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Jim Salicrup

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The name or term "Jim" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Jim (disambiguation).

Jim Salicrup (born May 27, 1957) is an American comics writer and editor who wrote the script for issue #2 of the Marvel G1 comic, and was the sole credited writer on issues #3 and #4.

Other writing credits include (but are not limited to) Inhumanoids, Visionaries, Kool-Aid Man, Quik Bunny, The A-Team, and a handful of Spider-Man titles (such as Spidey Super Stories and the Spider-Man half of the Spider Man and the Power Pack child abuse prevention comic). Similarly, Spider-Man titles make up most of his editing credits, too, along with What The-?! and Not Brand Ecch. [1]

After finishing out his time with Marvel, he was editor-in-chief of (the short-lived) Topps Comics (with Renee Witterstaetter serving under him as editor and colorist) and ultimately became editor-in-chief of children's graphic novel house Papercutz. He is also a trustee of the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art.


  • To quote his Marvel Pro File (June 1988, taken from G. I. Joe #72), "...and many more that even I won't admit to." Given that in the same profile he regards the The Official Marvel Comics Toilet Paper starring The Amazing Spider-Man and The Incredible Hulk to be the one individual work that he's the proudest of, that's saying something.
  • In the same profile, he takes pride in the fact that he - like "most Marvel Universe characters" - was born in Manhattan.
  • The May 1989 Marvel Bullpen Bulletin (as sourced from Alpha Flight #70) notes that, as an editor, he had a habit of reading his comics out loud. The same Bullpen Bulletin also noted that he had recently been paired up with Daryl Edelman for a day as part of an exercise in showing the company's assistant editors how the various different editors did everything.



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