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Değerlendirilmedi (IUCN 3.1)
Biyolojik sınıflandırma Bu sınıflandırmayı düzenle
Âlem: Animalia
Şube: Chordata
Sınıf: Squamata
Alt takım: Iguania
Familya: Iguanidae
Alt familya: Sceloporinae
Cins: Sceloporus
Wiegmann, 1828

Sceloporus, Sceloporinae altfamilyasına bağlı bir sürüngen cinsidir.[1]

Sceloporus cinsine bağlı türler (2022):

  1. Sceloporus acanthinus - Bocourt, 1873
  2. Sceloporus adleri - H. M. Smith and Savitzky, 1974
  3. Sceloporus aeneus - Wiegmann, 1828
  4. Sceloporus albiventris - H. M. Smith, 1939
  5. Sceloporus anahuacus - Lara-Góngora, 1983
  6. Sceloporus angustus - (Dickerson, 1919)
  7. Sceloporus arenicolus - Degenhardt and Jones, 1972
  8. Sceloporus asper - Boulenger, 1897
  9. Sceloporus aurantius - Grummer and Bryson, 2014
  10. Sceloporus aureolus - H. M. Smith, 1942
  11. Sceloporus becki - Van Denburgh, 1905
  12. Sceloporus bicanthalis - H. M. Smith, 1937
  13. Sceloporus bimaculosus - Phelan and Brattstrom, 1955
  14. Sceloporus bulleri - Boulenger, 1894
  15. Sceloporus caeruleus - H. M. Smith, 1936
  16. Sceloporus carinatus - H. M. Smith, 1936
  17. Sceloporus cautus - H. M. Smith, 1938
  18. Sceloporus chaneyi - Liner and Dixon, 1992
  19. Sceloporus chrysostictus - Cope, 1866
  20. Sceloporus clarkii - Baird and Girard, 1852
  21. Sceloporus consobrinus - Baird and Girard in Marcy and McClellan, 1854
  22. Sceloporus couchii - Baird, 1859
  23. Sceloporus cowlesi - Lowe and Norris, 1956
  24. Sceloporus cozumelae - Jones, 1927
  25. Sceloporus cryptus - H. M. Smith and Lynch, 1967
  26. Sceloporus cupreus - Bocourt, 1873
  27. Sceloporus cyanogenys - Cope, 1885
  28. Sceloporus cyanostictus - R. W. Axtell and C. A. Axtell, 1971
  29. Sceloporus druckercolini - Pérez-Ramos and Salanan de la Riva, 2008
  30. Sceloporus dugesii - Bocourt, 1874
  31. Sceloporus edbelli - H. M. Smith, Chiszar and Lemos-Espinal, 2003
  32. Sceloporus edwardtaylori - H. M. Smith, 1936
  33. Sceloporus exsul - Dixon, Ketchersid and Lieb, 1972
  34. Sceloporus formosus - Wiegmann, 1834
  35. Sceloporus gadoviae - Boulenger, 1905
  36. Sceloporus gadsdeni - Castañeda-Gaytán and Díaz-Cárdenas, 2017
  37. Sceloporus goldmani - H. M. Smith, 1937
  38. Sceloporus graciosus - Baird and Girard, 1852
  39. Sceloporus grammicus - Wiegmann, 1828
  40. Sceloporus grandaevus - (Dickerson, 1919)
  41. Sceloporus halli - Dasmann and H. M. Smith, 1974
  42. Sceloporus heterolepis - Boulenger, 1894
  43. Sceloporus horridus - Wiegmann, 1834
  44. Sceloporus hunsakeri - Hall and H. M. Smith, 1979
  45. Sceloporus insignis - Webb, 1967
  46. Sceloporus internasalis - H. M. Smith and Bumzahem, 1955
  47. Sceloporus jalapae - Günther, 1890
  48. Sceloporus jarrovii - Cope in Yarrow, 1875
  49. Sceloporus lemosespinali - Lara-Góngora, 2004
  50. Sceloporus licki - Van Denburgh, 1895
  51. Sceloporus lineatulus - Dickerson, 1919
  52. Sceloporus lunae - Bocourt, 1873
  53. Sceloporus lundelli - H. M. Smith, 1939
  54. Sceloporus macdougalli - H. M. Smith and Bumzahem, 1953
  55. Sceloporus maculosus - H. M. Smith, 1934
  56. Sceloporus magister - Hallowell, 1854
  57. Sceloporus malachiticus - Cope, 1864
  58. Sceloporus megalepidurus - H. M. Smith, 1934
  59. Sceloporus melanorhinus - Bocourt, 1876
  60. Sceloporus merriami - Stejneger, 1904
  61. Sceloporus minor - Cope, 1885
  62. Sceloporus mucronatus - Cope, 1885
  63. Sceloporus nelsoni - Cochran, 1923
  64. Sceloporus oberon - H. M. Smith and Brown, 1941
  65. Sceloporus occidentalis - Baird and Girard, 1852
  66. Sceloporus ochoterenae - H. M. Smith, 1934
  67. Sceloporus olivaceus - H. M. Smith, 1934
  68. Sceloporus omiltemanus - Günther, 1890
  69. Sceloporus orcutti - Stejneger, 1893
  70. Sceloporus ornatus - Baird, 1859
  71. Sceloporus palaciosi - Lara-Góngora, 1983
  72. Sceloporus parvus - H. M. Smith, 1934
  73. Sceloporus poinsettii - Baird and Girard, 1852
  74. Sceloporus pyrocephalus - Cope, 1864
  75. Sceloporus salvini - Günther, 1890
  76. Sceloporus samcolemani - H. M. Smith and Hall, 1974
  77. Sceloporus scalaris - Wiegmann, 1828 Bunch Grass Lizard
  78. Sceloporus serrifer - Cope, 1866
  79. Sceloporus shannonorum - Langebartel, 1959
  80. Sceloporus siniferus - Cope, 1871
  81. Sceloporus slevini - H. M. Smith, 1937
  82. Sceloporus smaragdinus - Bocourt, 1873
  83. Sceloporus smithi - Hartweg and Oliver, 1937
  84. Sceloporus spinosus - Wiegmann, 1828
  85. Sceloporus squamosus - Bocourt, 1874
  86. Sceloporus stejnegeri - H. M. Smith, 1942
  87. Sceloporus subpictus - Lynch and H. M. Smith, 1965
  88. Sceloporus sugillatus - H. M. Smith, 1942
  89. Sceloporus taeniocnemis - Cope, 1885
  90. Sceloporus tanneri - H. M. Smith and Larsen, 1975
  91. Sceloporus teapensis - Günther, 1890
  92. Sceloporus torquatus - Wiegmann, 1828
  93. Sceloporus tristichus - Cope in Yarrow, 1875
  94. Sceloporus undulatus - (Bosc and Daudin in Sonnini and Latreille, 1801)
  95. Sceloporus uniformis - Phelan and Brattstrom, 1955
  96. Sceloporus utiformis - Cope, 1864
  97. Sceloporus variabilis - Wiegmann, 1834
  98. Sceloporus virgatus - H. M. Smith, 1938
  99. Sceloporus woodi - Stejneger, 1918
  100. Sceloporus zosteromus - Cope, 1863

Konuyla ilgili yayınlar

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
  • Boulenger GA (1885). Catalogue of the Lizards in the British Museum (Natural History). Second Edition. Volume II. Iguanidæ ... London: Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History). (Taylor and Francis, printers). xiii 497 pp. Plates I-XXIV. (Genus Sceloporus, p. 216).
  • Goin, Coleman J.; Goin, Olive B.; Zug, George R. (1978). Introduction to Herpetology, Third Edition. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. xi 378 pp. 0-7167-0020-4. (Genus Sceloporus, pp. 130, 291).
  • Powell R, Conant R, Collins JT (2016). Peterson Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America, Fourth Edition. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. xiv 494 pp., 47 Plates, 207 Figures. 978-0-544-12997-9. (Genus Sceloporus, p. 292).
  • Smith, Hobart M.; Brodie, Edmund D. Jr (1982). Reptiles of North America: A Guide to Field Identification. New York: Golden Press. 240 pp. 0-307-13666-3 (paperback), 0-307-47009-1 (hardcover). (Genus Sceloporus, p. 114-115).
  • Stebbins RC (2003). A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians, Third Edition. The Peterson Field Guide Series ®. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. xi 533 pp. 56 plates, 39 figures. 978-0-395-98272-3. (Genus Sceloporus, p. 283; Sceloporus species accounts, pp. 283–294).
  • Wiegmann AF Jr (1828). "Beyträge zur Amphibienkunde ". Isis von Oken 21 (4): 364-383. (Sceloporus, new genus, p. 369). (in German and Latin).

Dış bağlantılar

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
  1. ^ "ITIS". 30 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 20 Temmuz 2022.