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From The Cutting Room Floor
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Title Screen


Developers: Sam Barlow, Half Mermaid
Publishers: Half Mermaid (Win/Mac/XBSX), Netflix (iOS/Android)
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Xbox Series X, iOS, Android
Released internationally: August 30, 2022 (Win/XBSX), November 16, 2022 (iOS/Android), April 5, 2023 (Mac)

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: Nudity and fake blood.

An interactive film that revolves around the disappearance of Marissa Marcel...


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
IMMORTALITY Android Icon.png
Changes in Netflix Version
IMMORTALITY Unused Graphics Icon.png
Unused Graphics

Debug Mode

To do:
  • Find out what the unknown stuff is.
  • Is there a proper way to activate this? (There seems to be an invisible button called UnlockDevMode on the title screen when a save file isn't made.)
  • Sort the wikitable better.
IMMORTALITY DebugMode Default.png
IMMORTALITY DebugMode DisplayResolutionInfo.png
IMMORTALITY DebugMode SymbolMasks.png

(This method does not work in any updates after December 19, 2022)

By enabling BuildSettings._debugToolsEnabled (inside DontDestroyOnLoad > BuildSettings > Components > BuildSettings) using a tool like UnityExplorer, activates a debug menu.

Function Function Type Description
Default Settings
Debug To Console Toggle Unknown (activated by default)
Display Resolution Info Toggle Displays mouse position (normal & anchored), screen resolution & scaled canvas size near the bottom right of the game window.
Framerate Settings
Show FPS Info Toggle Shows frames per second and system refresh rate near the top right of the game window. (activated by default)
Cap Frame Rate Toggle Caps frame rate to whatever the fps value is.
Fps Slider Slider for frame cap that can go between 30 & 60.
VSync Slider Slider for Vsync that can go between 1 & 4. Oddly, this makes the game slower
Seek Slider Unknown
Debug Display
Grid Debugger Toggle Displays current video filename & timestamp near the top right of the game window. (See below for more details)
Music Debugger Toggle Displays debug info for the music. (See below for more details)
Playback Debugger Toggle Displays debug info for the video playback. (See below for more details)
Symbol Masks
Visible When Paused Toggle Shows symbol masks for when a video is paused. (activated by default)
Visible Always Toggle Shows symbol masks when a video is active.
Off Toggle Turns off symbol masks.
Generate All Symbols Button Shows an in-game progress window titled Capturing Symbols but it doesn't seem to go any further than "link 1/475, video entry 2/25"
Mask Entry Points
Review Entry Points Button (Taken from debug description)
must be in playback
After activating review entry point mode use LEFT and RIGHT ARROW KEYS to cycle through each mask's entry point(s)
Update Theme Values
Religion Input & Button Unknown (May have to do with music?)
Moment Input & Button Unknown (May have to do with music?)
Art Input & Button Unknown (May have to do with music?)
Music Buffer
Music Buffer Input Wait time for a new music theme choice.
Update Freaky Score
Freaky Score Input Unknown (May have to do with the ending)
Trigger End Game Button Activates game ending.

Debug Display

Grid Debugger

IMMORTALITY DebugMode GridDebugger.png
Function Description
Current Video File Displays filename for the selected clip.
Current Video Timestamp Displays timestamp for the selected clip.

Music Debugger

IMMORTALITY DebugMode MusicDebugger.png
Function Description
Last viewed clip theme score Unknown
Previous player theme score Unknown
Current player theme score Unknown
Current theme intensity Unknown
Is subverted Unknown (may be for when a clip has a subverted scene, but it seems inconsistent).
Is supernatural True/False indicator for when the player is in a subverted scene.
Status Status for what track is playing and how long does the buffer want to wait for playing more music.

Playback Debugger

IMMORTALITY DebugMode PlaybackDebugger.png
Function Description
In playback True/False indicator for when a video is active.
Clip Clip filename
Actual playback speed Playback speed of video.
Perceived playback speed Unknown (Seems to output the same value as Actual playback speed)
Normalized playback speed Unknown
Playback time Video timestamp
Freaky Score Unknown (May have to do with the ending)
Is current video supernatural True/False indicator for when a subverted scene is playing.
Does current video contain NORMAL secrets True/False indicator for when a video contains a non-save file exclusive subverted scene.
Does current video contain FREE FLOATING secrets Unknown (Looked through a handful of clips and it doesn't seem to turn true).
Does current video contain ACTIVE secrets True/False indicator for when a video contains a subverted scene.
Current player access value Unknown
Secret visibility Shows how visible a subverted video is before its activated.
Secret audibility Shows how audible a subverted video is before its activated.
Secret time range Timestamp range for when a subverted video is supposed to show.
Secret playback speed range Speed intervals for when a subverted video can be shown.

Demo Leftovers

To do:
Is it possible to activate the demo mode?
IMMORTALITY Demo Splash.png
IMMORTALITY Demo 5MinWarning.png
IMMORTALITY Demo Countdown.png

Leftover in the main game is a demo splash screen and two countdown warnings.

Prototype Leftover

IMMORTALITY Prototype Notice.png

Leftover in the game's main menu is a prototype note from a point when they were testing out the controller usage.

controller test
not representative of
final content & game flow

Unused Downloader

IMMORTALITY PC DownloadProgressBar.png

Inside the game's main menu is an unused download screen which would download the video content if the game didn't have any. An updated version of this would later be used for the Netflix release.

Unused Gamertag & SaveData Info

IMMORTALITY GamertagSaveData.png

Inside the game's main menu are two unused Gamertag & SaveData text slots both labelled "New Text" which do not have any functionality.