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Pokémon Trading Card Game Live

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Title Screen

Pokémon Trading Card Game Live

Also known as: Pokémon TCG Live
Developer: The Pokémon Company International
Publisher: The Pokémon Company International
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Android
Released internationally: February 2, 2022

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

<Sanky> please suggest an unused sprite with a clock or something
This game is still under active development.
Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary!
To do:
More investigation on localization

Pokémon Trading Card Game Live is a free-to-play online collectable card game that succeeded Pokémon Trading Card Game Online, having migrated all of its accounts to the new client in the process.

Unused Text

localization_en has unused lines of a tutorial referring to "kiosk2023" and mentions of half decks distributed among other events at PAX East 2023; it is unknown if said kiosk is PAX East, and if there was an exclusive demo of the game running there.

Key Value
kiosk2023_menu_button Learn to play
kiosk2023_menu_button2 I already know how to play
kiosk2023_menu_prof1 Welcome to Pokémon Trading Card Game Live! Let"s learn how to play the game!
kiosk2023_battle_prof0 To begin any match, you need to choose your first Pokémon to battle with.
kiosk2023_battle_prof1 You can attach one Energy card to one of your Pokémon each turn.
kiosk2023_battle_prof2 Remember to attach an Energy card each turn. You can attach to any of your Pokémon, not just the Active one.
kiosk2023_battle_prof3 Supporters are a kind of Trainer card. They have powerful effects!
kiosk2023_battle_prof4 Items are another kind of Trainer card.
kiosk2023_battle_prof5 Some cards let you search through your deck to find the card you need!
kiosk2023_battle_prof6 That"s a powerful Pokémon! Special Pokémon such as Pokémon <sprite name="v"> and Pokémon <sprite name="ex_lower"> are strong, but they give up more Prize cards when they"re Knocked Out!
kiosk2023_battle_prof7 There"s one more thing we have to talk about: Evolution.
kiosk2023_battle_prof8 Now that it"s your turn, you can play another Supporter card!
kiosk2023_battle_prof9 Your Active Pokémon has taken a lot of damage. But that"s no problem. You can change which Pokémon is currently Active!
kiosk2023_battle_prof10 Looks like things are going well for me!
kiosk2023_battle_prof11 You"re in a tight spot, but you have Supporters to help you out!
kiosk2023_battle_prof12 I think you drew exactly what you needed! Watch what happens.
kiosk2023_battle_prof13 Let"s talk about attack effects. Some attacks do more than just cause damage.
kiosk2023_battle1_prof13.5 Your Umbreon <sprite name="v">"s attack did extra damage, because the attack has a special effect that hits harder if Umbreon <sprite name="v"> is damaged!
kiosk2023_battle1_prof13.75 Unfortunately for me, my Lucario <sprite name="v">"s big attack cannot be used two turns in a row, so I have to use its weaker attack...
kiosk2023_battle1_prof14 ...Which wasn"t enough to Knock Out your Umbreon <sprite name="v"> after you used that Potion!
kiosk2023_battle1_prof15 Wow, you learn fast! Let"s put you to the test with another battle!
kiosk2023_battle1_prof16 I won"t help you out this time. This will be a real battle!
kiosk2023_menu_prof4 For this battle, choose which deck you"d like to use.
kiosk2023_menu_deck1_body The Lucario deck features massive attacks that come with a cost. Machamp can Knock Out many other Pokémon with its Dynamite Punch attack, but takes a lot of damage itself to do so.
kiosk2023_menu_deck2_body The Umbreon deck has some surprises for your opponent. Umbreon V can prevent your opponent’s Pokémon from retreating, and can take advantage of already damaged Pokémon. Your opponent never knows how much danger they are in with cards that do damage based on coin flips, like Zoroark and Galarian Zigzagoon.
kiosk2023_menu_deck3_body The Greninja deck features Pokémon that can attack quickly and hit hard. Sharpedo can do damage early while you build up to Inteleon’s devastating and disrupting Hydro Snipe attack.

The Legacy format from Pokémon Trading Card Game Online is also referenced, but does not exist in the new client:

Key Value
startupmessage_legacy_tempban The following cards are temporarily banned in the Legacy format:

Miscellaneous information for the game"s text:

Key Value
test_text_main This text releases in the future but meets no other criteria required by client
test_text_main2 This text has approved boxes checked but is untranslated
test_text_main3 This text is translated but not approved
test_text_main4 This text meets all requirements and is set to a future date
test_text_main5 This text is approved but does not have a live date set