Programs we don’t have are in other(8NEMO) ...
This thematic style was inspired by GIPSY.
programs list of programs (this file) [8] intro list of programs (alphabetical) software status software developement [8] files summary of all special files example example skeleton file for manual page writers [8] usage205 a very short an simple instruction list for CYBER 205 users [8] usageeta10 some comments on ETA-10 usage [8] cookbook a quick list of what to do to run (e.g.) treecode on the 205 [8] tricks useful tricks and bug detours [8]
mknemo compile NEMO progams, out of directory -nemoshow check environment, show NEMO system variables/keywords nemoman create a template man pages from a compiled program nemoinp test parsing of numbers units units conversion utility (unix)
atos,atos_sph convert an ascii snapshot file into snapshot(5) format stoa,stoa_sph convert a snapshot(5NEMO) file into an ascii file u3tos, u4tos convert nbodyX datafile to snapshot(5NEMO) tabtos convert ascii table into snapshot format snapprint create table of snapshot variables snapfits Convert snapshot into FITS random group format snap3dv convert snapshot to 3dv format for 3D display stoo convert a snapshot(5) file into an orbit(5) file otos convert an orbit(5) file into an snapshot(5) file snapccd grid a snapshot(5) file into an image(5) file snapgrid grid a snapshot(5) file into an image(5) file ccdfits convert an image(5) into a fits(5) file tsf type a structured file rsf read a structured file csf copy a structured file and swap bytes if needed hisf display and manipulate data history of a structured file bodytrans test (and/or create new) body to scalar mapping routines bswap swap bytes snapxyz convert snapshot to xyzc data fitsgrid convert fits binary table to an image by gridding unfio access fortran unformatted I/O files units units conversion utility wcs (astronomical) world coordinate system transformations
anisot create distribution function table for anistropic spherical models mkommod anisotropic velocity distribution (Merritt) mkplum plummer model (falcON) mkplummer plummer model mkdisk uniform disk of test-particles in external potential mkspiral uniform disk of test-particles with logarithmic spiral mkpolytrope polytrope sphere mkbaredisk almost stable disk... mkexpdisk almost stable disk... (test version) mkexphot 3D-exponential hot disk inside assumed halo snapenter interactive, quicky mkconfig ... mkhomsph homogeneous sphere mkhom homogeneous sphere mkisosph isothermal sphere mkmestel Mestel disk mktestdisk toy program mkkd95 Kuijken-Dubinski-95 composite disk-bulge-halo model mkgalaxy McMillan/Dehnen composite galaxy models (falcON) magalie Boily et al. composite disk-bulge-halo model
hackcode1* C-version of TREECODE: with optional time slicing hackcode3* C-version, with optional fixed particles/background potential directcode simple direct N-body code -treecode (Hernquist’) fortran version of HACKCODE quadcode global quadrupole-order N-body code integrator potcode fixed potential N-body integrator - optional dissipation nbody0 aarseth integrator, variable timestep (toy version) nbody1 aarseth integrator, variable timestep (full version) nbody2 aarseth integrator, with Ahmad-Cohen neighbor scheme nbody4 Hermite N-body code with optional stellar evolution newton0* multi-purpose N-body integrator gravsim0 frontend for the GRAVSIM family of integrators gyrfalcON a superberb N-body tree code galaxy 3D FFT N-body code scfm N-body integrator using the self-consistent field method -mass99 SPH code
snapdiagplot* diagnosis of an N-body run snapplot* display N-body snapshot file snapplot3 display N-body snapshot file trakplot* display N-body snapshot file (cumulative) snapplotedit display and edit N-body snapshot file (interactive mouse) xyzview Display 3-D position & velocity data tsf type structured file snaplist make listing of N-body snapshot file snapprint make tabular listing of N-body snapshot file radprof* radial profile and plotting snapslit* Simulate taking a slit spectrum of an N-body snapshot snapaxsym Axisymetric image view of a snapshot plarrow_ps plot an arrow in postscript pltext_ps plot text in postscript -movie,movie_sv display screendumps in orderly fashion mkcolor create color table 7. 2D and 3D IMAGE UTILITIES snapccd construct CCD velocity-moment image from an N-body snapshot snapgrid general image constructor from snapshot snapsmooth* variable smoothing of an N-body snapshot to an image ccdsmooth smoothing of a 2D image map ccdmath image arithmetic, using function expressions ccdfft 2D Fast Fourier Transform of a map ccdfits create fits file from an image ccdplot contour/gray-scale for an image ccddisplay display 2D image on Sun screen (non-yapp suntools) ccddump dump contents of an image ccdstat statistics on image ccdprint print out map values at gridpoints of an image ccdvel create a velocity field ccdsub subset/average of an image snapaxsym Axisymetric image view of a snapshot -ds image display program (suntools)
mkorbit quick making of an orbit for orbit(5NEMO) stoo conversion of snapshot(5NEMO) to orbit(5NEMO) format otos convert an orbit(5) file into an snapshot(5) file orbint integrate an orbit using potential(5NEMO) file orblist list an orbit orbplot* plot an orbit orbdim dimensionality of phase space for an orbit potlist show potential and forces of potential(5NEM0) file pspeed Tremaine & Weinberg pattern speed of system perorb search for periodic orbits
hackforce* add hack-forces to a snapshot snapscale scale phase space coordinates of an N-body snapshot snapshift shift phase space coordinates of an N-body snapshot snapcopy copy particles of snapshot subject to conditions snaprotate rotate an N-body system snaptrim cut(extract) a snapshot file down in size snapsphere take a selective number of particles from a snapshot snapcenter center a snapshot snaprect diaganolize moment-of-inertia of snapshot snapmask mask out certain particles snapdist distance between two snapshots snapmass add masses to a snapshot snapspin add spin along Z-axis of a snapshot snapvirial scale snapshot while retaining virial ratio snapcmp compare two snapshots snapcmphist compare two snapshots and plot histogram snapplotedit interactive graphics editor for N-body snapshots snapdens local density estimator using nearest neighbor hackdens local density estimator using nearest neighbor and tree
snapstack add snapshots, optional offset them snapadd
snapstat compute various statistics of a snapshot snappeak mode analysis on snapshot snapkinem lagrangian kinematic analysis snapinert --same-- snaprect diaganolize moment-of-inertia of snapshot snapdiagplot* diagnosis of an N-body run snaphist histogram of projected radii and velocities snapvirial scale snapshot while retaining virial ratio diag205 diagnosis: prepare 205 logfile to tabular data radprof* radial profile, fitting and plotting of snapshot unbind unbind stars from a system snapstab report on stability of a stellar system snapfour fourier analyze a snapshot
tabmath general table mathematics - mini spreadsheet tablsqfit linear least squares fitting of tabular data tabhist histogram plotter tablst ascii output of binary table tabsplit split a table into two snapprint tabular output of a snapshot tabpp Poynter-Picket spectral line catalogue manipulator --awk UNIX program with a lot of similar capabilities
fitshead dump the header of a fits file scanfits scan a fits file, optionally extract and convert fitstab convert fits table to ascii table snapfits convert a snapshot file to a fits file ccdfits write a fits file to disk fitsccd read a (fits) image file from disk sdinfo info and benchmarking SDFITS files
tablsqfit general linear least squares fitting of tabular data tabhist histogram plotter snaprect diaganolize moment-of-inertia of snapshot rotcur fit kinematic parameters from velocity field rotcurshape ccdvel create theoretical velocity field rotcurves rotation curve of a composite potentials snapfit fit a (6D) snapshot to a (3D) data cube
dtos convert STARLAB dyn to NEMO snapshot stod convert a NEMO snapshot to a STARLAB dyn tabpairs analyze interaction histories of stars in a starlab simulation
wcs (astronomical) world coordinate system transformations
index(1NEMO), other(8NEMO), software(8NEMO) The NEMO Users/Programmers Manual
16-Mar-87 created PJT 7-jun-88 ..another update PJT 16-dec-88 .. PJT 10-feb-90 .. PJT 4-mar-92 updated PJT