Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn (Windows)
Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn |
Also known as: Final Fantasy XIV Online: Shinsei Eorzea (JP) This game has hidden development-related text. |
This game is still under active development. Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary! |
Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn is the second third Final Fantasy MMO, the first being Final Fantasy XI. It's notable for both the substantial amount of support and expansion packs it received for over 8 years, and especially for being one of the most played MMOs of...all time, actually! Square Enix hit it out of the ballpark with this one.
Due to the heavy criticism of Final Fantasy XIV Online, the game was remade as a completely new game by a team headed by Dragon Quest X director Naoki Yoshida and subtitled A Realm Reborn. The game's first expansion, Heavensward, was released in June 2015.
Heavensward Unused content found in the game's first expansion pack. |
Stormblood Unused content found in the game's second expansion pack. |
Unused Content
Unused Text Featuring tests, placeholders, and all sorts of other unused text. |
Unused Classes
1.0 Musketeer and Arcanist
While it is well-known that much of the original game went through drastic changes for its re-release, it is not common knowledge that many features, including additional Disciplines and monsters, were found in the 1.0 client via data mining. Skills that were meant to be learned all the way up to a level cap of 99 were present in the data files, and in particular, a Reraise spell meant to be learned by Conjurers at level 36, though this went unused. In terms of Disciplines, both Arcanists and "Musketeers" were present in the game's files since the beta of 1.0. Arcanists were originally intended to use a sort of mechanical staff and fight in part via placing "magical traps"; Musketeers appeared intended as a second ranged-physical class.
It's worth noting that signs, symbols, models for guns, and even animations for the Musketeer class can be found all over Limsa Lominsa in A Realm Reborn. The Marauder's Guild not only has a sign with two crossed flintlocks (that also appears in the free company crest editor), but two Miqo'te women being trained in the basement on how to use a musket.
A class referred to as 'Adventurer' in English and 'すっぴん士' in Japanese is referenced in classjob.exh at the top of the list with an ID of 0. Interestingly, it has a unique acronym for each language besides Japanese, which is left blank.
This is the class that the player is assigned during the opening cutscene(s), before they start the game.
Unused Free Company Options
Text tables for Free Companies seem to hint towards a "Guest" and "Recruit" rank, and a Free Company chest that is more ordered, with labels such as Items, Gear, Medicines & Miscellany.
In the current game, the Guest and Recruit ranks do not exist, only showing Member, Officer and Master by default, and the company chest merely consists of five tabs (two of which must be unlocked), with no labels assigned or that can be assigned.
Unused Battle Voice Lines
There's a few lines in the game that go unused - presumably for certain class quests.
These seem to fit best in the Rogue's Guild; this is however merely a guess:
Cor! I haven't got this worked up since I had a go on yer mam!
Ahoy! It's all kickin 'off now!
Where as these are most likely spoke by a Lalafell:
Ooh! How did we get into this mess?
Master! I cannot do this alone!
Unused Gun And Throwing Weapon Models
The throwing weapons are a leftover from the ill-fated 1.0 version of the game, and thus go completely unused even by NPCs. However, the gun models here are not used by the Machinist class, the hand gun wielding class added in the game's first expansion, Heavensward. While they are used in animations by several NPCs, including Cid nan Garlond & Milala, they are completely unobtainable by normal means.
None of these items have item IDs, making them unobtainable without client side editing - to which the game also has no animations in place for them.
Quest Items
All quest items are classified internally as Pugilist Arms; obviously, they can't be equipped by a Pugilist. Quest items include items needed for battlecraft leves and the object of desire for some fetch quests. They are found in eventitem.exh.
Name | Description | xivdb Link | Information |
[en] | N/A | [1] | This item's name is blank in the Japanese, German, and French files. |
×'救急キット(仮) x' Emergency Kit (Temporary) |
N/A | [2] | This item is translated in the German files, complete with an entire description. |
白百合の鍵 White Lily Key |
白百合の扉を解除する為の鍵 A key for unlocking the White Lily Gate. |
[3] | This item is translated in the German and French files. |
紅薔薇の鍵 Red Rose Key |
紅薔薇の扉を解除する為の鍵 A key for unlocking the Red Rose Gate. |
[4] | This item is translated in the German and French files. |
子ラプトルの丸焼き Roasted Mini-Raptor |
ミコッテ風ラプトル幼獣の丸焼き A roasted young Mikotte raptor. |
[5] | This item is translated in the German files. |
Earthenware Pot | A coarsely made pot that contains only a few drops of oil. | [6] | This item is not translated in the French files. |
●対ゴーレムピッケル Golem Ice Axe |
N/A | [7] |
Interestingly, plural forms for items you can't obtain more than one of exist in the game's data; this may just be for consistency.
Judge's Armour
The Judge's set of items are equipable armour only available to a Game Master (or "GM").
As the stats indicate, the armor is only for show and gives no benefits compared to armor past level 10. The bread and butter of the set is the Judge's Haubergeon, which gives the wielder a shadow aura. All Game Masters are likely given this set of armor to make their avatar unique and easily recognizable to regular players.
Notably, one of the Judge's sets is a version of the Bard artifact armor. This is worn by Naoki Yoshida, should he and his character appear in the game for any event. Yoshida's own character often appears in the game in a similar outfit, and is known as the Wandering Minstrel. It's also worth noting that trying on the gear on any female character or a Roegadyn male makes the gear show up invisible; despite the gear model existing for them, Yoshida's variant uses special textures intended only for Hyur men.
Items added in Endwalker
As with any MMO currently out there, Final Fantasy 14 has expansions that add new items, some of those items go unused. These are listed before.
Acting textbook: Love Tomestone - Acting textbook written by a choreographer [Acquire a specific emote when used]. This is the rough translation of the book that, when used, gives the player a emote.
Inaccessible Areas
Mordion Gaol
Players are sent to Mordion Gaol by a Game Master if they have to urgently speak to a player. This typically happens if they violate the Terms of Service or Rules of Conduct. It consists of a single empty jail cell complete with torches on the wall which provide light. It is impossible to enter Mordion Gaol without Game Master assistance, and it is impossible to exit it without help from a Game Master as well, as every type of teleport is disabled while confined. For serious offenses, players may sometimes be left unattended in the cell, unable to play the game normally. The name is from Square's previous MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI, which contained a room used for identical purposes also named Mordion Gaol.
The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak unused sections
Although the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak was redesigned in Patch 6.1, most of the previously available sections of the map are still present on it, albeit blocked by landslides. It's interesting to note that the inaccessible layout of the map very closely matches the version of itself from 1.0, which hints that it was copied from there.
Current layout (Patch 6.28) | Dungeon Map (Patch 6.28) | Dungeon Map (Version 1.0) |
At the very beginning of the dungeon, if you walked straight ahead, you could see a door on the left that should lead to a room not marked on the both 1.0 and 6.1 maps. The door cannot be opened, leaving this room unused. Whether it was possible to get here in 1.0 is unknown.
Sastasha's unused sections
The large section with the clams and, right before the encounter with Chopper, has 5 stone-blocked ramifications, 4 of which lead to empty dead ends. However, the central upper entrance must have been an alternate path. If we look from where it starts, we can see that the road there leads through the beginning of the dungeon, right next to the players' entry point, on the right side.
In addition, in front of both arenas where we fight Captain Madison, there are rooms inaccessible for entry, in which levers are located. Perhaps these levers were supposed to open the arena since the entrance is blocked by a gate rather than a normal door, but the idea was scrapped.
Cutter's Cry unused sections
A huge part of the Cutter's Cry map is filled with unused caves. Among the interesting things are the central part, divided into 2 sections by a gap, and a room with a huge red sphere, which may have been the boss room.
Cutter's Cry overview | In game map with all sections combined |
The Sunken Temple of Qarn unused sections
Underneath the starting section of the map, before the first boss, there's a cave system that appears to be an alternative route to the boss arena.
Just after the first boss, there's another cavern with the metal door, with the room that leads to nowhere.
In the "Oratory of Memeto the Meek" (the secret room before the final boss), there's a locked green door that should lead to a room and to the roof (?) of one of many destroyed building.
Room behind a door | Outside |
Both the second cave and the room do actually appear in the hard version of this dungeon, but altered: the cave got a passage to the final boss room of the normal version, and in the room the staircase was changed to a dark hallway.
Notes in Textures
The Kedtrap and Sabotender textures have notes scribbled in between the actual texture; naturally, these are not visible on the models.
Test Textures
There are also countless test and placeholder textures left in the files.
Unused Quests
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! Notes: Translate the rest. |
Quest | Steps | Dialogue | xivdb Link |
ProgLive系テスト ProgLive Test |
~と話す ~と話す ~と話す |
クエスト開始する? 受注! 解除 イベント君2と話してね << 完 >> |
[19] |
丹治クエ Tanji Quest |
イベント君2と話す イベント君1にあるエモートをする イベント君2と話し、ポーションを貰う イベント君1と話して変身 ~と話す |
こんにちは~ ふがふが~ ほげほげ~ トークTODOシーン1 トークTODOシーン2 トークTODOシーン3 イベント君3からヒントを聞こう ヒントシーン イベント君3からヒントを聞こう エモートしてみて 感情がこもってたね そのエモートじゃないよ イベント君1はおどかせてほしいみたいだよ これあげる へーんしーん 完了でっす |
[20] |
Test | N/A | N/A | [21] |
Levequest | Description | Levequest Type | xivdb Link |
リーヴテスト01 Leve Test 01 |
グリダニア園芸テスト10-0 Gridania Garden Test 10-0 |
Botanist | [22] |
リーヴテスト02 Leve Test 02 |
グリダニア園芸テスト10-1 Gridania Garden Test 10-1 |
Botanist | [23] |
リーヴテスト03 Leve Test 03 |
グリダニア園芸テスト10-2 Gridania Garden Test 10-2 |
Botanist | [24] |
リーヴテスト04 Leve Test 04 |
グリダニア園芸テスト10-3 Gridania Garden Test 10-3 |
Botanist | [25] |
リーヴテスト05 Leve Test 05 |
園芸テスト用リーヴ Garden Test Leve |
Botanist | [26] |
リーヴテスト06 Leve Test 06 |
グリダニア傭兵(耐久1) Gridanian Soldier (Endurance 1) |
Battlecraft | [27] |
リーヴテスト07 Leve Test 07 |
グリダニア傭兵(耐久2) Gridanian Soldier (Endurance 2) |
Battlecraft | [28] |
リーヴテスト08 Leve Test 08 |
グリダニア傭兵(耐久3) Gridanian Soldier (Endurance 3) |
Battlecraft | [29] |
リーヴテスト09 Leve Test 09 |
グリダニア傭兵(懐柔1) Gridanian Soldier (Persuasion 1) |
Battlecraft | [30] |
リーヴテスト10 Leve Test 10 |
グリダニア傭兵(懐柔2) Gridanian Soldier (Persuasion 2) |
Battlecraft | [31] |
リーヴテスト11 Leve Test 11 |
グリダニア傭兵(サーチ1) Gridanian Soldier (Search 1) |
Battlecraft | [32] |
リーヴテスト12 Leve Test 12 |
グリダニア傭兵(サーチ2) Gridanian Soldier (Search 2) |
Battlecraft | [33] |
リーヴテスト13 Leve Test 13 |
グリダニア傭兵(サーチ3) Gridanian Soldier (Search 3) |
Battlecraft | [34] |
リーヴテスト14 Leve Test 14 |
グリダニア傭兵(見破り1) Gridanian Soldier (Transparency 1) |
Battlecraft | [35] |
リーヴテスト15 Leve Test 15 |
グリダニア傭兵(見破り2) Gridanian Soldier (Transparency 2) |
Battlecraft | [36] |
リーヴテスト16 Leve Test 16 |
傭兵テスト用リーヴ Soldier Test Leve |
Battlecraft | [37] |
リーヴテスト17 Leve Test 17 |
傭兵テスト用リーヴ Soldier Test Leve |
Battlecraft | [38] |
リーヴテスト18 Leve Test 18 |
傭兵テスト用リーヴ Soldier Test Leve |
Battlecraft | [39] |
リーヴテスト19 Leve Test 19 |
傭兵テスト用リーヴ Soldier Test Leve |
Battlecraft | [40] |
リーヴテスト20 Leve Test 20 |
傭兵テスト用リーヴ Soldier Test Leve |
Battlecraft | [41] |
獲得任務:オーレリアのバラスト袋 | 強い海風で吹き上げられた浮クラゲ「オーレリア」が漂着してきている。このままでは彼らが排出する海水で、畑の土壌が汚染され塩害が発生してしまうだろう。奴らを狩り「オーレリアのバラスト袋」を回収してほしい。 | Battlecraft | [42] |
獲得任務:装飾用の羽 | ウルダハ社交界で、羽飾り付きの婦人帽に流行の兆しがあるそうだ。正直、良い趣味とは思えないが、売れるというなら何でも売るのが商人さ。そんな訳でバザードを狩って「色鮮やかな羽」を集めてくれよ。 | Battlecraft | [43] |
討伐任務:シープを狙う獣たち | 風の強い晩のことだ。外が騒がしいなと思うて様子を見に行ったら、俺のシープたちが野獣や猛禽どもに襲われていてな。生まれたばかりの子羊が犠牲に……二度とこんなことが起こらんように、獣どもを退治してくれ。 | Battlecraft | [44] |
討伐任務:ウルダハ近郊の害虫駆除 | 第七霊災以後、ウルダハ近郊に多くの難民が押し寄せ、衛生状態が悪化している。このままでは伝染病が流行しかねないため、毒気を媒介する虫どもを駆除することになった。腕に覚えのある者は、力を貸してくれ。 | Battlecraft | [45] |
懐柔任務:入植地の番犬候補 | 入植地がジャッカルの脅威にさらされています。でも、あの獰猛な獣を番犬にできれば、かなり心強いのではないでしょうか。まだ幼い「ジャッカル・パッブ」を探して、捕まえやすいように大人しくさせてください。 | Battlecraft | [46] |
捜索任務:ばらまかれた妖花の種 | 荒れ果てた畑を復興させたいのですが、どうやら妖花が蔓延り始めているようです。これ以上、妖花が増えないように「妖花の種」を探して取り除いてください。ただし、魔物に襲われる危険性もあるのでお気を付けて。 | Battlecraft | [47] |
懐柔任務:発破代わりのボム | 固い岩盤を砕くのに高額な発破を使い続けていては採算が合わん。そこで、坑道に突入させたボムに着火して、岩盤を爆砕する新工法を考案したんだ。発破代わりのボムを捕獲するため、奴らを弱らせて落ち着かせてほしい。 | Battlecraft | [48] |
捜索任務:ペイストの罠 | この辺りに生息する獰猛なペイストが、治安上の問題になっていてな。奴らを確実に駆逐するため罠を仕掛けておいた。エサとして「ドードーの腐肉」を置いておいたので、近づいてきたペイストを仕留めるのだ。 | Battlecraft | [49] |
追撃任務:砂を呼ぶゴート | ゴートの生息数が目に見えて増えている。このままの勢いで繁殖すれば、やがて草は食い尽くされ、周辺の砂漠化が一挙に進むだろう。キャンプが砂に埋もれる事態を防ぐためにも、ゴートの数を減らしてほしいのだ。 | Battlecraft | [50] |
討伐任務:放牧されたドードー退治 | 卵好きのキキルン族たちが、勝手にドードーを解き放ち放牧し始めました。有毒のブレスを吐くドードーが、このまま繁殖すれば、どんな事故が起こることか。ドードーとキキルン族の獣牧士を退治してください。 | Battlecraft | [51] |
No Bane, No Gain | To help them build a resistance to deadly toxins, all Wood Wailer initiates must inhale ever-increasing quantities of poisonous funguar spores daily for a period of seven moons. This procedure relies on a ready supply of the funguar gills whence the spores emanate, and the Lancers' Guild has promised to reward any adventurer willing to aid in their collection. | Battlecraft | [52] |
We Didn't Start the Fire | A fire set by poachers to flush animals out of their dens and into waiting traps has destroyed a large tract of woodland in the Central Shroud. Subsequent efforts to reforest the area by local botanists have been hampered by the unprovoked attacks of frenzied woodland creatures. To safeguard the lives of the men and women working diligently to restore the wood to its former glory, the Greatloam Growery is calling for adventurers to aid in culling the ravenous beastkin. | Battlecraft | [53] |
Hog Wild | Not only is hog meat delicious and high in nutrients, but a single adult hog can fill over four score bellies, six score if those bellies are Lalafellin. Hogs, however, are an extremely violent lot, with over five percent of the Twelveswood's yearly casualties attributed to tusk-gouging. This is why the Trappers' League has proposed the domestication of the beasts, and is actively seeking adventurers to capture hoglets and deliver them, live, to league-run pens. | Battlecraft | [54] |
Mite and Madness | The spirits fear that the recent increase in mites living in the Central Shroud will disturb the area's natural balance, sending the forest into chaos. To see this fate averted, Stillglade Fane requests the aid of adventurers in the culling of the mite population. This includes the gathering and disposal of eggs from mite holes. | Battlecraft | [55] |
Too Close to Home | A pack of anoles has been spotted near Bentbranch Meadows, far from their usual hunting grounds on Naked Rock. The local chocobokeeps are worried that it is only a matter of time before the hungry scalekin stray too close to the stables and endanger their birds. To prevent the worst, the Wood Wailers are seeking volunteers to find and cull the creatures.
※Levequest objectives are deemed complete when all targets have been slain. Be aware that some targets may attempt to flee the battle and join with reinforcements, making it imperative that you deal with them before they have an opportunity to do so. |
Battlecraft | [56] |
Grabbing Crabs | Megalocrabs are eating all the fish in my hole...and Wawalago has the nerve to chide me over not meeting my daily quota! Well, I'll show him! I'll use the money he hides behind the giant stuffed Yugr'am salmon hanging in his office to hire an adventurer to slay all the crabs for me! Whoever accepts this task must be forewarned─the megalocrabs will run for help when injured. Be properly prepared to make chase. | Battlecraft | [57] |
What Peistes Crave | It is a well-documented fact that peistes prefer Lalafellin meat to that of the other four races. Various opinions on the reasons behind this have been long debated, with the most widely accepted being that the squat, rotund build of the Lalafell makes them easier to swallow whole. Seeing that the majority of Ul'dah's population is made up of Lalafells, this makes the hills of Thanalan a perfect feeding ground for the giant scalekin, and this is why the Brass Blades are constantly seeking volunteers to travel to the hills and slay the creatures before they find their next meal. | Battlecraft | [58] |
援護指令:第426洞穴団せん滅作戦 | 新たな採掘地を求めて、コボルド族の集団「第426洞穴団」がブラッドショアに進出してきた。このまま奴らに根付かれる訳にはいかん。我が隊の陸戦兵と協力し、敵をせん滅せよ。我らの団結力を見せつけてやるのだ。 | Grand Company (Maelstrom) | [59] |
援護指令:白狼隊の実戦訓練 | 我々白狼隊は、グリダニア在住の若き志願兵によって構成された部隊です。士気は高いのですが、その反面、実践経験には乏しいのです。歴戦の冒険者の皆様、ぜひ魔物相手の実戦訓練に同行し、模範を示してください。 | Grand Company (Twin Adder) | [60] |
援護指令:アラミゴ志願兵の実戦訓練 | 我が不滅隊には、祖国をガレマール帝国軍に滅ぼされたアラミゴの民が多数在籍している。だが、士気は旺盛なれども、経験が不足している者も少なくない。魔物を相手に行う実戦訓練に同行し、模範を示してくれ! | Grand Company (Immortal Flames) | [61] |
F.A.T.E. | Description | xivdb Link |
aaaa | N/A | [62] |
エリア防衛 Area Defense |
エリア防衛 Area Defense |
[63] |
山賊砦テスト Bandit Fortress Test |
山賊砦テスト Bandit Fortress Test |
[64] |
収集系テスト Collection Type Test |
収集系テスト Collection Type Test |
[65] |
山賊砦ボス Bandit Fortress Boss |
山賊砦ボス Bandit Fortress Boss |
[66] |
山賊砦味方防衛 Bandit Fortress Ally Defense |
山賊砦味方防衛 Bandit Fortress Ally Defense |
[67] |
りんご集め Collecting Apples |
りんご集め Collecting Apples |
[68] |
※β1不要:船着場までチョコボの護衛(仮) *β1 Unnecessary: Escort the Chocobo to the Wharf |
※β1不要:船着場までチョコボを護衛せよ(仮) *β1 Unnecessary: Escort the Chocobo to the wharf! |
[69] |
戦場までは何マルム? |
暗黙の境界線をまたぎ\n 侵入してきた帝国兵を追い散らすのだ\n IIIコホルス・ベスティアリウスを倒せ |
[70] |
真理は死んだ The Death of Reason |
霊災前後から出没するようになったゴーレムたちを排除せよストーンゴーレムを倒せ Get rid of the Golems that appeared around the time of the spirit catastrophe. Defeat the Stone Golems! |
[71] |
※没 *Cut |
※没 *Cut |
[72] |
偽造品の回収(仮) Recover the Counterfeit Goods (Temporary) |
闇商人に偽造品を つかまされた人が続出している 被害者を増やさないために、偽造品を回収しろ(仮) Black marketeers peddling counterfeit goods keep popping up. Recover the goods so no one else is tricked. (Temporary) |
[73] |
酒瓶の防衛(仮) Protect the Booze Bottles (Temporary) |
エールの匂いに引き寄せられて\n スラッグが酒場に押し寄せてきた\n 酒瓶を守るためスラッグを倒せ。(仮) Drawn by the smell of ale, slugs have descended on the tavern. Defeat the slugs to protect the bottles. (Temporary) |
[74] |
Unused Quest Markers
Quest markers for "lore" quests are among the UI elements, but as of Patch 2.57, still go unused.
Unused Music
Placeholder Music
This weird 8-second song made up of beeps appears as a filler in the game's files several times. As of Patch 4.2, it appears to be filling in spots for Moonfire Faire (Obon Festival), Little Ladies' Day (Hina Matsuri) and a fifth Alexander track.
Launcher Music
This theme for Cid nan Garlond -- Dreams Aloft on the soundtrack -- is found as bgm_system_launcher.scd. However, the launcher on PlayStation 4 instead uses the XIV version of the classic Final Fantasy prelude. 1.0, however, used this as one of three tracks that played on the launcher.
Revisional Differences
As with any other MMO currently out on the market, Final Fantasy XIV has been updated over the past ten years and numerous pieces of content has either been changed or removed due to the nature of an MMO.
Certain items that are left over from 1.0 are no longer used in any Disciple of the Hand classes making them now unused and monsters no longer drop them. You can no longer gather these items either. The items are still in legacy players' inventory and most of the items can be either sold to NPCs or on the marketboards. Most items in 1.0 could be obtained either as a normal quailty item or could also be found with a 1 to 3, though this was changed to just being high-quality ( 1). This is the case with older equipment. Most equipment that was not unique had the prefix of dated added to them and their stats weakened. However, as of the latest expansion Endwalker, high-quality gathering items are no longer attainable but will remain in the player's inventory and can be used as if they are of normal quality.
Artifact armor in the initial release had special qualities and would boost certain abilities, but when it came time to A Realm Reborn, those special abilities were removed. The developers wished to get away from having to keep special abilities on gear going forward so as not to force players to farm certain gear. The gear was once found in the dungeons The Aurum Vale, Cutter's Cry, and Dzemael Darkhold. In 1.0 these were 8-man dungeons at level 45 and above and the items generally found within the first couple of rooms. However, in the transition from 1.0 to A Realm Reborn these dungeons were designed for 4 players and mechanics were changed because of it.
The Main Story Questline of A Realm Reborn has been streamlined in Patch 5.3 for its quests and so certain quests have either been removed from the game or condensed into other quests and their dialogue changed as a result. Some of the lore that was found in these quests was added to side quests, or the duty support NPCs added for solo play.
The Grand Company Quest "Twisted Beliefs" was removed on October 15, 2013, during one of the many hotfix updates. The original quest required you to go speak with an NPC outside of the gates to the dungeon Amdapor Keep. However, this quest was removed and the quest "Gilding the Bilious" was added instead. This was done because at the time the level 47 dungeon The Aurum Vale was not being run and the developers wished for people to run it.
The Hevansward quest "I Believe I Can Fly" has been removed in patch 5.3, you are handed the aether compass as part of the Main Story of Heavensward and the ability to fly to A Realm Reborn after finishing the quest "The Ultimate Weapon". The hat for your Chocobo that you would get from completing the quest is now handed out at the achievement NPC in Old Gridania.
Even though expansion sees each job and class changes and rebalancing, causing skills to either be reworked, removed, or otherwise just renamed. However, NPCs have access to some of these skills still.
Regional Differences
Final Fantasy XIV has separate clients in both China and Korea. The Chinese client is ran by Shanda Games, who operate MapleStory & Ragnarok II in China, whereas the Korean one is ran by Nexon, who runs the MMOs Mabinogi & Blade and Soul.
To do: Get hold of the Chinese and Korean clients, and compare data. |
The Chinese version of the game is a separate client. Players pay per time played, rather than a monthly fee; this is very similar to the method of paying for the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft. It is likely that the upcoming Korean release will also follow this model as well. Game patches in China are also delayed; currently sitting at Patch 3.15.
Unlike the regional servers, wherein a Japanese player can join an English server and vice-versa, only those with the Chinese client can access the Chinese server. That being said, there is a reference to a Simplified Chinese language option in the worldwide client; however, it's ultimately unselectable as there is no Chinese text translated at all.
Lunar New Year
During the 2015 Chinese New Year, Chinese servers hosted an exclusive Lunar New Year event. Among the festivites was a boss fight with a Xi creature, and a collectible baby panda minion. The baby panda was added to the international game in Patch 3.3 as a purchasable minion.
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