Maintainers of unreproducible packages in bullseye
The following maintainers and uploaders are listed for packages in bullseye which have built unreproducibly. Please note that the while the link always points to the amd64 version, it"s possible thatthe unreproducibility is only present in another architecture(s).
"Adam C. Powell, IV" <[email protected]>¶ med-fichier (U) mpich (U) oce (U) petsc (U) slepc (U) spooles (U) A Mennucc1 <[email protected]>¶ mplayer (U) A. Maitland Bottoms <[email protected]>¶ gpredict (U) gr-osmosdr libiio sdrangelove (U) uhd Aaron M. Ucko <[email protected]>¶ fltk1.3 gbrowse (U) ncbi-blast+ (U) sra-sdk (U) Abou Al Montacir <[email protected]>¶ castle-game-engine (U) Adam Borowski <[email protected]>¶ cardo (U) Adam Conrad <[email protected]>¶ cyrus-sasl2 (U) Adam Cécile (Le_Vert) <[email protected]>¶ leds-alix Adam Majer <[email protected]>¶ qbs (U) qtcreator (U) Adrian Knoth <[email protected]>¶ jack-audio-connection-kit (U) Adrian Vondendriesch <[email protected]>¶ pgpool2 (U) Adrian-Ken Rueegsegger <[email protected]>¶ adabrowse ahven (U) anet (U) libalog Agustin Henze <[email protected]>¶ gcc-arm-none-eabi newlib Aigars Mahinovs <[email protected]>¶ dlt-viewer (U) Akira Mitsui <[email protected]>¶ mruby (U) Al Stone <[email protected]>¶ libbrahe Alastair McKinstry <[email protected]>¶ atlas-ecmwf eccodes eckit emoslib fckit fdb ferret-vis hdf-eos5 lcov libdap metkit metview mpich (U) odc openmpi pmix pyferret python-escript (U) python-xarray (U) qd (U) silo-llnl spherepack xdmf Alberto Capella Silva <[email protected]>¶ tcpreen Alberto Garcia <[email protected]>¶ evolution (U) webkit2gtk (U) Alberto Leiva Popper <[email protected]>¶ jool (U) Alberto Luaces Fernández <[email protected]>¶ yasnippet (U) Albin Tonnerre <[email protected]>¶ efl (U) Alec Leamas <[email protected]>¶ lirc (U) Alejandro Garrido Mota <[email protected]>¶ cclive Alejandro Garrido Mota <[email protected]>¶ libquvi Alessandro Ghedini <[email protected]>¶ ecasound (U) mpv (U) Alessio Treglia <[email protected]>¶ libsoxr (U) tsdecrypt (U) Alexander Lazarević <[email protected]>¶ gnu-smalltalk (U) Alexander Ponyatykh <[email protected]>¶ g15daemon Alexander Wirt <[email protected]>¶ cgit (U) icinga2 (U) Alexandre Dantas <[email protected]>¶ nsnake snake4 Alexandre Marie <[email protected]>¶ xrayutilities (U) Alexandre Mestiashvili <[email protected]>¶ gmap (U) Alexandre Viau <[email protected]>¶ fonts-fork-awesome (U) runc (U) Aloïs Micard <[email protected]>¶ golang-github-viant-toolbox (U) Amul Shah <[email protected]>¶ fis-gtm (U) Anders Kaseorg <[email protected]>¶ openafs (U) Andre Noll <[email protected]>¶ liblopsub Andreas Beckmann <[email protected]>¶ khronos-opencl-clhpp (U) oclgrind (U) pocl (U) povray Andreas Boll <[email protected]>¶ mesa (U) Andreas Bombe <[email protected]>¶ ghdl (U) soapyosmo (U) Andreas Cord-Landwehr <[email protected]>¶ kdevelop-php (U) Andreas Henriksson <[email protected]>¶ badger (U) garagemq (U) golang-github-bmatsuo-lmdb-go (U) golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact (U) mender-client (U) Andreas Metzler <[email protected]>¶ efl (U) enblend-enfuse (U) lynx (U) Andreas Rönnquist <[email protected]>¶ allegro5# (U) Andreas Tille <[email protected]>¶ abinit (U) ball (U) centrifuge (U) cimg (U) consensuscore (U) dicom3tools (U) emboss (U) filtlong (U) fis-gtm (U) freebayes (U) gatb-core (U) gbrowse (U) gmap (U) golang-github-jung-kurt-gofpdf (U) golang-gonum-v1-plot (U) hhsuite (U) hmmer (U) htslib (U) jebl2 (U) jellyfish (U) kissplice (U) last-align (U) librostlab (U) libsbml (U) libzeep (U) macs (U) mapsembler2 (U) mc (U) minia (U) minimap2 (U) mira (U) ncbi-blast+ (U) ngs-sdk (U) ngspice (U) otb (U) porechop (U) python-cogent (U) python-pairix (U) r-bioc-biocparallel (U) r-cran-cli (U) r-cran-cliapp (U) r-cran-dbitest (U) r-cran-diagnosismed (U) r-cran-dimred (U) r-cran-futile.logger (U) r-cran-knitr (U) r-cran-lambda.r (U) r-cran-parsetools (U) r-cran-rprojroot (U) r-cran-rstan (U) r-cran-sass (U) r-cran-taxize (U) r-cran-teachingdemos (U) r-cran-tm (U) r-cran-tmvtnorm (U) r-cran-tweenr (U) segemehl (U) seqan2 (U) sra-sdk (U) tcode (U) tree-puzzle (U) treeview (U) tvc (U) virtuoso-opensource (U) wordnet (U) Andreas Warnke <[email protected]>¶ crystal-facet-uml Andrei Rozanski <[email protected]>¶ libamplsolver (U) Andrej Shadura <[email protected]>¶ critcl+ (U) drawing fonts-karmilla (U) g15daemon (U) Andrew Pollock <[email protected]>¶ puppet (U) Andrew Ross <[email protected]>¶ libpgjava (U) Andrew Starr-Bochicchio <[email protected]>¶ libtorrent-rasterbar (U) tasque (U) Andrey Rahmatullin <[email protected]>¶ kvirc (U) python-scrapy (U) Andrius Merkys <[email protected]>¶ python-ase (U) Android Tools Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ android-platform-external-boringssl android-platform-external-libunwind libscout Andy Li <[email protected]>¶ ocaml-obuild (U) Andy Valencia <[email protected]>¶ lynx (U) Anibal Monsalve Salazar <[email protected]>¶ elida Aniol Marti <[email protected]>¶ circuit-macros Ansgar Burchardt <[email protected]>¶ cclive (U) libquvi (U) quvi Anthony Fok <[email protected]>¶ autokey (U) golang-github-alecthomas-chroma (U) golang-github-revel-revel (U) golang-github-yosssi-ace (U) lilypond prometheus-postfix-exporter (U) Antoine Beaupré <[email protected]>¶ dmarc-cat (U) gmpc (U) Anton Gladky <[email protected]>¶ boost1.74 (U) esys-particle (U) gl2ps (U) lammps (U) liggghts (U) sfepy (U) solvespace (U) sumo (U) Anton Zinoviev <[email protected]>¶ console-setup (U) scalable-cyrfonts Anuradha Weeraman <[email protected]>¶ ksh Apollon Oikonomopoulos <[email protected]>¶ drbd-doc (U) ganeti (U) mongo-cxx-driver-legacy (U) puppet (U) APT Development Team <[email protected]>¶ apt Arnaud Rebillout <[email protected]>¶ efitools (U) golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers (U) gotestsum (U) notary (U) Aron Xu <[email protected]>¶ fcitx-libpinyin (U) ibus (U) libpinyin (U) opencc (U) Arun Kumar Pariyar <[email protected]>¶ dde-qt-dbus-factory (U) go-gir-generator (U) Asias He <[email protected]>¶ libpinyin (U) opencc (U) Ask Hjorth Larsen <[email protected]>¶ python-ase (U) Athena Capital Research <[email protected]>¶ quickfix Aurelien Jarno <[email protected]>¶ libftdi libftdi1 med-fichier (U) Axel Beckert <[email protected]>¶ dpmb john (U) lynx (U) Ayatana Packagers <[email protected]>¶ libayatana-appindicator Balasankar C <[email protected]>¶ fonts-smc-anjalioldlipi (U) fonts-smc-dyuthi (U) fonts-smc-karumbi (U) fonts-smc-keraleeyam (U) fonts-smc-meera (U) fonts-smc-rachana (U) fonts-smc-raghumalayalamsans (U) fonts-smc-uroob (U) Balint Reczey <[email protected]>¶ erlang-cowlib (U) esnacc snacc taoframework (U) Balint Reczey <[email protected]>¶ libcec (U) Barak A. Pearlmutter <[email protected]>¶ chezscheme (U) colpack (U) github-backup ikarus latex-coffee-stains mit-scheme nbibtex oaklisp pstoedit yasnippet (U) Barbara "Jana" Wisniowska <[email protected]>¶ cfi Barry deFreese <[email protected]>¶ xnee (U) Barry deFreese <[email protected]>¶ asc (U) blockattack (U) liquidwar (U) netrek-client-cow (U) Barry Warsaw <[email protected]>¶ python-pex (U) Bartosz Fenski <[email protected]>¶ asc (U) libstatgrab netw-ib-ox-ag Bas Couwenberg <[email protected]>¶ gdal (U) grass (U) mapnik (U) nco (U) qmapshack (U) Bas Wijnen <[email protected]>¶ gfpoken (U) openmsx Bastian Blank <[email protected]>¶ cdebootstrap+ ipxe linux (U) Bastien Roucariès <[email protected]>¶ imagemagick (U) node-mocha (U) Bdale Garbee <[email protected]>¶ debian-history pcb-rnd (U) pforth Ben Armstrong <[email protected]>¶ live-manual (U) Ben Burton <[email protected]>¶ regina-normal Ben Hutchings <[email protected]>¶ linux (U) Benda Xu <[email protected]>¶ casacore-data-igrf (U) casacore-data-jplde (U) Benjamin Barenblat <[email protected]>¶ abseil coq (U) Benjamin Barenblat <[email protected]>¶ boogie dafny Benjamin Drung <[email protected]>¶ libsoxr (U) vlc#+ (U) Benjamin Drung <[email protected]>¶ rdma-core Benjamin Kaduk <[email protected]>¶ openafs Benjamin Redelings <[email protected]>¶ bali-phy (U) Bernhard Miklautz <[email protected]>¶ freerdp2 (U) Bernhard Schmidt <[email protected]>¶ asterisk (U) bind9# (U) gnarwl linphone (U) linphone-desktop (U) bertrand Neron <[email protected]>¶ macsyfinder (U) Bob Proulx <[email protected]>¶ time Boris Pek <[email protected]>¶ psi (U) psi-plus Boyuan Yang <[email protected]>¶ dde-qt-dbus-factory (U) eric (U) go-gir-generator (U) qterm (U) Brad Chapman <[email protected]>¶ freebayes (U) Bruno "Fuddl" Kleinert <[email protected]>¶ dlt-viewer (U) Calibre maintainer team <[email protected]>¶ calibre Calum McConnell <[email protected]>¶ whitakers-words Camm Maguire <[email protected]>¶ axiom cxref fricas gcl hol88 lam+ maxima Carl Fürstenberg <[email protected]>¶ obs-studio (U) Carlos Henrique Lima Melara <[email protected]>¶ paper-icon-theme Carlos Zuferri <[email protected]>¶ live-manual (U) Carsten Leonhardt <[email protected]>¶ latex2html Carsten Schoenert <[email protected]>¶ arduino-core-avr (U) kicad (U) ngspice (U) Cesare Falco <[email protected]>¶ mame (U) Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>¶ ibus (U) ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) <[email protected]>¶ fcitx-libpinyin (U) ibus-libzhuyin (U) libpinyin (U) textql (U) Charles Plessy <[email protected]>¶ emboss (U) gbrowse (U) htslib (U) last-align (U) mira (U) sra-sdk (U) tree-puzzle (U) Chow Loong Jin <[email protected]>¶ gdata-sharp (U) hyena (U) mono-upnp (U) newtonsoft-json (U) pdfmod (U) slic3r (U) taglib-sharp (U) Chris Boot <[email protected]>¶ busybox (U) Chris Halls <[email protected]>¶ libreoffice# (U) writer2latex (U) Chris Lamb <[email protected]>¶ redis redisearch Chris Lawrence <[email protected]>¶ r-cran-amelia (U) Christian Bayle <[email protected]>¶ libphp-jpgraph Christian Kastner <[email protected]>¶ libfann pyswarms (U) scikit-learn (U) Christian M. Amsüss <[email protected]>¶ rdflib+ (U) Christian Perrier <[email protected]>¶ lifelines (U) Christian T. Steigies <[email protected]>¶ gle-graphics (U) Christoph Berg <[email protected]>¶ libcharon (U) libcm256cc (U) libpgjava (U) ora2pg (U) pgloader (U) pgpool2 (U) pgsphere (U) trustedqsl (U) Christoph Biedl <[email protected]>¶ busybox (U) Christoph Egger <[email protected]>¶ buildapp (U) ecl (U) sbcl (U) unknown-horizons (U) warzone2100 (U) Christoph Haas <[email protected]>¶ zabbix (U) Christoph Martin <[email protected]>¶ sks Christophe Mutricy <[email protected]>¶ vlc#+ (U) Christophe Prud'homme <[email protected]>¶ madlib Christophe Trophime <[email protected]>¶ blitz++ (U) getdp (U) Christopher James Halse Rogers <[email protected]>¶ mir (U) Christos Trochalakis <[email protected]>¶ burrow (U) nginx (U) Clint Adams <[email protected]>¶ ghc (U) haskell-cabal-install (U) haskell-haskell-gi-base (U) haskell-hledger-web (U) haskell-shell-conduit (U) haskell-snap-templates (U) Colin Tuckley <[email protected]>¶ gpredict (U) trustedqsl (U) Colin Watson <[email protected]>¶ grub2++++ (U) python-nacl (U) Craig Small <[email protected]>¶ lprng-doc Cristian Greco <[email protected]>¶ libtorrent-rasterbar Cyril Brulebois <[email protected]>¶ debian-installer## (U) Cédric Boutillier <[email protected]>¶ highlight.js (U) libm4ri (U) Cédric Lood <[email protected]>¶ porechop (U) Dain Nilsson <[email protected]>¶ libu2f-host+ (U) Damien Raude-Morvan <[email protected]>¶ codenarc (U) commons-vfs (U) felix-framework (U) libspring-java (U) Damyan Ivanov <[email protected]>¶ firebird3.0 libmarc-charset-perl (U) Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐) <[email protected]>¶ biber (U) cjk (U) latex-cjk-chinese-arphic (U) Daniel Dehennin <[email protected]>¶ moarvm (U) nqp (U) perl6-zef (U) rakudo# (U) Daniel Schepler <[email protected]>¶ ddd Daniel Silverstone <[email protected]>¶ netsurf (U) Daniel Swarbrick <[email protected]>¶ prometheus-postfix-exporter (U) prometheus-snmp-exporter (U) dann frazier <[email protected]>¶ edk2 (U) makedumpfile (U) Dario Minnucci <[email protected]>¶ mon-contrib David Banks <[email protected]>¶ sisc David Bremner <[email protected]>¶ polymake racket sketch (U) David Kalnischkies <[email protected]>¶ apt (U) David Nusinow <[email protected]>¶ discover (U) David Paleino <[email protected]>¶ mapnik (U) nant (U) openlayers (U) uncertainties (U) David Parsons <[email protected]>¶ kissplice (U) David Suarez <[email protected]>¶ driftnet David Weinehall <[email protected]>¶ scummvm (U) Davide G. M. Salvetti <[email protected]>¶ auctex Dawid Dziurla <[email protected]>¶ termshark (U) Debian 3-D Printing Packages <[email protected]>¶ libcharon slic3r Debian ACE maintainers <[email protected]>¶ ace Debian Astro Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ pybdsf Debian Astro Team <[email protected]>¶ casacore-data-igrf casacore-data-jplde eso-midas iraf montage starjava-topcat starjava-ttools starlink-ast xpa Debian Astronomy Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ astropy lorene Debian Astronomy Team <[email protected]>¶ python-asdf Debian Authentication Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ libu2f-host+ Debian Boost Team <[email protected]>¶ boost1.74 Debian cgit Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ cgit Debian Chinese Team <[email protected]>¶ opencc (U) qterm unicon# Debian CLI Applications Team <[email protected]>¶ bless hexbox keepass2 nant openmcdf pdfmod tasque yahtzeesharp Debian CLI Libraries Team <[email protected]>¶ cecil-flowanalysis db4o gdata-sharp gtk-sharp-beans gtk-sharp2 gtk-sharp3 hyena log4net mono-addins mono-upnp mono-zeroconf newtonsoft-json nrefactory nunit opentk taglib-sharp taoframework Debian Clojure Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ clojure core-specs-alpha-clojure leiningen-clojure+ spec-alpha-clojure Debian Common Lisp Team <[email protected]>¶ buildapp cffi cmucl ecl sbcl slime Debian Cryptocoin Team <[email protected]>¶ monero Debian Curry Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ curry-libs curry-tools pakcs Debian Cyrus Team <[email protected]>¶ cyrus-sasl2 Debian D Language Group <[email protected]>¶ dub+ Debian Deep Learning Team <[email protected]>¶ pytorch Debian Deepin Packaging Team <[email protected]>¶ dde-qt-dbus-factory go-gir-generator Debian DNS Team <[email protected]>¶ bind9# Debian Documentation Project <[email protected]>¶ refcard Debian DRBD Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ drbd-doc Debian Edu Packaging Team <[email protected]>¶ crystal-facet-uml (U) Debian EFI team <[email protected]>¶ libjcat Debian Electronics Team <[email protected]>¶ arduino-core-avr kicad ngspice Debian Electronics Team <[email protected]>¶ arduino ghdl klayout netgen-lvs pcb-rnd Debian Emacsen team <[email protected]>¶ muse-el org-mode yasnippet Debian Erlang Packagers <[email protected]>¶ erlang erlang-cowlib erlang-proper+ esdl manderlbot# rebar wings3d yaws Debian Fonts Task Force <[email protected]>¶ cardo fonts-fantasque-sans fonts-fork-awesome fonts-meera-inimai fonts-smc-anjalioldlipi fonts-smc-dyuthi fonts-smc-karumbi fonts-smc-keraleeyam Debian Fonts Task Force <[email protected]>¶ fonts-beteckna fonts-karmilla fonts-smc-meera fonts-smc-rachana fonts-smc-raghumalayalamsans Debian FreeIPA Team <[email protected]>¶ idm-console-framework Debian Games Team <[email protected]>¶ 0ad ace-of-penguins allegro5# asc blockattack doomsday gfpoken lincity-ng liquidwar mame netrek-client-cow scummvm simutrans-pak128.britain spring supertuxkart teeworlds ufoai unknown-horizons warzone2100 yabause Debian Ganeti Team <[email protected]>¶ ganeti Debian GCC Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ gcc-9-cross hsail-tools isl Debian GIS Project <[email protected]>¶ gdal grass mapnik nco openlayers otb pgrouting qmapshack savi Debian GNOME Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ cairomm evolution evolution-data-server glib-d glibmm2.4 gnome-documents gnome-video-arcade libsigc++-2.0 mm-common Debian GNU Smalltalk maintainers <[email protected]>¶ gnu-smalltalk Debian Go Packaging Team <[email protected]>¶ acmetool gocryptfs golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl golang-github-tinylib-msgp golang-github-yosssi-ace gost goval-dictionary libpod notary textql Debian Go Packaging Team <[email protected]>¶ age badger burrow cadvisor containerd dmarc-cat garagemq go-cve-dictionary go-exploitdb go-mtpfs golang-github-alecthomas-chroma golang-github-bmatsuo-lmdb-go golang-github-containers-buildah golang-github-containers-storage golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers golang-github-jung-kurt-gofpdf golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact golang-github-revel-revel golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate golang-github-sylabs-sif golang-github-viant-toolbox golang-gonum-v1-plot golang-pault-go-ykpiv gotestsum mender-client packer prometheus-libvirt-exporter prometheus-mysqld-exporter prometheus-postfix-exporter prometheus-snmp-exporter runc secsipidx skopeo termshark victoriametrics vuls Debian Hamradio Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ gpredict libcm256cc libzia sdrangelove soapyosmo svxlink trustedqsl Debian Haskell Group <[email protected]>¶ ghc git-annex haskell-cabal-install haskell-haskell-gi-base haskell-hledger-web haskell-shell-conduit haskell-snap-templates haskell98-report ldap-haskell Debian Hebrew Packaging Team <[email protected]>¶ bidiui libhdate Debian HPC Team <[email protected]>¶ infinipath-psm Debian Input Method Team <[email protected]>¶ brise fcitx-libpinyin ibus ibus-libzhuyin ibus-table-chinese libpinyin open-gram opencc Debian Install System Team <[email protected]>¶ busybox console-setup debian-installer## discover Debian Java Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ antlr antlr3.2 apiguardian aspectj bcel bnd bsh c3p0 closure-compiler codenarc commons-csv commons-dbcp2 commons-io commons-vfs derby dnssecjava felix-framework freeplane gant gluegen2 gmetrics groovy h2database hyperic-sigar jabref jackson-core jackson-dataformat-smile jakarta-jmeter+ java-gnome java-xmlbuilder javawriter jboss-modules json4s jxplorer libandroid-json-org-java libapache-poi-java libcommons-codec-java libcommons-compress-java libcommons-jexl3-java libcommons-jxpath-java libcommons-lang3-java libgpars-groovy-java libhibernate-validator4-java libjogl2-java libnative-platform-java libnb-platform18-java libowasp-esapi-java libpgjava libspring-java libxml-security-java lucene-solr lucene4.10 lucene8 mathpiper maven-doxia-tools maven-reporting-impl maven-shared-utils mp4parser okio openjdk-11-jre-dcevm openjpa opentest4j relaxngcc sbt-serialization scala scala-parser-combinators scala-pickling scala-tools-sbinary scala-xml serp servlet-api sweethome3d-furniture tcode tomcat9 visualvm weka xmlbeans Debian Java maintainers <[email protected]>¶ fest-assert latexdraw (U) Debian Javascript Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ highlight.js libjs-qunit node-mocha node-npmrc node-opencv requirejs Debian Julia Team <[email protected]>¶ julia Debian Junior Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ tuxpaint (U) Debian KDE Extras Team <[email protected]>¶ ktikz kvirc rkward Debian Kdump <[email protected]>¶ makedumpfile Debian Kernel Team <[email protected]>¶ linux Debian Kolab Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ libkolabxml Debian LEGO Team <[email protected]>¶ libnxt Debian LibreOffice Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ cppunit libreoffice# writer2latex Debian Libvirt Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ libguestfs Debian Lirc Team <[email protected]>¶ lirc Debian Lynx Packaging Team <[email protected]>¶ lynx Debian Mactel <[email protected]>¶ pommed Debian Med Packaging Team <[email protected]>¶ mrtrix3 Debian Med Packaging Team <[email protected]>¶ bali-phy ball bmtk brian centrifuge cif-tools consensuscore dcmtk dicom3tools emboss filtlong fis-gtm freebayes gatb-core gbrowse gdcm gmap hhsuite hmmer htslib insighttoolkit4 jebl2 jellyfish kissplice last-align libamplsolver libdeflate librostlab libsbml libstatgen libzeep logol macs macsyfinder mapsembler2 metastudent-data mia minia minimap2 mira mypy ncbi-blast+ ngs-sdk nipype nitime porechop pydicom python-anndata python-cogent python-pairix python-pybedtools segemehl seqan2 seqan3 shapeit4 simrisc spaln sra-sdk tree-puzzle treeview tvc Debian Middleware Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ qpid-proton Debian Mir Team <[email protected]>¶ mir Debian Mobcom Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ libosmocore osmo-mgw Debian MongoDB Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ mongo-cxx-driver-legacy Debian Mono Group <[email protected]>¶ mono-tools Debian Multimedia Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ blender cheesecutter ecasound embree ffmpeg2theora gmerlin-avdecoder handbrake jsusfx juce kodi kodi-pvr-wmc libsoxr libtheora lmms mplayer mpv obs-studio olive-editor openni openni-sensor-pointclouds openni-sensor-primesense pd-flite taopm vlc#+ xawtv zynaddsubfx zytrax Debian Multimedia Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ jack-audio-connection-kit tsdecrypt Debian Multimedia Packages Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ klystrack Debian MySQL Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ galera-3 mylvmbackup Debian Nagios Maintainer Group <[email protected]>¶ icinga2 Debian Network Simulators Team <[email protected]>¶ ns2 Debian Nginx Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ nginx Debian OCaml Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ advi+ coq hevea janest-ocaml-compiler-libs js-of-ocaml liquidsoap mlpost ocaml-atd ocaml-batteries ocaml-obuild ocaml-topkg ocamlviz omake# why3 Debian OpenCL Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ intel-compute-runtime khronos-opencl-clhpp khronos-opengl-man4PP oclgrind pocl Debian OpenStack <[email protected]>¶ cinder python-psycopg2cffi rabbitmq-server sphinxcontrib-programoutput Debian Perl Group <[email protected]>¶ libmarc-charset-perl libpdl-ccs-perl libpdl-linearalgebra-perl libpdl-stats-perl libpdl-vectorvalued-perl pdl Debian PhotoTools Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ enblend-enfuse Debian PHP Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ php7.4 Debian Pkg-e Team <[email protected]>¶ efl Debian PostgreSQL Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ libpgjava (U) ora2pg pgpool2 pgsphere Debian Printing Group <[email protected]>¶ gutenprint Debian Printing Team <[email protected]>¶ ipp-usb Debian Python Modules Team <[email protected]>¶ fpylll Debian Python Modules Team <[email protected]>¶ jpylyzer networkx (U) python-nacl python-pcl python-pex python-simpy3 sqlalchemy (U) Debian Python Team <[email protected]>¶ abydos alembic autokey basemap# (U) cherrypy3 dask jupyter-notebook matplotlib (U) nbconvert nbsphinx numpy (U) pyqwt3d (U) python-blosc python-pygraphviz (U) python-qtconsole python-scrapy rdflib+ sphinx-gallery (U) xonsh# Debian QA Group <[email protected]>¶ a2ps abntex apt-dpkg-ref canna coinor-dylp collada2gltf d-itg freelan freewnn gfxboot+ glob2 icon maildirsync malaga mmorph openclipart posixtestsuite seyon sgml-base-doc smlnj Debian QEMU Team <[email protected]>¶ edk2 qemu Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ kdelibs4support kdevelop-php kuserfeedback oxygen-icons5 pyside2 qbs qt3d-opensource-src qtbase-opensource-src### qtcharts-opensource-src qtconnectivity-opensource-src qtcreator qtdatavis3d-everywhere-src qtdoc-opensource-src qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src qtscxml-everywhere-src qtsensors-opensource-src qtserialbus-everywhere-src qtserialport-opensource-src qtspeech-opensource-src qtsvg-opensource-src qttools-opensource-src qtvirtualkeyboard-opensource-src qtwayland-opensource-src qtwebchannel-opensource-src qtwebengine-opensource-src qtwebsockets-opensource-src qtwebview-opensource-src qtx11extras-opensource-src sonnet Debian R Packages Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ r-bioc-biocparallel r-cran-amelia r-cran-cli r-cran-cliapp r-cran-dbitest r-cran-diagnosismed r-cran-dimred r-cran-futile.logger r-cran-knitr r-cran-lambda.r r-cran-mi r-cran-parsetools r-cran-repr r-cran-rprojroot r-cran-rsdmx r-cran-rstan r-cran-sass r-cran-taxize r-cran-teachingdemos r-cran-tm r-cran-tmvtnorm r-cran-tweenr Debian Rakudo Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ moarvm nqp perl6-zef rakudo# Debian Remote Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ freerdp2 python-x2go+ remmina Debian rsbackup maintainers <[email protected]>¶ rsbackup Debian Ruby Extras Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ passenger ruby-sigar ruby-tioga (U) Debian Ruby Team <[email protected]>¶ ruby-graphql Debian Rust Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ rustc-mozilla rustc-web wasi-libc Debian Science Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ colpack flint gap-scscp giac Debian Science Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ amp asl berkeley-abc deal.ii dxf2gcode esys-particle euslisp 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<[email protected]>¶ timew Debian Telepathy maintainers <[email protected]>¶ telepathy-spec Debian TeX maintainers <[email protected]>¶ biber cjk latex-cjk-chinese-arphic texworks Debian Tex Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ bibtool sagetex Debian TeX Task Force <[email protected]>¶ asymptote texworks-manual xindy Debian TTS Team <[email protected]>¶ festival Debian UBports Team <[email protected]>¶ lomiri-api mir (U) Debian UEFI Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ efitools Debian VDR Team <[email protected]>¶ vdr-plugin-live Debian Virtualbox Team <[email protected]>¶ kbuild Debian VoIP team <[email protected]>¶ asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle asterisk-prompt-fr-proformatique Debian VoIP Team <[email protected]>¶ asterisk dahdi-linux iaxmodem linphone linphone-desktop sipxtapi Debian WebKit Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ webkit2gtk Debian X Strike Force <[email protected]>¶ mesa Debian XMPP Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ jsjac mcabber psi psi-plus (U) slixmpp Debian-IN Team <[email protected]>¶ fonts-smc-uroob Debichem Team <[email protected]>¶ abinit apbs cp2k gromacs libint+ libint2 madness mdtraj mpqc nwchem psicode pymol python-ase python-gsd rdkit Denis Barbier <[email protected]>¶ oce (U) Denis Briand <[email protected]>¶ lynx (U) mc (U) Dennis Braun <[email protected]>¶ lmms (U) Diane Trout <[email protected]>¶ dask (U) libkolabxml (U) python-anndata (U) statsmodels (U) Didier Raboud <[email protected]>¶ gutenprint (U) ipp-usb (U) Dima Kogan <[email protected]>¶ libpdl-linearalgebra-perl (U) Dima Kogan <[email protected]>¶ lcm pcb-rnd (U) vlfeat (U) Dimitri Fontaine <[email protected]>¶ pgloader Dirk Eddelbuettel <[email protected]>¶ gtools quantlib r-base r-cran-quantmod tclap Dirk Huenniger <[email protected]>¶ mediawiki2latex Dmitrijs Ledkovs <[email protected]>¶ vitables (U) Dmitry E. Oboukhov <[email protected]>¶ wordnet (U) Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov <[email protected]>¶ xawtv (U) Dmitry Shachnev <[email protected]>¶ qbs (U) qt3d-opensource-src (U) qtbase-opensource-src### (U) qtcharts-opensource-src (U) qtconnectivity-opensource-src (U) qtdatavis3d-everywhere-src (U) qtdoc-opensource-src (U) qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src (U) qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src (U) qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src (U) qtscxml-everywhere-src (U) qtsensors-opensource-src (U) qtserialbus-everywhere-src (U) qtserialport-opensource-src (U) qtspeech-opensource-src (U) qtsvg-opensource-src (U) qttools-opensource-src (U) qtvirtualkeyboard-opensource-src (U) qtwayland-opensource-src (U) qtwebchannel-opensource-src (U) qtwebengine-opensource-src (U) qtwebsockets-opensource-src (U) qtwebview-opensource-src (U) qtx11extras-opensource-src (U) Dmitry Smirnov <[email protected]>¶ gnucash-docs golang-github-containers-buildah (U) golang-github-containers-storage (U) golang-github-sylabs-sif (U) libpod (U) mc runc (U) scummvm (U) zabbix Dominik george <[email protected]>¶ libnxt (U) Dominique Belhachemi <[email protected]>¶ mrmpi (U) tvc (U) Dominique Dumont <[email protected]>¶ moarvm (U) nqp (U) perl6-zef (U) rakudo# (U) Don Armstrong <[email protected]>¶ lilypond (U) Doug Torrance <[email protected]>¶ fflas-ffpack (U) linbox (U) Dr. Tobias Quathamer <[email protected]>¶ golang-github-alecthomas-chroma (U) lilypond (U) Drew Parsons <[email protected]>¶ dolfin (U) dolfinx (U) gerris (U) mdtraj (U) petsc (U) python-gsd (U) sasview (U) slepc (U) Dylan Aïssi <[email protected]>¶ libstatgen (U) r-cran-tm (U) rkward (U) shapeit4 (U) Dylan R. E. Moonfire <[email protected]>¶ log4net (U) taoframework (U) Eduard Bloch <[email protected]>¶ icewm liquidwar (U) Edward Wang <[email protected]>¶ vlc#+ (U) Elana Hashman <[email protected]>¶ clojure (U) core-specs-alpha-clojure (U) leiningen-clojure+ (U) spec-alpha-clojure (U) Elimar Riesebieter <[email protected]>¶ lynx (U) Emanuele Rocca <[email protected]>¶ systemtap Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <[email protected]>¶ telepathy-spec (U) webkit2gtk (U) Emmanuel Arias <[email protected]>¶ python-blosc (U) Emmanuel Bourg <[email protected]>¶ antlr3.2 (U) apiguardian (U) aspectj (U) bcel (U) bnd (U) bsh (U) c3p0 (U) commons-csv (U) commons-io (U) derby (U) h2database (U) jakarta-jmeter+ (U) libapache-poi-java (U) libcommons-codec-java (U) libcommons-compress-java (U) libcommons-jexl3-java (U) libcommons-jxpath-java (U) libcommons-lang3-java (U) libxml-security-java (U) mp4parser (U) openjdk-11-jre-dcevm (U) opentest4j (U) scala-parser-combinators (U) scala-tools-sbinary (U) scala-xml (U) servlet-api (U) tomcat9 (U) visualvm (U) xmlbeans (U) Emmanuel Kasper <[email protected]>¶ mame (U) Enrico Tassi <[email protected]>¶ coq (U) Eric Dorland <[email protected]>¶ automake1.11 Erich Schubert <[email protected]>¶ elki Eshat Cakar <[email protected]>¶ oxygen-icons5 (U) Etienne Millon <[email protected]>¶ gmpc (U) Eugen Wintersberger <[email protected]>¶ xrayutilities (U) Eugene V. Lyubimkin <[email protected]>¶ libcddb Evgeni Golov <[email protected]>¶ yabause (U) Evgeny Golyshev <[email protected]>¶ elixir-lang Fabian Fagerholm <[email protected]>¶ cyrus-sasl2 (U) Fabian Grünbichler <[email protected]>¶ rustc-web (U) Fabian Wolff <[email protected]>¶ libtcod Fabien Spindler <[email protected]>¶ visp (U) Fabio Augusto De Muzio Tobich <[email protected]>¶ ipqalc puzzle-jigsaw Faidon Liambotis <[email protected]>¶ libpod (U) Federico Brega <[email protected]>¶ cyclograph Federico Ceratto <[email protected]>¶ goxel uncertainties Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) <[email protected]>¶ lifelines Felipe Sateler <[email protected]>¶ python-pyaudio (U) Felix Geyer <[email protected]>¶ passenger (U) qtconnectivity-opensource-src (U) qtserialport-opensource-src (U) qtsvg-opensource-src (U) qttools-opensource-src (U) qtx11extras-opensource-src (U) teeworlds (U) Felix Krull <[email protected]>¶ speedcrunch Felix Lechner <[email protected]>¶ linphone (U) Felix Lechner <[email protected]>¶ gocryptfs (U) svxlink (U) Felix Natter <[email protected]>¶ freeplane (U) groovy (U) Felix Salfelder <[email protected]>¶ libm4ri (U) Felix Zielcke <[email protected]>¶ grub2++++ (U) Filippo Giunchedi <[email protected]>¶ prometheus-mysqld-exporter (U) Filippo Rusconi <[email protected]>¶ massxpert (U) minexpert2 (U) msxpertsuite (U) openms (U) Florian Hackenberger <[email protected]>¶ ktikz (U) Francesco Paolo Lovergine <[email protected]>¶ gdal (U) grass (U) mapnik (U) nco (U) ypserv Francis Murtagh <[email protected]>¶ armnn Frank B. Brokken <[email protected]>¶ simrisc (U) Frank Hofmann <[email protected]>¶ dpmb (U) Franziska Lichtblau <[email protected]>¶ mcabber (U) Free Ekanayaka <[email protected]>¶ jack-audio-connection-kit (U) Frédéric Bonnard <[email protected]>¶ json4s (U) sbt-serialization (U) scala-pickling (U) scala-tools-sbinary (U) Gaudenz Steinlin <[email protected]>¶ openorienteering-mapper+ Georges Khaznadar <[email protected]>¶ aseba chemical-structures expeyes jsxgraph kicad (U) kuttypy mediawiki2latex (U) pyacidobasic requirejs (U) sympy (U) wims Gergely Pilisi <[email protected]>¶ eclipse-titan Gerrit Pape <[email protected]>¶ checkpw ucspi-proxy Gert Wollny <[email protected]>¶ dcmtk (U) dicom3tools (U) gdcm (U) insighttoolkit4 (U) mia (U) Ghislain Antony Vaillant <[email protected]>¶ asl (U) nfft (U) python-xarray (U) Gianfranco Costamagna <[email protected]>¶ dlt-viewer (U) kbuild (U) python-pyqtgraph (U) Gijs Molenaar <[email protected]>¶ montage (U) Gilles Filippini <[email protected]>¶ giac (U) med-fichier (U) syrthes (U) Giovani Augusto Ferreira <[email protected]>¶ crack (U) Giovanni Mascellani <[email protected]>¶ boost1.74 (U) mathpiper (U) Giulio Paci <[email protected]>¶ mongo-cxx-driver-legacy (U) Giuseppe Sacco <[email protected]>¶ hylafax Gordon Ball <[email protected]>¶ jupyter-notebook (U) nbconvert (U) r-cran-repr (U) timew (U) xonsh# (U) Graham Inggs <[email protected]>¶ deal.ii (U) julia (U) madness (U) openorienteering-mapper+ (U) python-ase (U) Greg Horn <[email protected]>¶ coinor-ipopt gregor herrmann <[email protected]>¶ jabref (U) libmarc-charset-perl (U) mimetic Gregor Riepl <[email protected]>¶ libcharon (U) Groonga Project <[email protected]>¶ groonga GRUB Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ grub2++++ Gudjon I. Gudjonsson <[email protected]>¶ comedilib+ eric ngspice (U) pyqwt3d Guido Günther <[email protected]>¶ libguestfs (U) Guido Trotter <[email protected]>¶ ganeti (U) Guillaume Mazoyer <[email protected]>¶ java-gnome (U) Guillem Jover <[email protected]>¶ victoriametrics (U) Guillem Jover <[email protected]>¶ glide Gunter Königsmann <[email protected]>¶ wxmaxima Guo Yixuan (郭溢譞) <[email protected]>¶ brise (U) Gustavo Noronha Silva <[email protected]>¶ webkit2gtk (U) Göran Weinholt <[email protected]>¶ chezscheme guile-lib gxemul Gürkan Myczko <[email protected]>¶ cheesecutter (U) klystrack (U) lie netsurf (U) olive-editor (U) ssocr (U) zytrax (U) Hakan Ardo <[email protected]>¶ avr-libc gcc-avr Hans-Christoph Steiner <[email protected]>¶ android-platform-external-libunwind (U) Harald Jenny <[email protected]>¶ amavisd-milter Harlan Lieberman-Berg <[email protected]>¶ plover Henning Glawe <[email protected]>¶ pdl (U) Hideki Yamane <[email protected]>¶ yudit HIGUCHI Daisuke (VDR dai) <[email protected]>¶ open-jtalk Hilko Bengen <[email protected]>¶ augeas de4dot (U) hyperic-sigar (U) jackson-dataformat-smile (U) libguestfs (U) lucene4.10 (U) pytsk (U) stenographer Hilmar Preusse <[email protected]>¶ asymptote (U) biber (U) texworks (U) texworks-manual (U) xindy (U) Holger Wansing <[email protected]>¶ refcard (U) Hubert Chathi <[email protected]>¶ asymptote (U) nheko (U) nlohmann-json3 noweb olm (U) Hubert Pham <[email protected]>¶ python-pyaudio Héctor Orón Martínez <[email protected]>¶ dejagnu gdb uclibc+ (U) Iain Lane <[email protected]>¶ bless (U) evolution (U) evolution-data-server (U) haskell-cabal-install (U) Ian Beckwith <[email protected]>¶ gnuit Ian Jackson <[email protected]>¶ userv Ignace Mouzannar <[email protected]>¶ python-scrapy (U) Ilias Tsitsimpis <[email protected]>¶ ghc (U) haskell-cabal-install (U) ImageMagick Packaging Team <[email protected]>¶ imagemagick Ingo Bauersachs <[email protected]>¶ dnssecjava (U) Innocent De Marchi <[email protected]>¶ gentoo IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) <[email protected]>¶ assimp gmerlin-avdecoder (U) jsusfx (U) juce (U) pd-flite (U) Israel Dahl <[email protected]>¶ lmms (U) Ivo Maintz <[email protected]>¶ libsbml (U) Jack Coulter <[email protected]>¶ teeworlds (U) Jaime Robles <[email protected]>¶ trustedqsl (U) Jakub Adam <[email protected]>¶ antlr3.2 (U) bnd (U) commons-io (U) libcommons-compress-java (U) libcommons-jxpath-java (U) maven-shared-utils (U) Jaldhar H. Vyas <[email protected]>¶ festival (U) James Clarke <[email protected]>¶ polyml (U) James Cowgill <[email protected]>¶ mpv (U) James McCoy <[email protected]>¶ subversion# James Page <[email protected]>¶ java-xmlbuilder (U) libcommons-codec-java (U) rabbitmq-server (U) James Price <[email protected]>¶ oclgrind (U) James Troup <[email protected]>¶ binutils### (U) Jan Mojžíš <[email protected]>¶ nacl Jan Niehusmann <[email protected]>¶ psi (U) Jan Wagner <[email protected]>¶ icinga2 (U) Janos Lenart <[email protected]>¶ kubernetes Jaromír Mikeš <[email protected]>¶ qmapshack (U) zynaddsubfx (U) Javier Fernandez-Sanguino <[email protected]>¶ debian-history (U) Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Peña <[email protected]>¶ debian-faq Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <[email protected]>¶ samhain Javier Serrano Polo <[email protected]>¶ lmms (U) Jean-Philippe MENGUAL <[email protected]>¶ festival (U) Jeremy Bicha <[email protected]>¶ cairomm (U) evolution (U) glib-d (U) glibmm2.4 (U) gnome-documents (U) gnome-video-arcade (U) libsigc++-2.0 (U) mm-common (U) Jeremy Bicha <[email protected]>¶ evolution-data-server (U) Jeremy Lainé <[email protected]>¶ asterisk (U) qtcreator (U) Jeroen Dekkers <[email protected]>¶ sope (U) Jerome Benoit <[email protected]>¶ bibtool (U) blitz++ (U) firehol+ fpylll (U) gap-design (U) gap-scscp (U) gap-sonata (U) jupyter-notebook (U) nbsphinx (U) primesieve (U) sagemath (U) sagetex (U) singular (U) Jerome Kieffer <[email protected]>¶ pyfai# (U) Jerry Stueve <[email protected]>¶ trustedqsl (U) Jo Shields <[email protected]>¶ gtk-sharp-beans (U) mono-debugger-libs nrefactory (U) opentk (U) sdb Joachim Breitner <[email protected]>¶ ghc (U) Joachim Reichel <[email protected]>¶ cgal Joachim Wiedorn <[email protected]>¶ hylafax (U) Joan Queralt Molina <[email protected]>¶ biogenesis (U) Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <[email protected]>¶ qabcs ulcc Jochen Sprickerhof <[email protected]>¶ open3d (U) openni (U) openni-sensor-pointclouds (U) openni-sensor-primesense (U) python-pcl (U) Joel Fenwick <[email protected]>¶ python-escript (U) Joerg Dorchain <[email protected]>¶ iaxmodem (U) Joerg Jaspert <[email protected]>¶ epiphany Johan Fleury <[email protected]>¶ age (U) Johan Mattsson <[email protected]>¶ fonts-beteckna (U) Johannes Ring <[email protected]>¶ dolfin (U) Johannes Wienke <[email protected]>¶ autosuspend (U) John Goerzen <[email protected]>¶ ldap-haskell (U) John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <[email protected]>¶ fs-uae Johnny Willemsen <[email protected]>¶ ace (U) Jonas Smedegaard <[email protected]>¶ asterisk (U) eye http-icons jack-audio-connection-kit (U) libjs-qunit (U) monero (U) olm (U) python-av squeak-vm (U) Jonathan Carter <[email protected]>¶ tuxpaint Jonathan McDowell <[email protected]>¶ remote-tty Jool Team <[email protected]>¶ jool Joost van Baal <[email protected]>¶ debian-faq (U) Joost van Baal-Ilić <[email protected]>¶ r-cran-knitr (U) r-cran-mi (U) r-cran-tweenr (U) Jordan Justen <[email protected]>¶ piglit Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>¶ gnome-video-arcade (U) golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers (U) grub2++++ (U) mame (U) sope (U) Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo <[email protected]>¶ cecil-flowanalysis (U) db4o (U) Jose G. López <[email protected]>¶ scid Jose Luis Rivero <[email protected]>¶ gazebo (U) sdformat (U) Jose M Calhariz <[email protected]>¶ amanda Jose M Calhariz <[email protected]>¶ librep#+ sawfish Josip Rodin <[email protected]>¶ debian-faq (U) leave maint-guide (U) José Luis Blanco Claraco <[email protected]>¶ mrpt Juan Cespedes <[email protected]>¶ linux86 Juan Esteban Monsalve Tobon <[email protected]>¶ libjama liblip libranlip Julian Andres Klode <[email protected]>¶ apt (U) grub2++++ (U) Julian Gilbey <[email protected]>¶ abydos (U) epix go-mtpfs (U) Julian Taylor <[email protected]>¶ keepass2 (U) nunit (U) Julien Puydt <[email protected]>¶ flint (U) fpylll (U) giac (U) libm4ri (U) mnemosyne nbconvert (U) Julien Puydt <[email protected]>¶ sagemath (U) Julián Moreno Patiño <[email protected]>¶ john (U) Junichi Uekawa <[email protected]>¶ jack-audio-connection-kit (U) Justin Mazzola Paluska <[email protected]>¶ python-pyaudio (U) Jérémy Lal <[email protected]>¶ mapnik (U) Jörg Frings-Fürst <[email protected]>¶ simutrans-pak128.britain (U) Kai Wasserbäch <[email protected]>¶ kvirc (U) Kai-Chung Yan (殷啟聰) <[email protected]>¶ bnd (U) Kai-Chung Yan <[email protected]>¶ android-platform-external-boringssl (U) android-platform-external-libunwind (U) libnative-platform-java (U) libscout (U) maven-shared-utils (U) okio (U) Kamal Mostafa <[email protected]>¶ trustedqsl (U) Kari Pahula <[email protected]>¶ crossfire tntnet Karl Ramm <[email protected]>¶ zephyr# Kasper Peeters <[email protected]>¶ lie (U) Kei Okada <[email protected]>¶ euslisp (U) jskeus (U) Keith Packard <[email protected]>¶ gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf Keith Packard <[email protected]>¶ gcc-arm-none-eabi (U) Ken McDonell <[email protected]>¶ pcp (U) Kentaro Hayashi <[email protected]>¶ groonga (U) Kevin M. Rosenberg <[email protected]>¶ cl-sql Kevin Murray <[email protected]>¶ seqan2 (U) Kilian Krause <[email protected]>¶ ircd-irc2 (U) linphone (U) Klas Lindfors <[email protected]>¶ libu2f-host+ (U) Koichi Akabe <[email protected]>¶ open-jtalk (U) kokoye2007 <[email protected]>¶ sayonara Komal Sukhani <[email protected]>¶ javawriter (U) Konstantinos Poulios <[email protected]>¶ getfem++ (U) Kristof Ralovich <[email protected]>¶ quickroute-gps Kumar Appaiah <[email protected]>¶ festival (U) logapp Kurt Kremitzki <[email protected]>¶ freecad (U) pyside2 (U) Kurt Roeckx <[email protected]>¶ ircd-irc2 Kyle Robbertze <[email protected]>¶ liquidsoap (U) LaMont Jones <[email protected]>¶ postfix Larissa Reis <[email protected]>¶ python-simpy3 (U) Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) <[email protected]>¶ cc65 cxxtest graphviz+ icu libjs-qunit (U) mongo-cxx-driver-legacy (U) neon27 requirejs (U) scons Laszlo Kajan <[email protected]>¶ hhsuite (U) Laszlo Kajan <[email protected]>¶ librostlab (U) metastudent-data (U) Laurent Baillet <[email protected]>¶ libpdl-ccs-perl (U) libpdl-vectorvalued-perl (U) Laurent Bigonville <[email protected]>¶ evolution (U) evolution-data-server (U) nut secilc (U) setools (U) telepathy-spec (U) Lennart Weller <[email protected]>¶ nvidia-texture-tools Leo Iannacone <[email protected]>¶ node-mocha (U) Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <[email protected]>¶ coin3 (U) Lev Lamberov <[email protected]>¶ swi-prolog Liang Guo <[email protected]>¶ open-gram (U) Lionel Elie Mamane <[email protected]>¶ asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle (U) asterisk-prompt-fr-proformatique (U) Lior Kaplan <[email protected]>¶ bidiui (U) libhdate (U) php7.4 (U) Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <[email protected]>¶ qbs (U) qt3d-opensource-src (U) qtbase-opensource-src### (U) qtcharts-opensource-src (U) qtconnectivity-opensource-src (U) qtcreator (U) qtdatavis3d-everywhere-src (U) qtdoc-opensource-src (U) qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src (U) qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src (U) qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src (U) qtscxml-everywhere-src (U) qtsensors-opensource-src (U) qtserialbus-everywhere-src (U) qtserialport-opensource-src (U) qtspeech-opensource-src (U) qtsvg-opensource-src (U) qttools-opensource-src (U) qtvirtualkeyboard-opensource-src (U) qtwayland-opensource-src (U) qtwebsockets-opensource-src (U) qtx11extras-opensource-src (U) Live Systems Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ live-manual Lluis Campos <[email protected]>¶ golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact (U) mender-client (U) Loic Minier <[email protected]>¶ avahi (U) vlc#+ (U) Lucas de Castro Borges <[email protected]>¶ libpam-ldap Luciano Bello <[email protected]>¶ imagemagick (U) Ludovic Brenta <[email protected]>¶ adacontrol asis libaws libflorist libgnatcoll (U) libgtkada libtemplates-parser libxmlezout (U) Ludovic Claude <[email protected]>¶ antlr3.2 (U) bnd (U) Ludovic Drolez <[email protected]>¶ swish-e Ludovic Rousseau <[email protected]>¶ 0ad (U) Luke Faraone <[email protected]>¶ autokey (U) Maarten L. Hekkelman <[email protected]>¶ cif-tools (U) libzeep (U) Magnus Holmgren <[email protected]>¶ pike8.0+++ Maintainers of GStreamer packages <[email protected]>¶ gstreamer1.0 Maintainers of Mozilla-related packages <[email protected]>¶ nss Manu Mahajan <[email protected]>¶ java-gnome (U) Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <[email protected]>¶ libsdl-console (U) Manuel Prinz <[email protected]>¶ openmpi (U) Marc Pavot <[email protected]>¶ ario Marc Singer <[email protected]>¶ buici-clock Marcelo Jorge Vieira <[email protected]>¶ jsjac (U) node-npmrc (U) Marcelo Soares Mota <[email protected]>¶ htp Marco Nenciarini <[email protected]>¶ pgpool2 (U) Mario Limonciello <[email protected]>¶ libjcat (U) Mark Brown <[email protected]>¶ clc-intercal xemacs21 xemacs21-packages Mark Purcell <[email protected]>¶ asterisk (U) dahdi-linux (U) kvirc (U) Markus Frosch <[email protected]>¶ icinga2 (U) Markus Koschany <[email protected]>¶ ace-of-penguins (U) asc (U) binaryen commons-dbcp2 (U) jboss-modules (U) libnb-platform18-java (U) lincity-ng (U) lucene-solr (U) okio (U) spring (U) sweethome3d-furniture (U) ufoai (U) Markus Nullmeier <[email protected]>¶ pgsphere (U) Markus Schade <[email protected]>¶ yadifa Martin <[email protected]>¶ mcabber (U) slixmpp (U) Martin A. Godisch <[email protected]>¶ cgoban pachi rockdodger wmpuzzle wmwork Martin Pitt <[email protected]>¶ calibre (U) volume-key (U) Martin Schulze <[email protected]>¶ mailto Martin Steghöfer <[email protected]>¶ libtheora (U) Martin Wimpress <[email protected]>¶ cpu-x Martina Ferrari <[email protected]>¶ prometheus-mysqld-exporter (U) Martina Ferrari <[email protected]>¶ prometheus-postfix-exporter (U) Martín Ferrari <[email protected]>¶ libpixels-java Mateusz Łukasik <[email protected]>¶ vlc#+ (U) Mathieu Malaterre <[email protected]>¶ embree (U) hexbox (U) jpylyzer (U) khronos-opengl-man4PP (U) openmcdf (U) Matrix Packaging Team <[email protected]>¶ nheko Matrix Packaging Team <[email protected]>¶ olm Matt Arnold <[email protected]>¶ yabause (U) Matteo Cypriani <[email protected]>¶ fdutils Matteo F. Vescovi <[email protected]>¶ blender (U) embree (U) remmina (U) Matthew Johnson <[email protected]>¶ nxcl Matthew Vernon <[email protected]>¶ libowasp-esapi-java (U) rsbackup (U) xbs Matthias Klose <[email protected]>¶ binutils### gcc-9-cross (U) hsail-tools (U) isl (U) lxml python2.7 python3.9 readline Matthias Klose <[email protected]>¶ libpgjava (U) visualvm (U) Matthias Klumpp <[email protected]>¶ dub+ (U) glib-d (U) libqtpas (U) neuron (U) Matthias Maier <[email protected]>¶ deal.ii (U) Matthias Urlichs <[email protected]>¶ knxd Mattia Rizzolo <[email protected]>¶ znc (U) Mattias Ellert <[email protected]>¶ canl-c canl-java gsoap xrootd maximilian attems <[email protected]>¶ linux (U) Maximiliano Curia <[email protected]>¶ kdelibs4support (U) oxygen-icons5 (U) sonnet (U) stgit Mechtilde Stehmann <[email protected]>¶ jackson-core (U) Mehdi Dogguy <[email protected]>¶ infinipath-psm (U) ocaml-batteries (U) ocamlviz (U) Micah Anderson <[email protected]>¶ augeas (U) passenger (U) puppet (U) Michael Banck <[email protected]>¶ abinit (U) apbs (U) cp2k (U) libint+ (U) libint2 (U) madness (U) mpqc (U) nwchem (U) psicode (U) pymol (U) rdkit (U) Michael Biebl <[email protected]>¶ avahi (U) cairomm (U) libsigc++-2.0 (U) mm-common (U) Michael Fladischer <[email protected]>¶ pgrouting (U) Michael Gilbert <[email protected]>¶ doomsday (U) Michael Hanke <[email protected]>¶ brian (U) cmtk (U) nipype (U) pandas# (U) psychtoolbox-3 (U) scikit-learn (U) statsmodels (U) Michael Hanke <[email protected]>¶ mrtrix3 (U) nitime (U) pydicom (U) Michael Hanus <[email protected]>¶ curry-libs (U) curry-tools (U) pakcs (U) Michael Hudson-Doyle <[email protected]>¶ lmfit-py (U) notary (U) Michael Prokop <[email protected]>¶ guymager (U) Michael R. Crusoe <[email protected]>¶ htslib (U) jellyfish (U) libdeflate (U) macs (U) mypy (U) seqan2 (U) seqan3 (U) Michael R. Crusoe <[email protected]>¶ mira (U) python-pybedtools (U) Michael Stapelberg <[email protected]>¶ go-mtpfs (U) Michael Tautschnig <[email protected]>¶ boolector brickos gcc-h8300-hms ppl (U) Michael Tokarev <[email protected]>¶ qemu (U) Michael Vogt <[email protected]>¶ apt (U) vdk2 Michal Arbet <[email protected]>¶ cinder (U) prometheus-libvirt-exporter (U) Miguel A. Colón Vélez <[email protected]>¶ mplayer (U) Miguel Landaeta <[email protected]>¶ gmetrics (U) serp (U) Mike Furr <[email protected]>¶ omake# (U) Mike Gabriel <[email protected]>¶ cpu-x (U) crystal-facet-uml (U) curry-libs (U) curry-tools (U) freerdp2 (U) libayatana-appindicator (U) lomiri-api (U) mir (U) pakcs (U) python-x2go+ (U) Mike Hommey <[email protected]>¶ nss (U) Mike Markley <[email protected]>¶ scrollz Mike Miller <[email protected]>¶ rlwrap Milan Kupcevic <[email protected]>¶ simavr Milan Zamazal <[email protected]>¶ slime (U) stockfish Min Huang <[email protected]>¶ scala (U) Miquel van Smoorenburg <[email protected]>¶ elvis-tiny Mirco Bauer <[email protected]>¶ db4o (U) gtk-sharp2 (U) gtk-sharp3 (U) mono-addins (U) mono-tools (U) nunit (U) smuxi Miriam Ruiz <[email protected]>¶ biogenesis boolstuff xmlcopyeditor MJ Ray (Debian) <[email protected]>¶ gnuit (U) Mo Zhou <[email protected]>¶ julia (U) libflame (U) moarvm (U) nqp (U) opencv (U) perl6-zef (U) pytorch (U) rakudo# (U) tbb (U) Modestas Vainius <[email protected]>¶ kdevelop-php (U) oxygen-icons5 (U) Mohammed Adnène Trojette <[email protected]>¶ vlc#+ (U) Moritz Muehlenhoff <[email protected]>¶ scummvm (U) Mpampis Kostas <[email protected]>¶ burrow (U) mpd maintainers <[email protected]>¶ gmpc Muammar El Khatib <[email protected]>¶ amp (U) yacas Mònica Ramírez Arceda <[email protected]>¶ xmlstarlet Nadiya Sitdykova <[email protected]>¶ gatb-core (U) Nathan Scott <[email protected]>¶ pcp (U) Neil Roeth <[email protected]>¶ opensp NeuroDebian Team <[email protected]>¶ cmtk psychtoolbox-3 Nicholas Breen <[email protected]>¶ grace gromacs (U) Nicholas D Steeves <[email protected]>¶ calibre (U) muse-el (U) Nick Morrott <[email protected]>¶ firmware-microbit-micropython (U) Nicolas Boulenguez <[email protected]>¶ adabrowse (U) adacontrol (U) adasockets (U) ahven (U) anet (U) asis (U) dbusada (U) libalog (U) libaunit libaws (U) libflorist (U) libgnatcoll libgnatcoll-bindings libgnatcoll-db libgtkada (U) liblog4ada (U) libncursesada libtemplates-parser (U) libtexttools libxmlezout (U) pcscada (U) Nicolas Dandrimont <[email protected]>¶ slic3r (U) Nicolas Delvaux <[email protected]>¶ lift nicoo <[email protected]>¶ libu2f-host+ (U) Niko Tyni <[email protected]>¶ libmarc-charset-perl (U) Nilesh Patra <[email protected]>¶ gmap (U) golang-github-jung-kurt-gofpdf (U) golang-gonum-v1-plot (U) last-align (U) nitime (U) Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <[email protected]>¶ afnix erlang-proper+ (U) go-cve-dictionary (U) go-exploitdb (U) gost (U) goval-dictionary (U) libopenobex mruby opencv (U) openni (U) pommed (U) rebar (U) smlsharp vuls (U) NOKUBI Takatsugu <[email protected]>¶ namazu2 simstring+ Norbert Preining <[email protected]>¶ asymptote (U) biber (U) bibtool (U) cafeobj calibre (U) cjk (U) julia (U) kdelibs4support (U) onedrive oxygen-icons5 (U) rssguard sonnet (U) texworks (U) texworks-manual (U) xindy (U) Norbert Preining <[email protected]>¶ latex-cjk-chinese-arphic (U) Norbert Tretkowski <[email protected]>¶ mylvmbackup (U) Noël Köthe <[email protected]>¶ ncftp OHURA Makoto <[email protected]>¶ auctex (U) Ola Lundqvist <[email protected]>¶ hp-search-mac jpeginfo Ole Streicher <[email protected]>¶ astropy (U) casacore-data-igrf (U) casacore-data-jplde (U) eso-midas (U) iraf (U) montage (U) pgsphere (U) plplot (U) pybdsf (U) python-asdf (U) skimage (U) starjava-topcat (U) starjava-ttools (U) starlink-ast (U) tk-html3 (U) xpa (U) Olivier Sallou <[email protected]>¶ gbrowse (U) logol (U) mapsembler2 (U) minia (U) ncbi-blast+ (U) ngs-sdk (U) visp (U) Olly Betts <[email protected]>¶ therion (U) Ondřej Nový <[email protected]>¶ alembic (U) libzia (U) nginx (U) Ondřej Surý <[email protected]>¶ bind9# (U) bird bird2 cyrus-sasl2 (U) php7.4 (U) Onkar Shinde <[email protected]>¶ jakarta-jmeter+ (U) java-gnome (U) Osamu Aoki <[email protected]>¶ debian-history (U) debian-reference debmake-doc ibus (U) ibus-table-chinese (U) maint-guide opencc (U) Otto Kekäläinen <[email protected]>¶ abydos (U) galera-3 (U) Paolo Cavallini <[email protected]>¶ otb (U) Paolo Greppi <[email protected]>¶ doxygen Pascal Packaging Team <[email protected]>¶ castle-game-engine libqtpas Patrick Franz <[email protected]>¶ qtcharts-opensource-src (U) qtdoc-opensource-src (U) qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src (U) qtspeech-opensource-src (U) qtvirtualkeyboard-opensource-src (U) qtwayland-opensource-src (U) qtwebview-opensource-src (U) Patrick Matthäi <[email protected]>¶ znc Patrick Ouellette <[email protected]>¶ trustedqsl (U) Patryk Cisek <[email protected]>¶ injeqt Paul Brossier <[email protected]>¶ fftw (U) Paul Gevers <[email protected]>¶ castle-game-engine (U) festival (U) winff Paul Klos <[email protected]>¶ libkolabxml (U) Paul Slootman <[email protected]>¶ libident Paul Tagliamonte <[email protected]>¶ golang-pault-go-ykpiv (U) Paul Wise <[email protected]>¶ warzone2100 (U) PCP Development Team <[email protected]>¶ pcp Peter Colberg <[email protected]>¶ acmetool (U) cgit (U) julia (U) Peter Pentchev <[email protected]>¶ gforth Peter S Galbraith <[email protected]>¶ gri libforms+ xtide Peter Van Eynde <[email protected]>¶ cffi (U) cmucl (U) ecl (U) sbcl (U) slime (U) Petter Reinholdtsen <[email protected]>¶ discover (U) libnxt (U) libtheora (U) lmms (U) Phil Brooke <[email protected]>¶ acm adasockets ripmime topal Philip Hands <[email protected]>¶ arduino (U) Philippe Coval <[email protected]>¶ atitvout Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <[email protected]>¶ asymptote (U) hkl (U) lmfit-py (U) pyfai# (U) pytango (U) python-qtconsole (U) vitables (U) xrayutilities (U) Pierre Blanc <[email protected]>¶ stressapptest Pierre Chifflier <[email protected]>¶ sagan Pierre Gruet <[email protected]>¶ jebl2 (U) Pino Toscano <[email protected]>¶ qt3d-opensource-src (U) qtbase-opensource-src### (U) qtconnectivity-opensource-src (U) qtdatavis3d-everywhere-src (U) qtdoc-opensource-src (U) qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src (U) qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src (U) qtsensors-opensource-src (U) qtserialport-opensource-src (U) qtsvg-opensource-src (U) qttools-opensource-src (U) qtwayland-opensource-src (U) qtwebsockets-opensource-src (U) qtx11extras-opensource-src (U) Piotr Ożarowski <[email protected]>¶ sqlalchemy Pirate Praveen <[email protected]>¶ golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate (U) ruby-graphql (U) ruby-sigar (U) Puppet Package Maintainers <[email protected]>¶ puppet Python Applications Packaging Team <[email protected]>¶ autosuspend eric (U) firmware-microbit-micropython mayavi2 Qijiang Fan <[email protected]>¶ brise (U) Radovan Garabík <[email protected]>¶ mountpy Rafael Laboissière <[email protected]>¶ librsb (U) plplot (U) Ralf Treinen <[email protected]>¶ advi+ (U) coq (U) hevea (U) mona (U) why3 (U) Ralph Giles <[email protected]>¶ libtheora (U) Raphaël Hertzog <[email protected]>¶ publican Rashad Kanavath <[email protected]>¶ otb (U) Raúl Sánchez Siles <[email protected]>¶ kvirc (U) Rebecca N. Palmer <[email protected]>¶ pandas# (U) statsmodels (U) Reiner Herrmann <[email protected]>¶ awesome Reinhard Tartler <[email protected]>¶ golang-github-containers-buildah (U) golang-github-containers-storage (U) handbrake (U) jack-audio-connection-kit (U) libpod (U) mplayer (U) mpv (U) skopeo (U) vlc#+ (U) Rene Engelhard <[email protected]>¶ cppunit (U) libapache-poi-java (U) libreoffice# (U) muttprint writer2latex (U) Reto Buerki <[email protected]>¶ ahven anet dbusada libalog (U) pcscada Ricardo Mones <[email protected]>¶ epiphany (U) Richard Hartmann <[email protected]>¶ git-annex (U) Richard Jones <[email protected]>¶ libguestfs (U) Richard Ulrich <[email protected]>¶ cardpeek Rico Sennrich <[email protected]>¶ sfst Riku Voipio <[email protected]>¶ qemu (U) Riku Voipio <[email protected]>¶ gdb (U) RISKO Gergely <[email protected]>¶ ffmpeg2theora (U) Ritesh Raj Sarraf <[email protected]>¶ apt-offline dict-gcide kbuild (U) systemtap (U) Rob Browning <[email protected]>¶ emacs guile-2.2 Robert Lemmen <[email protected]>¶ cgdb moarvm (U) nqp (U) rakudo# (U) Robert Luberda <[email protected]>¶ p7zip Roberto C. Sanchez <[email protected]>¶ quickfix (U) Roberto C. Sanchez <[email protected]>¶ cyrus-sasl2 (U) Rodrigo Carvalho <[email protected]>¶ dia Roger Shimizu <[email protected]>¶ golang-github-viant-toolbox (U) Roland Fehrenbacher <[email protected]>¶ infinipath-psm (U) Roland Stigge <[email protected]>¶ sfst (U) Romain Beauxis <[email protected]>¶ gmerlin-avdecoder (U) Roman Haefeli <[email protected]>¶ pd-flite (U) Ross Gammon <[email protected]>¶ lmms (U) Ross Vandegrift <[email protected]>¶ efl (U) Ruben Molina <[email protected]>¶ asymptote (U) Ruben Pollan <[email protected]>¶ laminar Ruben Undheim <[email protected]>¶ berkeley-abc (U) klayout (U) libosmocore (U) netgen-lvs (U) Russ Allbery <[email protected]>¶ gnubg Russell Coker <[email protected]>¶ warzone2100 (U) Salvador Abreu <[email protected]>¶ gprolog Salvatore Bonaccorso <[email protected]>¶ linux (U) Sam Hartman <[email protected]>¶ openafs (U) zephyr# (U) Sam Hocevar (Debian packages) <[email protected]>¶ beav opencv (U) vdk2 (U) Sam Hocevar <[email protected]>¶ asc (U) supertuxkart (U) taoframework (U) Samuel Henrique <[email protected]>¶ polybar Samuel Mimram <[email protected]>¶ hevea (U) Samuel Thibault <[email protected]>¶ festival (U) starpu Sandor Bodo-Merle <[email protected]>¶ pytango (U) Sandro Knauß <[email protected]>¶ kuserfeedback (U) libkolabxml (U) qtwebchannel-opensource-src (U) qtwebengine-opensource-src (U) qtwebview-opensource-src (U) Sandro Tosi <[email protected]>¶ basemap# matplotlib networkx numpy python-pygraphviz sphinx-gallery Santiago Vila <[email protected]>¶ smartlist# Sascha Steinbiss <[email protected]>¶ hhsuite (U) slinkwatch stenographer (U) Scarlett Moore <[email protected]>¶ kuserfeedback (U) qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src (U) qtscxml-everywhere-src (U) qtserialbus-everywhere-src (U) qtwebchannel-opensource-src (U) qtwebengine-opensource-src (U) qtwebview-opensource-src (U) Scott Howard <[email protected]>¶ arduino (U) Scott Kitterman <[email protected]>¶ postfix (U) python-nacl (U) Sean Whitton <[email protected]>¶ debug-me git-annex (U) git-repair yasnippet (U) Sebastian Dröge <[email protected]>¶ avahi (U) db4o (U) gstreamer1.0 (U) gtk-sharp2 (U) log4net (U) mono-addins (U) mono-tools (U) mono-zeroconf (U) taglib-sharp (U) taoframework (U) Sebastian Harl <[email protected]>¶ enblend-enfuse (U) Sebastian Kuzminsky <[email protected]>¶ dxf2gcode (U) freecad (U) Sebastian Ramacher <[email protected]>¶ handbrake (U) obs-studio (U) vlc#+ (U) Sebastien Bacher <[email protected]>¶ evolution (U) Sebastien Badia <[email protected]>¶ hwinfo Sebastien Delafond <[email protected]>¶ org-mode (U) xrayutilities (U) Serge Hallyn <[email protected]>¶ edk2 (U) Sergei Golovan <[email protected]>¶ erlang (U) esdl (U) manderlbot# (U) tcllib (U) wings3d (U) yaws (U) Sergio Durigan Junior <[email protected]>¶ gdb (U) Shachar Shemesh <[email protected]>¶ bidiui (U) libhdate (U) Shaun Jackman <[email protected]>¶ gmap (U) jellyfish (U) Shayan Doust <[email protected]>¶ bmtk (U) Shengjing Zhu <[email protected]>¶ cadvisor (U) containerd (U) packer (U) Simon Kelley <[email protected]>¶ dnsmasq Simon McVittie <[email protected]>¶ gmpc (U) Simon Quigley <[email protected]>¶ mir (U) qbs (U) qt3d-opensource-src (U) qtbase-opensource-src### (U) qtcharts-opensource-src (U) qtconnectivity-opensource-src (U) qtcreator (U) qtdatavis3d-everywhere-src (U) qtdoc-opensource-src (U) qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src (U) qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src (U) qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src (U) qtsensors-opensource-src (U) qtserialbus-everywhere-src (U) qtserialport-opensource-src (U) qtspeech-opensource-src (U) qtsvg-opensource-src (U) qttools-opensource-src (U) qtvirtualkeyboard-opensource-src (U) qtwayland-opensource-src (U) qtwebchannel-opensource-src (U) qtwebengine-opensource-src (U) qtwebsockets-opensource-src (U) qtwebview-opensource-src (U) qtx11extras-opensource-src (U) Simon Richter <[email protected]>¶ uclibc+ Sjoerd Simons <[email protected]>¶ avahi (U) gstreamer1.0 (U) libcec telepathy-spec (U) Sruthi Chandran <[email protected]>¶ fonts-rit-sundar Stefan Ebner <[email protected]>¶ yahtzeesharp (U) Stefan Lippers-Hollmann <[email protected]>¶ lirc (U) Stefan Pfetzing <[email protected]>¶ keylaunch oroborus Stefan Potyra <[email protected]>¶ dlt-viewer Stefano Rivera <[email protected]>¶ pypy pypy3 Stefanos Harhalakis <[email protected]>¶ libnet Steffen Moeller <[email protected]>¶ ball (U) htslib (U) mira (U) python-anndata (U) python-cogent (U) python-pybedtools (U) spaln (U) treeview (U) Steinar H. Gunderson <[email protected]>¶ libapreq2 Stephan Sürken <[email protected]>¶ cherrypy3 (U) Stephen Dennis <[email protected]>¶ tinymux Stephen Kitt <[email protected]>¶ binutils-mingw-w64 mingw-w64 scummvm (U) Stephen Nelson <[email protected]>¶ openjpa (U) serp (U) Steve Capper <[email protected]>¶ tbb (U) Steve Greenland <[email protected]>¶ jargon Steve Langasek <[email protected]>¶ edk2 (U) Steve M. Robbins <[email protected]>¶ boost1.74 (U) cppunit (U) gdcm (U) geomview (U) insighttoolkit4 (U) Steve McIntyre <[email protected]>¶ efitools (U) grub2++++ (U) libjcat (U) Steve Meliza <[email protected]>¶ sayonara (U) Stig Sandbeck Mathisen <[email protected]>¶ puppet (U) Stuart Prescott <[email protected]>¶ ktikz (U) latexdraw sasview (U) Stéphane Glondu <[email protected]>¶ advi+ (U) coq (U) hevea (U) janest-ocaml-compiler-libs (U) js-of-ocaml (U) mlpost (U) ocaml-atd (U) ocaml-topkg (U) Sudip Mukherjee <[email protected]>¶ libtraceevent lucene8 (U) Sune Vuorela <[email protected]>¶ qt3d-opensource-src (U) qtconnectivity-opensource-src (U) qtdoc-opensource-src (U) qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src (U) qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src (U) qtsensors-opensource-src (U) qtserialport-opensource-src (U) qtsvg-opensource-src (U) qttools-opensource-src (U) qtwayland-opensource-src (U) qtwebsockets-opensource-src (U) qtx11extras-opensource-src (U) Sune Vuorela <[email protected]>¶ oxygen-icons5 (U) qtbase-opensource-src### (U) Sylvestre Ledru <[email protected]>¶ gluegen2 (U) libjogl2-java (U) rustc-mozilla (U) rustc-web (U) SZALAY Attila <[email protected]>¶ libzorpll Sébastien Jodogne <[email protected]>¶ gdcm (U) Sébastien Villemot <[email protected]>¶ atlas (U) cffi (U) glpk-java (U) r-cran-rsdmx (U) sbcl (U) slime (U) Taku YASUI <[email protected]>¶ erlang-proper+ (U) ruby-filesystem (U) Tanguy Ortolo <[email protected]>¶ slixmpp (U) TANIGUCHI Takaki <[email protected]>¶ yash Tatsuki Sugiura <[email protected]>¶ ruby-filesystem Tcl/Tk Debian Packagers <[email protected]>¶ critcl+ tcllib tk-html3 Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo <[email protected]>¶ jsjac (U) makedumpfile (U) The Debichem Group <[email protected]>¶ massxpert minexpert2 msxpertsuite openms Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>¶ fonts-arundina Thibaut Paumard <[email protected]>¶ fftw (U) lorene (U) pommed (U) Thomas Friedrichsmeier <[email protected]>¶ rkward (U) Thomas Girard <[email protected]>¶ ace (U) gnu-smalltalk (U) Thomas Goirand <[email protected]>¶ alembic (U) cinder (U) python-psycopg2cffi (U) qpid-proton (U) rabbitmq-server (U) sphinxcontrib-programoutput (U) Thomas Günther <[email protected]>¶ vdr-plugin-live (U) Thomas Koch <[email protected]>¶ closure-compiler (U) Thomas Preud'homme <[email protected]>¶ gcc-arm-none-eabi (U) Thomas Schiex <[email protected]>¶ toulbar2 (U) Thomas Schmidt <[email protected]>¶ vdr-plugin-live (U) Thorsten Alteholz <[email protected]>¶ bibclean bitshuffle chktex dmarc-cat (U) highlight.js (U) libosmocore (U) mira (U) mpb osmo-mgw (U) scheme48 treeview (U) Thorsten Glaser <[email protected]>¶ musescore3 Tiago Bortoletto Vaz <[email protected]>¶ ffmpeg2theora (U) taopm (U) Tianon Gravi <[email protected]>¶ containerd (U) golang-github-tinylib-msgp (U) notary (U) Tim Booth <[email protected]>¶ derby (U) mira (U) tcode (U) Tim Lunn <[email protected]>¶ gnome-documents (U) Tim Potter <[email protected]>¶ fest-assert (U) Tim Potter <[email protected]>¶ containerd (U) golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl (U) golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers (U) golang-github-revel-revel (U) golang-github-tinylib-msgp (U) runc (U) Tim Retout <[email protected]>¶ gnu-standards Timo Aaltonen <[email protected]>¶ idm-console-framework (U) intel-compute-runtime (U) intel-mediasdk Timo Aaltonen <[email protected]>¶ relaxngcc (U) Timo Juhani Lindfors <[email protected]>¶ systemtap (U) Timo Jyrinki <[email protected]>¶ qt3d-opensource-src (U) qtbase-opensource-src### (U) qtconnectivity-opensource-src (U) qtdoc-opensource-src (U) qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src (U) qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src (U) qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src (U) qtsensors-opensource-src (U) qtserialport-opensource-src (U) qtsvg-opensource-src (U) qttools-opensource-src (U) qtwayland-opensource-src (U) qtwebsockets-opensource-src (U) qtx11extras-opensource-src (U) Timo Röhling <[email protected]>¶ open3d (U) Tobias Grimm <[email protected]>¶ vdr-plugin-live (U) Tobias Hamp <[email protected]>¶ metastudent-data (U) Tobias Hansen <[email protected]>¶ allegro5# (U) cddlib (U) ecl (U) maxima-sage (U) ppl (U) sagemath (U) sdpb (U) Tomasz Buchert <[email protected]>¶ hwinfo (U) Tommi Höynälänmaa <[email protected]>¶ guile-gnome-platform tony mancill <[email protected]>¶ closure-compiler (U) jabref (U) jxplorer (U) mimetic (U) simrisc (U) sweethome3d-furniture (U) tomcat9 (U) trustedqsl (U) weka (U) Torquil Macdonald Sørensen <[email protected]>¶ mpich (U) Torsten Werner <[email protected]>¶ antlr (U) bcel (U) gant (U) libapache-poi-java (U) libcommons-codec-java (U) libcommons-compress-java (U) libhibernate-validator4-java (U) libxml-security-java (U) maven-doxia-tools (U) maven-reporting-impl (U) weka (U) Tristan Seligmann <[email protected]>¶ python-nacl (U) Tu Qinggang <[email protected]>¶ dde-qt-dbus-factory (U) Tzafrir Cohen <[email protected]>¶ asterisk (U) bidiui (U) dahdi-linux (U) iaxmodem (U) libhdate (U) linphone (U) Umang Parmar <[email protected]>¶ android-platform-external-libunwind (U) Utkarsh Gupta <[email protected]>¶ polybar (U) Utopia Maintenance Team <[email protected]>¶ avahi volume-key Uwe Hermann <[email protected]>¶ cvsutils Vagrant Cascadian <[email protected]>¶ guile-gcrypt Varun Hiremath <[email protected]>¶ c3p0 (U) commons-io (U) gant (U) libhibernate-validator4-java (U) libxml-security-java (U) mayavi2 (U) Vasudev Kamath <[email protected]>¶ fonts-meera-inimai (U) Vasudev Kamath <[email protected]>¶ fonts-fantasque-sans (U) Vasyl Gello <[email protected]>¶ kodi (U) kodi-pvr-wmc (U) Victor Seva <[email protected]>¶ secsipidx (U) smuxi (U) Vincent Bernat <[email protected]>¶ systemtap (U) tj3 xnee Vincent Cheng <[email protected]>¶ 0ad (U) conky supertuxkart (U) Vincent Danjean <[email protected]>¶ khronos-opencl-clhpp (U) libpdl-stats-perl (U) ngs-sdk (U) pocl (U) sgf2dg Vincent Fourmond <[email protected]>¶ ruby-tioga Vincent Sanders <[email protected]>¶ netsurf W. Martin Borgert <[email protected]>¶ refcard (U) whitequark <[email protected]>¶ solvespace (U) Will Daniels <[email protected]>¶ virtuoso-opensource (U) William Blough <[email protected]>¶ xalan Wolfgang Baer <[email protected]>¶ libcommons-codec-java (U) Wolodja Wentland <[email protected]>¶ jackson-dataformat-smile (U) Wookey <[email protected]>¶ armnn (U) jed-extra ne10 therion Wouter Verhelst <[email protected]>¶ pmw Xavier Grave <[email protected]>¶ asis (U) liblog4ada libtemplates-parser (U) libxmlezout Xavier Guimard <[email protected]>¶ requirejs (U) xiao sheng wen <[email protected]>¶ opencc (U) qterm (U) unicon# (U) Ximin Luo <[email protected]>¶ fpylll (U) giac (U) highlight.js (U) libandroid-json-org-java (U) rustc-mozilla (U) rustc-web (U) sagemath (U) wasi-libc (U) Yann Dirson <[email protected]>¶ fairy-stockfish memtest86+ Yao Wei (魏銘廷) <[email protected]>¶ trufont Yaroslav Halchenko <[email protected]>¶ brian (U) cmtk (U) mrtrix3 (U) nipype (U) nitime (U) pandas# (U) psychtoolbox-3 (U) pydicom (U) scikit-learn (U) skimage (U) statsmodels (U) Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) <[email protected]>¶ kawari8# node-opencv (U) YOKOTA Hiroshi <[email protected]>¶ calibre (U) Youhei SASAKI <[email protected]>¶ dcl Yulia Novozhilova <[email protected]>¶ felix-framework (U) YunQiang Su <[email protected]>¶ brise (U) fcitx-libpinyin (U) libpinyin (U) opencc (U) savi (U) YunQiang Su <[email protected]>¶ ns2 (U) open-gram (U) Yury V. Zaytsev <[email protected]>¶ mc (U) Étienne Mollier <[email protected]>¶ brian (U) mapsembler2 (U) Євгеній Мещеряков <[email protected]>¶ ispell-uk
A package name displayed with a bold
font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited
packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are
linked in blue.
A #
sign after the name of a package
indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a
sign indicates there is a
patch available, a P
means a
pending bug while #
indicates a
closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.