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O-Chan no Oekaki Logic (SNES)

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Title Screen

O-Chan no Oekaki Logic

Developer: Tokyo Design Center[1]
Publisher: Sunsoft
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: December 1, 1995

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.

It"s Picross... featuring O-Chan!

Unused Graphics

Let's choose our option!

Some buttons meant for edit mode (top) and mode selection (bottom).

Region Lockout/Anti-Piracy

The game runs two different checks to attempt to detect it is a pirated copy: being played on a PAL console, or not having exactly 2KB of SRAM. The latter check is performed by using address mirroring, writing a value to $7007FF then a different value at $700FFF and comparing the two to ensure that the values are the same, which wouldn"t if there wasn"t exactly 2KB of SRAM. If any of these two checks passes, all button input will be disabled, making the game unplayable. This method is also used in Hashire Hebereke.

(Source: Original TCRF research)
