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Myst (PlayStation)

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Title Screen


Developer: Alfa System[1]
Publishers: Softbank (JP), Psygnosis (US/EU)
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: January 27, 1995
Released in US: September 30, 1996[1]
Released in EU: November 15, 1996[1]

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Debug Menu

To do:
Find the code for the US and EU versions.

Myst PS Debug Menu 2.png

Use the following code, then select "Quit Myst" in the pause menu to display this debug menu.

8002ADB8 0002
8002ADBC 0002

Myst PS Debug Menu.png

Append the following code to display this other debug menu. However, these menus don't work.

80029214 0000
80029216 0000
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Debug Text

tty debug console

The tty debug console displays a lot of chatter whenever booting or when transitioning screens. This is not visible to the user.

MystOS v0.4(1)
(c)1994,1995 Visual Sciences Ltd

_EX_Init    : OK...
_MEM_Init   : OK...
_STRM_Init  : OK...
_DBG_Init   : OK...
_TIME_Init  : OK...
_CD_Init    : OK...
_COMP_Init  : OK...
_INP_Init   : OK...
_BUFF_Init  : OK...
_SCRA_Init  : OK...
_GDI_Init   : OK...
_SND_Init   : OK...
_ST_Init    : OK...
_STAT_Init  : OK...
Total Memory Availible to Application: 274980
Mintint v0.1 (c)1995 Visual Sciences Ltd.
Loading lang.out
padded by 3bytes
finished loading
closed file
Killing stream 45011
Killing stream 45012
Loading mystis.out
padded by 3bytes
finished loading
closed file
Killing stream 8001


The CHANNEL.OUT file present on the disc contains some debug text.

Dropped white page
Dropped red page %d
Dropped blue page %d
Play L1 pouring
Play L1 slosh
Spigot is off
Spigot is on
g_nMonitorAnim == %d
Stairs Door Is Closed
Stairs Door Is Open


The DEBUG.OUT file present on the disc contains a lot of debug text and debug related error messages. The error messages display files that are unable to be opened, e.g. my000001.bmp, my000002.bmp, my000003.bmp, etc. There is also references to ViSOS v0.3(129), or Visual Sciences Operating System, which is useful for porting games and references to Mintint v0.1, most likely for similar features.

ViSOS v0.3(129)
(c)1994,1995 Visual Sciences Ltd

_MEM_Init   : OK...     (4194304)
_STRM_Init  : OK...
_DBG_Init   : OK...
_INP_Init   : OK...
_GDI_Init   : OK...     (64)
_TIME_Init  : OK...
_STAT_Init  : OK...
_RES_Init   : OK...
Command line options:
  Option paranoid is not selected
  Option nowait is not selected
  Option nosmallmemory is not selected
  Option wing is not selected
  Option cds is not selected
  Option gdk is not selected
  Option full is not selected
  Option showunloading is not selected
  Option showloading is not selected
  Option surfaces: is not selected
  Option memorysize: is not selected
  Option nodebug is not selected
Mintint v0.1 (c)1995 Visual Sciences Ltd.
Unable to open file \\avalon\cd_drive\myst241\my000001.bmp as a BMP
Unable to open file \\avalon\cd_drive\myst241\my000304.bmp as a BMP
Unable to open file \\avalon\cd_drive\myst242\my002000.bmp as a BMP
Unable to open file \\avalon\cd_drive\myst242\my002411.bmp as a BMP
Unable to open file \\avalon\cd_drive\myst243\my004000.bmp as a BMP
Unable to open file \\avalon\cd_drive\myst243\my004009.bmp as a BMP
Unable to open file \\avalon\cd_drive\chan241\ch000000.bmp as a BMP
Unable to open file \\avalon\cd_drive\chan241\ch000349.bmp as a BMP
Unable to open file \\avalon\cd_drive\chan242\ch002000.bmp as a BMP
Unable to open file \\avalon\cd_drive\chan242\ch002208.bmp as a BMP


The DUNNY.OUT file present on the disc contains some debug text.

Dropped white page
Dropped red page %d
Dropped blue page %d
Mouse enbaled
Mouse enbaled


The MECHAN.OUT file present on the disc contains some debug text.

Dropped white page
Dropped red page %d
Dropped blue page %d
Init Active Buffer
Buffer %d is already active
Added Active Buffer %d
Active Buffer Overflow
Active Buffer Used Overflow
Buffer %d is Free
Cannot Free Buffer %d
Cannot Free after Active Buffer Overflow
Fake Left Position = %d
Fake Right Position = %d
Hub Left Position = %d
Hub Right Position = %d
I'm walking out with no effect
Elev facing = %d
Elev facing = %d


The LANG.OUT and LANGA.OUT are identical files present on the disc which contains some debug text.

Dropped white page
Dropped red page %d
Dropped blue page %d


The MYSTIS.OUT file present on the disc contains some debug text.

Dropped white page
Dropped red page %d
Dropped blue page %d


The SCUS_946.02 file present on the disc contains a significant amount of debug text. An interesting note, aside from all the debug, is the command prompt "MINT>" (Mintint v0.1?).

Unable to find external %s
Unknown chunk header %c%c%c%c 
padded by finished loading
closed file
--------ERROR!! CdControl failed
	mintint [options] <files> 

options are:-
	b<num>	set initial background view window pict
	c<num>	set max code size (default=%d)
	d<num>	set max data size (default=%d)
	m<num>	set max machine stack size (default=%d)
	v<num>	set max value stack size (default=%d)
ERROR : CheckOptions : Option %c, not supported
Mintint v%d.%d (c)1995 Visual Sciences Ltd.
ERROR!! CdControl failed
GotoCardIDSetBGPictGotoStackGrabPictGrabPictPreSetSubPictSetSubPictPostSetAnimXYSetAnimCentreSetVideoSetVideoXYEnableDebugFreeBuffGetMouseXGetMouseYPlotInRectSetScrollTriggerEventPlayAudioPlayStreamSaveStackPosRestoreStackPosSetLanguageClearVramSetCursorRegisterRegisterFXPlaySpotFXSetNumPagesSetSubtitleEnableMouseEnableCommandKeys****** Fatal Error, unknown external number %d
@ or   - mystis.outchannel.outselen.outmechan.outstone.outdunny.outlang.outfrontend.outoptions.outTriggering event %d in ID %d
Found event function address %d
ERROR!! CdControl failed
Too many stars
Card window\CREDITS.STR;1lang.out
Background windowUnable to find card with ID g_nCardID=
ERROR!! CdControl failed
lang.out : @ or   - , * or ^ - Options Window
ERROR!! CdControl failed
Input NameAn Error occurred while deleting the fileAn Error occurred while saving the fileAn Error occurred while loading the fileAn Error occurred while opening the fileAn Error occurred while initialising the Memory cardAre you Sure?Empty SlotNot MystNot Myst FileOverwriteFormat Memory card?
Demonstration modeMemory card is unformatted, Format?Memory card  is full,
replace or delete filesSelect LanguageThe CD is too dusty to continue. Please remove
and wipe the CD, then replace
and reset your PlayStation.Press OK to save current game.No Memory CardEntrez un nomUne erreur est survenue lors
de l'effacement du fichierUne erreur est survenue lors
de sauvegarde du fichierUne erreur est survenue lors
du chargement du fichierUne erreur est survenue lors
de la sauvegarde / du chargement du fichierUne erreur est survenue lors
de l'initialisation de la carte m‚moireEtes-vous sur ?Emplacement videCe n'est pas de MystFormaterCeci n'est pas un fichier MystFormater la carte m‚moire ?SauvegarderMode pauseMode d‚moCarte M‚moire non format‚e. Voulez-vous la formater ?La carte m‚moire  est pleine,
remplacez ou effacez les fichiersChoisissez la langueLe CD est top poussi‚reux pour pouvoir continuer
… fonctionner. Retirez-le, essuyez-le avec un
chiffon et r‚inz‚rez-le avant de remettre en
march la console PlayStationAppuyez sur OK pur savegarder le jeu en coursInserisci NomErrore durante la cancellazione del fileErrore durante il salvataggio del fileErrore durante il caricamento del fileErrore durante il salvataggio/caricamento del fileErrore durante l'inizializzazione della memory cardSei sicuro?Slot vuotoNon Š MystFormattaNon Š un file di MystSovrascriviVuoi formattare la memory card?CancellaIn pausaSelezionaAbbandonaLa scheda di memoria  Š piena,
sostituisci o elimina dei fileScegli il linguaggioIl CD Š troppo Impolverato per poter continuare.
Toglilo e strofinalo con un panno, poi rimettilo al
suo posto e ripristina Unita principale.Premi OK per salvare il gioco in corsoAbbrechenName eingebenBeim L”schen der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetretenBeim Speichern der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetretenBeim Laden der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetretenBeim Speichern / Laden der Datei
in Fehler aufgetretenBeim Initialisieren der Speicherkarte
ist ein Fehler aufgetretenSind Sie sicher ?Leerer SlotKein MystKeine Myst - DateiberschreibenWelches Format hat ihre Speicherkarte ?SpeichernAusw„hlenDemo ModusMemoryCard ist nicht formatiert. Formatieren?Speicherkarte  ist voll belegt,
Dateien ersetzen oder l”schenSprache w„hlenDie CD ist zu staubig, um weiterbenutzt werden
zu k”nnen. Die CD bitte abwischen; dann newu
einstetzen und die PlayStation neu einstellen.OK drcken, um das Spiel zu speichernCancelarIntroduzca un nombreError al eliminar el archivoError al guardar el archivoError al cargar el archivoError al guardar/cargar el archivoError al inicializar la tarjeta de memoria©Est  seguro?Ranura vac¡aNo es MystFormatearNo es un archivo de MystSobrescribir©Formatear tarjeta de memoria?EliminarSeleccionarModo Demostraci¢nLa Tarjeta de Memoria  est  liena,
substituir o borror ficherosSeleccionar IdiomaEl CD est  demasiado sucio para continuar.
Por favor extraiga y limpie el CD, introd£zcalo de
nuevo y vuelva a lnicializar la Unidad.Pilse Aceptar para salvar el juego actual.FrancaisItaliano--------BASCUS-94602BESLES-00218nLanguage = nEnvironmentalSound = nZipMode = nTransitionType = nStackNum = nRedPages = nBluePages = nCardID = nVolume = nLoop =  : @ or   - , * or ^ - 
Unable to find first file
wMagic       : %c%c
bBlockEntry  : %d
bType        : 0xx
szTitle      : %s
Arena::Allocate : Not enough free memory :  : Free Size is CArena::Allocate : memory blocks are too fragmented to satisfy : Over allocated on memory by 0xArena container************************************************
Memory Block list free size = --------------------
Addr		Size		Desc
Child Arena list
VSMEM.CPPASSERTION FAILURE :  at line Master Input Queue.MystOS v Visual Sciences Ltd

_EX_Init    : _MEM_Init   : _STRM_Init  : _DBG_Init   : _TIME_Init  : _CD_Init    : _COMP_Init  : _INP_Init   : _BUFF_Init  : _SCRA_Init  : _GDI_Init   : _SND_Init   : _ST_Init    : _STAT_Init  : Main memory arena**** MEMORY LEAK, dumping memory contents ****
paranoidTotal Memory Availible to Application: Stats Output
Average  Total    Max      Min      nSamples Desc
Unable to allocate surface
Surface has area of <=0
Warning not enough memory, Searching for a free slot
Phew managed to find a block
Still not enough, crash
Scratch:Free Found at m_nNextElement = Scratch Free Succesful
Scratch Free Succesful, but memory not really freed
Element: PACKED BITMAP          UNPACKED BITMAP        SOURCE UNPACKED BITMAP WORK AREA              ANIM HEADER            ANIM WORK              ANIM FRAMES            STREAM WORK            BACK SAVE               (void) 
ERROR!! CdControl failed
BT_UNKNOWNBT_BINARYBT_BITMAPBT_UNPACKED_BITMAPBT_STREAMBT_BACKSAVEmystg.pakmystg.idxBT_ANIM<IDX> :: Bad Size for IDX file, Unable to correct sensibly
Anim size , Free Size Unknown Buffer Type :  for BuffId Error! GetData request frame number out of range. (BuffId
mystfont.sprUnable to find font character french.txtgerman.txtitalian.
ERROR!! CdControl failed
mystg.pakError! Attempted to open CD file for Write!
Error! Unable to find file  on the CD.
Error! Attempt to Create file  on CD Rom!
Error! Attempt to write to file on CD Rom!
Master Main Ram ArenaERROR!! CdControl failed
******* Aborting, ERROR, ERROR
******* Pure Virtual function call, ERROR, ERROR
legal.rawTrying to delete device when a surface has not been free'd
Error! Clip BackSave.
Cannot unplot a line which has not been saved
ID is not a back save line
Error! Unknown Fade Type!
Error!	Unknown Scroll Type!
Error!	Unknown Wipe Type!
External Interrupt.TLB Modification Exception.TLB Miss (Load or Fetch).TLB Miss (Store).Address Error Exception (Load or Fetch).Address Error Exception (Store).Bus Error (Fetch).Bus Error (Load or Store).Syscall.BreakPoint.Reserved Instruction.Coprocessor Unusable.Arithmetic Overflow.Unknown Exception.
Visual Sciences Exception Handler!
Type : %s

At   : x main()  : x in Branch Delay Slot.


ZERO x AT   x V0   x V1   x
A0   x A1   x A2   x A3   x
T0   x T1   x T2   x T3   x
T4   x T5   x T6   x T7   x
S0   x S1   x S2   x S3   x
S4   x S5   x S6   x S7   x
T8   x T9   x K0   x K1   x
GP   x SP   x FP   x RA   x
HI   x LO   x SR   x CA   x


x : x x x x x

Release Assertion failure

File        %s
Line        %d
Reason      %s

Last alloc %s
ERROR!! CdControl failed
PlayStream() :: Unable to open file  ERROR!! CdControl failed
Killing stream
waring:old type streaming mode in CdRead2
CdInit: Init failed
noneCdlReadSCdlSeekPCdlSeekLCdlGetTDCdlGetTNCdlGetlocPCdlGetlocL?CdlSetmodeCdlSetfilterCdlDemuteCdlMuteCdlResetCdlPauseCdlStopCdlStandbyCdlReadNCdlBackwordCdlForwardCdlPlayCdlSetlocCdlNopCdlSyncDiskErrorDataEndAcknowledgeCompleteDataReadyNoIntr%s:(%s) timeout Sync=%s, Ready=%s
%s: DiskError(x:x)
CDROM: unknown intr(%d)
%s: no param
CD_cwCD open(x)...
CD read retry -(x:x:x)
CD_readCD_datasync%s: path level (%d) error
%s: dir was not found
CdSearchFile: disc error
CdSearchFile: searching %s...
%s:  found
%s: not found
CD_newmedia: Read error in cd_read(PVD)
format error in cd_read(PVD)
CD_newmedia: Read error (PT:x)
CD_newmedia: sarching dir..
CD_newmedia: %d dir entries found
CD_cachefile: dir not found
CD_cachefile: searching...
...	(x:x:x) � %s
CD_cachefile: %d files found
VSync: timeout
$Id: intr.c,v 1.71 1995/08/29 11:01:44 suzu Exp $unexpected interrupt(x)
intr timeout(x:x)
DMA bus error: code=x
Id: sys.c,v 1.109 1995/10/26 13:06:43 suzu Exp $ResetGraph:jtb=x,env=x
SetGraphDebug:level:%d,type:%d reverse:%d
%s:bad RECT(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)
GPU timeout:que=%d,stat=x,chcr=x,madr=x,func=(x)(x,x)
tpage: (%d,%d,%d,%d)
clut: (%d,%d)
clip (=,=)-(%d,%d)
ofs  (=,=)
tw   (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)
dtd   %d
dfe   %d
disp   (=,=)-(%d,%d)
screen (=,=)-(%d,%d)
isinter %d
isrgb24 %d
MDEC_rest:bad option(%d)
MDEC_in_syncMDEC_out_sync	 DMA=(%d,%d), ADDR=(0xx->0xx)
%s timeout:
MDEC_vlec: invalid VLC ID
SPU:T/O [%s]
wait (reset)wait (wrdy H -> L)wait (dmaf clear/W)
 : Myst bu00:bu10:*VS
: 0x
Free	0xb in 
, , , , , 
 Type: (Free)        Size  at
 Frame )


The SELEN.OUT file present on the disc contains some debug text.

Dropped white page
Dropped red page %d
Dropped blue page %d
oasis = %d
chasm = %d
clock = %d
stone = %d
wind  = %d
oasis position = %d
chasm position = %d
clock position = %d
stone position = %d
wind position  = %d
Active receiver = %d
Overflow in newpos: %d
Err: Tower Control Receivers are out of range
g_nActiveReceiver = %d
g_anReceiverPosition[%d] = %d
g_nDigit1LastValue = %d
g_nDigit2LastValue = %d
g_nDigit3LastValue = %d
g_nDigit4LastValue = %d
EQU Noise Number = %d, %d, %d
LEFT Noise Number = %d
RIGHT Noise Number = %d
play white noise (%d)
play white noise (%d)
Checking button 3
Check has failed
Checking button 9
Check has failed
Checking button 10
Check has failed
Checking button 11
Check has failed
Checking button 12
Check has failed
buttons are in good positions
buttons are in bad positions
doing button %d
Play Maze Hint
Searching for backward route: %d != 6
Found backward route
North = %d
N E   = %d
East  = %d
S E   = %d
South = %d
S W   = %d
West  = %d
N W   = %d
North = %d
N E   = %d
East  = %d
S E   = %d
South = %d
S W   = %d
West  = %d
N W   = %d
Route %d
Stack %d
Facing %d
Now facing %d
Now facing %d
Maze type = %d
re-enter maze
leave maze
go back along route
go back along lost (possibly to not lost)
Seed = %d
Random = %d
Stack is full, cannot move
Enter maze
Cannot go that way!
Go forward on route
Go forward lost
Go backwards on route
Exit maze
Cannot go that way
Go forward lost
Go backward lost
Go backward, return to route
Go backward lost
nButtonY = %d
Fix      = %d
Button 3 is grabbed
nButtonY = %d
Fix      = %d
Button 9 is grabbed
nButtonY = %d
Fix      = %d
Button 10 is grabbed
nButtonY = %d
Fix      = %d
Button 11 is grabbed
nButtonY = %d
Fix      = %d
Button 12 is grabbed
Sound Number = %d
Sound Number = %d
Sound Number = %d
Sound Number = %d
Sound Number = %d
Sound Number = %d
Sound Number = %d
Sound Number = %d
Sound Number = %d


The SELEN.OUT file present on the disc contains some debug text.

Dropped white page
Dropped red page %d
Dropped blue page %d
Power Level = %d

A common string follows a lot of the text in the game. It is unknown if it has any meaning.

To do:
Investigate the string "KCAB4".
