As a JavaScript developer, what non-React tools do you use most often?
I only use React
I don't use JavaScript


JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language primarily used for web development. It allows developers to create dynamic and interactive content on websites, enhancing user experience by enabling client-side scripts to manipulate the browser’s Document Object Model (DOM) and communicate with servers asynchronously.


Introduction to JavaScript

Introduction to Javascript

Possibly the most popular programming language in the world, JavaScript underpins the web by enabling dynamic and interactive pages. But its flexibility and versatility is available on a wide range of platforms beyond the browser, from servers and smartphones to embedded systems, and it has emerged as a way of creating rich, engaging applications on all those devices. Annual updates to the language introduce new features and improvements to the functionality, readability, and performance of JavaScript, as well as increasing developer productivity; which ensures a language that’s fast to write and easy to get started with also stays relevant for increasingly challenging scenarios.

Brief History of JavaScript

The fact that the first version of JavaScript (originally called Mocha and then LiveScript), was written by Brendan Eich as a scripting language for the Netscape browser in just 10 days doesn’t mean the language is poorly designed. Intended to make webpages more dynamic and interactive, it drew on concepts and features from existing languages like Scheme and Java and has been extensively developed since. Although the language became an ECMAScript standard in 1997, updates stalled for a while after the release of ES5 in 2009, resulting in an unusually rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks to help JavaScript keep up with the rapid evolution of web technologies. Since 2015, when ES6 came out with major revisions to the language, there have been annual updates to ECMAScript to harness the creativity of the JavaScript community and bring those new features in the language in a standardized way that’s available across platforms consistently.

Over the years, developers realized that JavaScript could be useful beyond the browser as a general-purpose language on a range of platforms and environments. The introduction of Node.js in 2009 as an open source cross-platform runtime using the V8 engine brought JavaScript to server-side programming. This expansion made JavaScript not just a tool for creating interactive web interfaces, but a way to handle complex backend tasks in the same fast, efficient language.

Current Relevance

Widely used and regularly updated, JavaScript remains a cornerstone of modern web development — which includes mobile devices and environments far beyond the browser. Its ubiquity is unparalleled; it delivers interactive elements in webpages, is essential for frontend frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js, powers desktop applications like Slack and VS Code through Electron and operates on servers, IoT devices and serverless platforms like Cloudflare Workers through runtimes like Node.js and Deno. JavaScript’s flexibility and adaptability have allowed it to remain at the forefront of web development trends, allowing developers to deliver ever-more sophisticated web applications.

Strong community support and the vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, along with supporting technologies like TypeScript WebAssembly that supplement JavaScript help JavaScript keep up with the range of what developers need to build. Whether it’s for creating simple websites or complex enterprise-level applications, JavaScript is indispensable in the current web development landscape — and beyond.

Digging into JavaScript

If you’re just getting started with JavaScript, we’ll take a look at the fundamentals of the language, from variables and data types to control structures and functions and touch on the advanced concepts that give JavaScript its power and versatility, including key frameworks and libraries, with some tips on best practices, ensuring that your JavaScript code is not only functional but also efficient, maintainable, and secure.

Perhaps more than any other language, JavaScript is driven by the community, so alongside resources and directions for tutorials that will help you deepen your understanding, we’ll touch on where to connect with other developers and stay on top of the latest developments.

Fundamentals of JavaScript

Fundamentals of JavaScript

JavaScript, developed as the scripting language of the web, offers a rich set of features that make webpages interactive and functional. New JavaScript developers should start by understanding basic syntax and data types.

Basic Concepts of the JavaScript Language: Variables, Data Types, Operators

  • Variables: In JavaScript, variables are used to store data values. JavaScript uses the keywords var, let, and const to declare and assign variables. While var has a function scope, let and const are only available in the block of code where they are declared, offering more predictable behavior in complex applications because you can reduce the change of unintended side effects.
  • Data Types: JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, which means the type of a variable is determined when the code runs rather than when it’s compiled. The eight primary data types are:
  • Primitive Types: String, Number, BigInt, Boolean, Undefined, Null, and Symbol.
  • Non-Primitive Types: The reference or derived data types are used to store collections of data: Object, Array, Function, Map, Set, WeakMap and WeakSet. Objects are key-value pairs, and arrays are ordered collections of values.
  • Operators: JavaScript includes various operators that you use with expressions and statements to perform calculations and logic. These include:
  • Arithmetic Operators: Perform basic mathematical operations with operators like , -, *, % and /..
  • Comparison Operators: Compare two values with ==, ===, !=, >, <, > and so on.
    • Logical Operators: The three primary logical operators are && (and), || (or), and ! (not) : they return true or false by evaluating the variables and values in the expression.
  • String, Bitwise, Conditional and Type Operators.
  • Use regular expressions, text formatting and the emerging internationalization options to process strings and display text.

Control Flow and Error Handling

  • Loops: JavaScript supports several types of loops to repeat actions:
  • For loop: Iterates a set number of times or loops through the properties (For/In) or values (For/Of) an object.
  • While loop: Continues as long as the specified condition is true.
  • Do/While loop: Executes the code block once, and then repeats the loop as long as the specified condition is true.
  • Use break and continue statements to control the flow of code in loops.
  • Conditionals: These statements allow decision-making in code by executing different code blocks. The if/else statement executes a block of code if the specified condition is true, and another block if it is false; use else if to add a further statement to test. The switch statement is used for selecting one of many code blocks to be executed.
  • Error Handling: Handle errors and exceptions with try…catch statements. The try block contains code that may throw an error; the code to handle that error is in the catch block; use a final block for code that will execute whether or not an error occurs.

JavaScript Functions and Scope

  • Functions — sections of reusable code that perform a specific task — are the fundamental building blocks of JavaScript code, declared using the function keyword.
  • Expressions: any valid unit of code that resolves to a value — including variables, literals, operators and functions calls — is a JavaScript expression. If you assign a function to a variable, creating a function expression, you can leave out the function name.
  • Arrow Functions: Introduced in ES6, arrow functions allow you to write functions much more concisely: you don’t need the function keyword and if the functions consist of a single expression you don’t need the return keyword. They are particularly useful for short functions but can’t be used as methods or constructors.
  • Closures: A closure in JavaScript is a specific function that has access to a wider scope of variables: its own scope, the scope of the outer function and the global scope. Closures are powerful: you can use them to create modular, reusable code, to preserve state when you use asynchronous operations or to emulate private methods and variables; but they can also cause memory leaks and other unexpected behavior.

JavaScript in the Browser: DOM Manipulation, Events

Although the JavaScript language no longer only runs inside browsers, because it started as a web scripting language it has specific options for working with webpages:

  • DOM Manipulation: The Document Object Model (DOM) is the interface that allows JavaScript to change the content and structure of a webpage to make it dynamic and interactive: creating, removing, or modifying HTML elements and attributes and working with the layout tree.
  • Events: JavaScript can react to what the user does on a webpage — clicking on buttons, moving the cursor, pressing keys and entering text — to display navigation menus, pop-ups and other ways of interacting with the page. JavaScript lets developers track events like clicks, mouse movements, key presses or form submissions with event listeners (addEventListener) and define JavaScript functions (event handlers) to be executed when the events occur.

Advanced JavaScript Concepts

Advanced Javascript Concepts

Although you can make webpages interactive with fairly simple JavaScript, for complex applications you will want to turn to more sophisticated and powerful programming techniques.

Functional and Object-Oriented Programming

  • JavaScript supports both functional and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Functional programming treats data as immutable and functions as first-class objects that can be passed as arguments to other functions, returned by functions and assigned to variables. OOP in JavaScript uses the prototype mechanism by which JavaScript objects inherit features, so it works a little differently from classical object-oriented programming languages.
  • Classes and Objects: Built on top of prototypes, classes are a template for creating objects in JavaScript, rather than being objects themselves. An object is an instance of a class with properties and methods, so a Car class might have properties like brand and color or methods like start(). Use classes to encapsulate data with the code that will operate over that data.
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism: Creating new classes based on existing ones allows the child class to reuse the methods and variables of the patent class. Using the extends keyword, a class can be declared as a child of another class — and you can use polymorphism to override any methods in the parent class that aren’t useful in the child class to perform different operations. This is useful for creating a hierarchical structure in code, reducing redundancy, and enhancing reusability. For instance, a Electric Car class could extend a Car class, inheriting its properties and adding new features like battery capacity, but overriding the warning that the gas cap hasn’t been replaced after filling up with code to check if the car is still plugged in.
  • Modules and namespaces: There are other ways to organize and encapsulate code in JavaScript. Modules allow you to break your code up into separate files (useful for large codebases), or you can organize the functions of your code into local groups with namespace objects. If you want a more formal structured option for handline namespaces, TypeScript adds a namespace keyword.

Asynchronous Programming: Callbacks, Promises, Async/Await

Because JavaScript is single-threaded but also frequently runs in the browser, it needs a way to run code without blocking the main thread and slowing down the rendering of the webpage you’re looking at. Long-running tasks are delegated to the browser’s background processes and when they finish, a callback function is triggered to handle the results.

  • Callbacks: A callback is a function passed into another function as an argument and executed at a later time. Callbacks enable asynchronous programming in JavaScript but are difficult to write and debug.
  • Promises: Introduced in ES2015 to handle the complexities of callbacks, a Promise is an object representing the eventual outcome — completion or failure — of an asynchronous operation. JavaScript Promises are a wrapper function around a callback function and they are easier to write and manage, with three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected. Methods like .then() and .catch() are used to resolve the promise or handle errors.
  • Generators: generators are functions that can be stopped and started, allowing developers to write functions that wait for a promise to be resolved.
  • Async/Await: The async/await syntax was added in ES2017 to make it easier to work with promises and generators and write asynchronous code that looks more like synchronous code. Put the async keyword before a function to mark it as asynchronous and use the await keyword inside the function to pause the execution of the function code until the promise is resolved, and then resume the code.

JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries

JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries

While you can create interactive webpages and apps from scratch in JavaScript, frameworks and libraries make life easier, giving you built-in functions for common tasks (which improves the consistency and reliability of your code), supplementing missing features in the language, improving cross-platform compatibility so apps work across a wider range of devices, optimizing performance and giving you access to support from what’s usually an active community of developers. It may take a little more work to learn them, but frameworks and libraries provide structures, patterns and extra tools. Some of the most popular JavaScript frameworks handle frontend development; we’ll come back to the server-side JavaScript frameworks used for backend development later on.

Overview of Popular JavaScript Frameworks: Angular, Ember.js,Vue.js, Babylon.js

  • Angular: Maintained by Google, Angular is a widely used framework for building single-page apps (SPAs). It has a component-based architecture for modularity, uses templates to make creating UI views simple and has rich features like two-way data binding, modularization, AJAX handling and dependency injection. Angular has a steep learning curve but there are a lot of courses and tutorials and it’s well-suited for building large-scale, high-performance applications. Don’t confuse it with the older Angular.js which is no longer developed or supported by Google.
  • Ember.js: Another component-based framework for creating SPAs, Ember uses templates, provides default behaviors that make it quick to get started, is strongly opinionated (to the point that all apps have the same structure) and has its own built-in router, state management and development environment with an Inspector and Ember CLI, that some other libraries like Glimmer.js have adopted.
  • Vue.js: A simpler progressive framework for building user interfaces, SPAs and smaller projects, Vue.js is designed to be easy to get started with — and too add to existing projects. The core library focuses on the view layer only and handles data binding, CSS transitions and animations, but you can add a router, scheduling and CLI for project scaffolding and bring in more libraries if you want to build more powerful SPAs.
  • Babylon.js: A powerful 3D engine based on WebGLA and JavaScript, you can use Babylon.js as a library for displaying 3D models and scenes or a framework with built-in components that can help you build complex interactive applications.

Highlights of the JavaScript Library Ecosystem: React, jQuery, Lodash, Moment.js, D3.js

  • React: Developed by Facebook, React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces and reusable components for dynamic applications that’s so powerful it’s usually treated as a framework. Its virtual DOM, which optimizes updates to the actual DOM for enhanced performance, allows developers to create large web applications that can change data without reloading the page. You will need to learn its JSX markup syntax and it doesn’t handle any server-side logic, but again, there is a strong community with many resources for learning.
  • jQuery: Once the most popular JavaScript library, with the improvements in the language since ES2015 many of the tasks jQuery handles can now be done directly in JavaScript. You may still need it for legacy projects that rely on it for simplifying HTML document manipulations, event handling, animation and AJAX interactions but it’s not likely to be your first choice for new projects.
  • Lodash: A utility library that makes JavaScript easier by taking the hassle out of working with arrays, numbers, objects, strings and so on, Lodash has modular methods that are great for iterating arrays, objects, and strings; manipulating and testing values; and creating composite functions.
  • Moment.js: Until the long-awaited Temporal object is added to the ECMAScript standard, you’ll want to use the Moment.js library to work efficiently with time and date, especially handling time zones and different languages.
  • D3.js: D3.js (Data-Driven Documents) is a library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations using SVG, HTML and CSS rather than a proprietary framework.

Choosing the Right JavaScript Framework/Library: Factors to Consider

When there are multiple options for which library or framework you’re going to use, choose between them the way you would pick any other development tool:

  • Project Requirements: Assess the specific needs of your project. For complex, enterprise-level applications, a comprehensive framework like Angular might be suitable. For dynamic interfaces with reusable components, React is a great choice. For smaller projects or particular functionalities like data visualization, a library like D3.js might be all you need.
  • Learning Curve: Consider the time and effort required to learn the framework or library. React has a steeper learning curve than Vue.js but offers more flexibility in large applications.
  • Community and Ecosystem: A strong community and ecosystem mean better support, more resources — including documentation and tutorials to help you learn — and a higher likelihood of the framework or library being maintained and updated regularly. Make sure any security issues with a library or framework are being addressed quickly.
  • Performance: Evaluate the performance implications of the framework or library for your specific use case, because while they might provide caching, compressions, lazy loading or minifications that speeds up your app, the size and overhead of the framework itself might end up making your overall app larger or smaller. Consider aspects like load time, runtime efficiency and memory consumption.
  • Compatibility and Flexibility: Look at the other tools and technologies used in your project and make sure the library or framework you’re considering works well with them. Plan ahead: if you expect to add new features and technologies, it may be worth adopting a framework that will support those from the start rather than rewriting to use it as your app grows.

With modern JavaScript, it’s perfectly possible to write powerful apps without frameworks and libraries but picking the right ones can improve the performance, efficiency, maintainability and scalability of your applications when you reach the point where you’d be effectively creating your own framework of reusable code. Pick what best fits the requirements, complexity and long-term goals of your project, along with the team’s expertise and preferences.

JavaScript in Modern Web Development

JavaScript in Modern Web Development

JavaScript has come a long way from merely scripting interactions in webpages and modern web development allows developers to create dynamic, interactive web apps with rich user interfaces and all the features you’d expect in a desktop app, whether that’s an SPA built with a framework like Angular, server-side applications that run the same JavaScript code as the frontend interface or cross-platform desktop and mobile applications built with web technologies but taking advantage of native features on the device.

Single-Page Applications: Powered by JavaScript

  • SPAs make it easier to build complex websites that feel like an application by having the browser load a single HTML page and dynamically update content as the user interacts with the app. Unlike a traditional site where each page is separate with its own HTML, CSS and JavaScript and has to be maintained separately, an SPA contains the code for the entire site. Frameworks like Angular, Ember.js, React.js and Vue.js offer structured ways to create responsive and interactive user interfaces using JavaScript, whether you’re creating a mobile app or a dynamic webpage.
  • This approach avoids page reloads, offering a faster, smoother user experience, reducing load time, making the app feel more responsive and reducing the bandwidth and impact on battery life for mobile devices by only downloading the new data and not the entire page each time. Using JavaScript, SPAs enable more engaging interfaces with animations, transitions, drag-and-drop interactivity, push notifications, offline mode and other features that make a web app feel more like a native app, although you may need to use service workers and other advanced JavaScript features to support these options.
  • Despite the name, you can build powerful and complex sites, like Netflix, Gmail or Facebook, as SPAs. If you want more advanced features like authentication and push notifications, you will need backend code too and SPAs can use the same JavaScript code for the front end and back end, simplifying development and making them easier to debug and maintain.

Beyond SPAs: Progressive Web Apps, Web Components and VR

  • Many of the more interesting features you can build in SPAs rely on service workers and web APIs; Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) take this a step further, offering the same benefits as SPAs by caching data and resources locally for faster response and offline usage and using service workers to handle network requests including push notifications, but also mimicking the look and feel of native apps with the option to install them on a device’s home screen and access them from the app launcher. PWAs. Code splitting allows a PWA to load only the code for the current view, which can give a faster initial load than a SPA.
  • Security: PWAs store less data and logic on the client and run in a more isolated browser mode that offers better security, in particular avoiding cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. You can update them remotely to address security issues. They are also more discoverable for SEO. The downside is that PWAs can be more complex and expensive to build than a SPA that runs only on the client, but some SPAs require back-end components as well.
  • Web components: Introduced over a decade ago, web components weren’t supported across all major browsers until 2018 so adoption has been slow but using these web platform APIs in JavaScript to create custom HTML elements with their own content, style, and functionality allows developers to create encapsulated, reusable, accessible components that don’t require specific frameworks or libraries (but also work with any framework or library you already use).
  • VR: The web continues to add features that used to be reserved for native applications and JavaScript is how developers use those new features. WebVR is a JavaScript API giving developers access to the features and sensors of VR devices and allows them to render stereoscopic views in their web apps.

Server-Side JavaScript: From Node.js to Serverless

  • Node.js: Bringing JavaScript to servers with Node.js revolutionized the capabilities of the language. A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, making it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. It’s no longer the only server-side runtime: Deno and Bun are also popular.
  • Express.js: Simplify the process of creating web servers and APIs using Node.js with the  Express.js framework that provides a routing system, middleware support, template engine and error handling. Scalable and lightweight, it simplifies the task of writing server-side logic and handling HTTP requests.
  • Serverless: JavaScript runtimes can run in different environments including edge computing and on serverless platforms like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Cloudflare Workers, Google Cloud Functions and Vercel Functions, enabling developers to run snippets of code in response to events without needing to manage server infrastructure.

JavaScript and APIs: Fetching Data, RESTful Services, Going Pre-Built with Jamstack

  • Fetching Data: JavaScript plays a vital role in interacting with APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to fetch data. The fetch API in JavaScript allows web browsers to make HTTP requests to web servers, obtaining or sending data essential for web applications. This is crucial for functionalities like loading new content, submitting forms, or interacting with third-party services.
  • It’s unlikely that all the APIs you want to use will be built into the browser: JavaScript can use APIs to access and manipulate data from a wide range of websites and third-party services, letting you create dynamic, interactive sites ad web apps. JavaScript can send requests to Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs, which use HTTP methods and return responses in JSON or XML. You could use REST APIs to interact with a backend database, add geolocation to a web app or play music on a website.
  • Asynchronous JavaScript and APIs: The asynchronous options in JavaScript, especially with Promises and async/await, simplify handling responses from APIs. This allows applications to remain responsive and performant, even while making several background data requests.
  • Jamstack: If you don’t need complex interactions or real-time updates and can use static, pre-built HTML files from a CDN rather than building them on the server as needed, you can improve security and performance and reduce costs by using a modern web development architecture based on JavaScript, called Jamstack, This stands for JavaScript, APIs, Markup and lets you build sites that move all the logic clientside with the backend consisting of APIs and serverless functions, with all the interactions generated in the page and authentication and authorization handled by third-party APIs.

Best Practices in JavaScript

Best Practices in JavaScript

Make your life easier by following these JavaScript implementation principles for creating robust, maintainable, and secure code.

Code Quality: Writing Clean, Readable Code

  • Clear and Concise: Strive for simplicity in your JavaScript code. Avoid unnecessary complexity, aim for clarity and don’t make your code so abbreviated you forget how it works. This makes the code more readable and easier for others (or yourself in the future) to understand and maintain.
  • Consistent Coding Style: Adopt a consistent coding style, including naming conventions, indentation, and commenting. Tools like ESLint can help enforce coding standards, ensuring a unified codebase, especially in team environments.
  • Use Descriptive Variable and Function Names: Choose names that clearly indicate the purpose and usage of variables and functions. Descriptive names make your code self-documenting and reduce the need for excessive comments.
  • Code Comments and Documentation: Code isn’t finished until it’s documented and explaining decisions that seem obvious at the time will help anyone else who works on the code later — including you, when you have to pick up a project months or years later.
  • Code Refactoring: As well as fixing specific bugs, refactor your code to improve its structure and readability. Restructuring the way the code is written without changing what it does helps you improve older code as your skills develop and there are developer tools to help you do it.

Performance Optimization: Tips for Efficient JavaScript Coding

  • Efficient DOM Manipulation: Minimize direct interactions with the Document Object Model (DOM) as these can be performance intensive. Use document fragments or update the DOM off-screen before re-rendering.
  • Optimize Loops: Be cautious with loops, especially within other loops, as these can significantly impact performance. Use built-in methods like forEach, map, filter, or reduce where appropriate.
  • Asynchronous Loading: Utilize asynchronous JavaScript to load scripts without blocking the rendering of the page. This improves the loading time and overall performance of the application.
  • Memory Management: Be mindful of memory usage. Unnecessary variables or data structures can lead to increased memory consumption. Utilize garbage collection effectively by dereferencing unused objects (but leave JavaScript to handle the garbage collection for you).

JavaScript Security Considerations: Common Vulnerabilities, Safe Coding Practices

  • Avoid Global Variables: Minimize the use of global variables to reduce the risk of code conflicts and potential security issues.
  • Validate User Inputs: Always validate and sanitize user inputs to protect against common vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection — but don’t frustrate users by rejecting input that you can reformat automatically, like the structure of a phone number.
  • Update APIs and Libraries: Ensure that you are using secure and updated versions of APIs and libraries. Regularly check for updates or patches that fix vulnerabilities.
  • Implement Error Handling: Robust error handling can prevent your code from exposing sensitive information and system details and it will make the experience of using your site or application less frustrating for users.

Learning and Community Resources in JavaScript

Learning and Community Resources in JavaScript

With the size of the JavaScript ecosystem, there are plenty of resources for learning and staying updated. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, there are courses and tutorials to help you enhance your skills and blogs that will keep you informed of the latest trends in JavaScript development.

Learning Paths: JavaScript Tutorials and Online Courses

  • Online Courses: Common platforms like Coursera, edX, Udemy and Pluralsight offer comprehensive courses to learn JavaScript, covering everything from basic fundamentals to advanced concepts. These courses often include hands-on projects that help solidify learning, but you will usually have to pay for them.
  • Interactive Tutorials: Websites like Codecademy,, freeCodeCamp, JavaScript 30 and provide interactive tutorials and exercises that help you learn at your own pace: some are free, and others require a subscription. Learn JavaScript Online is a set of free courses and tutorials on JavaScript from Google.
  • Video Tutorials: As well as the YouTube channels offered by tutorial sites like freeCodeCamp, there are a lot of free, high-quality video tutorials on JavaScript and related technologies by both amateur and professional instructors like such as Academind, , The Net Ninja, Programming with Mosh and Traversy Media The 134-part video tutorial by freeCodeCamp is a good place to start. Microsoft has a good video tutorial series for JavaScript beginners on its Learn site.
  • Documentation: MDN Web Docs is the definitive (and official) documentation site for web technologies including JavaScript and includes a range of tutorials. The caniuse site will help you check which browsers and platforms a particular JavaScript feature is supported on.

JavaScript Community and Support: Forums, GitHub, Stack Overflow

  • Forums and Discussion Boards: Online communities like, Stack Overflow, Reddit (r/javascript), and MDN Web Docs forums are excellent for seeking help, sharing knowledge, and networking with other JavaScript developers.
  • GitHub: GitHub is not just for code sharing; it’s also a platform for collaboration and learning. Exploring open source JavaScript projects can provide insights into real-world code and development practices.
  • Meetups and Local Groups: Platforms like often list local JavaScript and web development groups. Participating in these groups can provide networking opportunities and a sense of community.

Staying Updated: Blogs, Conferences, Podcasts and Standards

  • Blogs and Newsletters: Follow blogs like JavaScript Weekly, Smashing Magazine and (despite the name) CSS-Tricks for the latest news, articles, and tutorials. Newsletters can be a great way to receive curated content directly to your inbox.
  • Conferences and Webinars: Attend JavaScript conferences and webinars like JSConf, React Conf, and Node.js Interactive. These events are opportunities to learn from industry experts and network with peers.
  • Podcasts: If want to learn JavaScript and you’re an audio rather than a visual learner, or you want to catch up while taking a screen break, listen to podcasts such as 20minJS, Full Stack Radio, JavaScript Jabber, Syntax or WebRush can be an informative and convenient way to stay up to date with the latest in JavaScript. Some, like the Igalia Chats where experienced browser engineers cover key web features, have full transcripts.
  • Standards bodies: Remember that JavaScript is continually evolving; even experienced JavaScript developers will need to stay up to date. There’s a wealth of resources online and older tutorials and articles will still help you get started, but you’ll want to check for new language features that fix bugs or replace third-party frameworks. You can follow the work of the TC39 community that creates the ECMAScript standard on GitHub and in their regular meetings or track the priorities for the cross-industry Interop project on their JavaScript.

Conclusion and Future of JavaScript

Conclusion and Future of JavaScript

The JavaScript language is not just a staple of current web development but also a driving force for future innovations, in the browser and beyond. The landscape of JavaScript is continuously evolving through ECMAScript and the wider JavaScript community.

The Evolving Landscape: JavaScript Trends

The future of JavaScript looks as vibrant and dynamic as the apps and sites you can build with it. The popularity of the language and the ubiquity of JavaScript runtimes means it’s relevant for the latest like serverless architecture (JavaScript and WebAssembly) and the Internet of Things. Frameworks and libraries continue to evolve, with new options emerging to address specific challenges and needs, even as the proven features get standardized as part of the language itself. We’ll continue to track the new capabilities of JavaScript every year with regular updates to the ECMAScript specifications.

JavaScript Career Opportunities and JavaScript Skills

The demand for skilled JavaScript developers remains high in the job market of the most popular programming languages. Learning JavaScript and achieving proficiency opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities, including frontend to backend development, mobile app development and beyond. JavaScript skills are highly sought after across various domains in the tech industry.

Final Thoughts: Encouragement for Continual Learning

The reason so many people learn JavaScript and the language remains so popular is the combination of the ability to write code quickly for a wide variety of scenarios and run that code in ever more environments. The investments of the major browser makers continue to deliver excellent performance in JavaScript engines and the ingenuity of the community continues to find new ways to take advantage of that. That means JavaScript developers always have something new to learn, and The New Stack will keep covering the latest JavaScript developments.