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Proto:The Adventures of Batman & Robin (Game Gear)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of The Adventures of Batman & Robin (Game Gear).

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

A number of prototypes were included in drx's big Sega prototype release from 2008. All of the prototypes are from near the end of development, and are thus pretty similar to the final game.

May 6th, 1995 prototype

Some source code can be seen in this prototype at 7BCA7.

                                  Alany.Xpos;	/*  az eldobóhoz*/
		    lp = LenyBeszur( &Ltmp );
		    if( lp-- )
			lp->Yspd = _lt( BY, Alany.Ypos - 10 ) ? -2 :
				   _gt( BY, Alany.Ypos   10 ) ?  2 : 0;
			lp->Xspd = _lt( BFolt.Bal, Alany.Xpos ) ? -3 : 3;

		if( animugras )		/* ha végetért a dobás		*/
		    LenyAnimY( aEl, Alany.Yspd,
			      Cneg( Alany.Xspd ) ? abMaszMasz : ajMaszMasz );
		    Alany.tmr = 45;	/*  egy kis ideig vár		*/

	case aHal:			/* ha meg kell halnia		*/
	    /*LenyAnimY( aVeg, 3, Cneg( Alany.Xspd ) ? abMaszMasz : ajMaszMasz );*/
	    Alany.tmr = 10;
	    Alany.irany = Meghal();
	    return VILLOG;

	case aVeg:
	    Alany.Ypos = Alany.Ypos   Alany.Yspd;
	    if( !--Alany.tmr || animugras )
		Alany.irany = Meghal();	/* föl is éleszti az utódját	*/


                                  Entity.Xpos;	/*  for the thrower*/
		    lp = EntityStabs( &Ltmp );
		    if( lp-- )
			lp->Yspd = _lt( BY, Entity.Ypos - 10 ) ? -2 :
				   _gt( BY, Entity.Ypos   10 ) ?  2 : 0;
			lp->Xspd = _lt( BPosition.Left, Entity.Xpos ) ? -3 : 3;

		if( animjump )		/* when throwing ends		*/
		    EntityAnimY( aEl, Entity.Yspd,
			      Cneg( Entity.Xspd ) ? abMaszMasz : ajMaszMasz );
		    Entity.tmr = 45;	/*  waits for a bit		*/

	case aDie:			/* if has to die		*/
	    /*EntityAnimY( aVeg, 3, Cneg( Entity.Xspd ) ? abMaszMasz : ajMaszMasz );*/
	    Entity.tmr = 10;
	    Entity.direction = Dies();
	    return FLASHES;

	case aVeg:
	    Entity.Ypos = Entity.Ypos   Entity.Yspd;
	    if( !--Entity.tmr || animjump )
		Entity.irany = Dies();	/* revives its offspring	*/
(Source: Original TCRF research)