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This article is about the Beast Rider called Che. For the comic book artist, see Chee Yang Ong.
"Express your opposition to capitalism by buying T-shirts of me!"
Che is a Maximal Beast Rider from the Beast Machines portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.

A battle chariot created with blueprints stolen from Megatron and a unique Quintesson alloy recovered from the lower levels of Cybertron, Che carries Maximals into battle, smashing through Vehicon hordes easily. It works best with Cheetor, who is able to bring out the greatest performance from it, but can be operated by other Maximals as well.



3H comics


Snarl rode a black Che Beast Rider while on patrol with Longhorn. The Wreckers: Finale Part 1


Beast Machines

BM Blue Che toy.jpg
  • Che (Beast Rider, 2000)
    • Accessories: 2 missiles
Che is a fairly unique toy, being more of an accessory than action figure. A chariot shaped like a technorganic cheetah-head in yellow, clear-orange and clear-green, Che can carry most Basic-sized toys on its back platform secured by a gripper claw. Pressing down on the top of the cheetah snout winds up the toy’s motor and sends it rolling forward, as well as spinning twin claw-arms when they are put in the forward-facing position. It also has twin spring-loaded missiles in its mouth, and a non-firing twin-barreled blaster revealed under a flip-up panel.
Later on, Che received a running change redeco in clear-blue, clear-orange, and black plastic, though the packaging does not reflect this change.


  • According to Che's toy bio, Cheetor created Che at a time when he was "relentlessly hunted by Megatron and frustrated by Optimus Primal's beliefs". This description matches the status quo of the latter half of the cartoon's first season (particularly matching Cheetor's most defiant behavior during "The Key" and "The Catalyst"), suggesting that Che was created by Cheetor around that time (at least, in the toy bios' continuity and possibly in the 3H comics).
  • As Che worked best with Basic-class figures, most versions of Beast Machines Cheetor could not actually ride it. Well, there was always the McDonald's toy...
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