Talked to devrtz on the #debconf IRC on OFTC and promised to send a bug report as he was going for breakfast in India and i am still here in Sweden attending remote
the app shows 1 day wrong for the events at Debconf 2023
showing Lördag (Saturday) when its in fact Söndag (Sunday) both here and in India i presume
//Luna luna Jernberg
Where exactly dates are wrong?
Only place I can see a wrong date is the end date in "Event info", which says "Monday September 18, 2023", while DebConf ends on Sunday 17, but that's what the pentabarf says:
<schedule> <generator name="wafer" version="0.14.0"/> <version>2023-09-11T20:43:44.992993 05:30</version> <conference> <title>DebConf 23</title> <start>2023-09-10</start> <end>2023-09-18</end> <days>8</days> <timeslot_duration>00:15</timeslot_duration> <base_url>https://debconf23.debconf.org</base_url> <time_zone_name>Asia/Kolkata</time_zone_name> <acronym>debconf23</acronym> </conference>On "Days" page I see correctly "Sunday September 10, 2023 to "Sunday September 17, 2023"
This is fixed now thanks :) so this issue can be closed
Den mån 11 sep. 2023 kl 20:10 skrev ~fabrixxm [email protected]:
Where exactly dates are wrong?
Only place I can see a wrong date is the end date in "Event info", which says "Monday September 18, 2023", while DebConf ends on Sunday 17, but that's what the pentabarf says:
<schedule> <generator name="wafer" version="0.14.0"/> <version>2023-09-11T20:43:44.992993 05:30</version> <conference> <title>DebConf 23</title> <start>2023-09-10</start> <end>2023-09-18</end> <days>8</days> <timeslot_duration>00:15</timeslot_duration> <base_url>https://debconf23.debconf.org</base_url> <time_zone_name>Asia/Kolkata</time_zone_name> <acronym>debconf23</acronym> </conference>On "Days" page I see correctly "Sunday September 10, 2023 to "Sunday September 17, 2023"
-- View on the web: https://todo.sr.ht/~fabrixxm/confy/23#event-258685