Release notes archive

You can see previous release notes here. Older notes might not reflect current product functionality. For the latest releases, go to Studio release notes.

Release notes for December 31, 2022

Creative Preview app updates

We've launched a simpler and more streamlined version of the Creative Preview app to make it easier to preview your ads on mobile. The new app no longer requires you to sign in, which makes it easier to use shared mobile devices for testing.

Other changes

  • You no longer need to pair your device with a Google Marketing Platform account.
  • You no longer need to sync to get creative updates.
  • We're removing the "Push to device" option from previews in Studio, Display & Video 360, Campaign Manager 360, and Google Web Designer. Instead, scan a QR code with your device to open the preview on that device.
  • We're removing cache clearing because you always get a fresh preview.
  • We're removing favorites because it wasn't a popular feature.
  • Minor updates to refresh the look and feel of the app.

Release notes for January 5, 2022

GreenSock JavaScript libraries updated to 3.9.1

Get the latest GreenSock JavaScript libraries hosted by Studio. Learn more

  • Added Flip plugin
  • Added CustomEase
  • Removed CSSRulePlugin, which was deprecated in favor of using CSS variables

Release notes for November 24, 2021

GreenSock JavaScript libraries updated to 3.8.0

Get the latest GreenSock JavaScript libraries hosted by Studio. Learn more

Release notes for September 1, 2020

GreenSock JavaScript libraries updated to 3.5.1

Get the latest GreenSock JavaScript libraries hosted by Studio. Learn more

Release notes for March 4, 2020

GreenSock JavaScript libraries updated to 3.2.4

Get the latest GreenSock JavaScript libraries hosted by Studio. Learn more

Release notes for January 27, 2020

GreenSock JavaScript libraries updated to 3.1.0

Get the latest GreenSock JavaScript libraries hosted by Studio. Learn more

Release notes for December 19, 2019

ThreeJS library added

There's now a Studio-hosted URL for the ThreeJS JavaScript library. Learn more

Release notes for November 11, 2019

GreenSock JavaScript libraries updated to 3.0.1

Get the latest GreenSock JavaScript libraries hosted by Studio. Learn more

Release notes for July 23, 2019

Changes to Asset Library and Dynamic Content

In order to reduce maintenance time and build innovative new features faster, we’re removing some low usage features from Studio that no longer serve our users.

The following Asset Library features have been removed:

  • Replace assets in live creatives
  • Batch replace assets in Studio creatives
  • Folder move
  • Asset move

Two list views have been removed from the Dynamic Content tab:

  • Content Sources list view
  • Elements list view

Learn more about each of these changes below.

Asset Library features no longer available

Replacing assets in live creatives

Previously, you could replace an asset that’s used in one or more live creatives without editing the creatives themselves.

Instead, you can edit the creatives, then review, publish, and retraffic them.

Replacing an asset in multiple creatives at once

You can no longer replace an asset in multiple creatives with one Asset Library overwrite action. Previously, when you uploaded an asset with the same name as an existing asset, you could also choose to overwrite the asset in any creative it was used in.

Instead, you can manually upload a new image to the creatives you want to update.

Moving asset folders

You can no longer use the “Move to” action to move a folder.

Instead, download any assets in the folder you want to copy. Navigate to the folder you want to move to. Create a new folder, along with any subfolders. Upload the assets into the appropriate folders.

Moving assets

You can no longer use the “Move to” action to move an asset from one folder to another.

Instead, save the asset. Navigate to the folder you want to move it to, then upload the asset to that folder.

Dynamic Content features no longer available

View all content sources in your advertiser

Previously, you could navigate to your advertiser in the Dynamic Content tab, then click “Content sources” to see all of the content sources uploaded to your advertiser across all dynamic profiles.

Instead, open your advertiser in the Dynamic Content tab, then click “Transformed content”. All of the content sources in your advertiser appear in the “Content source” column.

View all elements in a profile

Previously, you could navigate to your advertiser in the Dynamic Content tab, then click “Elements” to see all of the elements used in your advertiser across all dynamic profiles.

Instead, open your advertiser in the Dynamic Content tab, then click “Transformed content”. All of the elements in your advertiser appear in the “Element” column.

Release notes for June 7, 2019

Update to email support options

Starting on June 20, 2019, support teams for Google Marketing Platform advertising products (Campaign Manager, Display & Video 360, Studio, Search Ads 360) will no longer be able to accept requests sent via direct email.

You can continue to contact our support teams via chat or email through in-product help by clicking on the Help icon in the top right of the product. You can also reach out to support by clicking “Contact us” or “Get support” in the top right corner of the help center. Learn more

In-product and help center support channels provide many benefits, including:

  • Access to chat support, in addition to the same email format you use today, to get real-time access to a support specialist;

  • Faster, more relevant solutions to your issues by giving our support teams fuller context up front;

  • Immediate answers to some issues as we leverage the latest technology to recommend you useful help center articles.

Release notes for March 11, 2019

GreenSock JavaScript libraries updated to 2.1.2

Get the latest GreenSock JavaScript libraries hosted by Studio. Learn more

Release notes for May 31, 2018

GreenSock JavaScript libraries updated to 1.20.4

Get the latest GreenSock JavaScript libraries hosted by Studio. Learn more

Release notes for October 4, 2017

GreenSock JavaScript libraries updated to 1.20.0

Get the latest GreenSock JavaScript libraries hosted by DoubleClick, now including PixiPlugin! Learn more

Release notes for July 13, 2017

New look for creative previews

DoubleClick Studio's preview step has been refreshed with a modern look and feel.

  • To view creative events or adjust display properties, click Show details  (now an icon).
  • To send creatives to the Creative Preview app on your mobile device, open the "Preview location" menu (formerly "Push to device").

Learn more

Release notes for June 20, 2017

GreenSock JavaScript libraries updated to 1.19.1

Get the latest GreenSock JavaScript libraries hosted by DoubleClick. Learn more

Release notes for June 13, 2017

First-party DCM and Bid Manager audience list targeting

Studio dynamic creatives can now target content using first-party, advertiser-owned audience lists from DoubleClick Campaign Manager or Bid Manager. Learn more

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