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Mario Party 10

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Title Screen

Mario Party 10

Developers: Nd Cube, CAProduction
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Wii U
Released in JP: March 12, 2015
Released in US: March 20, 2015
Released in EU: March 20, 2015
Released in AU: March 21, 2015

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

See, this is why server preservation is important.
This game/console's online features are no longer supported.
While this game/console's online features were once accessible, they are (as of November 7, 2017) no longer officially supported and online-exclusive features may be documented as now-unseen content.
To do:
Debug parameters, deserialize binary xml files.

Mario Party 10 takes the formula of the previous entry, and adds Bowser Party and amiibo Party to the mix. It's a bit of a mixed bag compared to the previous entries, but hey, at least Donkey Kong's playable again!


Sound Test CSV

Developer Leftovers

To do:
Sort and document their functionality better.

A portion of developer files were leftover.

Sound Source

Source for the 10STARS_SOUND_XX (XX is region dependent) sound archives as SDK projects and map HTML files are present in sound/common, same for the 10STARS_SOUND_LOC / 10STARS_SOUND_xx_XX (region dependent) sound archive in content/sound/Default sound/xx_XX and content/sound/source has a SDK sound preset file built from the NW4F sound SDK, as well as a lot of setting preset files also in sound/source/settingpreset.

Download.png Download Mario Party 10 Source Files in Sound directory
File: MP10_SourceFilesInSoundDirectory.zip (874 KB) (info)

Log Files

There's a log file in some of the directories in common appearing once, it is named XXX_fileaccsess.log where XXX is dependent on the scene name, it lists files in specific folders relating to the scene. They are made by common\ch_base\logmake.pl, a Perl script, the typo in the file name oddly isn't fixed and also makes the log.lst file.


use File::Find;

open(LOGLST, "> log.lst");

print LOGLST "PACK_DIR = ch_base/\n\n";
print LOGLST "LOG_FILE =";

# PC
opendir(DIR, "pc");
	if($_ eq '.' || $_ eq '..'){ next; }	# '.' と '..' は除外.
	if(-f "pc/$_"){ next; }	# ファイルは除外.
	$aa = ("pc/Scene" . $_ . "_fileaccsess.log");	# ログファイル名を生成.
	print "#---- $aa\n";
	print LOGLST " \\\n\t$aa";
	@array = ();
	find(\&sub_func, "pc/$_");	# ファイルリストを取得.
	$pc = substr($_, 0, 4);	# 'pc??' を取得.
	open(LOG, ">", $aa);
		$bb = $_;
		if($bb =~ /mot/){
			open(LST, "pcmot.lst");	# モーションリストを取得.
				chomp($_);	# 改行を削除.
				$mm = ($pc . $_ . ".");	# 'pc??_'   'pcmot.lst'   '.'.
				if($bb =~ $mm){
					print "$bb\n";
					print LOG "$bb\tcommon/ch_base/$bb\n";
		if($bb =~ /.bnfm/){
			print "$bb\n";
			print LOG "$bb\tcommon/ch_base/$bb\n";
		if($bb =~ /.mcf/){
			print "$bb\n";
			print LOG "$bb\tcommon/ch_base/$bb\n";
		if($bb =~ /.gtx/){
			print "$bb\n";
			print LOG "$bb\tcommon/ch_base/$bb\n";
		if($bb =~ /.mphy/){
			print "$bb\n";
			print LOG "$bb\tcommon/ch_base/$bb\n";

opendir(DIR, "npc");
	if($_ eq '.' || $_ eq '..'){ next; }	# '.' と '..' は除外.
	if(-f "npc/$_"){ next; }	# ファイルは除外.
	$aa = ("npc/Scene" . $_ . "_fileaccsess.log");	# ログファイル名を生成.
	print "#---- $aa\n";
	print LOGLST " \\\n\t$aa";
	open(LOG, ">", $aa);
	print "$_\n";
	print LOG "[common/ch_base/npc/$_]\n";
	print LOG "npc/$_\n";

opendir(DIR, "object");
	if($_ eq '.' || $_ eq '..'){ next; }	# '.' と '..' は除外.
	if(-f "object/$_"){ next; }	# ファイルは除外.
	$aa = ("object/Scene" . $_ . "_fileaccsess.log");	# ログファイル名を生成.
	print "#---- $aa\n";
	print LOGLST " \\\n\t$aa";
	open(LOG, ">", $aa);
	print "$_\n";
	print LOG "[common/ch_base/object/$_]\n";
	print LOG "object/$_\n";

print LOGLST "\n";

sub sub_func{
	push(@array, $File::Find::name);

Font Files

The common/font directory has two font files, uncompiled.

Unused Graphics

A simple dummy texture.

A hand drawn "temporary" texture.

More dummy lettering.

A Blooper with "dummy" written on top.

Mario-Party-Test-Rainbow.png Mario-Party-10-Test-Koopa.png

Test textures, featuring Koopas, a cloud, and a rainbow with an arrow drawn on it.

Mario-Party-Test-Stamp-1.png Mario-Party-Test-Stamp-2.png Mario-Party-Test-Stamp-3.png Mario-Party-Test-Stamp-4.png
Four test stamp textures. Interestingly, the Star and Bowser stamps are anti-aliased, while the Bowser Jr. and Mushroom stamps are not.

Mario-Party-10-Minigame-Placeholder-1.png Mario-Party-10-Minigame-Placeholder-2.png Mario-Party-10-Minigame-Placeholder-3.png Mario-Party-10-Minigame-Placeholder-4.png

Mario-Party-10-Minigame-Placeholder-5.png Mario-Party-10-Minigame-Placeholder-6.png Mario-Party-10-Minigame-Placeholder-7.png Mario-Party-10-Minigame-Placeholder-8.png
Eight placeholder images for minigames with "temporary" written on the top right corner. Most of these images are debug screenshots of the game, but they are too small to read the info.

A debug screenshot surrounded by checkerboard bars. There's a transparent "temp" stamped in the middle of the screenshot. The debug text reads:

Cafe [Build] Apr 22 2014 04:39:20 NDGS version 0.10.150 Cafe OS SDK Version 2.10.03 Build 55447

The part in bold is cut off in this screenshot.

Another debug screenshot with a large menu being displayed with various info. The main debug info on the top left reads:

Cafe [Build] Feb 5 2014 09:54:23 NDGS version 0.10.122 Cafe OS SDK Version 2.10.03 Build 55447

A full size debug screenshot. This is the earliest one left in the game, dating back to January 2014. All of the text in this debug screenshot is as follows:

Cafe [Build] Jan 16 2014 16:24:08 NDGS version 0.10.115 Cafe OS SDK Version 2.10.03 Build 55447
On Screenshot Translated
[ZR:デバッグ力メラ終了] [X:表示非表示] [Y:ポーズ状態切り替え]
[L:カメラ後退] [R:カメラ前進]
[左スティック:カメラ平行移動] [右スティック:カメラ回転]
カメラ座標 [十字キー左:カメラ基本位置に移動]
pos: x=5.923810 y=32.058460 z=14.748335
tag: x=2.719729 y=14.124818 z=9.086901
[ZR:End Debug Camera] [X:Hide Indicator] [Y:Pause/Unpause]
[L:Zoom Out] [R:Zoom In]
[Left Stick:Shift Camera] [Right Stick:Rotate Camera]
Camera Coordinates [Left D-Pad:Move to Camera Foundation Position]
pos: x=5.923810 y=32.058460 z=14.748335
tag: x=2.719729 y=14.124818 z=9.086901
ワクワクパークへようこそ! Welcome to Excitement Park!
FPS:59.97 CPU: 39 DRAW: 314 GPU: 60 VI: 659649
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Texture Oddity

Reflection Texture Source Image
Mario-Party-10-Tokyo-BigSight-Metal-Reflection.png Mario-Party-10-Tokyo-BigSight-Source.png

A metal reflection texture is actually a photograph of the Tokyo Big Sight convention center. The image itself was specifically taken from this website's photo pack of Tokyo Big Sight. The sign in the Mario Party texture has been blurred heavily.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Internal Project Name

Mario Party 10's project name is internally referenced as both "TenSt" and "10stars".

(Source: Random Talking Bush)