*NOT A LOGO* NEMO - A Stellar Dynamics Toolbox

*: NEMO is now managed with git and hosted on github, with a copy on Software Heritage archive.
The manual has been converted for readthedocs.
For the regulars: keep reading the What's New , the What's Up , and the What's Down memos in NEMO!

What is NEMO?

NEMO is an extendible Stellar Dynamics Toolbox, following an Open-Source Software model. It has various programs to create, integrate, analyze and visualize N-body and SPH like systems, following the pipe and filter architecture. In addition there are various tools to operate on images, tables and orbits, including FITS files to export/import to/from other astronomical data reduction packages. A large growing fraction of NEMO has been contributed by a growing list of authors. The source code consist of a little over 4000 files and a little under 1,000,000 lines of code and documentation, mostly C, and some C and Fortran. We also advertise other software packages , which work on similar problems. NEMO development started in 1986 in Princeton (USA) by Barnes, Hut and Teuben. NEMO is also in ASCL, ADS, and ADS/ascl


* Documentation

The following manuals and documents describe various aspect of NEMO. The hypertext versions were compiled with automated tools, and may not all be in great shape, however, for all of them fine looking postscript files are available.

* Images and Snapshots

Some example images which can be generated with NEMO are shown here. Most of them have clickable images, which may take some time loading, and they may not be as pretty as they appear on the screen, but give you an idea of the kind of environment NEMO offers. In addition a Snapshot Data Archive of interesting simulations are now available.

* Papers

Papers that discuss Stellar Dynamics Software can be found in: If you acknowledge the use of NEMO, and want to refer to a publication, this is the most current one:
Teuben, P.J. The Stellar Dynamics Toolbox NEMO, in: 
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV, 
ed. R. Shaw, H.E. Payne and J.J.E. Hayes. (1995),
PASP Conf Series 77, p398.
I appreciate if authors could send me a reference of any paper in which NEMO has been used.

* Installation

  1. Here is the now recommended GIT based installation in a bash shell:
    	 %1 wget https://teuben.github.io/nemo/install_nemo.sh
    	 %2 chmod  x install_nemo.sh
    	 %3 ./install_nemo,sh nemo=$HOME/opt/nemo
    	 %4 source $HOME/opt/nemo/nemo_start.sh
    There are some assumptions in these 4 basic steps. For the 1st step, if you don't have the wget program, get something similar that can download this script, e.g. curl, or just your favorite browser. You can of course pick the location of NEMO to be anywhere, but we picked $HOME/opt/nemo in this example.
  2. There are a number of optional libraries you will need to install if you want to use every possible program or option in NEMO. If this is you first time using NEMO, we recommend you to skip this unless you need a specific program that needs one of those optional libraries.
  3. A versioned gzip compressed) tar file, that contains the latest official release. Pick any nemo_4.x.y version from the NEMO anonymous ftp directory. If you plan to use a stable NEMO and probably won't upgrade for a while, this would be one way of installing. We still recommend the git based release, as you can always go back to an older release, for example
            % git checkout nemo_4_0_2
    would get you the equivalence of the 4.0.2 release. Although old tags in the 3.x series exist when NEMO was maintained in CVS, installation procedures and directory structures were different, which we don't support anymore. You will be on your own here.
  4. Aarseth's nbody0. Although the source code is taken directly from NEMO, the Makefile contains targets to create standalone versions, both in FORTRAN-77 (the exact copy from Binney & Tremaine, 1st Ed), and a C version. A very popular item to download, hence also available "standalone". See also Sverre's anonymous ftp for the more advanced versions. NEMO also contains nbody1 and nbody2 with NEMO interfaces to make running from the unix commandline a bit more painless. An example manual page of such a program for NBODY1 is given here.
  5. NEMO nbody fits proposal (This is now an outdated version, please refer to the 1994 PASJ paper
  6. tkrun, automatic GUI builder and frontend to run shell scripts or programs. It also comes included with NEMO, and is part of the default install.
  7. optional software that can be installed to enrich NEMO (this is where you find links to PGPLOT, HDF, CFITSIO etc.)

* Other Software

Other software, that we know of, that deal with particle simulations, are (apologies if the URL appears outdated, that's a fact of life these days):

* N-Body Data Interchange Format

Some time ago a discussion took place on if to choose an N-body Data Interchange Format, and if so, which. An e-mail exploder was installed to act as a discussion forum, and sample data are archived locally and elsewhere. Currently, this interest has shifted to the Virtual Observatory (TVO) . A more recent approach is the PSDF: Particle Stream Data Format for N-body simulations. An attempt to standardize cosmological simulation can be found in a description of The EAGLE simulations of galaxy formation: Public release of particle data in an HDF5 schema.

* Local Information

NEMO is maintained by Peter Teuben .

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