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Hebereke's Popoitto (SNES)

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Title Screen

Hebereke's Popoitto

Also known as: Popoitto Hebereke (JP)
Developer: Sunsoft
Publisher: Sunsoft
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: July 28, 1995
Released in EU: September 30, 1995

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.

Hebereke's Popoitto is a mix between Hebereke's Popoon and Dr. Mario.

Unused Graphics

Oh crap, here comes Unyohn!

Unyohn was originally meant to appear on the map at one point in development.

Regional Differences

Japan Europe
Popoitto, hebe, reke. What you did to that poor bush?

"LICENSED BY NINTENDO" was added in the European version, the Sunsoft logo was changed a bit, "PUSH START BUTTON" was renamed to "PRESS START BUTTON" in a slightly different color, the color in ©1995 was changed from cyan to orange, an extra Hebereke logo (in English) was added, and the © was touched up a bit. However, a mistake was made and as a result, the color for the bushes was messed up. Other than that, it's pretty much identical to the original Japanese version.

Region Error

Designed, ha, so I thought it was desigined.

If the game detects a European/Australian cartridge is being inserted onto a Japanese/American console (or vice versa), this screen pops up.


The game normally does not contain any SRAM, but checks to see if it has any SRAM at startup by writing two bytes at $700000. The write will do nothing on an original cartridge, but cartridge copiers tend to have SRAM to support a wide variety of games. If the write was successful, the game uses the SRAM to its advantage as a timer: once the game board appears, $700000 increments by one every frame, and when it hits 0xFF, it restarts to 0x00 while $700001 is incremented by one. When $700001 is 0x2A, the game restarts once $700000 is 0x2F. This effectively restarts the game after 10800 frames, or after a little under three minutes of gameplay (about three minutes and thirty seconds on a PAL console).

(Source: Original TCRF research)