Puppets Gonna Fuck You Up
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Puppets Gonna Fuck You Up |
artist | Deeply Felt Puppet Theater, They Might Be Giants |
releases | Unreleased |
year | 2003 |
first played | December 5, 2003 (3 known performances) |
run time | This unreleased song has only been played live, and therefore has no definitive run time. |
sung by | Robin Goldwasser; John Flansburgh |
- Used as band introduction for the December 5, 2003 show at the Vic in Chicago, and to reintroduce the band for the first encore at a show later that month at Irving Plaza, New York City.
- A section of this song was adapted in 2007 for TMBG's song "With The Dark" on The Else. The section:
I'm getting tired of all this bullshit goin' round
I'm getting tired of all these small-town clowns
Busting my puppet hump
Grinding my puppet stump
I've got nothing to prove, so fuck it
- Became:
I'm getting tired of all my nautical dreams
I'm getting tired of all my nautical themes
Busting my pirate hump
Rocking my peg leg stump
My mind naturally turns to taxidermy
Song Themes
Altered Voice, Puppets, Recycled Material, Sex, Swear Words
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