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Indy 500 (PlayStation)

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Title Screen

Indy 500

Developer: TOSE
Publishers: Tomy (JP), JVC Music (EU)
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: May 23, 1997
Released in EU: April 1998

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

To do:
EU version codes and screenshot.

Debug Menu

Indy 500 PS Debug Menu.png

Use the following code to display a debug menu. Press Start to switch to the opening sequence in all menus.

8009193C 0000
800919F8 F1BB
800919FA 0C03
Text Translation
プログラム選択 Program Select
レース Race
ムービーなしタイトル Title Screen without Movie
INDY500 予選 Indy 500 Qualifying
スタッフ Staff
(Source: Original TCRF research)