F-Zero X
F-Zero X |
Also known as: F-Zero X: Weilai Saiche (CN) This game has unused playable characters. This game has a development article This game has a prototype article This game has a prerelease article This game has a notes page This game has a Data Crystal page |
F-Zero X is a high-speed racing game where you can race alone or with three of your friends, featuring 60 FPS and monaural music!
Development Info |
Prototype Info |
Prerelease Info |
Notes |
64DD Error Messages
Japanese cartridge
Encoding SHIFT-JIS Windows Japanese CP-932
800CD580 0 800CD584 1 800CD588 2 800CD58C 3 800CD590 4 800CD863 5 800CD598 6 800CD59C 7 800CD5A0 8 800CD5A4 9 800CD5A8 エラー番号 Error Number 800CD5B4 取り扱い説明書をお読みください。 Please read the instruction manual. 800CD5D8 【注意】アクセスランプ点滅中に 【Caution】 While the access lamp is blinking 800CD5F8 ディスクを抜かないでください。 Do not remove the disc. 800CD618 もう一度ディスクを挿入して Insert the disc again 800CD634 ください。 please. 800CD640 イジェクトボタンが押されてい Is the eject button 800CD660 ませんか。 pressed? 800CD66C 一度ディスクを抜いてきちんと Please remove the disc once and 800CD68C 差し込んでください。 insert it properly. 800CD6A4 間違ったディスクが挿入されている The wrong disk may 800CD6C8 可能性があります。確認して be inserted. Have you 800CD6E4 ディスクが差し込まれていますか。 checked and inserted the disc? 800CD708 起動時のディスクを挿入して Insert the disk at startup
Expansion Kit Content
To do: Talk page details a bit of the track editor leftovers. |
Most of the content added by the F-Zero X Expansion Kit, released on the ill-fated Nintendo 64DD in Japan, is actually present in the main game and merely enabled by the Expansion Kit. This is even true for the US version, which didn"t get the Expansion Kit. Such content includes all the new machines, several graphics, and an unfinished placeholder for the track editor.
Super Falcon
There are two versions of Super Falcon accessible. One is a unique character slot that uses mostly default data, but shows his portrait. The other is similar to what the Expansion Kit uses, by changing Captain Falcon"s data.
To access Super Falcon"s portrait (in emulation), follow the instructions below. For Super Falcon"s vehicle and stats, use the Create Machine application to generate codes for any region.
Instructions: This cheat needs to be used once the track is loaded since the game will crash while loading the course, thus only being accessible in emulation. Enter the desired track in any mode with any character. Once the track loads, activate the cheat code, then enter the menu in-game (by pressing Start) and select Settings. You will now be presented with the pilot profile of Super Falcon and a buggy Blue Falcon with maxed-out stats. The vehicle will be playable until it crosses the finish line, where the game will instantly freeze.
Something interesting to note is that in the Expansion Kit, Super Falcon actually has a B in Boost and weighs 790 KG, instead of an A in Boost and 0 KG. The even more interesting thing is that Super Falcon"s actual machine is in the game"s files, completely separate from the bugged-out Super Falcon.
Version | GameShark code |
US | 800E5EE1 001E |
Europe | 800D8731 001E |
Japan | 800E5AB1 001E |
China | 800D8F69 001E |
Super Stingray and Super Cat Leftovers
Using a character modifier code and setting the value to 21 or 22 (on emulation) will reveal that Samurai Goroh and Jody Summer"s profile images are actually included in the original game rather than the Expansion Kit version. Upon accessing the machine settings screen, the game will slow down because they don"t have a machine model defined, even though their Super Machines are in the game files. Like with the Super Falcon, the Super Machines can be accessed with the Create Machine application.
GameShark Code | Effect |
800E5EE1 0021 | Perfect Samurai Goroh |
800E5EE1 0022 | Perfect Jody Summer |
Edit Cup Graphic Leftover
The building texture for the Edit Cup Ending from the Expansion Kit is present in the US version, and can be accessed using the F-Zero Execution Project (a track editor) and adding it to a custom track.
Custom Machines
Data for creating custom machines exists in the game. In fact, through the use of third-party programs it"s entirely possible to create your own machine, including unique stats, weight, emblem, parts, and name. Playing your created machine requires a cheat device, such as a GameShark.
Longer Races
Graphics and functionality for 4- and 5-lap races, seen in early magazine screenshots, are still present in the ROM. Use the code 800CD00F 0004 for 4-lap races or 800CD00F 0005 for 5-lap races.
Unfortunately, increasing the number of laps will also cause the CPU racers to speed up tremendously, meaning you"ll end up in last place almost all the time. The authentic F-Zero experience!
Regional Differences
- Pardon the 64DD logo. Other than that, here"s the differences between Japan, International, and China.
Japan | US/Europe | China |
- Blood Falcon"s vehicle, the Blood Hawk, is named the Hell Hawk in Japan. Later Japanese games adopted the international name.
Japan | International |
- Three pilots have different names in the Japanese version.
Japan | International |
- The iQue version replaced many graphics and sounds. All graphics and text were changed to be written in Chinese and Mr. Zero, the announcer, was dubbed into Chinese. Some in-game billboards were also changed to show the iQue logo.
Revisional Differences
The Virtual Console release for the Wii differs slightly from the N64 and iQue versions.
- There"s a fault in emulation that causes textures to appear differently. This is most notable in Sand Ocean 1, where there is a very bright section of the pipes that is not seen on the N64 or iQue versions.
N64 | Wii Virtual Console |
Crash Debugger
Crash the game, then hold Z + L and press A, C-Up (×2), B, C-Right (×2), B, C-Right, B, C-Right, Start.
A similar crash debugger can be found in Paper Mario.
Debugging Text
Please elaborate. Having more detail is always a good thing. |
Found at 0x0006A680.
----------------------Double-Error CH: %x %f ----------------------Double-Error NT: %x CAUTION:SUB IS SEPARATED FROM GROUP CAUTION:PAUSE EMERGENCY Error:Wait Track disappear ptr2 %x --4 %x NoteOff Comes during wait release %x (note %x) Slow Release Batting Alloc Error:Dim voice-Alloc %d Error:Same List Add Already Cut Intterupt UseStop %d (Kill %d) Intterupt RelWait %d (Kill %d) Drop Voice (Prio %x) Audio:Envp: overflow %f Audio:Track:Warning: No Free Notetrack Stop Release Error:Same List Add Wait Time out! WARNING: NPRG: cannot change %d Audio:Track:NOTE:UNDEFINED NOTE COM. %x Error: Subtrack no prg. ERR %x Note OverFlow %d trs %d , %d, %d SUB:ERR:BANK %d NOT CACHED. SUB:ERR:BANK %d NOT CACHED. [%2x] Err :Sub %x ,address %x:Undefined SubTrack Function %x VoiceLoad Error Bank:%d,Prog:%d Disappear Sequence or Bank %d Group:Undefine upper C0h command (%x) Group:Undefined Command CAUTION:WAVE CACHE FULL %d SUPERDMA BankCount %d BANK LOAD MISS! FOR %d BankCount %d Flush Start %d ->%d useflag %d BankCount %d %2x LoadCtrl, Ptr %x and Media is %d Load Bank, Type %d , ID %d get auto get s-auto %x Seq %d Write ID OK %d! Banknumber %d Bank Offset %x %d %d PEP Touch %x FastCopy FastCopy Not Supported Error: DMA Prohibited Media [%d] Warning: size not align 16 %x (%s) Load Bank BG, Type %d , ID %d get auto get s-auto %x Clear Workarea %x -%x size %x AudioHeap is %x Heap reset.Synth Change %x Heap %x %x %x Main Heap Initialize. %d :WaveA %d WaveB %d Inst %d,Perc %d ---------- Init Completed. ------------ Syndrv :[m] Seqdrv :[m] audiodata :[m] --------------------------------------- Entry--- %d %d ---Block LPS here ===Block LPS end SLOWCOPY����Not Supported Req: Src %x Dest %x Len %x,media %d,retcode %d Remain Size %d ---Block BG here ===Block BG end Retcode %x Other Type: Not Write ID. BGLOAD:Error: dma length 0 BGCOPY Not Supported InstTop is %x Error: Already wavetable is touched %x. Touch Warning: Length zero %x Media Convert %d -> %d It"s busy now!!!!! %d BG LOAD BUFFER is OVER. Warning: Length zero %x Wave Load %d Total Bg Wave Load %d Receive %d ============Error: Magic is Broken after loading. Remain DMA: %d N start %d ============Error: Magic is Broken: %x Error: No Handle. Success: %x It"s busy now!!!!! %d BG LOAD BUFFER is OVER. Base %x,Len %x Media %d Wave Load %d Total Bg Wave Load %d Warning:Kill Note %x Kill Voice %d (ID %d) %d Warning: Running Sequence"s data disappear! %x %x %x Audio:Memory:Heap OverFlow : Not Allocate %d! %x %x %x Audio:Memory:Heap OverFlow : Not Allocate %d! Audio:Memory:DataHeap Not Allocate StayHeap Not Allocate %d AutoHeap Not Allocate %d Status ID0 : %d ID1 : %d id 0 is Stopping id 0 is Stop id 1 is Stopping id 1 is Stop WARNING: NO FREE AUTOSEQ AREA. WARNING: NO STOP AUTO AREA. AND TRY FORCE TO STOP SIDE Check ID0 (seq ID %d) Useing ... Check ID1 (seq ID %d) Useing ... No Free Seq area. CH %d: ID %d TWO SIDES ARE LOADING... ALLOC CANCELED. WARNING: Before Area Overlaid After. WARNING: After Area Overlaid Before. MEMORY:SzHeapAlloc ERROR: sza->side %d Audio:MEMORY:SzHeap Overflow error. (%d bytes) Auto Heap Unhit for ID %d Heap Reconstruct Start %x ---------------------------------------TEMPO %d %f %f %f AHPBASE %x AHPCUR %x HeapTop %x SynoutRate %d / %d FXSIZE %d FXCOMP %d FXDOWN %d WaveCacheLen: %d SpecChange Finished Warning:Emem Over,not alloc %d Single AutoSize %d Single Ptr %x Request--------Single-Auto, %d Retry %x, %x, len %x DMAing list %d is killed. Try Kill %d Try Kill %x %x Try Kill %x %x %x Rom back %x %x Error sw NULL Request--------Single-Stay, %d Try Kill %d Try Kill %x %x Try Kill %x %x %x Terminate-Canceled Channel %d,Phase %d DAC:Lost 1 Frame. Address Error %x DMA: Request queue over.( %d ) Audio:now-max tasklen is %d / %d Audio:Warning:ABI Tasklist length over (%d) BGLOAD Start %d Error: OverFlow Your Request ---AudioSending (%d->%d) AudioSend: %d -> %d (%d) Warning: MesgQ is Full, Retry Next Send. Next Start %d Continue Port %d -> %d Sync-Frame Break. (Remain %d [%d,%d]) specchg conjunction error (Msg:%d Cur:%d) Warning : Queue is not empty,drop this (number %d ) Warning: SpecChange is processing now[number %d] Same SpecChange... Cancel. Overwrite SpecNumber.[->%d] Coherency safety wait.. Normal SpecChange [num %d] Undefined Port Command %d
Found at 0x005286DF:
Found at 0x00070050:
LEVEL SE INTERNAL CALL! player=x SE Number= x LEVEL SE FINAL CALL! player=x SE Number= x LEVEL SE FINAL CALL! player=x SE Number= x LEVEL SE FINAL CALL! player=x SE Number= x LEVEL SE FINAL CALL! player=x SE Number= x LEVEL SE FINAL CALL! player=x SE Number= x LEVEL SE FINAL CALL! player=x SE Number= x LEVEL SE FINAL CALL! player=x SE Number= x LEVEL SE FINAL CALL! player=x SE Number= x LEVEL SE FINAL CALL! player=x SE Number= x LEVEL SE FINAL CALL! player=x SE Number= x Ouch!! UN-SUPORTED TRG SE NUM WAS CALLED !!!!!!! num = x LEVEL SE FADEOUT COMPLETE ROUTINE BGM FADEOUT1 COMPLETE ROUTINE BGM FADEOUT2 COMPLETE ROUTINE BGM FADEOUT3 COMPLETE ROUTINE BGM FADEOUT COMPLETE ROUTINE (in the PAUSE ROUTINE) ENEMY ENGINE START MACHINE No.= x ENEMY ENGINE STOP! len = %d Player Level SE Start !! player = x SE number = x PLAYER LEVEL SE STACK OVER!! Na_PlyLevelSE_Stop Called player = x num = x NON ENTRIED LEVEL SE STOPED! SE NUMBER = x VOICE SE STACK OVER!! System SE = x hanabi se called. pan = x volume = x ENGINE SOUND ECHO START MACHINE NO = x ENGINE SOUND ECHO STOPED! MACHINE No.= x ENGINE SOUND STOPED! MACHINE No.= x ENGINE SOUND START! MACHINE No.= x WINING RUN ENGINE SOUND START! MACHINE No.= x 64DD STREEM BGM Ready x 64DD STREEM BGM Startx Na_DDBgm_Stop Called Na_BetaBgm_Start num = x Na_BetaBgm_Stop Called Na_ROMBgm_Start Called num = x Na_ROMBgm_Stop Called RETIRE FUNCTION CALLED!! Level SE Fadeout !! Na_BetaBgm_Stop2 Called Na_BetaBgm_Stop3 Called Pause Called!! Status = x Spec Change No = x Player Mode = x All Sound Off Na_SeSeq_Start for ROM Called Change Sound Mode No = x Na_chakuchi Called player = x volume = %f Na_chakuchi Edited volume = %f Na_Guitor_Start Called Na_Guitor_Start for ROM Called
The F-Zero series
| |
SNES | F-Zero (Prototype) • Nintendo Campus Challenge 1992 |
Satellaview | BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 |
Nintendo 64(DD) | F-Zero X (Expansion Kit, iQue Prototype) |
Game Boy Advance | F-Zero Maximum Velocity (iQue Prototypes) • F-Zero GP Legend • F-Zero Climax |
GameCube | F-Zero GX |
Arcade | F-Zero AX |
Nintendo Switch | F-Zero 99 |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Nintendo EAD
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- Games published by Nintendo
- Nintendo 64 games
- IQue Player games
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- Games released in 1998
- Games released in July
- Games released on July 14
- Games released in October
- Games released on October 26
- Games released in November
- Games released on November 6
- Games with unused characters
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused models
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with regional differences
- Games with revisional differences
- Pages with a Data Crystal link
- To do
- Articles requiring elaboration
- F-Zero series
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Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
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Games > Games by content > Games with revisional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused characters
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused models
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Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Nintendo > Games developed by Nintendo EPD > Games developed by Nintendo EAD
Games > Games by platform > Nintendo 64 games
Games > Games by platform > Nintendo 64 games > IQue Player games
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in July
Games > Games by release date > Games released in July > Games released on July 14
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 6
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October > Games released on October 26
Games > Games by series > F-Zero series