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\relative c' { f d f a d f e d cis a cis e a g f e }

  \version "2.10.33"
  \new ChoirStaff <<
    \new Staff {
      \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
      \tempo 1 = 125
      \time 2/1 \key g \dorian
      \clef "neomensural-c2"
      %% \override NoteHead #'style = #'petrucci
      bes'1. bes'2 bes'1. bes'2  a'2. (bes'4 a'2) g'2 f'1. 
      f'2 bes'1. bes'2 a'1. g'2 f' (g') f'4 (e' f'2) g'\breve \break
      bes'1. bes'2 bes'1. bes'2  a'2. (bes'4 a'2) g'2 f'1.
      f'2 bes'1. bes'2 a'2. (bes'4 a'2)  g'2 f' (g') f'4 (e' f'2) g'1. \bar "" \break
      f'2 g'1 a' bes'1.    f'2 g'1 a' bes'1.   bes'2 c''2. (bes'4 a'2) g' f'1. \bar "" \break
      f'2 g'1 a' bes'1.  bes'2 g'1 a' bes'1.   bes'2 a' (g') f'4 (g' a' f')   
      g'\breve\fermata      \bar "|."
    } %% /new Staff
    \addlyrics { 
      Paſ -- tyme wt good Ꝯ-- pa -- nye 
      I loue "&" ſchall vn -- tyll I dye 
      gruche who luſt but none de -- nye
      ſo god be pleſyd þus leve wyll I
      for my paſ -- tāce 
      hūt ſyng "&" daūce
      my hart is ſett
      all good -- ly ſport
      for my cō -- fort
      who ſchall me let
    } %% /addlyrics
    \new Staff {
      \time 2/1 \key g \dorian
      \clef "neomensural-c4"
      d'1. d'2 d'1. d'2 c'2. (d'4 c'2) bes2 a1. a2 d'1. d'2 c'1. bes2 a2 (bes2) a1 g\breve
      d'1. d'2 d'1. d'2 c'2. (d'4 c'2) bes2 a1. a2 d'1. d'2 c'1. bes2 a2 (bes2)
      a1 g1. g2 bes1 c'1 d'1. d'2 bes1 c'1 d'1. d'2 c'2. (d'4 c'2) bes2
      a1. f2 bes1 c'1 d'1. d'2 bes1 c'1 d'1. d'2 c'2 (bes2) a1 g\breve\fermata \bar "|."
    } %% /new Staff
    \new Staff {
      \time 2/1 \key g \dorian
      \clef bass
      g1. g2 g1. d2 f1. g2 d1. d2 bes,1. bes,2 f1. g2 d2 (e2) d1 g,\breve
      g1. g2 g1. d2 f1. g2 d1. d2 bes,1. bes,2 f1. g2 d2 (e2)
      d1 g,1. g,2 e1 c1 bes,1. bes,2 e1 c1 bes,1. bes,2 f1.
      g2 d1. d2 e1 c1 bes,1. bes,2 e1 c1 bes,1. g2 c2 (e2) d1 g,\breve\fermata \bar "|."
    } %% /new Staff
  >> %% /new ChoirStaff

C, D, E, F,|G, A, B, C|D E F G|A B c d|
e f g a|b c' d' e'|f' g' a' b'|]


Multi-page score

Page 1Page 2

Horn Concerto No. 1 (Strauss)


\relative c'' {
\key bes \major {
 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "french horn"
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Corno in Fa"
\tempo  "Allegro" 4 = 112
  r2 \fermata r4  bes8. \f _"energico" d16 f2. \breathe d8. g16 f4 d8. bes16 f4 \breathe bes8. d16 c4 bes8. f16 d4 \breathe bes8. g'16 f2 f,2

Uncommented instrumentName


\relative c'' {
\key bes \major {
 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "french horn"
 \set Staff.instrumentName = "Corno in Fa"
\tempo  "Allegro" 4 = 112
  r2 \fermata r4  bes8. \f _"energico" d16 f2. \breathe d8. g16 f4 d8. bes16 f4 \breathe bes8. d16 c4 bes8. f16 d4 \breathe bes8. g'16 f2 f,2

I think that the instrument name has been right-justified and truncated on the left.

Line break in instrument name


Try splitting the instrument name into two lines. Based on http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/writing-parts

\relative c'' {
\key bes \major {
   \set Staff.midiInstrument = "french horn"
   \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup {
    \column { "Corno"
      \line { "in Fa"}
\tempo  "Allegro" 4 = 112
  r2 \fermata r4  bes8. \f _"energico" d16 f2. \breathe d8. g16 f4 d8. bes16 f4 \breathe bes8. d16 c4 bes8. f16 d4 \breathe bes8. g'16 f2 f,2

This is better, but there is not enough space for 'Corno'.

Shorter instrument name


Try 'Horn', which is shorter.

\relative c'' {
\key bes \major {
   \set Staff.midiInstrument = "french horn"
   \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup {
    \column { "Horn"
      \line { "in Fa"}
\tempo  "Allegro" 4 = 112
  r2 \fermata r4  bes8. \f _"energico" d16 f2. \breathe d8. g16 f4 d8. bes16 f4 \breathe bes8. d16 c4 bes8. f16 d4 \breathe bes8. g'16 f2 f,2

This is better, but perhaps we should give the instrument key in English note letter notation instead of solfège (I'm not sure of the equivalent for Fa).



Now try transposing using 'transpose'. This is based on http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/changing-multiple-pitches

\transpose bes c' {
\relative c'' {
\key bes \major {
   \set Staff.midiInstrument = "french horn"
   \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup {
    \column { "Horn"
      \line { "in Fa"}
\tempo  "Allegro" 4 = 112
  r2 \fermata r4  bes8. \f _"energico" d16 f2. \breathe d8. g16 f4 d8. bes16 f4 \breathe bes8. d16 c4 bes8. f16 d4 \breathe bes8. g'16 f2 f,2

This transposes both the printed and the MIDI output. I haven't worked out how to transpose these independently.

Hide the metronome marking


If the metronome marking was not set by the composer then we should not display it. We can keep it as a hidden instruction to the MIDI player by using 'tempoHideNote'.

\relative c'' {
\key bes \major {
   \set Staff.midiInstrument = "french horn"
   \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup {
    \column { "Horn"
      \line { "in Fa"}
\tempo  "Allegro" 4 = 112 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
  r2 \fermata r4  bes8. \f _"energico" d16 f2. \breathe d8. g16 f4 d8. bes16 f4 \breathe bes8. d16 c4 bes8. f16 d4 \breathe bes8. g'16 f2 f,2

trying to get the MIDI to work

LilyPond did not produce any output file. Please check your score code.

MIDI example from the manual


Unable to compile LilyPond input file:

Sur Le Pont D'Avignon

einfache Akkorde / easy chords

T:Sur Le Pont D'Avignon
C:französisches Volkslied
L: 1/4
Q: 1/4=120
"C"c c c2 | "G"d d d2 | "C"e f g c | "G"B c d G |
w: Sur le pont d'a-vi-gnon, l'on y dan-se, l'on i dan-se.
"C"c c c2 | "G"d d d2 | "C"e f g c | "G"d B "C"c2 |]
w: Sur le pont d'a-vi-gnon, l'on y dan-se, tut en round.

Sur Le Pont D'Avignon in ABC

erweiterte Akkorde / extended chords

T:Sur Le Pont D'Avignon
C:französisches Volkslied
L: 1/4
Q: 1/4=120
"C" c c c2 | "G" d d d2 | "C"  e f "Am7"g c | "Dm"B c "G7"d G |
w: Sur le pont d'a-vi-gnon, l'on y dan-se, l'on i dan-se.
"C" c c c2 | "G" d d d2 | "C"  e f "Am7"g c | "G7sus4"d "G7"B "C"c2 |]
w: Sur le pont d'a-vi-gnon, l'on y dan-se, tut en round.

Jamaica Farewell in ABC


T: Jamaica Farewell
C: trad.
L: 1/8
Q: 1/4=120
"G" dd-dd- ddd2 |"C" ef-g-g gfe2 |"D" d2 dc "D7"-ccdc | "G"B c2 d-d2 z2 | 
w: Down the_ way_ where the nights ar gay_ and_the sun shines dai--ly on the mount-tain top;_
"G"z ddd d2 dd | "C"e2 fg- ggfe | "D"d2 dc- "D7"cc dc | "G"B A2 G- GB d2 | 
w: I took a trip on a sai-ling-ship_ and when I reached Ja-mai--ca I_ made a stop._ But I'm
G2 GB-B3 B | "Am"A2 Ac-c4 | "D7"z F- FF A3 A | "G"GGAB- B3 d | 
w:sad to say_ I'm on may way,_ won't_ be back for ma-ny a day._ My
G2 GB - BBBB | "Am"AA Ac- cccc | "D7"BB BB A2A2 | "G"A2 GG-G4 |]

Tabulatur working without variables

% die folgenden 3 Zeilen setzen Balken nur über eine vietel Notenlänge, was das Auszählen erleichtert. (sonst über eine halbe Notenlänge)
\set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
\set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/4)
\set Timing.beatStructure = #'(1 1 1 1)
%versteckt Tempoangaben
\set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
    \tempo 4 = 96
% Akkordbuchstabe
\new ChordNames {
\chordmode { d1 }
% Noten
\relative c  {
% Eckige Klammern für Zweistimmigkeit
% Notenschlüssel für Gitarren
  \clef "treble_8"
% Nach dem Hoch-Zeichen Markup: Akkord in Tab-Ausrichtung (nicht 90° gedreht) mit Griffdiagramm.
 { fis'8 ^\markup {
            \override #'(fret-diagram-details . ((orientation . landscape)))
            \fret-diagram #"6-x;5-x;4-o;3-2;2-3;1-2;"
    } d a  fis'8 d,8 d' a4}
% Bass-Stimme bzw. Daumen
  \relative { d4 a' d, a' }
% Tabulatur
\new TabStaff \relative c {
% incl. Notenbalken
 { fis'8 d a  fis'8 d,8 d' a4}
  \relative { d4 a' d, a' }

Tabulatur uses variables only with raw


Probleme: DIN A4 solution: \paper{...}

\version "2.20.0"
\header {
  title="Folk & Travis"
%Diskant- bzw. Melodiesaiten
Diskant = {
  c4    g8 e'   b, c' g4   | % 1 Folk
  e'8 c' a e'   e  c' a4   | % 2 Travis
  f4    a8 f'   a, c' a4   | % 3 Folk
  g'8 b  g g'   b, b  g4   | % 4 Travis
  \mark "4x"
�sssaiten, die hier nur mit dem Daumen gespielt werden.
Bass = {
  c4 g  b, g a, a  e a f a a, a g, g b, g
% Layout- bzw. Bildausgabe
\score {
    \new ChordNames {
      \chordmode {
        c2 c:/b a1:m f g
      \new Staff  <<
        \tempo 4 = 120
        %Tempo ausblenden
        \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
        \time 4/4
        \key c \major
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)"
        \clef "G_8" \repeat volta 4
        % Balken nur über viertel Noten,  nicht über halbe Noten
        \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
        \set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/4)
        \set Timing.beatStructure = #'(1 1 1 1)
        % Noten im Diskant
        % Noten im Bass - beachte: Wiederholungszeichen ist für Midi notwendig!
        \repeat volta 4
    % Tabulatur
    \new TabStaff {
      \tabFullNotation \repeat volta 4
        % Tabulatur im Diskant
        % Tabulatur im Bass
  \layout {}
% Midiausgabe mit Wiederholungen, ohne Akkorde
\score {
    \unfoldRepeats {
      \new Staff  <<
        \tempo 4 = 120
        \time 4/4
        \key c \major
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)"
        \clef "G_8" \repeat volta 4
        \repeat volta 4
  \midi {}
% unterdrückt im raw="!"-Modus das DinA4-Format.
\paper {
  % DinA4 0 210mm - 10mm Rand - 20mm Lochrand = 180mm
  % bookTitleMarkup=##f

Schlagmuster in Slash-Notation


  \new ChordNames {
  \chordmode {
  c1 f g c

 \new Voice \with {
  \consists "Pitch_squash_engraver"
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
  \override NoteHead.X-offset = 0
  <c e g c' e'>4 \downbow 
  <c e g c' e'>8 \downbow 
  <c e g c' e'>8 \upbow 
  <c e g c' e'>4 \downbow 
  <c e g c' e'>8 \downbow 
  <c e g c' e'>8 \upbow
  <f a c' f'>4 \downbow 
  <f a c' f'>8 \downbow 
  <f a c' f'>8 \upbow 
  <f a c' f'>4 \downbow 
  <f a c' f'>8 \downbow 
  <f a c' f'>8 \upbow
  <g, b, d g b g'>4 \downbow 
  <g, b, d g b g'>8 \downbow 
  <g, b, d g b g'>8 \upbow 
  <g, b, d g b g'>4 \downbow 
  <g, b, d g b g'>8 \downbow 
  <g, b, d g b g'>8 \upbow
  <c e g c' e'>4 \downbow 
  <c e g c' e'>8 \downbow 
  <c e g c' e'>8 \upbow 
  <c e g c' e'>4 \downbow 
  <c e g c' e'>8 \downbow 
  <c e g c' e'>8 \upbow