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Packages in experimental/amd64 which failed to build from source

reproducible icon 109 (16.4%) packages which failed to build from source in experimental/amd64: (this list is filtered and only shows unexpected ftbfs issues - see the list below for expected failures.)

ada-bar-codes libreswan gitaly libflorist libgpiv mrtdreader neovim gmerlin-avdecoder libtemplates-parser autogen gprbuild freebayes iem-plugin-suite sphinxsearch sawfish libcgns ruby-responders ruby-actionpack-action-caching deal.ii scap-workbench yosys avro-c nvidia-texture-tools libxmlezout vtk-dicom macromoleculebuilder darkice libxmlada polyml seqan3 liblog4ada libaunit libncursesada mediagoblin code-saturne musescore-snapshot rust-microformats libsvm belr mxml libtexttools golang-github-protonmail-gopenpgp oxigraph libgmpada ovito# markdown kde-spectacle wlcs libkqueue grok php-pcov qwt ortp libxslt phpcpd khmer node-readable-stream php-parsedown libstreamvbyte tools-deps-alpha-clojure ruby-omniauth-salesforce vimix node-d3-hierarchy kworkflow ruby-gitlab-pg-query kata-containers wmbusmeters ruby-uglifier# reprepro android-platform-external-doclava q2-phylogeny monkeysphere golang-github-golang-geo openhft-chronicle-network librep#+ mediasoup openhft-chronicle-wire openhft-chronicle-threads openhft-chronicle-bytes node-d3-time gstreamer1.0 gst-plugins-base1.0 gst-plugins-bad1.0 bzrtp gtk4 wabt hippotat php-sabre-event# pluto-sat-code tinc sump-logicanalyzer dtc yamcha diaspora gst-plugins-ugly1.0 gst-python1.0 gstreamer-editing-services1.0 gst-libav1.0 gst-rtsp-server1.0 gst-plugins-good1.0 php-getid3 golang-github-kurin-blazer hasl keysmith jami bcachefs-tools gmerlin gmerlin-encoders php-nrk-predis

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.