with one hand on a hexagram and one hand on a girl

1.5M ratings
277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

What would you guys consider the worst movie you"ve ever seen? Not something that"s fun to make fun of, nothing you ironically enjoyed, I mean just an absolutely miserable moviegoing experience that you paid for, hated every second, and wish you had walked out of and asked for a refund.

For me, no joke, Madagascar 3: Europe"s Most Wanted. It did not even feel like a real movie to me. It made me see red! I was SEETHING with anger and annoyance throughout the entire thing, and I cannot for the life of me articulate why. I saw it once in 2012 when I was 15, I remember almost nothing about it now, but it struck a nerve with me like no other movie ever has before or since.

Tell me in the tags, which movie makes you disproportionately angry just thinking about it?

all I can think of is Hitchcock's vertigo I know it's not the worst movie Ive ever seen but I cant think of any of the others and vertigo made me mad for DAYS

yesterday i had something of a personal revelation regarding my internalized ableism.

i have pretty bad vision and extreme audio processing disorder. i can see about six inches in front of my face clearly without glasses and i frequently have to ask people to repeat themselves or get really confused because i mishear things or just don’t understand the word that someone said.

yesterday i was talking to jessica who was across the room except i didn’t have my glasses on. and i stopped her and said “hold on baby pause, i can’t understand you because i don’t have my glasses on”.

and it took a bit of buffering time but i realized that a huge part of the reason that i couldn’t understand what she was saying was because i wasn’t able to see her mouth moving while she talked. and suddenly it dawned on me, that reading lips, something i’ve always been inexplicably good at, is actually a skill i developed as compensation for my disability.

and a new level of understanding regarding my various disabilities and internalized ableism unlocked in my brain. all of the times i have been told im bad at listening from my parents. all the times my teachers berated me for not paying attention. all of the times a friend of partner was upset with me because they assumed i wasn’t listening to them. i developed a skill just so that i wouldn’t disappoint them by pretending that i didn’t have a disability.

to my younger self, i’m sorry that i wasn’t kind to you. i’m sorry you didn’t get the support or understanding you needed as a child. i’m learning now and im beginning to forgive myself for it.

god this is so real also bad auditory processing disorder here and the day I started telling my coworkers I was hard of hearing (with a more accurate explanation if it called for it) my life got so much better I got a “hard of hearing please speak up” pin for my apron at work a couple years ago and while I've dealt with a couple ableist comments from people who felt the need to say I didn't ACT HOH whatever that means it's made my life so much easier just because it lets me extend myself grace and the people around me extend me grace too recently a coworker tried to talk to me while turned away from me and then stopped herself and turned around like ''I'm sorry! Idk why I did that of course you can't hear me. that's on me'' and I was surprised how good that felt. we gotta be kind to ourselves and each other

in retrospect, after rewatching and coming back to s4/5, it"s very noticeable that the writers were setting up sawyer and juliet. like, maybe from her introduction??

as a kid, (thats how long ive been a fan lmfao) when lafleur premiered i found their pairing to be sudden and a little jarring. but really paying attention to their character arcs (and also just growing up), it"s obvious it couldn"t have been anything but them.


Keep reading

GOD UGH FUCK I LOVE THEM Sawyer is THEEEEEE character development of all time in television history and Juliet Burke made the rest of me gay that carmen sandiego didnt get to first and they're SOULMATES they're not just perfect for each other they help each other grow & thrive and become even more perfect for each other every time Juliet quiets his anger with a soft ''James.'' its so devastatingly romantic that my soul becomes heterosexual for a brief suspended moment in time this is a show about love and it's the love we miss and waste but also the infinite love waiting for the right time and space to grow in if we can get there lost

Too many writers are using generative "AI" to make their book covers, so I"ve written a guide on how to make your own cover for free or cheap without turning to a machine.

If you can"t afford to pay an artist, you CAN make your own!

I hope this is a helpful overview that covers the basics and points to some free resources.


I annoyed my cat by writing this and not playing with her; you might find it useful?


This is a fantastic guide not only to the technical aspect of cover design but the aesthetic aspect as well!


This is GREAT STUFF. Highly recommend! Exactly the techniques I have used on covers in the past, and they look great!

nice save

I"ve been having so many thoughts about Bunny Manders the Unreliable Narrator and the absolute tragedy that is Raffles" very real and in my opinion reciprocal romantic feelings of genuine love for Bunny that Bunny simply does not see because he"s stupid blinded by his own affliction to the point of rewriting history through the lens of self-loathing bias. Sooo many words of meta under the cut.

Keep reading

UGH love this

Trump is probably going to remove the TikTok ban shortly after his inauguration and secure a chunk of the youth vote.



Lol…literally lmao. Enjoy the propaganda👍


I guess for some people, a racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic fascist destablising the world and cementing in an oligarchy which will take a dozen decades to undo is fine as long as they can use tiktok.

He was literally calling for a ban for tt just a little while ago-- until he realised that young people would cheer fr him if he kept it on.

Christ, people are so fucking naive and awful.


Remember Trump was the one who called for the ban in the first place!


i think the near-extinction of people making fun, deep and/or unique interactive text-based browser games, projects and stories is catastrophic to the internet. i"m talking pre-itch.io era, nothing against it.

there are a lot of fun ones listed here and here but for the most part, they were made years ago and are now a dying breed. i get why. there"s no money in it. factoring in the cost of web hosting and servers, it probably costs money. it"s just sad that it"s a dying art form.

anyway, here"s some of my favorite browser-based interactive projects and games, if you"re into that kind of thing. 90% of them are on the lists that i linked above.

if you"re ever thinking about making a niche project that only a select number of individuals will be nerdy enough to enjoy, keep in mind i"ve been playing some of these games off and on for 20~ years (Alter Ego, for example). quite literally a lifetime of replayability.


since this post blew up, i"ve been wanting to do an addition with all of the recommendations from the comments and tags. but there"s a lot of them. some people might be crazy enough to sit down and seriously put them all in one post with descriptions. those people are honestly sick in the head.

anyway, here"s all of the recommendations from the reblogs. not all of them are text-based, but it"s a great mixture of styles. also don"t forget the links in the second paragraph of the OP which will take you to FMHY where there are a bunch more games listed.



  • Text Game Builder - works in your browser, with just a little bit of Python (by @grumpygandalf)
  • Twine - great (free!) tool for making text-based games quickly.
  • Ink - scripting language for interactive fiction (also free)
  • Flashpoint Archive - a community effort to preserve games and animations from the web.
  • PICO-8 - fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs.


  • Library of Babel - interactive illustration which attempts to simulate what it might be like to browse The Library of Babel.
  • Superbad - technically not a game, sprawling website full of secrets.
  • 17776 - serialized speculative fiction multimedia narrative about football in the far-future. beautiful, creative, legendary. created by Jon Bois, a legend and one of my favorite writers of all time.
  • Choice of Games - text-based, choose-your-own-adventure games (interactive fiction). some free-to-play, others can be bought like an ebook.
  • The Deep Sea - scroll to the bottom of the ocean. encounter the humble squid and his friends (by neal)
  • Space Elevator - like The Deep Sea, but up instead of down. you can equip your avatar with a scarf (by neal)
  • Internet Artifacts - an interactive history of the early internet (by neal)
  • If The Moon Were Only One Pixel - scroll through an accurately scaled model of the universe.
  • r/incremental_games - reddit community for incremental games.
  • r/WebGames - reddit community for web games in general.

thank you to everyone who contributed and the creators. please be sure to show them some love where possible.


Reblogging the update too