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Duke Nukem Forever/Unused Models

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This is a sub-page of Duke Nukem Forever.

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There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.
To do:
  • Test Models: List all of the test models individually.
  • Ammo Boxes: Add images with their textures applied.
    • Also add image of the Jetpack and compare with the used model.

The game's models are stored across meshes.dat in SkinMeshes and StaticMeshDir.dat and StaticMeshes.dat in StaticMeshes.

Duke's Mighty Foot

To do:
Any leftover weapon data for this?
DNF Mightyfootmelee.png

A model of a simple box named mightyfoot_melee.msh exists in a folder of the same name in the Weapons directory of the meshes, suggesting that Duke's signature melee attack was set to return. It's very likely a leftover from earlier versions of the game.

Test Models

DNF Allprimitives.png

A few test models are present in the files in sm_lighttestbed/primitives. A file called allprimitives.smsh contains multiple models in one, but some of the models do have their own separate files.

Ammo Boxes

A whole bunch of models for ammo pickups that aren't used can be found in sm_class_dukeitems, seemingly replaced with EDF ammo crates and taking ammo from dropped weapons.

  • Pistol_AmmoPickup.smsh
  • Freezer_ammo.smsh
  • Shotgun_ammo.smsh
  • Devastator_Ammo.smsh
  • RPG_Ammo.smsh
  • Ripper_Ammo.smsh
  • Railgun_AmmoPickup.smsh
  • Shrinkray_Ammo.smsh

Even the unused Nuke weapon has its own ammo box called nuke_ammno.smsh

(Source: User xMobilemux on Duke4.net)

Old Jetpack Model

An unused model of the Jetpack known as Jetpack.smsh can be found at sm_class_duekitems/Defualt. This old design is more akin to the jetpack's appearance in Duke Nukem 3D then the final game's.

Unused Used
(Source: User xMobilemux on Duke4.net)

Unused Gib Models

There are various models of gibs for characters that are never shown to gib.

Johnny O'Lenoman

General Graves