Asset Library for dynamic creatives

You can use the Asset Library to upload and organize creative assets (such as images, videos, and other creative files) for dynamic campaigns.

About advertiser-level assets for dynamic campaigns

Dynamic creatives are always advertiser-level bound. Assets must be uploaded under the corresponding advertiser (either in system-created campaign folders or user-created custom folders) to be used in a dynamic creative. You can't use dynamic assets across advertisers. To use the same assets for multiple advertisers, you need to re-upload the assets for each advertiser that needs them.

If you have an advertiser that is synced over from the creative workflow, you can only use the assets for dynamic campaigns for that corresponding advertiser.

Step 1: Upload your assets to Asset Library

Upload assets into the Asset Library

  1. On the Assets tab, navigate to the folder into which you want to upload the asset.

  2. Click New asset.

  3. Select files to upload and click Open.

    • You can select multiple files at once.

    • If you upload a compressed file (ZIP) of assets, Asset Library will automatically unpack the files.

When the files have been uploaded successfully, they'll be listed on the Assets tab.

Each asset you upload has a unique dynamic asset path, which can be used in your creative code.

Step 2: Copy dynamic asset paths

Copy a single asset path

  1. Open the asset in Asset Library.
  2. In "Details" pane, click the "Dynamic Path" field and copy it.
Copy multiple dynamic paths

When your dynamic feed has many asset URLs in a column, it's easier to download dynamic paths for all of the assets at once. Asset Library provides these asset paths in a single CSV file so that you can copy them into a spreadsheet column.

To copy multiple dynamic asset paths to your feed:

  1. Navigate to the folder or folders you want to use in your feed. Check the box to the left of the folder names or individual asset names for the assets you need paths for.
  2. Click the Dynamic paths button Download Dynamic paths. A CSV file will be downloaded.
  3. Open the CSV file with your favorite spreadsheet editing software.
  4. The spreadsheet has two columns. The first column lists the folder name and the asset name. The second column lists the asset's dynamic path. Select and copy the second column.
  5. Open your feed spreadsheet and paste the copied paths into your feed's asset URL column.

Alternatively, use the Download dynamic paths... folder action to download paths for all assets in that folder.

Dynamic paths will only be downloaded for assets that are directly inside that folder. Paths for assets in sub-folders won't be included.

Step 3: Use dynamic asset paths in a feed

Use a dynamic asset path in a feed

Once you've uploaded your assets, you'll see them in your Asset Library folder along with an icon that indicates the type of asset you uploaded. To learn more about the icons, see the Asset Library overview Help Center article.

When you check the box to the right of the asset name, a File Details Page displays on the right side of the window. Next to the name of the assets, preview, dimensions, and file size, you'll see Dynamic path.

To use the asset in your dynamic feed, copy the dynamic path and paste it into the cell of the corresponding asset column.

If you need to copy many dynamic paths at once, it's easier to download them all together. Learn how to copy multiple dynamic paths.

Example dynamic path

DRM_Asset:ourfolder/where we host our assets/assetimage-1.jpg

Sample feed with assets from the Asset Library

1 Text_Hi Hi there DRM_Asset:ourfolder/where we host our assets/assetimage-1.jpg
2 Text_Welcome Welcome DRM_Asset:ourfolder/where we host our assets/assetimage-2.jpg
3 Text_Whats What's up DRM_Asset:ourfolder/where we host our assets/assetimage-3.jpg
When the final ad appears on a publisher's page, these Asset Library dynamic paths are replaced with the final asset URL.

Example final asset URL
Using videos from Asset Library

Asset Library supports both streaming and progressive video playback.

Progressive playback is supported for the following video source formats: .mp4, .ogv, .webm.

Video file size limits

The maximum file size for video files in Asset Library is 60 MB, except for .ogg and .ogv, which are limited to 10 MB.

Using video paths

Once you have uploaded the videos to Asset Library you need to copy the dynamic path of your Asset Library video URL into the feed.

Example Asset Library video paths in a feed

Id ReportingLabel Headline AssetURL
1 Text_Hi Hi there DRM_Asset:ourfolder/where we host our assets/assetimage-1.webm
2 Text_Welcome Welcome DRM_Asset:ourfolder/where we host our assets/assetimage-2.webm
3 Text_Whats What's up DRM_Asset:ourfolder/where we host our assets/assetimage-3.webm

Under Step 2 in your profile, once you have retransformed your feed, the column that defines your video_url will be automatically detected and set to "AssetLibrary video file path”.

If you do not see the “AssetLibrary video file path”, please contact support to enable Asset Library for dynamic creatives for your advertiser.

The real file name won’t be included in the video file path.

Step 4: (Feeds only) Upload the feed to your dynamic profile

After uploading the feed, set the field type to “AssetLibrary path” for the columns that reference assets from the Asset Library. (Studio should automatically detect the correct field type). If you do not find the field type “AssetLibrary path” in your profile, contact the support team.

Once your feed has finished transforming, click the Generate Code step of the Dynamic Creative workflow, copy the code, and paste it into your dynamic creative asset. Or, if you're using Google Web Designer, set up dynamic bindings for the assets that are hosted in Asset Library.

Updates made in the Asset Library, either through a change or replacement of assets, will not be reflected in dynamic profiles. To learn how to update asset information in a dynamic profile, see the FAQs below.

Frequently Asked Questions

I updated my image assetimage1 in the Asset Library and replaced it with another image. Are these changes reflected the live campaign?

No, this change is not reflected in the live campaign. If the image was updated under a certain asset name in the Asset Library and is being used in a live campaign, you will need to retransform the feed.

To retransform the feed, go to Step 2: Manage Data > Actions > Retransform. By retransforming, the new image is copied over to the dynamic creative.

I updated my image assetimage1 to assetimage_new in Asset Library. What should I do to reflect that change in the dynamic profile?

You need to update the dynamic path in the feed and then retransform the feed under Step 2: Manage Data > Actions > Retransform.

If you retransform the feed with the old name, you will get a transformation error in the dynamic profile.

Can I use different types of video files under one column?

No. You can't use different types of video files under one column because you always need to set as many columns as you have media files.

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