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Talking Pierre

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Title Screen

Talking Pierre

Developer: Outfit7
Publisher: Outfit7
Platforms: Android, iOS
Released internationally: August 4, 2011 (iOS), 2012 (Android)

SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Talking Pierre, part of the Talking Friends series, stars the titular parrot in the kitchen of Tom"s house. The user can make Pierre repeat what is said, among other features.

Unused Sounds


A parrot screaming. Could been used when you forget Pierre in v1.0 of the app.


An unedited version of Pierre"s laugh.

Version Differences

App Icons

Android iOS
Pierreandroid1.0icon.png Pierreios1.0icon.jpg

The v1.0 iOS icon has a real parrot. The reason for this will become clear later. Seems to be a placeholder version.

Android iOS
Pierreiosandroid2.0icon.png Pierreios2.0icon.png

v2.0 made some more changes to the icons:

  • The iOS version now uses Pierre, who is facing to the left, and his beak is a more lighter yellow, and a blue gradient background with no borders, unlike the Android version which has red borders.
  • The Android version removed the "FREE" text, since the normal versions of the games were for free, so the lite/free apps were removed. The background borders changed to almost square-shape like, and Pierre changed his position in the background.
Android iOS
Pierreiosandroid3.0icon.png Pierreiosandroidfinalicon.png

v3.0 made further changes:

  • The blue background is now way lighter and doesn"t have a vertical gradient.
  • The iOS version only has one noticeable thing, and it is that Pierre doesn"t have the neck on-screen unlike the Android version.
  • The Android version shows a full screen of a Pierre"s head.


Android v1.0 iOS v1.0
TalkingPierre.jpg Pierreiosandroidgameplayfinal.png

For whatever reason, the original iOS release used a real parrot.