An innocent nun out for a pleasure cruise





Yahya Bkheet (@yahyabkheet-blog) did not receive the funds he needed for Mira’s tumor removal surgery and treatment that he requested almost a month ago. She had to be hospitalized two days ago because of high fevers, so there is nothing Yahya can do now but wait.

He is waiting for the Rafah crossing to open so he can take his daughter out of Gaza, and with any luck, get her medical procedure done. The minimum amount required for travel, procedure and treatment is $10,000, yet he is not hopeful that his fundraiser will help at this point, as he has only been getting one or two donations a day.

We are now at €7,394 / €30,000 and the last donation was over a day ago.

Please help Mira.

This fundraiser has been vetted by @/nabulsi and is listed at #110 on the GazaVetters List.

(message me for removal)

Keep reading

donors can enter my necklace raffle (act fast and you can get a bonus entry for free)!








operation olive branch reporting former volunteers to the FBI?!

Where did you hear about this?

If this is true, this honestly pushes me to believe that my initial reticence towards the OOB - which led me to start doing my own verifications - were somewhat founded even if they were based only on speculation and skepticism.

I learned it from volunteers speaking out on tiktok.

Theyre talking about how a lot of gaslighting and toxic bureaucracy goes on within the core which is keeping aid from actually getting to Palestinians. If you demand accountability for the money and what’s it’s being used for, you’re isolated, the families you help are not given aid At All in retaliation, or now you’re reported to the FBI I guess.

Tumblr is uploading one of the videos (since I know a lot of people don’t have tiktok but still think you should be able to see this) and I’ll be uploading a few more.

That said

Here’s a link to ChyGunn’s tiktok where they state that they, along with three other volunteers, were reported by OOB to the FBI. They said they were also contacted by OOB’s lawyer.

Part 2 where the same user reads a statement clarifying they were reported for defamation of the core member’s reputations among other “cyber crimes.”

Besides that they’ve been speaking out for awhile about the lack of ethics within OOB. so this here is a link to the organized playlist they made of each tiktok they made about it. It’s 71 parts/videos.


Screenshot of the complaint that ChyGunn posted.

Since the links are bouncing, these are 3 of the 4 ex volunteers where I got my info

Chygunn is reading the complaint and has the OOB playlist. Their videos about being reported to the FBI are also labeled as such and they’re also recent (within the last day) so you don’t have to scroll forever to find them.


This user, acabforcutet, is another ex volunteer who confirms that almost everything chygunn has experienced was also true for her. as well as having a back and forth with someone else which amounts to a clear cut incident of being gaslit by OOB


Faith has posted about the way OOB treated her, families she’s sponsored, and how OOB refused to address any concerns she brought up. They’re the vids with the red labels and yellow marks.


I did post a lot of these videos to my Tumblr for people without tiktok so they’re all up now under #Operation Olive Branch if anyone wants to see them.

@el-shab-hussein i watched a few videos (thanks for linking them sibeblog side b!!) And Chy says the list of families is legit no matter what. Apparently OOB had donations to the org (?) Or something that they took for themselves but the list of families is separate from that. Here’s the link where they said that:

Wanted to chime in that I’ve seen a tik tok from @ Clarke.Jones of her discussing the paying directly thing.

But also that OOB may not actually be a non profit organisation as they’re calling themselves.

She states that as an American born organisation it should be monitored under the IRS (IRS Tax Empt Tool online) like other non profits like Heal Palestine.

She records herself doing the search and OOB isn’t there. I just did the search myself and got nothing.

She also commented on one of OOB’s TikTok’s about their lack of nonprofit status and they basically called her a liar.

I’m not the most knowledgeable about all that but I wanted to share.

She also did say that the list for the families is legit.

(via talasem)





Tumble certainly lives up to his name!

The boys are play wrestling a lot today, and Sundew is respecting any “mrah!” noises Tumbleweed makes when he gets too rough. Very proud.

I’m hoping to have Tumbleweed up here long enough today to get tired and sleep, to see how Sundew reacts to that.

Have to admit, Tumbleweed’s expression after nearly bonking into the camera is making me laugh even after watching it like 50 times.


he’s so graceful

Truly elegant

(via doublycharming-tetraquark)





Hawa died because her employers locked her in the house as they fled Israels bombs in Lebanon. Her family couldn’t have her remains repatriated so she was buried alone, with no loved ones. In the list of Israel’s victims she isn’t listed. Its up to us to remember & tell her story  — inqilāb (@tastefullysaucy) December 29, 2024ALT

Actually, I’ll be the Bitter Black Betty and say it out loud: this isn’t just Israel’s cruelty. There were still people with an enslaved Black woman that saw her life as worth so little that when it came down to it, they were willing to take an active role in her death- not just passively abandoning her to the bombs, but locking her in the house. Hawa’s death is not on the Zionist entity alone. Antiblackness in the midst of something so horrible should let you know just how bad it gets.

I was too nervous to say anything, but this has given me some confidence.

In the original french tweet it’s mentioned “elle travaillait comme une esclave”, there are a few ways to interpret this but none of them are good and i dont think the english quote tweet emphasises this.

You could either interpret this as “she worked LIKE a slave” or she worked AS a slave", Based on the og tweet, it seems that her “employers” may not be the best descriptor of whoever she was working for. These people were cruel enough to leave her to die alone and I dont know why the english tweet chose the word employer im sorry

Quick correction, it states “elle travaillait comme esclave”, no “une”. There is only one interpretation of that statement. She worked as a slave, not like one. This is the reality of the Kaffala system.

If you are concerned for the rights and well-being of domestic workers in Lebanon, please support This Is Lebanon, an organization run by former domestic workers in Lebanon as well as Lebanese nationals, dedicated to naming and shaming this kind of horrendous mistreatment, and - frequently - anti-black violence.

(via feluka)


You are not just donors, you are hope in a time of war. Thanks to you, there were hearts filled with hope and mercy in Gaza. I will give you part of the upcoming initiatives that I am working on preparing soon, in fact I do not hide from you that we need everything, there is nothing more important than something, everything is important, we are talking about 2 million afflicted people. Imagine that we have not eaten chicken for 4 months, two days ago chicken was brought in but the price was shocking, the price of a kilo of chicken is 26 US dollars, a loaf of bread has become a dream for us, the price of a 25 kilo bag of flour is 250 US dollars, people have become dependent on the food distributed by the owners of charitable initiatives, the high prices here are very high and everyone is unemployed, life here is a piece of hell but your donation contributes to alleviating our suffering.ALT
The upcoming initiatives will be 1- Clothing as many people as possible, in my personal opinion and according to what I see, winter clothes are one of our most important needs now, whether adults or children, as you can see most of us appear in the same clothes from the first days of the war, currently we have clothed 120 children, the cost per child is $36. 2- Distributing shoes to people, especially children, most of whom are barefoot in this cold and the ground is full of glass and rubble 3- Distributing potable water 4- Distributing food supplies 5- Distributing hygiene supplies 6- Distributing children's needs such as milk and diapers. And many supplies that my people need, some of you ask me to document your donation and I have no problem, I do that with all my love and publish the video on my Instagram page.ALT
I forgot to tell you in the previous update that every now and then we do an initiative for a fun day for children in order to entertain them and try to overcome what we are going through. The videos are on my Instagram page. I will put pictures of previous initiatives for you, do not hesitate to contribute. Love you all Mona abu Hamda and her team 5/1/2025 For contact Instagram @monaa__e98 WhatsApp  972597069495ALT

Hey y'all, Mona posted an update for her mutual aid project on GoFundMe! Right now the priorities are winter clothing and food, please give whatever you can to this initiative!

Individuals fundraisers are still important but mutual aid funds such as these can help reach those who, for a variety of reasons, cannot get that help over the internet.

(via wutheringheightsfilm)



They’re on Twitter saying romanticizing and sexualizing sexual violence is all that Gothic horror is about and maybe Ellen wanted to be groomed and that it’s actually feminist to say women want to be raped. I fear there is no hope for women.

the assault is the horror, the rape and the ease with which men move and use her body is the horror, the tragedy of being unable to escape her trauma is the horror, giving her body over “consensually” to the monster whose haunted her her entire life is the tragedy and the horror. I think, what if we sat with things not being sexy but with things being horrifying while laced with sensuality. What if.

(via womenintheirwebs)



Important developments concerning Sudan

Now speaking as an Arab born in an Arab country who’s grown up hearing about Arab politics my entire life, this is far from a good place to land. The military will almost certainly continue their fascist ways and people will still get killed. No talk of women’s rights, no talk of an end to anti-blackness (which was serious enough for a genocide), no talk of restoring the Internet in these negotiations and discussions. This is still an awful situation for the Sudanese people and they are risking their lives, bodies, and mental health for their rights and their children’s rights. Please continue donating to their emergency medical aid gofundme. It’s been six months and the money still hasn’t been fully accumulated to meet their goal.

If you disagree with something I said or have something to add, I would gladly listen if you are Sudanese (particularly Black Sudanese) or come from another Arab and / or African country who’s experienced something similar.

I posted this 4.5 years ago, beginning of July 2019. I’m genuinely so fucking heartbroken to see that I was correct. I hate this so much.

If you live in the U.S. or Europe please donate to SAPA (Sudanese-American Physicians Association) since your currencies are some of the strongest.

(via marigoldcanaries)