



德國經濟辦事處(簡稱德經處) 為德國工商總會之駐台代表處,其成立於1981年,宗旨為推動台德之間的商務發展及促進雙邊貿易。德經處致力於提供顧客客製化的服務,使其能充分利用台德雙方的優勢。 德經處作為德國工商總會的官方代表,除積極推動台德雙方企業的投資企劃案、也蒐集整理重要的經濟數據資料,並出版台灣經貿稅務等相關刊物。雖然德經處目前沒有提供會員制的服務,但仍為台灣與德國雙邊貿易的核心,為在台之國際商務人士提供絕佳商務交流平台,並透過舉辦社交活動匯聚德國、台灣及其他國家的商務人士。 德經處的工作團隊由優秀的台灣及德國人所組成,大部分的工作夥伴都具備流利的德文、英文及中文語言能力。德經處竭誠助您拓展在德國及台灣的事業版圖。 另外,德經處之服務執行單位博智顧問有限公司亦提供全方位服務,擬全力支持準備在台成立公司或已在台設立公司的德商;同時並協助台灣企業在德國發展其業務。其服務項目涵蓋:市場調查、德國市場拓展、商展活動、法律暨投資及招募暨訓練服務。除此之外,該公司也提供其它以客戶為導向的專業服務以滿足您的需求。

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    The latest risk report on Taiwan, published by BMI—a Fitch Solutions Company—in Q4 2024, offers a comprehensive overview of the island's political and economic landscape, along with a ten-year forecast. Key findings include the following: Taiwan's real GDP grew by 5.1% year-on-year in Q2 2024, leading to an upward revision of the annual growth forecast to 3.8%, although a slowdown is expected in the latter half of the year. Politically, the democratic system remains stable, reflected in a Political Risk Index score of 37.4, though governance challenges persist due to tensions with Mainland China. The island's aging population poses long-term fiscal challenges, with over 20% projected to be 65 or older by 2025. Economically, Taiwan's robust high-tech industries, especially semiconductors, are crucial for growth, with exports increasing by 4.9% year-on-year in Q2. Despite these strengths, Taiwan faces external risks from trade dependencies, particularly with the U.S. and Mainland China. Remarkably, Taiwan ranks first globally in the Long-Term Economic Risk Index, highlighting its resilience amid challenges. Read a more detailed summary on our official website. Link in the comments below! Source: Fitch Solutions Fitch Solutions 旗下公司 BMI 於 2024 年第四季發表最新的台灣風險報告,全面概述台灣的政治與經濟狀況,並進行十年預測。主要研究結果如下: 2024 年第 2 季台灣實際 GDP 同比成長 5.1%,使得年度成長預測上修至 3.8%,但預計下半年成長將放緩。政治方面,民主體制保持穩定,政治風險指數為 37.4,但由於與中國的關係緊張,管治挑戰仍然存在。台灣的人口老化帶來長期的財政挑戰,預計到 2025 年,將有超過 20% 的人口年屆 65 歲或以上。在經濟方面,台灣強勁的高科技產業,尤其是半導體,對經濟成長至關重要,第二季出口較去年同期成長 4.9%。儘管有這些優勢,台灣仍面對貿易依賴的外部風險,尤其是與美國和中國的貿易依賴。值得注意的是,台灣的長期經濟風險指數在全球排名第一,突顯了其在挑戰中的韌性。 詳細內容請見本處官方網站。 請在下方的評論中連結! 來源:Fitch Solutions #PartnerInTaiwan #FitchSolutions

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    🌱 500MW Milestone Achieved! GTO Celebrates Green Energy Development with wpd GmbH 🌱 We are honored to celebrate wpd's major achievement in reaching a 500MW installed capacity for onshore wind turbines in Taiwan! 🎉 This milestone not only showcases the potential of green energy in Taiwan but also brings stable and clean electricity to 296,000 households. On Tuesday, GTO and wpd hosted the "500MW Green Energy Milestone: Bamboo Pole Walk - Go with the Wind!" event in Lunbei Township, Yunlin County, together with over 200 seniors, students, and German business partners. Participants walked along the scenic Green Tunnel, carrying walking poles made from locally sourced bamboo. Along the way, they admired the six wind turbines of the wpd Lunbei Wind Farm, the largest onshore turbines in Taiwan, contributing to the country's sustainable development. Dr. Eva Langerbeck, Chief Representative and Executive Director of the GTO, stated: "Renewable energy is a key element in the global journey towards net-zero emissions, and wpd’s efforts in Taiwan’s green energy development are truly commendable. We look forward to continued collaboration between Taiwan and Germany in green technology and renewable energy, working together toward a sustainable future." This event not only promoted green energy but also incorporated the healthy practice of Nordic walking. By using bamboo walking poles made from Yunlin’s local resources, we not only enhanced physical fitness but also supported the local economy and environmental sustainability. 💪 🌿 Let’s join hands in lighting up the future of green energy and sustainable development in Taiwan! 🌱 500MW里程碑達成!德經處與達德能源共慶綠能發展 🌱 我們很榮幸與達德能源共同慶祝其在台灣陸域風機發電裝置容量達到500MW的重大成就!🎉 這一里程碑不僅展現了綠能在台灣的發展潛力,也為29萬6千戶家庭帶來穩定、潔淨的電力。 週二,我們在雲林縣崙背鄉舉行了「500MW綠能里程碑:竹杖健走 迎風GO!」活動,吸引了200多位長者、學生和德商朋友的參與。大家手持由當地經濟竹製作的健走杖,漫步於風景優美的綠色隧道,沿途欣賞達德新源風場的6座風機,這些風機也是台灣目前最大型的陸域風機,為台灣的永續發展做出貢獻。 德經處處長蘭依樺博士表示:「再生能源是全球邁向淨零碳排的重要關鍵,達德能源在台灣綠能發展的深耕成果令人讚賞。我們期待未來能持續推動台德雙邊在綠色科技與可再生能源領域的合作,共同邁向永續未來。」 這次活動不僅推廣綠能,還結合了北歐式健走的健康理念,藉由使用雲林當地的經濟竹製作的健走杖,讓我們在健身的同時,也支持了當地的經濟和環境保護。💪 🌿 讓我們一起為台灣的綠色能源和永續發展點亮未來! #GreenEnergy #ESG #RenewableEnergy #WindPower #NordicWalking

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    🌍🚄 InnoTrans 2024 officially kicked off in Berlin yesterday, bringing together the world’s leading innovators in transport technology. This year's edition is the largest ever, covering 200,000 square meters across 42 halls and featuring 3,000 exhibitors from 60 countries. Highlights include over 220 world premieres and a 3.5 km outdoor track showcasing 133 new vehicles.   Key Taiwanese representatives, including Mr. Wen-Te Chen, Deputy Director General of the Railway Bureau, MOTC, Mr. Hsin-Lung Lai, Vice President of Taiwan Railways, and Prof. Dr. Jhy-Wey Shieh, Head of the Taipei Representative Office in Germany, are leading the charge in showcasing Taiwan’s contributions to the future of mobility and sustainable transport. Taiwan's exhibitors are playing a crucial role in global innovation, strengthening international partnerships.   On the first evening, we were honored to host the exclusive Taiwan Night, a gathering of leaders from Taiwan’s transportation industry. This special event celebrated Taiwan’s cutting-edge advancements and encouraged global collaboration.   A heartfelt thanks to all participants for making InnoTrans 2024 a success! We look forward to the exciting developments still to come.   🌍🚄 InnoTrans 2024 昨日在柏林正式揭開序幕,世界領先交通技術創新者齊聚一堂。今年展會為有史以來規模最大的一次,42個展館、占地共200,000 平方公尺,來自 60 多個國家約3,000 家参展商。展會亮點包含上百輛全球首次曝光火車,以及於3.5 公里長的室外軌道展示 約133 輛新型交通工具。 今年有34家台灣廠商參展,也是展商陣容規模最大的一次,展示台灣在未來交通和永續運輸方面的創新發展。交通部鐵道局副局長陳文德先生、台灣鐵路公司副總經理賴興隆先生,以及駐德國台北代表處謝志偉代表,專程前往拜訪台灣展商以表達強力支持。台灣參展商於全球創新和加強國際合作方面發揮著至關重要的作用。 首日晚上,我們很榮幸主辦「台灣之夜」,此為台灣交通產業領導者聚會,旨在慶祝台灣尖端進步技術並鼓勵國際合作開展。 我們衷心感謝所有與會者,使InnoTrans 2024能圓滿成功!祝福各位未來三日展會順利!    #InnoTrans2024 #MobilityInnovations #TaiwanAtInnoTrans #RailwayTechnology #SustainableTransport

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    🌊🔋 Join us at the Offshore Energy Business Visit to Malaysia & Singapore! From November 18 to 22, 2024, we are partnering with the German Chambers of Commerce in Malaysia and Singapore for an exclusive business visit focused on offshore and clean energy solutions. This event will provide valuable insights into the latest technologies in wind🌬️, hydrogen💧, tidal🌊, and geothermal♨️ energy, offering Taiwanese businesses the chance to explore collaboration opportunities with German companies. Participants will visit key sites, including Petronas/Gentari, and gain access to in-depth market reports on the Singapore and Malaysia regions. Additionally, attendees will join the OSEA 2024 exhibition in Singapore, one of Southeast Asia's largest energy events, followed by a networking dinner 🍽️ with industry professionals. If you’re interested in offshore & clean energy and exploring new partnerships, don’t miss this opportunity. Space is limited, so register now! For details and registration, please contact our colleague Pin-Chao Huang at 📧 [email protected] 🌍🔋 造訪馬來西亞&新加坡- 離岸與潔淨能源商務參訪團! 德國經濟辦事處將於2024年11月18日至22日,與德國駐馬來西亞及新加坡商會合作,舉辦專注於離岸與潔淨能源解決方案的商務參訪團。 此行將涵蓋風能🌬️、氫能💧、潮汐能🌊及地熱♨️等領域,提供台灣企業深入了解德國企業在星馬兩地離岸能源技術的專業知識與營運模式。參訪期間,將拜訪如Petronas/Gentari等重要案場,並獲取星馬市場的深入商情報告。 此外,11月20日的OSEA 2024能源展將是一重要的交流平台,讓台德越商進行面對面互動,並於會後參加晚宴🍽️進行進一步的交流與合作洽談。 對於有興趣拓展離岸與潔淨能源領域合作的企業,機會難得,名額有限,請儘速報名! 如需報名或了解更多詳情,請聯繫黃先生: 📧 [email protected] #PartnerInTaiwan #OffshoreEnergy

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    📥 Out now: Read the latest edition of our newsletter “#InfoBrief Taiwan”!   This week’s highlights:   Join Us: Resilience Ecosystem Delegation Event Review: Visit from Mr. Andreas Larem, Member of the German Federal Parliament Meet our New Admin Assistant Derrick Ching Read the AHK Annual Report 2023 Meet the New Director and Correspondent of GTAI Taiwan Dr. Jürgen Maurer   Link to our website in the comments ⬇️   #PartnerInTaiwan

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    Today we had the honor of welcoming Mr. Andreas Larem, Member of the German federal parliament (Deutscher Bundestag) to our office for an insightful business briefing by Dr. Eva Langerbeck, our Chief Representative and Executive Director and Dr. Jürgen Maurer, Director / Correspondent of GTAI Taiwan. The meeting also included engaging discussions with Dr. Jörg Polster, Director General of the German Institute Taipei, Mr. Rahil Ansari 安薩瑞, CEO and Chairman of Volkswagen Group Taiwan, and Mr. Tudor Pascu, Managing Director of Melchers Taiwan. The discussions focused on the current situation of German businesses on the ground, highlighting challenges and opportunities in the region. A big thank you to Mr. Larem for his visit and his commitment to strengthening our economic ties. We look forward to welcoming more members of the parliament in the future to further bolster our bilateral economic relations!   今天我們很榮幸邀請到德國國會議員 Andreas Larem 先生蒞臨我們辦公室,並由德經處的首席代表暨處長蘭依樺博士與德國外貿與投資署(GTAI)的處長Jürgen Maurer博士共同為議員進行了深度的商務簡報。與會成員也包含了德國在台協會處長許佑格博士、台灣福斯集團總裁安薩瑞(Rahil Ansari)先生以及美最時台灣分公司執行董事Tudor Pascu 先生。 今日的會議聚焦於德國企業在台灣的營運現況,同時也強調了本地的挑戰與商機。我們誠摯感謝Larem 先生來訪以及他對於加強台德雙邊貿易關係的承諾。 我們期待未來能接待更多德國國會的成員來訪,並進一步鞏固台德經濟的連結!   #PartnerInTaiwan #GermanParliament #GermanBusiness #EconomicTies

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    👋 Meet our new Admin Assistant Derrick Ching! Derrick holds a Higher Diploma in International Management from IMI in Switzerland and completed both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Business and Hospitality Management at Griffith University in Australia. His professional experience includes a role as an International Trading and Merchandise Specialist for a European outdoor brand during his 10 years in Asia. Additionally, Derrick has served as a Quality Manager, overseeing projects for prominent brands such as Adidas, Nike, and New Balance in Vietnam for 2 years. Derrick is known for his excellent communication skills and his ability to share valuable insights from his diverse working experiences. Fluent in Mandarin, English, Cantonese, Hakka, and Hokkien, he is a collaborative team player who effectively coordinates tasks to ensure their successful completion. Welcome to our team, Derrick! 👋 認識我們新任行政助理陳保樺先生(Derrick)! 陳保樺先生擁有瑞士IMI國際管理的高級文憑,並在澳洲格里菲斯大學(Griffith University)完成商業與酒店管理的學士與碩士學位。他有擁有豐富的專業經驗,包含在亞洲擔任歐洲戶外品牌十年的國際貿易與商品專員。此外,他也擔任過兩年品保經理,負責監督愛迪達、Nike、New Balance等知名品牌產品。 他擁有優秀的溝通技巧,並能從多元工作經歷中汲取寶貴經驗。他可以流利使用中文、英語、廣東話、客家話和福建話,是一位能有效協調任務的團隊合作者,並確保工作順利完成。    歡迎加入團隊,Derrick! #PartnerInTaiwan

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    ⚙️ Are you interested in discovering the latest innovations from #Germany 🇩🇪 in Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing? Don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect directly with nine hidden champions from Germany this October to explore potential business opportunities and secure your next business partner! The delegation members offer a wide array of #innovations and highly specialized products, including laser dicing machines, advanced user interfaces, industry-leading test systems, automation solutions, machine vision and machine learning-based software, private 5G networks, as well as cutting-edge photoresists, polymers, and photopolymers for lithographic manufacturing in micro- and nano-structuring, among other innovations.   🛫 As part of an upcoming delegation trip to #Taiwan, Taiwanese importers, distributors, and manufacturers will have the exclusive opportunity to engage in #B2B meetings with delegation members from October 23 to 25. To secure your spot for these exclusive meetings, simply contact our colleague Ms. Linda Blechert at [email protected].   The delegation trip is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action under the market entry programme.   Companies: CampusGenius, LIDROTEC, Luminovo, micro resist technology GmbH, NEXUSTEC GmbH, NOFFZ Technologies, Peakboard, STRATUS VISION GmbH, Wälzlagertechnik GmbH   ⚙️ 您是否有興趣了解最創新、涵蓋工業4.0和智慧製造領域的「德國🇩🇪製造」技術呢?不要錯過這個獨特的機會,您可以直接與這九間產業領先的德國中小公司聯繫,探索潛在商機,並尋找您的下一個業務夥伴! 該代表團由多位專家組成,提供多樣化的創新技術與高度專業化的產品,包括雷射切割機、先進的使用者介面、領先業界的測試系統、自動化解決方案、機器視覺及機器學習軟體、私人5G網路,以及最新技術的光阻劑、高分子材料和適用於微米和奈米結構光刻製造的光聚合物等。   🛫 作為即將到來的代表團訪台行程之一,台灣進口商、經銷商和製造商將於10月23日至25日有機會與代表團成員進行B2B會議。若您對這些機會有興趣,並想預約相關會議,歡迎您聯繫本處同仁戴佩玲小姐: [email protected]。   此次研討會是由德國聯邦經濟暨氣候保護部所推動之「拓展外國市場」政策之一。   #PartnerInTaiwan #b2bmeeting #businessopportunities #industry40 #smartmanufacturing

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    📈Aiming to seize opportunities in water recycling and align with economic strategies in the water resource industry, we, in collaboration with the AHK Vietnam - Delegation of the German Industry and Commerce in Vietnam and Germany Trade & Invest - Southeast Asia (GTAI ASEAN), will be leading Taiwanese water technology companies to the VIETWATER exhibition in Ho Chi Minh City from November 4 to 8, 2024.💧 This visit will also foster industry exchanges with water resource management professionals from  #Vietnam 🇻🇳 and #Germany 🇩🇪, as well as business development and matchmaking opportunities.   🤝If your company specializes in water management solutions and you’re interested in expanding into the Vietnamese market, don’t miss the Vietnam Water Resource Technology Delegation. As space is limited and the visit requires significant planning, please register as soon as possible to secure your spot. For registration or further inquiries, please contact our colleague Ms. Venus S.T Peng at 02-7735-7524 or [email protected]   📈 瞄準水再生循環商機,搭配水資源產業的經濟策略發展切入,德經處聯合越南德國商會(AHK Vietnam)、德國外貿投資處-東南亞區(GTAI ASEAN) 於越南最大國際水展 Vietwater 展期間,帶領台灣水科技廠商前往胡志明市觀展,並同步串聯當地水資源處理專業越商與德商等進行產業交流,展開商務開發與媒合。💧   🤝若您是專精於「水」管理解決方案專業之台商,且想拓展越南市場,千萬別錯過德經處將於2024年11月4日到8日舉辦之【越南水資源科技參訪團】。由於參訪安排需較長時間籌畫,且有人數限制,若有意願參與越南水資源科技參訪團,請儘速報名。報名資訊或其他相關行程問題,歡迎隨時聯繫 德國經濟辦事處 彭小姐(02-7735-7524 / [email protected]),獲取更多資訊。   #PartnerInTaiwan  #vwv24 #vietwater #waterindustry

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