A downloadable game engine

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Talefab.com is an versatile online game engine. The main purpose of the game engine was to create visual novels, but RPG games, online escape rooms and educational games can be made too.


Unlike other game editor, Talefab.com does not require any coding skills. While the editor is fully visual, you can create rooms, scenes, models without writing a single line of code, and the drag-and-drop  system makes it way easier to place everything in position.

Editing an item in a room
Editing an item in a room


The learning curve is as short as it can be. Every element is designed to be self-explanatory, and if this is not enough, a tooltip help system, an interactive step-by-step tutorial and a loadable test project helps you out.

The welcome screen while creating a game

The welcome screen while creating a game


Maybe other visual novel makers lack capabilities, like item creating, interacting with items? Well, not Talefab.com. Creating and editing items and making them clickable is one of the crucial functionality of the game engine.

The model of a barrel. States and options ads interactivity to an item.

The model of a barrel. States and options ads interactivity to an item.


Talefab.com is the first visual novel game engine, that offers built-in game assets for game creators. Recently launched, the media repository contains more than 180 backgrounds and 70 unique characters.

Free Media Repository

Using the repository is a matter of seconds


Talefab.com is not just an editor. Since it's a portal, you can publish your game instantly for thousands of players.

The game store

The game store


Export your game to Windows in a few seconds. You'll get a standalone version of the game, and no internet connectivity is needed.

Oh yes, and one more thing:
IT"S FREE! - 100%


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IDK if this engine is still supported, but i cant use it since it doesnt allow to log in after i created my account :(


I don't know if the website is still being supported at all, but while I was initially excited by the editor side of things, I was turned off by the website being the only place you can publish your games (without spending money on a premium account, which implies subscription based service), the games list having no search function/categories and nothing in the ToS about whether adult games are acceptable to upload.

Hello, can I get a good download link? I cannot download this game engine no matter now many times I try and I even try to "tick" the alternative download link but still nothing happens. So may I please get an alternative download link from where I can download?

I like it using Room, Scene and Model to structure its functionalities and logic. 
The problem with visual programming/editing in general, is scalability. But i guess it's ok for visual novel.  Only concern is CDN

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I'm confused why have a download option when you can't actually download it? Just put the link to the website  in the description.

putting the download button is misleading

Nice job !

Thanks :)

Will you create a Discord for this?

Good idea! I will do that in the upcoming weeks.

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This looks promising! I'm currently looking for a narrative-heavy engine that also has point-n-click features. 

Messed around for a few hours but couldn't get one scene to go to the next (with changing backgrounds/'rooms'). 

Might come back to this one day!

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Hey Neeka!

I just checked your "Test" game, with the forest rooms.

To link two rooms, you need a model (I added a Door model for example), then select the room (need to be displayed on the canvas), and drag the model to it.

From here on, select the instance that was just created (we call this an "item"), and go to the Options.

You can add various options here, but for your case add a "Go to room" action. In the Value field you need to put the destination room's ID.

I just made this little demo for you right in your game :)

If you have any further questions, please let me know!

(If you can't reproduce it, I can make a little video too.)

Will you ever release it as a download? I'm not fond of web software since it always requires internet connection.

Yes! The games created with the engine will be downloadable to windows standalone within a premium membership, this will also include many new features (if I'll have enough backers, I'll make also an APK downloader for it)

I'll launch a kickstarter in this summer to fundraise the development, and the premium package will be developed until december.

Maybe later on, the editor itself will be downloadable too, however it will need internet connection for log into your account.

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I just released the Windows download option of the created games for free :)

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The above link says "Download Now" -- but you can't. The link takes you to a web page where you can start making your own visual novels. Seems like a good start, but, for instance, how do I set screen size and/or image size?

While it's a web based project, it doesn't have a download link - I added the projects' URL instead.

The game's canvas is 4:3, and it resizes to full width or height, depending on screen resolution. With "F" or double click you can make it full screen tho.

In the game editor the canvas is 800 x 600 for the moment, but I'm planning to add wide screen resolution also.

Also, feel free to join our little community hub:


Thanks for the information! I'm not a fan of facebook -- is there a discord I could join?

I'm not a fan either, that's why I was planning to make one channel on discord also.

I'll get back to you, when it's up.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, let me know!

Will do. Are you planning on making any tutorials? That would help a lot..

Yes, the're on my backlogs with priority!

Also, there is an interactive step-by-step tutorial system in-build in the editor.

Is there an export/packaging option for the completed projects or do the games remain web based?

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Not right now, but this feature is on backlogs. 

Technically speaking it can be done fairly easy, but...

I'm planning a free media repository too (backgrounds, sprites, items collection), and it depends if the artists of the repo's image grant the license for the used arts to be downloaded together with the games created. (Ofc, this applies only if you use images from the repo in your game).

Right now, I'm in talk with some of them, like @Rachel Chan, to clarify this questions.

Right, but I create my own art though. ;) Will be watching the development of this app with interest.

Ofc, the best practice is to get your own art.

The media repo is meant to be an aid for those, who can't or don't want to add their own arts.

I've wanted to do a point-and-click game for a while now, and this looks like it'll be perfect for it!  I'm looking forward to trying it out!

I'm happy to hear that!

If you have any questions, feel free to join our Community Hub too.

This looks really cool, going to check it out, thanks for making it available!

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I love to hear that!

There is also a Community Hub for questions, discussions and meet others.

It would be nice to have you around.😉