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Bake (Validate)

Help secure the ledger

“Baking” is the act of signing and publishing blocks to the Tezos blockchain. Bakers are a crucial component of the Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism by ensuring that all transactions in a block are correct, that the order of transactions is agreed upon, and that no double-spending has occurred.

Validate Transactions

Bakers validate all transactions and add them to the blockchain. If a baker behaves dishonestly, the protocol has a built-in mechanism that can cause them to lose their security deposit.

Earn Rewards

Bakers are rewarded with additional tez for securing the network.

Become a Baker

Request to join the baker chat room if you are building a baking operation. A community member runs the chat room and acts on these requests.

# Join the Baking Slack


Feedback or comments? Get in touch with us at [email protected]

For media inquiries please contact [email protected]



