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Catwoman (GameCube, PlayStation 2)

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Title Screen


Developer: Argonaut Games
Publisher: EA Games
Platforms: GameCube, PlayStation 2
Released in US: July 20, 2004 (PS2), July 24, 2004 (GCN)
Released in EU: August 6, 2004

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

The GameCube and PS2 versions of Catwoman aren"t as bad as the film they"re based on, though that really isn"t saying much.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Debug Stuff

There are a few debug things left behind in the game. All of these can be activated with cheat codes.

The GameCube codes listed below are for Action Replay. The PS2 cheat codes are for the US version only, and any cheat devices that support RAW codes will work.

Pause Menu

Catwoman-debugmenu1.png Catwoman-debugmenu2.png

A pause menu with many options available. Pause the game with the code on to enable this. Internally named "DEBUG_CHEATS".

GCN Version Encrypted Decrypted
US/Europe 7R2A-9FYG-EEJ2Q
05AA4F64 18000000
04020750 60000000
04020820 60000000
PS2 Version Code
US 2012B134 00000000


Some code exists to display the player"s coordinates within a level. Can also be enabled with the "DEBUG_CHEATS" code.

Version Encrypted Decrypted
05AA1629 18000000
041C4170 00000001

Debug Info

Displays some miscellaneous debug info.

Version Encrypted Decrypted
US/Europe UMDV-U011-2BNW7
05AA42EB 18000000
041C48CC 00000001

Level Select

Catwoman-debugmenu3.png Catwoman-debugmenu4.png

Two extra debug menu options will be enabled if this is active. This also enables invulnerability. Internally named "LEVEL_SELECT".

PS2 Version Code
US 2012B090 00000000

Debug Camera


Internally named "DEBUG_FLY". This allows you to enable a debug camera tool when pressing Select.

PS2 Version Code
US 2012B18C 00000000


There are other debug options, but it"s not known if they work anymore. The below codes are for the PS2 US version.

2012B160 00000000

2012B1B8 00000000

2012B1E4 00000000

2012B210 00000000

2012B0B8 00000000
(Source: Ralf (GC Forever), Punk7890 (PS2 codes))