



德國經濟辦事處(簡稱德經處) 為德國工商總會之駐台代表處,其成立於1981年,宗旨為推動台德之間的商務發展及促進雙邊貿易。德經處致力於提供顧客客製化的服務,使其能充分利用台德雙方的優勢。 德經處作為德國工商總會的官方代表,除積極推動台德雙方企業的投資企劃案、也蒐集整理重要的經濟數據資料,並出版台灣經貿稅務等相關刊物。雖然德經處目前沒有提供會員制的服務,但仍為台灣與德國雙邊貿易的核心,為在台之國際商務人士提供絕佳商務交流平台,並透過舉辦社交活動匯聚德國、台灣及其他國家的商務人士。 德經處的工作團隊由優秀的台灣及德國人所組成,大部分的工作夥伴都具備流利的德文、英文及中文語言能力。德經處竭誠助您拓展在德國及台灣的事業版圖。 另外,德經處之服務執行單位博智顧問有限公司亦提供全方位服務,擬全力支持準備在台成立公司或已在台設立公司的德商;同時並協助台灣企業在德國發展其業務。其服務項目涵蓋:市場調查、德國市場拓展、商展活動、法律暨投資及招募暨訓練服務。除此之外,該公司也提供其它以客戶為導向的專業服務以滿足您的需求。

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    International Trade Bldg.,

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    📥 Out now: Read the latest edition of our newsletter “#InfoBrief Taiwan”!   This week’s highlights:   Join Us: Shaping the Future of Europe’s Mobility in Hamburg - Opportunities for Market Expansion and Investment for Taiwanese Companies Event Review: Meeting with Burkert Taiwan Ltd. Meet Ou Staff: Nico and Sinan Job Opportunity: GTO Receptionist/Office Assistant   Link to our website in the comments ⬇️   #PartnerInTaiwan

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    👋 Meet Nico Cron, our newest addition to the team! Nico holds a double degree in international management from ESB Business School, Reutlingen University School and University of International Business and Economics Beijing and completed a master’s in modern East Asian studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen. His professional background lies in e-commerce consulting, with experience at eTOC and WONGDOODY. In Taipei, Nico managed international clients, developed cross-border e-commerce strategies for platforms like Tmall, created market-entry reports, and managed UI/UX design projects 🖥️. Nico first came to Taiwan during the pandemic for an internship at oddity Asia while finishing his studies remotely. After his master’s degree, a job offer brought him back ✈️, and he’s excited to keep building bridges between Asia and Germany 🤝. What does he love about Taiwan? The convenient lifestyle 🏙️, amazing food from across Asia 🍜, and the perfect mix of big city buzz and wild nature 🏞️. Fun fact: Nico once ran all 2,046 steps to the top of Taipei 101! 🏃♂️🏢  At the German Trade Office (AHK), Nico is looking forward to delegation visits and gaining insights across various industries 💼.  We’re excited to have Nico on board—welcome to the team! 🎉      👋 認識 Nico Cron,我們團隊的最新成員! Nico擁有ESB商學院和北京對外經濟貿易大學的國際管理雙學位,並在杜伊斯堡-埃森大學完成了現代東亞研究碩士學位。他的專業背景是電子商務諮詢,擁有 eTOC 和 WONGDOODY 的經驗。在台北,Nico 管理國際客戶,為天貓、京東和小紅書等平台製定跨境策略,並領導 UI/UX 設計專案🖥️。 Nico在疫情期間首次來到台灣,在奇數亞洲實習,同時遠距完成學業。在取得碩士學位後,一份工作邀請他回來了✈️,他很高興能夠繼續在亞洲和德國之間架起橋樑🤝。 他到底愛台灣什麼?便利的生活方式🏙️,來自亞洲各地的美味佳餚🍜,以及大城市喧囂和野生自然🏞️的完美結合。有趣的事實:Nico 曾經跑完 2,046 級階梯到達台北 101 的頂端! 🏃♂️🏢 在德國經濟辦事處,Nico 期待代表團訪問並獲得各個行業的見解💼。 我們很高興 Nico 加入——歡迎加入我們的團隊! 🎉 #PartnerInTaiwan #MeetOurStaff

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    🚀 Explore Market Expansion Opportunities in Hamburg for Taiwanese Companies! 🏙️ Home to over 10% of Germany’s top 500 companies and Europe’s fastest-growing port, Hamburg is an ideal gateway for foreign businesses. With advanced infrastructure and a thriving public transportation system, the city actively seeks international partners to shape the future of mobility. 🎤 Join us and discover how your business can grow in Hamburg at our online conference, co-organized with HIW Hamburg Invest.   Event Details  🗓️ Date: November 5, 2024  ⏰ Time: 16:00 – 17:30 (Taiwan) / 9:00 – 10:30 (MEZ)  💻 Platform: Microsoft Teams  🎟️ Fee: Free of charge  🗣️ Language: English    🌐 Gain exclusive insights into Hamburg’s mobility sector and schedule a personal meeting with Hamburg Invest for tailored business advice.    👉 Don’t miss out— click the link in the comments and register today! ⬇️ 🚀 探索台灣企業在德國漢堡的市場擴展機會! 🏙️ 漢堡擁有10%的德國前500強企業,同時也是歐洲發展最快的港口之一。先進的基礎設施和繁榮的公共交通系統,讓漢堡成為外國企業進入歐洲市場的理想門戶。目前正積極尋找國際合作夥伴,共同塑造未來的移動運輸方案。 🎤 加入我們的線上會議,了解如何在漢堡發展您的業務。本次會議由我們與 HIW Hamburg Invest 共同舉辦。   活動詳情 🗓️ 日期:2024年11月5日 ⏰ 時間:16:00 – 17:30(台灣) / 9:00 – 10:30(MEZ) 💻 平台:Microsoft Teams 🎟️ 費用:免費參加 🗣️ 語言:英文   🌐 獲取漢堡移動運輸產業的獨家見解,並預約與 Hamburg Invest 進行一對一會談,獲得客製化的商業建議。   👉 別錯過機會- 點擊留言區中的連結報名!⬇️ #PartnerInTaiwan #OnlineConference #HamburgInvest

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    🚀 Join our team at the German Trade Office Taipei! 🌏💼   We are currently looking for a highly motivated, reliable, and charming personality to join our team as Receptionist / Office Assistant. Join our dynamic and international work environment and become the first point of contact to our visitors and clients!   👩💻 Key Responsibilities: - Manage front desk and greet visitors - Handle office administration and supplies - Manage phone lines, contact database, and emails - Support business delegations and event organization - Translate documents between English/German and Chinese   💸 What We Offer: - Positive and multicultural work environment - Opportunities for career development - Competitive salary and benefits, including 14 days annual paid leave 🤯   📅 How to Apply: Send your application in English to Ms. Anja Liao at [email protected] by October 28, 2024. Include your CV, letter of motivation, certificates, earliest starting date, and salary expectations.   For more information check out our website: https://lnkd.in/g2ChGbs   #PartnerInTaiwan #joboffer #receptionist

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    👋 Meet our New Events, Delegations, and Governmental Affairs Intern, Bianca Ye! Bianca is currently studying Business Administration at FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences in Germany. With her mother being from Taiwan and family still here, Bianca visits the island at least once a year. Her goal is to work for a company that connects Germany and Taiwan, so this internship is a perfect opportunity to gain insight into international cooperation. Bianca’s favorite things about the island? The delicious food and the incredibly friendly people! 🍜✨ When she’s not working in our team, she enjoys cooking and baking at home and loves trying out new recipes. 👩🍳 Over the next four months, Bianca will be supporting our Business Alliance Team, contributing to research, help organize key events, prepare delegation and company visits, and process inquiries from both German and Taiwanese companies. She’s excited to meet new people, expand her network, and learn more about German-Taiwanese collaboration. 🤝 We’re thrilled to have Bianca with us—welcome to the team! 🎉   👋 歡迎認識我們的新實習生——代表團暨政府事務部門的葉力婧Bianca Ye! Bianca 目前在德國亞琛應用科技大學(FH Aachen)就讀企業管理。由於她的母親來自台灣,且家人仍住在這裡,所以Bianca 每年至少會來台灣一次。她的目標是為促進德國與台灣聯繫的企業工作,因此這次實習為深入了解國際合作提供絕佳機會。當問起她最喜歡台灣的地方?那當然是美味的食物和熱情友善的大家!🍜✨ 除了工作之外,Bianca 喜歡在家烹飪和烘焙,也很喜歡嘗試新食譜。👩🍳 未來四個月,Bianca 將支援我們的企業聯盟團隊,協助進行研究、籌辦重要活動、安排代表團及企業訪問,並處理來自德國與台灣公司的諮詢。她很期待結識新朋友、擴展人脈,並進一步了解台德合作。🤝 我們非常高興 Bianca 加入我們的團隊——歡迎你的加入!🎉 #PartnerInTaiwan #Intern

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    🌍 Did you know? The Asian travel market is set to grow by more than 5% from 2024 to 2028, with the hotel industry expected to hit a massive $116 billion in revenue next year! 🏨 By 2028, a customer base of up to 620 million will make China, Hong Kong, and India the top three travel destinations in Asia. ✈️ If you're interested in knowing more about the latest trends in tourism, mark your calendar for ITB Asia 2024 in Singapore! 📅 From October 23 to 25, this premier trade show is the place to be—shaping the future of travel in Asia. 🌏 Industry pros from around the world will share insights, discover cutting-edge travel solutions, and collaborate to craft unforgettable experiences. We're excited to be part of it, highlighting Taiwan’s beauty. With 24,000 attendees expected, 17 thematic tracks, and over 35,000 business appointments in 2023, ITB Asia is the ultimate platform for building global partnerships. 🤝 🎟️ Excited to attend? We’re offering a 20% discount voucher for ITB ASIA 2024 tickets! Contact Ms. Peng (02-7735-7524 / [email protected]) to grab your special offer. 🎉 🌍你知道嗎?亞洲旅遊市場預計將在2024至2028年間增長超過5%,飯店業明年收益預計將有1160億美元!🏨至2028年,預計將有高達6.2億的觀光客源,其中中國、香港和印度成為亞洲三大旅遊目的地。✈️   若你是旅遊業者,或對最新亞洲旅遊現況發展與未來趨勢感到興趣,千萬別錯過2024年10月23日至25日在新加坡舉行的亞洲國際旅展!📅此展為亞太區旅遊貿易最佳專業平台,也是全球旅遊業者尋找商機及合作夥伴的重要展會;展期間的全球旅遊趨勢國際論壇,也非常值得關注,講者陣容豐富,包含世界旅遊及觀光委員會、各國國家旅遊局、booking.com、Tripadvisor、Skyscanner等將探討與分享全球旅遊業的現況與未來。🤝   🎟️ 立即獲取德經處觀展門票折扣碼,享八折優惠,現省台幣1200元!若有購票需求,請聯絡本處資深專案經理 彭小姐 (02-7735-7524 / [email protected]) 獲取專屬優惠。🎉   #ITB #PartnerInTaiwan

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    The German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) announced the finalists for the Future AI Startup Pitch, which will be part of the 18th Asia-Pacific Conference of German Business (APK), taking place in New Delhi, India, from October 24 - 26, 2024. 🌏📅   We are particularly delighted to see a Taiwanese startup among the finalists, highlighting the strength of Taiwan's innovation ecosystem. 🎉 The company, VM-Fi, provides a 5G and AI-powered real-time speech translation service for offline and online events. 🗣️⚙️   Congratulations to the selected finalists and their respective AHKs:  • Upstage (AHK Korea (Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry)🤖  • Pergamon Labs (German Industry and Commerce Ltd. Hong Kong) 🔬  • Neurofanos (German-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce Inc. (GNZCC) 🧠  • Capsio Technology (AHK Greater China) 💡  • Vietsol - Pioneering Excellence in Mobility Engineering & Technology (AHK Vietnam - Delegation of the German Industry and Commerce in Vietnam) 🚗  • VMFi Inc (German Trade Office Taipei - AHK Taiwan) 🌐  • AIQURIS - A TUV SUD Venture (Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce / AHK Singapur) 💻  • QpiAI (Indo-German Chamber of Commerce) 📊   We look forward to seeing our finalists on stage at APK in New Delhi and eagerly anticipate their pitches, as well as their Tech Talk with Dr. Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. 🎤📈   For more information about the startups, click the link in the comments below ⬇️.   德國駐外商會 (AHK) 宣布了入圍「未來 AI 新創企業提案競賽」的決賽入圍名單,此活動將成為第18屆德國亞太商業會議 (APK) 的一部分,將於2024年10月24日至26日在印度新德里舉行。🌏📅   我們很高興在決賽名單中看到台灣初創企業入圍,這凸顯了台灣創新生態系統的實力。🎉該公司 VM-Fi 提供一項結合 5G 和 AI 技術的即時語音翻譯服務,且適用於線上和線下活動。🗣️⚙️   恭喜所有入圍的決賽選手及其相關的 AHK 分會: • Upstage(AHK 德國駐韓商會)🤖 • Pergamon Labs(德國工商會有限公司香港分公司)🔬 • Neurofanos(德國駐紐西蘭商會)🧠 • Capsio Technology(AHK 大中華區)💡 • Vietsol - 交通工程與技術的卓越先鋒(AHK 德國工商總會駐越南代表處)🚗 • VMFi Inc(德國經濟辦事處 - AHK 台灣)🌐 • AIQURIS - A TÜV SÜD Venture(新加坡德國商會)💻 • QpiAI(印度德國商會)📊   我們期待在新德里的 APK 會議上看到決賽選手展現公司的專業,並期待他們的精彩提案,以及與德國聯邦經濟與氣候保護部部長羅伯特‧哈貝克博士的專業對談。🎤📈   若您想了解更多有關這些新創企業的資訊,請點擊下方留言中的連結 ⬇️。

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    Giving Back to Taiwan! 💡 German Trade Office CSR Day Inspires Elementary Students with a Global Perspective! 🌍 Yesterday, we, along with 16 German companies, visited Ciao-Shan Elementary School in Miaoli for an exciting one-day CSR Day! The companies became "one-day teachers," offering diverse courses on the environment, technology, and sustainability, guiding 115 students on a journey of global discovery. 🧑🏫✨ Dr. Eva Langerbeck, our Chief Representative and Executive Director, said: “German companies have always been pioneers in sustainable development. Through these courses, we aim to teach students about corporate social responsibility and inspire their international outlook.” This is our fourth consecutive year hosting this event, and we’re thrilled to see more children benefit from it! 🙌 The talented dance class at Ciao-Shan Elementary set the stage with an elegant performance to welcome our German companies! Whether it was conducting chemistry experiments or DIY wind power projects, the students got hands-on experience with environmental protection and renewable energy. 💡💨 A big thanks to the Miaoli County Government, Ciao-Shan Elementary, and all the German companies who participated as one-day teachers! We look forward to continuing our efforts to bring more cross-cultural exchanges and learning opportunities to the next generation! A special thanks to the participating companies: Allianz Taiwan Life Insurance, Aquilla Clean Energy APAC Pte Ltd, Taiwan Branch, BASF, Bayer Taiwan, Bosch Taiwan, ZEISS Group, DEKRA, ENERCON, igus GmbH, Merck Group in Taiwan, Siemens Taiwan, Skyborn Renewables, TÜV Rheinland Group Taiwan Ltd., wpd GmbH Taiwan Energy Co. Ltd., WURTH TAIWAN CO., LTD.. 行動回饋台灣社會💡德經處CSR Day讓國小學童展翅國際!🌍 德國經濟辦事處昨天帶著16家德商來到苗栗僑善國小,舉辦精彩的一日CSR Day!德商們變身一日老師,透過環境、科技與永續等多元課程,帶領115位小學生探索世界,拓展全球視野。🧑🏫✨ 德經處處長蘭依樺博士提到:「德國企業始終是永續發展的領航者,透過這樣的課程,讓孩子們學習到企業社會責任,並啟發他們的國際觀。」今年已經是我們連續第四年辦理,讓更多孩子從中受益!🙌 僑善國小舞蹈班的優美舞姿,為德國企業的一日教學熱情拉開序幕!不論是親手做化學實驗,還是DIY風力發電,孩子們在這些課程中體驗環保和再生能源的奇妙之處。💡💨 感謝苗栗縣政府與僑善國小的支持,還有所有參與的一日老師德商們!我們將持續努力,為孩子們帶來更多跨文化交流與學習機會! 感謝本次參與的德國企業: 安聯人壽、天鷹資本潔淨能源、台灣巴斯夫、台灣拜耳、台灣博世、卡爾蔡司、德凱認證、台灣艾納康、台灣易格斯、台灣默克、台灣西門子、天豐新能源、德國萊因、達德能源、台灣福士 #PartnerInTaiwan #CSRDay

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    🎓 Congratulations to Our EUREM Graduates!   Last Friday marked a special milestone as we celebrate the graduation of six dedicated professionals from the EUREM program here in Taiwan! 🥳 Over the past seven months, they’ve committed their evenings and weekends to become experts in energy efficiency and management. Our colleague Linda Blechert, General Manager of DEinternational Taiwan Ltd., commenced the ceremony with a warm welcome, followed by a video greeting from Julian Goldmann, Science and Technology Officer at the German Institute Taipei, who expressed his congratulations to this memorable occasion. 🌍 With Taiwan's ambitious climate protection goals and the push for renewable energy, the need for skilled energy managers is greater than ever. The projects completed by this year’s graduates have already made a difference—saving an estimated 40 MWh of electricity and reducing CO2 emissions by over 500 metric tons annually, alongside NT$5 million in cost savings! 💡💰 A big thank you to our amazing trainers who made this journey possible. We hope the success of this program inspires more companies to invest in energy management and join us in working towards a more sustainable future! 💪✨ 🎓恭喜新一期歐洲能源專業人員!   上週五我們邁向新的里程碑,在台灣一同慶祝六位參與歐洲能源專業人員培訓課程(EUREM )的畢業典禮! 🥳 在過去的七個月裡,他們利用晚上和週末的時間成為能源效率和管理的專家。 我們的同事,博智顧問有限公司 戴佩玲總經理首先以熱烈的致詞開場,隨後由德國在台協會科技幹事 Julian Goldmann 以視訊方式致詞,向這個值得紀念的時刻表達祝賀。 🌍 隨著台灣雄心勃勃的氣候保護目標和對再生能源的推動,對熟練能源管理人員的需求比以往任何時候都更大。今年畢業生完成的專案已經產生了顯著效果——每年預計節省 40 兆瓦時電力,減少二氧化碳排放量 500 多噸,同時節省成本 500 萬新台幣! 💡💰 非常感謝我們優秀的培訓導師,是他們讓這趟旅程成為可能。我們希望該計劃的成功能激勵更多的公司投資於能源管理,並與我們一起努力實現更永續的未來! 💪✨     #PartnerInTaiwan #EUREM #EnergyManagement #Sustainability #ClimateAction #EnergyEfficiency #RenewableEnergy #GreenFuture

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