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Batman Returns (Genesis)

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Title Screen

Batman Returns

Developer: Malibu Interactive
Publishers: Sega, Tec Toy (BR)
Platform: Genesis
Released in JP: February 19, 1993[1]
Released in US: 1992
Released in EU: 1992
Released in BR: 1993

LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?

A rather generic platform game with some cheap deaths and cheap enemy placements.

Stage Select

Batman Returns Genesis Stage Select.png

Press Right, Left, Down, Up, A, B, B, A on Controller 2 at the title screen. Memory address FFFE74 is now 0800 and a sound plays. Now move the bat cursor to Options, hold Right, and press Start.
