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Twelve-of-Twelve is a Transformer from the IDW portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
I Want YOU for Functionist Council.

Twelve-of-Twelve is a member of the Functionist Council, where he fills the role of "Castigator".


2005 IDW continuity

The Functionist Universe

In an alternate timeline, Twelve-of-Twelve executed Nominus Prime after the Council overthrew the Cybertronian Senate for what they saw as blasphemy and claimed the Matrix of Leadership. A World Misplaced

Twelve-of-Twelve was present at a meeting of the Functionist Council at the Cog where the Evaluator Ten-of-Twelve reported on replacing of the Primal Vanguard's eyes with cameras, successfully converting them into the first of the Council's full spectrum surveillance agents. Subsequently, the Enactor Six-of-Twelve reported that their theoconomists had consulted the Grand Cybertronian Taxonomy over the proposed mass recall of the data slugs and while a strict reading suggested that they still had functional value, their ability to store large amounts of data threatened the Functionists' ability to rule, so the Convener One-of-Twelve overruled the theoconomists and ordered their obsolescence chips to be detonated. The Custom-Made Now

Soon afterwards it was discovered that Rung had the ability to produce photonic crystals, the Council decided to use him to produce an army with which to conquer the galaxy in the name of Functionist doctrine. When the Matrix failed to yield any sparks, the Council decided to embark to Vector Sigma. Modes of Production

There's nothing like watching someone hard at work when they love their job.

Hovering above the ground, flanked by Functionary enforcers and their Anti-Vocationist prisoners, Twelve-of-Twelve announced to the recently arrived Team Rodimus that they were all under arrest. Rodimus tried to talk his way out of the arrest before Rewind realized that they'd traveled to another universe. Twelve-of-Twelve just watched them impassively. Some Other Cybertron Having assumed that Rodimus and his crew were all members of the Anti-Vocationist League, he had them and the other prisoners paraded through a crowd to shame them on their way to The Cog. However, they were interrupted by a grenade suddenly exploding at the feet of some of the Functionaries, the weapon having been thrown by a group of Anti-Vocationsts led by Clicker, who'd arrived to free their captive comrades. These rebels weren't able to put up much of a fight, however, Twelve-of-Twelve joining in the battle by blasting a Lunabot who was part of the group. When Megatron broke free of his restraints and helped his allies escape from theirs, Twelve-of-Twelve felt validated in his arrest and took a shot at Rodimus, taunting him that their fighting was nothing but a waste of time, as it was too late to stop the broadcast that would spell the end of rebellion against the Functionists. However, his bravado suddenly disappeared as Chromedome threw a chain around his neck and pulled him in, the councilor putting in an emergency request to be teleported away from the fight before the Autobot had a chance to hurt him. Anomie

When the Council had activated Vector Sigma, Rung was rescued by Team Rodimus. Before they teleported away, Rung mocked the uselessness of the Council's collective alternate mode, mockingly declaring them all the "Useless Ones". Modes of Production

Undeterred by the moon's loss, the Council ordered the construction of planetary engines so that Cybertron itself could become their instrument of destruction. As the castigator, Twelve-of-Twelve was granted operational control of the Council as they undertook their purge on alien life. Despite using the Warren for travel, the Council faced the dual issue of Cybertron's lack of manoeuvrability and Megatron's AVL warning alien populations of their genocidal intentions. To counteract the former issue, the Council engineered Cybertron with a robot mode cast in the likeness of Primus, whose actions the six remaining councillors controlled from Vector Sigma. After the Grand Architect's God Gun opened a tear between universes, the Functionist army entered. After destroying Mederi, Twelve-of-Twelve noticed the duplicate Cybertrons necessary for the God Gun and ordered the destruction of the "graven images" before they would attack the alien filth of this universe. The Return of the King The Unremembering After the duplicates had been destroyed, the Council attempted to destroy the Lost Light only for Luna 1 to suddenly crash into "Primus's" neural cluster, forcing the avatar back to planet mode. In a panic, the Council began the arduous process of realigning the giant's transformation cog while the Functionary armies were sent to the various hot spots to prevent the Lost Light crew from overloading Vector Sigma with twelve Matrices. Against all odds, the Lost Lighters managed to complete their mission, the resulting energy surge vaporizing the Council, and finally freeing Cybertron from their tyranny. A Spark Among Embers

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