Scammers exploit daily digital touchpoints like web and social media, blurring the lines between genuine and fraudulent interactions. 2. Prevalence in Job-Related Scams: A staggering 60% of scams targeting students relate to job opportunities. 3. Common Scams: Teens are frequently targeted through investment schemes, friend requests, and online shopping scams. Education is key in the fight against scam! Thanks to the collaboration with various educational institutions, our team has engaged with over 4,500 students and teachers. This initiative has been pivotal in enhancing students’ critical thinking and decision-making skills in cybersecurity.🧑🎓 If your school is interested in promoting scam education and prevention, please visit our website for more information 🔗 https://lnkd.in/g_ZRKGJN ✉️ or contact us directly via [email protected] #AntiScam #DigitalEducation #Whoscall #Gogolook #CampusTour #CyberSecurity #YouthEmpowerment

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    🚀 Aaron Chiou at the Global Anti-Scam Summit 🚀 We’re proud to share Aaron Chiou, our Business Solutions Unit Head, who spoke on “A Network to Defeat a Network” panel at the Global Anti-Scam Summit. Alongside industry leaders like Adri Loloci from Vodafone, Brian Gorman from GSMA, and Sune Gabelgård from Vipps MobilePay, they shared key insights into enhancing anti-scam strategies. Key Takeaways: 🔎 Enhanced Detection: Banks and telcos benefit significantly by detecting callers previously linked to scammers. 🛡 Consumer Protection: Transitioning from KYC (Know Your Customer) to PYC (Protect Your Customer) to enhance consumer safety. 🌏 Global Impact: The implementation of these strategies is reshaping fraud prevention efforts across Europe and Asia. These insights highlight the crucial role of inter-industry collaboration in forging a robust defense against scams. We are excited to witness how these advancements will continue to enhance consumer protection globally. #Gogolook #GlobalAntiScamSummit #ConfirmationOfCaller #Collaboration Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA)

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    🚀 Dr. Joc Cing Tay at the Global Anti-Scam Summit 🚀 We’re thrilled to share our VP of Engineering, Joc Cing Tay’s keynote at the SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre on “AI: Friend or Foe? Strategies and Predictions for Anti-Scam Efforts,” hosted by the Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA) and euroconsumers. Here are 3 key takeaways: 🛑 Scams Can Be Stopped: Effective tools and strategies can combat scams. 🤝 Call for More Collaboration: There is a critical need for enhanced collaboration and thorough content checking as our strategic approach in the midgame. 🤖 Future Directions: Minimizing human vulnerability through AI agents can safeguard individuals. These insights not only highlight AI’s potential in our ongoing battle against scams but also call us to action to harness this technology responsibly and innovatively. Let’s embrace these challenges and opportunities to pave the way for a safer digital world. #GlobalAntiScamSummit #AI #AntiScam #CyberSecurity #Gogolook

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    📢 Live Now at the Global Anti-Scam Summit (GASS) Europe 2024, presented by the Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA) and euroconsumers! 📢 🕒 09:40 - 10:00 (20 minutes) 🗣️ Joc Cing T., Vice President of Engineering, Gogolook Joc Cing Tay discusses "Combating Scams: Strategies and Predictions," sharing valuable insights on the latest techniques and future trends in scam prevention. Stay tuned for the next session: 🕒 10:00 - Global State of Scams Panel Discussion Representatives outline what is being done to combat scams worldwide 🔗 Join Now: https://loom.ly/OJlpWMw #scam #fraud #cybersecurity #conference #webinar #Brussels #GASS2024

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    🎉 Grand Office Opening! All Gogolookers are back in the office! 🎉 Seeing everyone together again after two months of remote work was amazing! We kicked off our new office with a celebration filled with laughter, great conversations, and delicious refreshments. Our move was driven by our rapidly expanding team and our growing ambition to build a hub for innovation, collaboration, and creativity. We are thrilled to share some moments from this joyous occasion. Swipe through to see highlights from our celebration! 📸 Special thanks to our event organizers Ruby Lee Pin Jung Tsai Jane Yu Jian-Ting Jin Chun-An (Jane) Chien ChinHui Hsieh Fan-Chieh Kung and our CXOs Jackie Cheng Chien Fu Kuo Reiny Song Man Woo J. Boice Lin for making this event unforgettable.😎 Stay tuned for more office unboxing, and let us know what you think of our new space! #Gogolook #TrustTech #OfficeOpening #TeamReunion #InnovationHub #WorkplaceCulture - 🎉辦公室盛大開幕派對,全體 Gogolooker 重回辦公室!!! 🎉 在經歷兩個月的遠距工作後,很開心能夠再次與所有 Gogolook 夥伴齊聚一堂💙在這個充滿歡聲笑語、美味下午茶的開幕派對中,一起開箱我們的全新辦公室 這次辦公室的搬遷是為了因應團隊的迅速擴張和不斷增長的雄心抱負,打造一個象徵科技創新、團隊協作和創意靈感的中心。很高興能夠與大家分享這個重要時刻,歡迎瀏覽下方活動紀錄,與我們回顧開幕派對的精彩片段📸 更多 Gogolook 辦公室開箱敬請期待,也歡迎留言告訴我們 #對我們新家的看法 🏠

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    🌟 At Gogolook, we are inspired by visionary interactions that pave the way for future innovations. A big thank you to Vice President Hsiao for hosting Taiwan Internet and E-Commerce Association #TiEA members, including our CEO, Jeff, to open dialogue and exchange valuable insights. The discussion highlighted the potential for Taiwan’s digital and software industries to experience unprecedented growth with the right support. Working together, we can further elevate Taiwan’s position in the global digital landscape! For more insights, check out Jeff’s latest sharing on the event! #Gogolook #DigitalEconomy #Innovation

    瀏覽Jill Lin 林均郁的個人檔案,圖案

    Director of PR, 91APP, Inc. & Deputy Secretary-General, TiEA.

    感謝蕭美琴副總統接見 #TiEA台灣網路暨電子商務產業發展協會 理監事代表,我們針對「如何壯大台灣數位軟體產業成為新護國群山」建言,蕭副不只聆聽產業聲音,給予的回應,更可感覺對數位產業有所關注,也期待未來能有機會,與產業保持互動溝通,推動台灣數位產業發展更上層樓! #TiEA #91APP

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    As digital advancements sweep across Asia, a survey reveals that 40% of fraud victims attribute their misfortune to a failure to recognize scamming.⚠️ Gogolook CEO, Chien Fu Kuo, explores this alarming trend in a compelling article published in Nikkei Asia. He emphasizes the critical need for businesses across the region to shift focus: It’s no longer just about repelling hackers but also about prioritizing employee awareness and training to bolster defenses. Dive into Jeff’s insights on identifying advanced scams and empowering your workforce with state-of-the-art anti-fraud training. Equip your team with the knowledge to protect your organization effectively. 📖Read Jeff’s article now: https://lnkd.in/g8F9bSmE #CyberSecurity #AIThreats #AntiScam #Gogolook #EmployeeTraining #BusinessSecurity #DigitalSafety #AsiaTech - 隨著亞洲數位發展蓬勃,調查顯示超過 40% 的詐騙受害者歸因於未能識破詐騙手法! Gogolook 的執行長 Jeff Kuo 在《日經亞洲新聞》發表的一篇文章探討了這令人震驚的趨勢。他強調,區域內的企業必須轉變焦點:未來將不僅僅是防止駭客入侵,還需優先考慮員工的意識和培訓,以增強防禦力。 深入了解 Jeff 對識別新型詐騙的看法,以及如何通過最先進的防詐騙培訓來賦能你的員工,讓員工掌握知識,以有效保護你的企業。 📖前往閱讀: https://lnkd.in/g8F9bSmE

    Education key to protecting Asian companies from AI-driven fraud

    Education key to protecting Asian companies from AI-driven fraud

