Wii Music
Wii Music |
Developer: Nintendo EAD This game has unused animations. |
To do: * Add filenames + directories for everything.
Wii Music is exactly what it sounds like—it"s a title in the "Wii" series which allows players to make music... by trying to get you to use your Wii Remote and/or Nunchuk to simulate the feeling that you"re playing an actual instrument.
Unused Music
/Sound/MusicShared/rp_Music_sound.brsar contains 6 tracks from an early build of Wii Music; this build is shown at a Nintendo press conference
RP_SSN_SONG_IFUDODO - Pomp and Circumstance
RP_SSN_SONG_LITTLESTAR - Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
RP_SSN_SONG_SALSA_LITTLESTAR - Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star - Salsa
Unused Objects
A test model used for the tutorial. It comes with an animation!
While not apparent due to its blue shading, the head model is identical to the one of one of the playable Miis from the Obstacle Course demo seen at E3 2006. Said head was actually repurposed to make some of the icons that appear in the "Instrument Improv" screen, albeit being recolored to grey.
It is located in /Common/RPSsnScene/common.carc/TutorialTest/G3D/Help.brres. Its animation is named ava_bodyA2.chr0
A model in the Minigames and Jacket Maker folders. Apparently it was used for E3.
It is located in /Common/RPMusicCommon/common.carc/G3D/, in both Obj_minigame.brres/minigame_E3.mdl0 and Obj_PV.brres/PV_E3.mdl0
This is an unused stage in the game named "training_a". It was actually showcased in a 2007 press conference, as well as in the DVD bundled with Nintendo DREAM Vol. 164 and it still remains in the files.
It is located in /Stage/RPSsnScene/Fld_training_a.carc.
Debugging Functions
This game has quite a few debug items:
Startup State
There exists a function in the game that displays what the game is currently doing when the first loading screen appears.
It says various things including:
The code below will load this in the game.
North America | Japan | |
Gecko Code | C23C08B4 00000004 4E800421 7FE3FB78 81830000 818C0078 7D8903A6 4E800421 60000000 00000000 |
C23BE028 00000004 4E800421 7FE3FB78 81830000 818C0078 7D8903A6 4E800421 60000000 00000000 |
Mii Maestro Debug Menu
Mii Maestro has a debug menu. The options mostly just load different states of the game.
1st Option: If Selected, It loads the game normally with the song set in Option 5.
2nd Option: If Selected, It loads the game in Replay mode.
3rd Option: If Selected, It loads the game as if you had just finished the song.
4th Option: This will set the global flag for the number of players. However, this will softlock the game if you only have 1 Wii Remote since this also affects the number of players for every other game which can"t be changed until the game is reset.
5th Option: You can select which song is used, This also works as a song previewer.
6th Option: If Selected, It loads the normal song select menu.
7th Option
The 7th option loads the game in the Replay state. It displays a bar with colored dots and letters representing a timer. It allows the player to switch to different parts of the song using the D-Pad, but it only replays the song at the slowest speed.
The following code will enable the debug menu.
North America | Japan | |
Gecko Code | 042ADD50 38000003 |
042ABE50 38000003 |
Config File
gameConfig.ini in the disc"s root includes a few settings, some of which have been commented out.
# Pack Project Game Config File
# RootScene ミュージックパック # ルートシーン設定
# TVMode 16:9 # TVモード設定
# Language EN # 言語設定
# Sound ステレオ # サウンド設定
RPPrint 1 # 共通プリント設定
RPSysPrint 1 # システムプリント設定
RPUtlPrint 1 # ユーティリティプリント設定
RPAudPrint 1 # オーディオプリント設定
RPSndPrint 1 # サウンドプリント設定
RPUserPrint 1 # ユーザプリント設定
RPSmkPrint 1 # 洲巻さんプリント設定
RPOkaPrint 1 # 岡村さんプリント設定
RPOknPrint 1 # 岡根さんプリント設定
# GameOpen 0 # ゲームオープン設定
Unused Graphics
A dummy texture. It is located in /Effect/MusicShared/effect.carc/Eff_Inst.breft, and named dummy_tex
This icon was used as a placeholder before the graphics on the instrument selection screen were created. It is located in /Common/RPFreScene/common.carc/G3D/Tameshibiki_3DIcon.brres, and named Dummy.tex0
This icon was used as a placeholder before the graphics on the jacket design selection screen were created. It is located in /Common/MusicJacketMake/common.carc/G3D/JacketView.brres, and named JacketDummy.tex0
Placeholder Mii icons. The first one from the left can be found in various file, such as /LayoutCommon/RPSsnScene/common.carc/Music_ssnPart.arc/timg/tr_dummyMii_00.tpl, and the second one is found in /LayoutCommon/MusicClip/common.carc/Music_crip.arc/timg/mi_mii_00.tpl
A very sloppy placeholder Wii Music logo. The music part of the title is purple instead of yellow. It is located in /Common/MusicJacketMake/common.carc/Music_commonFade.arc/timg/, and named tr_wiiMusicLogo_01.tpl
These are more placeholder Wii Music logos, where "Music" is written in a different font than in the final game. It says "仮" (Temporary) on it.
The one on the left is located in /LayoutCommon/MusicStatic/common.carc/Music_commonFade.arc/timg/, and named tr_wiiMusicLogo_01.tpl.
The one on the right is located in /LayoutCommon/RPMusicCommon/common.carc/Music_mainMenu.arc/timg/, and named tr_titleJPN_00.tpl.
Early placeholder Mii icons. They don"t resemble a Mii, suggesting that this was used early in development. It can be found in various files, such as /Stage/RPSsnScene/Fld_Galaxy.carc/G3D/Mii_Face.brres.
The same as above, except less squished.
Lots and lots of placeholder Mii icons. They are stored in the audience data, suggesting that they are placeholder audience graphics. It is located in /Stage/RPSsnScene/Fld_LiveHouse.carc/G3D/LH_Audience.brres, and named box_avatar_dummy128_number.tex0
An unused texture in the beach stage. It resembles a palette. It is located in /Stage/RPSsnScene/Fld_beach.carc/G3D/Obj_beach_appears.brres, as part of beach_appears.tex0
These are placeholder jacket designs. The third one resembles the face of one of the Miis seen at E3 2006 in the Obstacle Course demo.
The second and third graphics are located in /Common/RPMusicCommon/common.carc/G3D/Obj_PV.brres. They are named, from left to right, monitor.0.tex0 and monitor.1.tex0
A bunch of pictures of unused CD jacket designs. These were replaced for unknown reasons. These are all located in /Common/RPMusicCommon/common.carc/G3D/Obj_PV.brres. They are named, from left to right, monitor.2.tex0, monitor.3.tex0, monitor.4.tex0 and monitor.5.tex0
This placeholder icon is stored in the same file as the "Jacket Dummy" icon and probably was used for the same purpose.
Two unused icons meant for the "Instruments Improv" screen. These use the head from the unused Tutorial model, and the face texture from the unused jacket designs. The Mii shown was one of the Miis seen at E3 2006 in the Tennis demo (Mii wearing blue).
Both icons are located in /Common/RPFreScene/common.carc/G3D/Tameshibiki_3DIcon.brres, and named DJ_costume.tex0 and HumanBeatBox_costume.tex0 respectively.
An unused eye that belongs to one of the Tutes. It is identical to the used version. It is located in /Common/MusicKokeshi/common.carc/G3D/WM_head_Tetori.brres, and named dummy_eye.tex0
Yet another dummy image. This one is in the files for the cat and dog instruments.
Another dummy image is in the game as well! It is located in many files, such as /Common/RPFreScene/common.carc/G3D/InstSelectField.brres, and named fld_S_dummy.tex0
It"s a chicken! It can be found in the files of the Park stage in /Stage/RPSsnScene/Fld_Park.carc.
Early | Final |
An early picture of one of the drums is still leftover and can be found in the game files. If you look closely on the bass drum on the former image, you"ll see "仮" (Temporary) written on it. It is located in /Common/RPFreScene/common.carc/G3D/Tameshibiki_3DIcon.brres, and named InstIconDrumsA.tex0
This is an Instrument Improv icon for Peter Tute"s drums found at /Common/RPFreScene/common.carc/G3D/Tameshibiki_3DIcon.brres/Textures/ (and named RealDrums.tex0)
Layout for an older build, found at /LayoutCommon/RPSsnScene/.
The song title is "Super Mario Bros. Theme." It was seen played at a Nintendo press conference.)
Unused Text
At various places within the game"s text file, the text "Dummy" can be found.
Build Date
Present in timeStamp.txt:
JP | EU | US | KR |
2008/08/27 01:36 Pack Project |
2008/09/10 10:44 Pack Project |
2008/09/11 11:51 Pack Project |
2009/03/19 17:15 Pack Project |
Regional Differences
Japan | International |
The Famicom controller was changed to the square NES design outside Japan, although the graphics for it weren"t removed.
The Wii series
| |
Wii Sports | Wii Sports • Wii Sports Resort • Wii Sports Club • Nintendo Switch Sports (Demo) |
Wii Play | Wii Play • Wii Play: Motion |
Wii Fit | Wii Fit (Wii Fit Channel) • Wii Fit Plus (Wii Fit Plus Channel) • Wii Fit U |
Wii Party | Wii Party • Wii Party U |
Other | Wii Chess • Wii Music |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Nintendo EAD
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- Games published by Nintendo
- Wii games
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- Games released in 2008
- Games released in October
- Games released on October 16
- Games released on October 20
- Games released in November
- Games released on November 14
- Games released on November 13
- Games with unused animations
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused objects
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused models
- Games with unused music
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with regional differences
- To do
- Wii series
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Games > Games by content > Games with unused animations
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused models
Games > Games by content > Games with unused music
Games > Games by content > Games with unused objects
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Nintendo > Games developed by Nintendo EPD > Games developed by Nintendo EAD
Games > Games by platform > Wii games
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2008
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 13
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 14
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October > Games released on October 16
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October > Games released on October 20
Games > Games by series > Wii series