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A Hat in Time (Windows, Mac OS X)/Texture Oddities

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This is a sub-page of A Hat in Time (Windows, Mac OS X).

Dweller Mask Notes

A-Hat-in-Time-dweller-bull-texture.png A-Hat-in-Time-dweller-bunny-texture.png A-Hat-in-Time-dweller-cat-texture.png
These textures for the Dweller"s Mask variants all contain notes within the texture that signify the front and back of each mask.

Detective Hat Diffuse Reference Image

The detective hat texture contains an art reference image.

Habboi In A Book Texture

Habster says hello.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Couch Diffuse Reference Image

AHatIntime lounge chair.png
The texture for the couches in Murder on the Owl Express has a tiny reference texture on the right.

Unused Headphones Treble Clef

AHatIntime listening to music.png
Within the texture for the music notes used by some particles in the game, including the headphones that certain Moon Penguins wear, is an unused RGB layer of a treble clef. The material for the music notes does not have the treble clef layer hooked up to anything, so it never appears.

AHatIntime MusicNote ThumbnailTexture.png
Extracting the particle"s thumbnail from the Modding Tools not only reveals an early design for the particle (with the notes all being rainbow colors), but also shows the treble clef in use, indicating that it was implemented at some point, and then explicitly removed while the eighth note and double-eighth note were left in.

Queen Vanessa Shower Hidden Detail

AHatIntime manor shower d.png
The texture for Vanessa"s shower appears to have an interesting graphic in it not seen on the model in-game. There"s an emblem of a "V" in the middle. However, this does not appear because the texture is not applied to a specific material slot of the model. Instead, a standard metallic gold material is applied. If the shower"s main texture is applied to this material slot...
AHatInTime SecretShowerEmblem.png
The graphic appears! The two bumps on the sides of the emblem, which are also gold normally, become red. It"s unknown why this part of the texture was never used.

Unused Mafia Town Door Details

AHatIntime HiddenMafiaTownDoorDesign.png
The texture used by the blue doors in Mafia Town actually has a unique design for the window on the door, never seen normally due to the door using a frosted glass material with a fake cubemap interior in it. However, there"s even more details present in the texture not used on the model, even when applying the texture to all parts of it. This is due to the UVs of the door being edited after the texture was made for it, but with a little UV modification to the model...

AHatIntime EvenMoreHiddenMafiaDoorDesigns.png
Unique designs for the lock, handle, and base of the door can be restored! This is likely what the door looked like at first, before it was decided to use a basic gold metal and calcite texture on the model instead.

DLC 1 Concept Art Pictures

AHatIntime DLC1 hub pictures.png
Posted on the wall next to the elevator in the Spaceship Hub"s basement are three pictures of the Arctic Cruise, but as it turns out, these three images are actually concept art for the level, and show some design differences compared to the final version of the Chapter!

  • The top left image is concept art for the nursery, and features a completely different window design on the right compared to the final version. The model for this window can actually be found in the Modding Tools, unused. It also appears that the playpen the Grandkids would play inside of had a rainbow theme, and didn"t have barbed wire. There also doesn"t appear to be any hole defined for the ice panel shortcut seen in the final version.
  • The right image is concept art for the lobby/reception area, and there"s numerous differences to see here. The color and designs for the 2nd floor walkways are a bit different from the final, and more resemble their appearances in the leaked version of the Chapter from May 2018. Also like the May 2018 version, the color scheme of the room has an additional primary color: red. One half of the room was going to be red, and the other blue. A unique texture and material for this wall still exist in the Modding Tools, unused. Finally, the floor of the room has a diamond-shaped portion lit up, which is another scrapped feature of the room that has leftovers in the Modding Tools.
  • The last image, the bottom one, is concept art for the garden. The room has a much whiter, more posh appearance than it does in the final. Older designs for towels that would hang from the balconies are visible, with these designs again matching up with the May 2018 version of their texture. But perhaps most notable is a staircase in the middle of the room leading downwards. In the final version, the room that would be below this room is the lobby/reception room, which very likely means that this staircase was to lead to that room, and ultimately the walkway above the middle of that room that leads to the casino. It"s unknown why this path was scrapped. This path does not appear in any way shape or form in the May 2018 version of the Chapter.

Nyakuza Metro File Select Panorama Screenshot

AHatIntime panorama metro.png
The background scene that can appear on the file select menu occasionally when DLC 2 has been bought is actually a very early screenshot of the level, dated December 19 2018, about four months before the DLC was even revealed. There are numerous differences that can be observed compared to the final version.

The level is a lot brighter than it ended up being. The yellow cat head hologram at the top left is of an earlier design that can still be found in the Modding Tools. The design of the symbols and cat heads on the information desk match a leftover emissive map texture that can also still be found in the Modding Tools. Finally, the "departure" signs on the left are using a placeholder texture that actually says "departure" in English instead of the cat language, and have no other information or details present on them. No NPCs or Pons can be seen in the level either, but they might"ve been hidden for the screenshot.

Vanessa"s Curse Unused 4th Roulette Slots

For some reason, the textures that contain the graphics for the Vanessa wheel events and the neutral wheel events both contain a 4th empty circle on the far right. The texture for the Snatcher wheel events does not have this 4th circle. It"s unknown what the extra circles were for. They could"ve been used as a template for making the other circle graphics, or maybe they could be placeholder for a scrapped 4th type of event. Curiously, the extra circle in the neutral event texture is half red, half purple. Normally, the two colors used to the represent the teams are red and blue, so it"s unknown why the color purple is being used. An early prerelease video of the mode shows a scrapped purple Hat Kid team ring icon, which is likely related to this.

Vanessa"s Curse Moon Plant Texture

AHatIntime MoonPlantDif.png
The texture for the tiny moon plant flowers in the garden area of the manor has a couple extra details that aren"t present on the actual model. There is a strange "X" design in the bottom left corner, as well as a leaf design for the flower! The final version of the flower doesn"t have any leaves on the stem, indicating that this is leftover from an earlier version of the flower"s model.

Old Toilet of Doom Arena

AHatInTime CubemapFace0 Toilet.pngAHatInTime CubemapFace2 Toilet.pngAHatInTime CubemapFace1 Toilet.pngAHatInTime CubemapFace3 Toilet.png
Stored separately from the rest of Subcon Forest"s cubemaps are these pictures of an older version of the arena for the Toilet of Doom. The biggest difference between its appearance here and the final game"s is the usage of the older Dweller cages, which also happen to appear in the Toilet of Doom"s titlecard graphic. Note that some of these images have been rotated for ease of viewing, due to them being part of a cubemap.

Old Vanessa Manor Cellar

AHatIntime OldManor CubemapFace3.pngAHatIntime OldManor CubemapFace0.pngAHatIntime OldManor CubemapFace2.pngAHatIntime OldManor CubemapFace1.png
AHatIntime OldManor CubemapFace4.pngAHatIntime OldManor CubemapFace5.png
Much like the Toilet of Doom cubemap above, these cubemap textures are stored separately from the normal cubemaps the level uses, and shows off a very early cellar area for Queen Vanessa"s Manor. The door to the first floor using default textures indicates this version is from before the Alpha builds. Additional copies of this cubemap can be found in the Modding Tools.