宏碁智醫 Acer Medical

宏碁智醫 Acer Medical




宏碁智醫(Acer Medical)是宏碁集團(Acer Group)的子公司,宏碁智醫專注於運用人工智慧及大數據分析,聚焦 AI 醫學影像判讀技術,與醫學中心及國際醫療產業進行跨領域合作,專注研發一系列人工智慧輔助篩檢軟體,並推廣智慧醫療開發合作平台。 宏碁智醫旗下VeriSee DR(智視康-AI輔助糖尿病視網膜病變篩檢解決方案)是全國第一個取得衛生福利部食品藥物管理署(TFDA)所核發的人工智慧眼科醫療器材許可證之產品,協助診斷糖尿病視網膜病變(Diabetic Retinopathy, DR),目前人工智慧輔助判讀結果與眼科專科醫師相似,已高達93%準確度,不僅能有效縮短檢測時間,現更成功導入過半數的醫學中心與數十家各級醫療院所,實現將產品落地醫療照護場域。VeriSee DR也陸續取得泰國、印尼及菲律賓等海外醫材許可證,正式進軍國際市場。 此外,其他多項非眼科AI產品正積極發展中。

11-50 名員工
New Taipei City
Medical AI E2E Collaboration Platform、AI-assisted Screening Software、AI Model Development、Medical AI Software Development & Regulatory Approval和Medical AI Product Distribution & Deployment


  • 主要

    7F, No. 86, Sec. 1, Xintai 5th Rd. Xizhi Dist.

    221 TWNew Taipei City


宏碁智醫 Acer Medical員工


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    🌟 Meet Our Stellar Fellow at Acer Medical! 🌟 Ming-Yuan Chen Myron, CFO at #AcerMedical Reason for Joining Acer Medical: My journey with Acer Medical began with my extensive experience in an accounting firm where I served the biotech and medical industries. This exposure sparked my interest in the field, recognizing the immense potential in biotech and medical industries. I see these industries as the next wave of innovation. The clear-cut and impactful nature of medical devices drew me in, and I seized the opportunity to join Acer Medical. Job Responsibilities: As the CFO, I oversee all financial aspects of the company, including past financial reports, current expense management, and future transaction planning through simulations and projections. My role also involves discussing and implementing internal control processes, leveraging my background in accounting firms to ensure robust internal controls within the company. Balancing Financial Management and Company Growth Plans: Although we have a limited number of products, they hold significant value as they address critical patient issues, such as early detection of irreversible conditions. Product development demands substantial resources and technical expertise, making initial investment and ongoing funding crucial. By anticipating risks and controlling expenditures, I ensure that resources are allocated to essential development needs, supporting the company's growth and innovation. Interests: I enjoy watching movies, playing basketball, going to the gym, and playing video games on Switch and PS5. Life Motto: I believe that "Where you invest your time, that's where you will achieve success." This philosophy applies to both personal growth and the company’s development, emphasizing the importance of investing in oneself and in strategic company initiatives. #MeetOurStellarFellowatAcerMedical

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    🥳Today, we hosted the #AcerMedical Communication Meeting and Interdepartmental Sharing Session, along with a celebration for our July and August birthday stars. 🌟 Chairman Allen Chia En Lien M.D., DrPH shared exciting updates on our business expansion and international exhibition highlights. Our Sale&Marketing team Sheng-Hua Lu (Johnny Lu)Wen-Chun Yu (Javant Yu) , provided valuable insights into the progress of our business ventures and the positive impact of our recent exhibitions. Additionally, our FAE team shared about the new generation of international medical data exchange standards, FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources). This standard not only significantly influences how U.S. healthcare institutions handle medical data but also establishes a new benchmark for interoperability and data exchange among insurance companies and related healthcare information service providers, ensuring seamless patient access to their health information. It was a day of learning, celebration, and team spirit. Here’s to continuous growth and collaboration! 🤜 🤛 #AcerMedical #Teamwork #KnowledgeSharing #FHIR

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    👨🏫 We are thrilled to announce that Allen Chia En Lien M.D., DrPH, Chairman of #AcerMedical, will be a lecturer for the ENGINEERING SESSION on July 22 at the 2024 B.E.S.T. Innovation Course. The workshop aims to cultivate leaders in medical device innovation through a curriculum designed for students and professionals in medicine, engineering, or business. We are proud to support this event, fostering independent thinking and technological innovation. #AcerMedical #HealthcareInnovation #MedicalDevices #BESTInnovationCourse #彰濱秀傳紀念醫院 For more details: https://lnkd.in/d_D66GMW

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    😀 We were honored to welcome Ong Eng Yian, the Regional Director of Singapore's Economic Development Board, to #AcerMedical. During the visit, we discussed Singapore's objectives for advancing research and development in elderly healthcare. We also shared insights about Acer Medical's innovative products. This meeting emphasizes our ongoing efforts to support advancements in healthcare and enhance international cooperation. #HealthcareInnovation #ElderlyCare #SingaporeEDB

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    #AcerMedical recently engaged in a productive meeting with the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (#TAITRA). We were pleased to exchange insights and explore valuable resources and contacts for domestic and international exhibitions and events. Our Chairman, Allen Chia En Lien M.D., DrPH, and colleague, Jercey Chen, also had the opportunity to present our innovative products, setting the stage for future opportunities to showcase our solutions and forge global partnerships.

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    Raising awareness about age-related macular degeneration is vital. Early detection and treatment can make a significant difference in preserving vision. #EyeHealth #VisionProtection #AcerMedical

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    July’s #ImageOfTheMonth shows neovascularization — the growth of new blood vessels. Neovascularization often happens in the eyes of people with age-related #MacularDegeneration. It can cause vision loss, so it’s usually treated with drugs that can slow or stop the growth. Take a look!

    • Brightly colored, microscopic image of neurovascularization, showing a complex web of blood vessels.
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    👨🏫 Today, our chairman, Allen Chia En Lien M.D., DrPH was honored to be a guest lecturer at the Hospital and Social Welfare Organizations Administration Commission, Ministry of Health and Welfare(衛生福利部 附屬醫療及社會福利機構管理會). He shared insights on AI in healthcare, highlighting Acer Medical's innovations and introducing medical technologies from other Taiwanese AI companies. These solutions help medical fields save manpower and boost productivity for healthcare teams. We're grateful to contribute to advancing healthcare through innovation. 🚀👩⚕️👨⚕️ #AIHealthcare #MedicalInnovation #AcerMedical #衛福部醫福會

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  • 瀏覽宏碁智醫 Acer Medical的組織專頁,圖案

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    🌞 Summer is here! Protect your eyes from harmful UV rays to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Ensure you wear UV-blocking sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat, and try to avoid peak sun hours. Prioritize your eye health and enjoy a safe, sunny season! 🕶️👁️ #EyeHealth #UVProtection #AMDPrevention #Summer https://lnkd.in/dpPzumhJ

    Protecting your eyes from the sun’s UV light

    Protecting your eyes from the sun’s UV light


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    ☀️ Embrace the summer sun to boost your bone health! Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and maintaining strong bones. Just 10-20 minutes of sun exposure to your bare skin daily can help prevent osteoporosis. Remember to enjoy the sun safely and complement it with a balanced diet rich in vitamin D. Let's make the most of this summer for stronger bones and a healthier future! 🌞🦴 #BoneHealth #OsteoporosisPrevention #VitaminD https://lnkd.in/g8PR8-yb

    Vitamin D


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    🤝Fostering Bio-Entrepreneurship with Nucleate Taiwan🤝 We recently had the pleasure of hosting Nico, Yvonne, and Sam from Nucleate Taiwan at Acer Medical. Our Chairman, Allen Chia En Lien M.D., DrPH, engaged in a fruitful discussion with them about their mission to promote bio-entrepreneurship among students in Taiwan. The student leaders from Nucleate Taiwan, Yvonne Weng and Sam Sorillo, presented an impressive slide deck outlining their initiatives and how Acer Medical can contribute to these educational efforts. Dr. Lien provided valuable insights and committed to participating in their upcoming events. We are thrilled about this partnership and look forward to supporting the next generation of bio-entrepreneurs. #BioEntrepreneurship #Education #AcerMedical #NucleateTaiwan

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