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James Bond Jr. (NES)

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Title Screen

James Bond Jr.

Developer: Eurocom
Publisher: T·HQ
Platform: NES
Released in US: 1992
Released in EU: 1992

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

James Bond Jr. is a video game based on the animated series following the son nephew of James Bond.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Unused Graphics

John smith parachute.png

The parachute sprite is unused in both the prototype and final versions of the game.

Secret Passwords

Sound Test


Enter 012345 for a Sound Test, complete with visualizer. Note that this will always open at track 06, the title theme.

(Source: GameFAQs)

View Credits

Enter 888888 for the ending credits.

Debug Passwords

The following passwords give you more ammo/lives and power than the game normally lets you have.

Password Effect
181287 Grenades, unlimited time and ammo, and 99 lives.
170167 Grenades, Glow, unlimited time and ammo.
200888 Grenades, unlimited time and ammo.

These passwords would appear to be dates: 17 January, 1967 seems to be programmer Chris Shrigley"s birthday, and the others might be those of his children.

Unused Song

Track 3 in the NSF file is an unused song, which does not appear anywhere in the game, including the sound test (though it does appear as track 3 in the sound test of the prototype version, John Smith: Special Agent). It was later re-used in Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge, another game Neil Baldwin composed the music to.

Hidden Text

A hidden copyright message is present in the US and European versions:


The RESET routine of the US version uses the string "euro!" to check if the game was hard or soft reset. In the European version this string is moved down and ran out of the ROM size, so there is only "e" left, the rest is cut out by the system interrupt vectors, which is used instead of this string for the same RAM test.