Welcome to The AntiRacist Table

At the table — both metaphorically and literally, we work, nourish, celebrate, strategize, grieve, grow, learn, and fight, together and alone.

The AntiRacist Table was created in response to the Racial Reckoning in America, as a way to bring AntiRacism into daily life as a daily practice. Educating Americans about African American history and the Black experience, along with rehumanizing Black people and motivating action to help create an AntiRacist America are our goals.

Ultimately, the choice is up to you–What awaits you is allyship, abolition, co-conspiratorship, and the dismantling of racism in yourself, your family, your community, your school, and your workplace.

Welcome to our table. Changemakers and forces for good unite!

Join The AntiRacist Table

 30 Day Challenge – A Long-Form AntiRacism Program!

Take a stand for humanity! Do you want to be part of the solution? Learn how to be AntiRacist and how to incorporate AntiRacism into your life with our FREE Self-Paced, 30 Lesson Program. The journey to cultivating a life committed to being AntiRacist is a lifelong pursuit that starts and ends with you. AntiRacism is an intentional daily practice that requires willpower, truth, love, and patience. 

The AntiRacist Table 30 Day Challenge is a long-form contemplative study, specifically curated to educate, to help people face and get past shame, anger, and blame, and to develop empathy–all key elements of creating an AntiRacist America.

During the Challenge you will have opportunities to cultivate mindfulness and daily practices centered around equality, justice, and humanity as you integrate The AntiRacist Table Core Principles into your life.  Engaging and interactive, the daily lessons infuse videos, readings, reflection, meditation, and other disciplines. Our self-paced Challenge is composed of 30 lessons that lay the foundation for active AntiRacism.

Housed on our platform, the lessons and our community space can even be accessed through a convenient mobile APP! Our Challenge can be done solo or in groups and provides the perfect framework for meaningful discussions and real change.

The Challenge will push you to unlearn, reflect, self-educate, and develop awareness of existing oppression, racial beliefs, biases, and privileges. Still have questions? Read our FAQs by clicking on FAQs below.


“It has been a very enlightening, heart opening, and challenging experience. Keeping up with each day has been a challenge in itself, but well worth it.  I find myself more and more committed to do the work both inner and outer to be an anti-racist.  I’ve shared pieces of it with colleagues and they have appreciated the resources.  The mindfulness training and journaling has been especially important to do for a place of processing emotions and making commitments.”

“This Challenge has been most amazing in my life.
Thank you so much.
I have been reading and watching antiracist media for the past three years, and I must say that you have curated the absolute BEST work to be part of the challenge.”

“This 30 Day Challenge is a great opportunity for learning some lesser known aspects of American history that have needed wider exposure for a long time, as well as a guide to self transformation around issues of race. Thank you to the creators of this program. It is sorely needed!”

“I’ve been doing this program and it is excellent. So wonderfully curated. And the mindfulness component! It is really great and I have already shared with our admin team. I am hoping to use it with our faculty. Wonderful work!”

“The writings, videos, people’s responses are all moving, and hopefully moving us all to places where we can speak honestly with one another and begin to stand up for one another. Staying silent no longer can be a safe option. Black lives matter. Black lives have to matter.”

“I am so appreciative of how this challenge has been put together. The combination of readings, video, and exercises has been incredibly helpful and meaningful. THANK YOU!”

*NEW* The AntiRacist Table 30 Day Challenge Resource Ebook

By popular demand—we’ve compiled your favorite AntiRacist Mindfulness Practices and Communication Practices into a handy downloadable PDF! And because we strive to provide you with helpful tools we’ve included a few new ones. To make incorporating AntiRacism into your life as a daily practice a little easier, PURCHASE our handy and OPTIONAL Resource Ebook today.

Are you new to The AntiRacist Table and not a Challenge participant yet? You’re sure to find our Resource Ebook and our Challenge to be well worth your time.

“Have you compiled these anti-racist mindfulness meditations in a way that they can be downloaded, or perhaps purchased? They are really wonderful, and would be helpful to have for the long haul. Thank you so much for this amazing course.”

Thank your for this. The challenge was such an anchor for me this summer—I really appreciated every day and missed the assignments once it was complete. So this is a real gift.”

“Thank you for making this available!!”



  • Intention – Set and live in the intention to cultivate an AntiRacist America and take action that dismantles racist policies.
  • AntiRacist – Create AntiRacist policies and engage in the world as an AntiRacist.
  • Individuality – See individuals as individuals– positive or negative qualities of the individual are not attributed to all.
  • Equality – Hold all groups of people–race, color, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, ability, age, and any intersectionality, as equal.
  • Empathy – Cultivate empathy by rehumanizing the dehumanized.
  • Courage – Put courage, compassion, and vulnerability over comfort.
  • Allies – Recruit and support partners committed to AntiRacist work.
  • Humanity – Take actions that support humanity.
  • Love – Choose love and healing over fear and oppression
  • Educate –  Educate yourself and honor the history of others


Support an AntiRacist America

A comprehensive program for reparatory justice which includes a formal apology, redress to fundamentally change the conditions of structural, racial economic inequality, a rigorous and accurate curriculum integrated into schools telling the story of America’s history, the dismantling of racist policies, ending violence against Black people, and action to create an AntiRacist America.

AntiRacist Table - Flowers Logo

Flowers for the Table

Flowers for the Table is an affinity space for Blacks by Blacks to nourish and rejuvenate our minds, bodies, and souls. This space is dedicated to the health and well-being of Black people. You will find joy and beauty here as you look after your well-being. We honor and celebrate Black culture by highlighting Black excellence. Join us at the Table for empowerment, joy, and inspiration.


AntiRacist Table Nurture the Narrative logo

Nurture the Narrative

Nurture the Narrative is a community space that provides tools to help you incorporate AntiRacism into your daily life as a daily practice. This is a space for education and re-education centered around being an AntiRacist. Spotlighting the importance and power of knowledge, this is a place for positive mirroring where affirming content will amplify our voices. Our Lessons of the Hour will feature short Black history segments as well as a book club on the seminal books, How to be an Antiracist and White Fragility.

We strive to support Black people in the work of healing from racial trauma, daily racial abuse, discrimination, and violence against Black people.

The work of being an AntiRacist will not be completed in one day, one year, or even one decade. We recognize that this work is difficult–the only way out is in, the only way through is through. 




We are the great-great-granddaughters of Caroline and Allen, who were born enslaved in the state of Alabama. We are the daughters of a Black man who grew up in segregation. We are the mothers of Black sons and daughter. This work is deeply personal to us. We feel and hear the call. It echoes at our very core. As Maya Angelou said, we are “the dream and the hope of the slave.” We carry their legacy and the fight for human rights today. 

We are activists and supporters of people in their quest to be the changemakers we need to create a just world for our collective future. 

Kirsten is an attorney and a student of nonviolence communication (NVC), right speech, conflict resolution, and meditation. Her undergraduate degree is in African American Studies and English, and in addition to her JD, she holds an LLM in Alternative Dispute Resolution. 

Lynn is an educator who is passionate about teaching young children and supporting families, work that she has done for over ten years. In addition to her Undergraduate degree in Fine Arts she has her MAT in Early Childhood Education.


The AntiRacist Table brings AntiRacism into daily life as a daily practice. Our 30 Day AntiRacist Challenge teaches people how to be an everyday AntiRacist. We support and empower people who want to help make America AntiRacist.  With education and awareness, we work to reclaim Black humanity. At the Table, we are a voice for social justice through activism. We embrace emotion and use mindfulness, nonviolent communication (NVC), and right speech. Stand with and stand up for humanity at The AntiRacist Table!