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Death Gate

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Title Screen

Death Gate

Developer: Legend Entertainment[1]
Publisher: Legend Entertainment[1]
Platform: DOS
Released in US: November 1994[1]

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Death Gate is one of Legend Entertainment"s many adventure games based on popular novels, in this case the Death Gate Cycle series by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.

Unused Text Strings

This is a Self-Immolation Reversed spell.

This string is stored with the lines for pressing the "Identify" button on the spell creation screen, so it was presumably meant to be the identify text for the reversed Self-Immolation spell used to defeat the player"s double in the Vortex, but in the final game doing so only gives the standard error message for trying to identify an invalid spell ("This is an unknown spell.").

Snake Held
Fixed Pipes
Old Dwarf Happy
Guard Down
Flown Elf Ship
Captured Ship
Ship was in Skurvash
Ready to Kill
Elf is Cooperative
Given Ring
Done Possession
Removed Bar
Tapestry Open
Learned Tapestry Spell
Alley is Dangerous
Inventory Taken
Rat Disappointed
Rat is Friend
Rat Got Something
Rat Got Pick
Merchant Door is Open
Solved Merchant Clock Puzzle
Got Amulet
Set Time to Four
Prince Companion
Solved Dward Symbols
Spell - Identify
Spell - Heat
Spell - Cold
Spell - Rune Transfer
Spell - Create Reality Pocket
Spell - Create Shroud of Darkness
Spell - Motion
Spell - Swap
Spell - Transportation
Spell - Possession
Spell - Ward
Spell - Hunger
Spell - Unravel Illusion
Spell - Ressurection
Spell - Self-Immolation
Spell - Null Water
Travel Map - Drevlin
Travel Map - King"s Castle
Travel Map - Skurvash
Travel Map - Treecity
Travel Map - Citadel
Travel Map - Deadcity
Travel Map - Palace
Travel Map - Secret Cave
Global Variables
Take which Object?
Where to?
Free memory: %s
Low memory: %s  (%s)
Version: %s
Animation %sabled

A set of strings seemingly left over from some sort of debug menu, with references to various event flags and locations.

Hidden Development Text

The first frame of the movie file Zinger.fli (played when activating the zinger on the ship in Drevlin) contains a note from its animator to the programming team; this isn"t visible in-game because that area of the image is covered up by the game"s UI.

Deathgate zinger.png


Please use this file (ZNGREV_2.FLI) as the FINAL version of this animation.

I did make a few additional changes to the last file sent (ZNGREV_1.FLC)
