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國泰世華銀行於1975年創立,在臺灣有165間分行,並有中國、越南、柬埔寨、香港、新加坡、菲律賓、馬來西亞、寮國、緬甸、泰國,及印尼共67個海外據點。 *與您一起,以金融助力美好未來* 環境瞬息萬變,我們以富有彈性的經營思維,攜手客戶、員工和各利害關係人共同耕耘企業永續,並持續投入職場培力、社會培力、低碳經濟、環境永續、健康促進、財務健康等領域。本行承諾接軌全球再生能源百分之百倡議(RE100),落實低碳營運於日常業務,目標於2030年國內據點全面使用再生能源,持續「零碳營運轉型」,展現「永續發展先行者」責任。 *擁抱變與快,數位轉型打造未來金融* 透過創新、數位化、科技應用,升級產品並創新服務;以數位、數據、技術三大主軸打造數據驅動文化,創造線上、線下無斷點、有溫度的金融服務,朝「亞太地區最佳金融機構」穩健邁進。榮獲《國際數據資訊IDC》未來企業大獎、《Euromoney》最佳數位銀行及《Asian Banking & Finance》台灣金融科技倡議獎等多項殊榮肯定! *我們的員工價值主張:成就共享、健康共贏、財富共創、職場共融* 『成就共享』 實踐跨域學習、敏捷工作的人才發展策略: 我們整合內外部數位培訓資源,並積極增加輪調機會,打造共學、敏捷的文化,培育與時俱進的跨領域人才,全面助攻同仁自我實現。致力於人才培育屢獲肯定,連續4年榮獲史蒂夫The Stevie Awards 優秀雇主商業大獎,為2023 年臺灣唯一獲獎企業,且金獎得獎數量更居全球第二名! 『健康共贏』 創造工作、生活協調的身心健康職場: 透過親子活動、路跑、減重、紓壓手作等多元豐富的健康促進活動,以及EAP、駐診服務等用心、貼心的健康輔助措施,照顧身心健康的平衡。獲《台灣企業永續獎—職場福祉領袖獎》肯定。 『財富共創』 提供全方位的普惠福利,與您經營長久關係: 提供員工持股信託、三節及生日禮金、旅遊補助、子女獎助學金等普惠福利,跨提跨轉免手續費、集團優惠等小確幸,用得到也用得久! 『職場共融』 致力成為多元、公平、共融,歡迎所有人的最佳雇主: 我們歡迎各種背景的人才加入,共同打造多元、開放對話的共融職場;完善的內部意見反映管道,讓所有人的聲音都能被聽見。 經營理念 我們遵行「誠信、當責、創新」的集團核心價值 國泰世華銀行在證券服務交割、信用卡和財富管理等業務具有市場領導地位。透過產品創新、優質的客戶服務、對產業的深入瞭解及廣大的亞洲服務網站,在金融領域有傑出亮眼的表現。 誠摯歡迎您加入國泰世華銀行大家庭,現在就到我們的專屬招募平台iMatch投遞履歷,或留下您的聯絡資訊:https://cathaybk.tw/24HJG54G9

5,001-10,000 名員工




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    Cathay United Bank Hong Kong is proud to become a signatory to the Good Employer Charter 2024 (GEC 2024) launched by the HKSAR Government! Our Commitments to Our Employees: ✔ Positive work environment: We foster a supportive and motivating culture. ✔ Family-friendly policies: We offer flexible work arrangements and employee benefits beyond legal requirements. ✔ Open communication: We prioritize transparency and effective communication within the workplace. We believe that fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment will help us attract and retain talents in an increasingly competitive job market.  The GEC 2024, organised by the Labour Department of the HKSAR Government, aims to encourage employers of various trades and scales to adopt progressive and employee-oriented people management practices. The charter has attracted over 1,500 employers as signatories. 🙌 Follow us for more updates! #GEC2024 #worklifebalance #Goodemployeecharter #CUBHK #employeewellbeing

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    🎊 賀!國泰世華銀行反詐專案榮獲113年度金融教育貢獻獎—— 「最佳協力獎-卓越獎」 國泰世華銀行積極投入反詐戰役,不僅強化內部防線,導入最新科技,2024年上半已攔阻逾2,000件詐騙案 ,更發起反詐倡議行動:#說出來阻止更多人受騙。 我們用創新手法串聯社會,整合公私部門,善用社群力量,鼓勵大家遇詐#說出來, 並深入社區、校園扎根,結合永續金融,推廣識詐教育,擴散反詐意識。 感謝主辦單位金管會的支持與肯定,國泰世華將持續扮演守護大眾財產安全第一道防線 💪💪💪 邀請您,一同加入反詐行列: https://lnkd.in/gHDBzEDk 🙌 追蹤我們以獲得最新資訊! #CathayUnitedBank #國泰世華銀行 #金融教育 #反詐 #說出來阻止更多人受騙 #檢舉報案說出來 #社群反詐

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    國泰世華銀行: Leading the Way in Wealth Management We're thrilled to announce that Cathay United Bank has once again been recognized as a leader in wealth management in Taiwan, winning four prestigious awards from The Asset Triple A Private Capital Awards 2024. ✨ Best Private Bank (Taiwan)  ✨ Best Wealth Manager (Taiwan) ✨ Best Private Bank for HNWIs – Taiwan ✨ Best Bank for Investment Solutions, Equity (Taiwan) These awards are a testament to our unwavering commitment to providing our clients with comprehensive and customized wealth management solutions. We are inspired to continue striving for excellence! 🙌 Follow us for more updates! #CathayUnitedBank #TheAssetAwards #BankingExcellence #WealthManagement

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    🏢 More Transcendent Results at Singapore Branch's Town Hall 國泰世華銀行 Singapore Branch conducted its 2nd town hall for the year with a stellar line up of panelists who shared key business performance results, insights and the exciting plans in store for 2025. The afternoon kicked off with a surprise birthday greeting for all September babies, followed by a rousing sizzle reel showcasing CUB's successful marketing and communications campaigns in Singapore. The audience was then treated to insightful panel discussions led by Chua Jin Yong and Ben Chen, covering the Branch's H1 2024 performance, future trends in Corporate and Private banking, and our plans to support growth through infrastructure enhancements. Be it harnessing the power of digitalization or encouraging our teams to be “Right First Time”, staff were given a deeper understanding of the growth strategy of the Branch. Not forgetting that people are the backbone of our success, Winfield Wong, Chief Executive Singapore Branch, shared key HR plans on talent development, headcount growth and office expansion. We also took the chance to present SPOT awards to several teams who had gone above and beyond their roles, thus truly living the spirit of Transcendence. 🙌 Follow us for more updates! #CathayUnitedBank #CUBSG #Leadership #Townhall

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    🌝 A Sweet Mid-Autumn Afternoon Gathering 🌕 On 17th September, the fifteenth day of the 8th Lunar month, the team at 國泰世華銀行 Singapore Branch gathered together to enjoy the beautiful traditions of the Mid-Autumn Festival, complete with mooncakes and Chinese tea. Hosted by the HR/GA/Marcoms team, the office pantry was transformed into an autumnal dreamscape complete with hanging lanterns and traditional guzheng pieces playing in the background. It was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the spirit of togetherness and appreciation that this festival symbolizes. Even though the full moon wasn’t visible till nightfall, everyone had a great afternoon break enjoying mooncakes paired with excellent Chinese teas. Amidst the great conversations and laughter, coming together as a Branch for a casual gathering helped to foster greater bonding between teams and helped the many new comers to the Singapore Branch assimilate into the CUB culture. At CUB, we are committed to fostering an inclusive workplace. By celebrating both large and small occasions, we've created a family atmosphere where employees feel valued and connected. Employee well-being and engagement is what we are devoted to. 🙌 Follow us for more updates! #CathayUnitedBank #CUBSG #MidAutumn #Teambuilding

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    🌳 Cathay United Bank Deepens Roots in Vietnam Our recent 2024 Vietnam VIP Summit brought together top business leaders, government officials, and industry experts to discuss the latest trends and opportunities in Vietnam. Key highlights included: ✔Global economic outlook: CUB Chief Economist Chi-Chao Lin shared insights on interest rate fluctuations, inflation, and their impact on businesses. ✔ Vietnam's investment landscape: Distinguished speakers, CUB CEO Mr. Alan Lee, Representative of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Vietnam Mr. Richard R.C. Shih, General Director of Wistron Infocomm (Vietnam) Mr. Su Ming Lin, provided valuable perspectives on the country's investment climate. ✔ Customer-centric solutions: Cathay United Bank announced the expansion of its digital and corporate banking services and teams in Vietnam to better serve the needs of businesses. By fostering dialogue and providing tailored financial solutions, we are committed to supporting our clients' growth and success in Vietnam. Your Ambition, Our Motivation!🤜 🤛 🙌 Follow us for more updates! #CathayUnitedBank #CUBHCMC #VIPSummit #YourAmbitionOurMotivation

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    國泰世華「永續金融探索營」,助學童學習金融知識📚💰 今年中秋連假,國泰世華邀請臺東大溪國小學童參與「永續金融探索營隊」,由行內員工擔任講師,以寓教於樂的金融課程和反詐騙互動遊戲,啟發學童們建立正確金錢知識,並提高對詐騙的警覺意識。 活動中不但介紹「收入、儲蓄、消費、捐獻、借貸」等金融知識,也帶領學童們參觀國泰世華總行大樓,進一步認識ATM功能、學習辨別真偽鈔等💵 國泰世華銀行資深副總經理胡醒賢表示:「國泰世華銀行長年深耕公益領域,尤其關注學童的受教權議題。近3年來,已有近500位偏鄉學童透過國泰世華的線上課程來學習正確金融價值觀。」 本次北上的臺東大溪國小學童,多數為大溪國小少棒隊成員。藉由舉辦實體營隊,國泰世華希望嚮往職棒舞台的小小球員們,在充足的金融素養襄助下,未來逐夢的道路上能夠更為踏實和堅定。 🙌 追蹤我們以獲得最新資訊! #國泰世華銀行 #國泰世華銀行基金會 #大樹計畫 #永續金融探索營

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    國泰世華「大樹計畫」,帶臺東學童前進大巨蛋🏟️🥚 國泰世華銀行近日特別邀請臺東大溪國小學童北上,參與為期兩天的「永續金融探索營隊」,並在國泰世華銀行公益夥伴「中華職棒球員工會」的邀請下,赴大巨蛋體驗職棒精彩賽事⚾ 台東大溪國小少棒隊的小球員們,對於能和味全龍王維中、台鋼雄鷹吳明鴻、杜家明等職棒球星面對面互動,並獲贈紀念簽名球,都感到相當興奮! 國泰世華銀行基金會發起《大樹計畫》至今已連續21年,近年來更納入體育贊助等特色教育專案,用行動支持學童赴海內外參賽,累計贊助經費達3.2億元,扶助逾30萬名弱勢學生。今年台東大溪國小少棒隊,前往參加「2024紅葉盃全國少棒菁英賽」,國泰世華銀行基金會正是後援力量之一💪 展望未來,國泰世華將持續秉持金融專業及公益理念,擴大金融永續影響力,肩負社會企業的使命,傳遞正面良善循環。 🙌 追蹤我們以獲得最新資訊! #國泰世華銀行 #大樹計畫 #大巨蛋 #台東大溪國小 #永續金融探索營隊

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    國泰世華阻詐績效居同業之冠 🥇 行政院長卓榮泰親赴勉勵 根據內政部警政署統計,國泰世華2023年臨櫃攔阻詐騙金額逾新臺幣12.8億,位居金融業之冠;今年1月至6月,臨櫃成功攔阻詐騙案件也逾1,000件,為民眾守護超過新臺幣8.2億元。行政院院長卓榮泰今日至國泰世華營業部視察,為前線行員加油打氣💪 卓院長表示,面對打詐議題,除了透過強而有力的執法,也需要銀行業者一同建立反詐生態系,國泰世華的攔阻績效可作為典範。國泰世華董事長郭明鑑表示,面對無差別攻擊的詐騙,國泰世華去年成立跨部門反詐專責小組,並攜手金融同業、民間企業、主管機關、警政單位,匯集全民力量建立堅韌的反詐連線。 行政院視察活動由國泰世華董事長郭明鑑率主管群們陪同,展現國泰世華整合數據科技與人員培力推行之「國泰盾」豐碩成效。國泰世華倡議反詐觀念,宣導觸及人數至今已逾9,300萬人次。透過深化金、警即時通報合作與KYC(Know Your Customer)流程、行員培訓等方式,擴大臨櫃聯防攔阻成效。截至今年8月,警銀協力共攔阻超過2,000次,阻詐成效卓著。 國泰世華推動「檢舉、報案、說出來」三行動,盼經由觀念分享、科技輔助佈建全台阻詐網絡,降低大眾受騙的風險,守護民眾財務健康💰 🙌 追蹤我們以獲得最新資訊! #國泰世華銀行 #反詐 #檢舉報案說出來

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    💪 Cathay United Bank: Your Shield Against Fraud In the first half of 2024 alone, Cathay United Bank has successfully blocked over 2,000 fraudulent transactions, totaling NT$12.4 billion. Meet Ms. Lin, our anti-fraud hero!👍👍👍 Ms. Lin is recognized as one of Taiwan's top 10 frontline bank employees for her exceptional work in preventing fraud. She has stopped over 50 fraudulent transactions, saving customers millions. She recently saved a customer a whopping NT$1.05 million by uncovering a home renovation scam. By verifying the details of the transaction, Ms. Lin discovered that the "designer" was actually a scammer. Thanks to the quick thinking and diligence of our Ms. Lin, we were able to prevent this loss. This is just one example of how Cathay United Bank is protecting our customers every day. At Cathay United Bank, by applying anti-fraud strategy, actively cooperating with frontline and back-office personnel and employing state-of-the-art technology, we're committed to providing our customers with the highest level of security and peace of mind. 🙌 Follow us for more updates! #CathayUnitedBank #FraudPrevention #CustomerFirst #BetterTogether #CheersForYou

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