User talk:Eraelan
Hey there, Eraelan...Welcome to This Might Be A Wiki. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you're new here or inexperienced with wikis, check out the following pages for assistance on properly utilizing and making contributions to This Might Be A Wiki:
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If you're already a seasoned wiki-professional, go ahead and dive right in! Feel free to start by creating your user page at User:Eraelan. We're looking forward to your contributions to this site that is all things They Might Be Giants...
---The TMBW.Net Welcoming Committee
High fives[edit]
for continuing Edison Museum.
Those are some superb taglines indeed. They are obviously lovingly crafted, especially considering they're for such an ephemeral piece of the wiki. Well done! --MisterMe 16:09, 23 August 2012 (EDT)