From This Might Be A Wiki
Natalie Time!![edit]
I go by Kroneland pretty much everywhere except for here.
Seriously. I'm Kroneland on livejournal, Gaia, myspace and last fm.
My real name is Natalie and I'm pretty fucking rad. =)
In addition to TMBG my interests include being a living stereotype (I'm a Jewish girl who loves bagels, doesn't eat pork (even though I don't keep Kosher), aims to one day have a career that will allow me to control part of media, and I have very thick curly, poofy hair), British Comedy, SNL up until around 2004, and David Sedaris.
I'm pretty much in love with John Linnell, but I suppose about 50% of all female TMBG fans are too, so that's nothing special.
I'm lazy so I'm going to let the templates do the rest of the talking.
They Might Be Giants is this user's favorite band. |
This user's favorite John is John Linnell. |
This user's favorite album is Lincoln. |
FAV | This user's favorite TMBG song is Till My Head Falls Off. |
LYR | This user's favorite TMBG lyric is: Though the impulse is strong the connection is weak |
VID | This user's favorite TMBG video is Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head. |
FAN | This user became a TMBG fan in 2002. |
SV | This user has rated the following songs. |
This user lives in Stanhope, NJ. |
AGE: 35 |
This user is 35 years old. |
This user's AIM screen name is Koala Dust. |
This user has a page. |