
Sign up to watch the Impact Summit livestream on September 4th, 2024 from 10am-4pm PST. Gain new skills and hear how social impact organizations are using AI.

Eligibility guidelines

To be eligible for a Google for Nonprofits account, an organization must:

  1. Be registered as a charitable organization in one of the countries listed below. All organizations must also be verified as a nonprofit organization by Google for Nonprofits' validation partner Percent.

  2. Meet the requirements in its own country. Find your country in the list below to review the requirements.

  3. Agree to the Google for Nonprofits Additional Terms of Service

Your organization is not eligible for Google for Nonprofits if it is:

  • A governmental entity or organization
  • A hospital or health care organization (charitable arms or foundations associated with healthcare organizations are eligible).
  • A school, academic institution, or university (philanthropic arms of educational organizations are eligible). Learn more about Google for Education, Google's programs for educational institutions.


Country requirements

Note: If you don't see your country listed here, we haven't launched Google for Nonprofits in your country yet.



  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Civil Association, (ii) Foundation, (iii) Organisation with tax exemption, (iv) Other organization operating on a nonprofit basis for the public benefit, (v) International nonprofits with tax exemption, or (vi) Religious organization.


  • Organizations must be registered with one of: (i) Australian Charities and Nonprofits Commission (ACNC), (ii) hold Deductible Gift Receipt status with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), OR (iii) be income tax exempt not-for-profit organisations as defined by the ATO.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Foundation and Fund (Stiftungen und des fonds), (ii) Association (Vereine), (iii) Corporation (gemeinnützige gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung or gGmbH; or körperschaften des öffentlichen Rechts or KdÖR), (iv) Religious organization (religionsgemeinschaften); (v) Non‐governmental international organizations (nichtstaatliche internationale organisationen).


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Non-profit association (association sans but lucrative (ASBL); vereniging zonder winstoogmerk (VZW), (ii) International non-profit association (association internationale sans but lucratif (AISBL); internationale vereniging zonder winstoogmerk (IVZW)), (iii) Private foundation (fondation privée; private stichting), or (iv) Foundation of public interest (fondation d’utilité publique; stichting van openbaar nut)

Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Organization of public interest; (ii) Nonprofit Association and Foundation set up as a nonprofit; or (ii) Religious organization.


  • Organizations must be registered as a: (i) Society, (ii) Companies limited by guarantee, or (iii) Trust set up as a non-profit.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Charity and designated as an Organizações da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público (OSCIP), Certificação das Entidades Beneficentes de Assistência Social (CEBAS), Federal Public Utility (UPF) or (Social Organisation) OS, (ii) Civil Society Organisations, (iii) Association, (iv) Private Foundation or (v) other nonprofit entities.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Non‐profit legal entities (NPLEs).


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Charity with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), (ii) Nonprofit operating entity with tax exemption, (iii) Federal nonprofit corporation (iv) Provincial nonprofit.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Nonprofit organization, (ii) Community organization and neighborhood councils, (iii) Corporation and Public Benefit Foundation, (iv) Indigenous association and community registered with CONADI.


  • Organizations must be registered as (i) Nonprofit Corporation, (ii) Association, (iii) Foundation or (iv) Religious organization


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Foundation, (ii) Association, (iii) Religious community


  • Organizations must be registered as a: (i) Charitable Organisation (εγκριμένα φιλανθρωπικά ιδρύματα), (ii) Foundation (ιδρυμάτων), (iii) Association and society (σωματείων), (iv) Other Nonprofit Organisation, (v) International non-governmental organisation.

Czech Republic

  • Organizations must be registered with the Ministry of Justice as a (i) Association (spolky), (ii) Foundation (nadace), (iii) nonprofit with constitution (ústavy), (iv) endowment funds (nadační fondy), (v) public benefit corporations (obecně prospěšné společnosti), (vi) social service providers (poskytovatelé sociálních služeb) as registered with Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, or (viii) a religious organisations (církevní organizace) registered with the Ministry of Culture


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Association (foreninger), (ii) Foundation (stiftelser), (iii) Institutions (institutioner), (iv) Religious communities (religiøse samfund) or (v) Organisation with tax deductible donations.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Foundation (fundaciones), (ii) Nonprofit corporation (corporaciones sin fines de lucro), (iii) Religious organization (organizaciones religiosas).


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Nonprofits as defined by Tax and Customs Board,(ii) Association, (iii) Foundation, (iv) Religious Association or society.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Association (rekisteröity yhdistys), (ii) Foundation (säätiöt), (iii) Religious communities (uskonnollinen yhdyskunta).


  • Organizations must be registered as a: (i) Nonprofit established according to governing law AND registered in French Legal Publication (Journal Officiel des Associations or other).


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Association (Verein, e.V.), (ii) Foundation (Stiftung), or (iii) Corporations with tax benefits (Such as non-profit company with limited liability – gGmbH or gemeinnützige GmbH; gUG or gemeinnützige Unternehmergesellschaft).


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Charity, (ii) Non-Governmental organization (NGOs), (iii) Trust, or (iv) Nonprofit Company Limited by Guarantee.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Foundation (κοινωφελη ιδρυματα), (ii) Charity association (φιλανθρωπικών σωματείων), (iii) Nonprofit Association, (iv) Civil nonprofit organisation company, (v) Ecclesiastical and Religious Community (εκκλησιαστικές και θρησκευτικές κοινότητες).

Hong Kong

  • Organizations must be tax exempt by the Inland Revenue Department. Registered as a (i) Charitable Institution, (ii) Public trust.


  • Organizations must be registered as (i) Association (egyesületek), Foundation (alapítványok), and Religious Community recognised as a tax beneficiary, (ii) Nonprofit Organisation(nonprofit gazdasági társaságok), (iii) Religious Community, (iv) Other Nonprofit Association or Foundation.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Public Benefit Organisation (félög til almannaheilla), (ii) Public Benefit Organisation with cross-border activities (almannaheillafélög yfir landamæri), (iii) Non-governmental organizations ( félagasamtök ), (iv) Private Foundation with an approved charter (sjálfseignastofnanir með staðfesta skipulagsskrá ), (v) Religious and Life review Organization (trúfélög og lífsskoðunarfélög).


  • Organizations must be registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulations Act. Registered as a (i) Society, (ii) Trust, (iii) Section 8 Company (formerly Section 25).


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Foundations (yayasan) approved as legal entities by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, (ii) Incorporated associations (perkumpulan) approved as legal entities by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, or (iii) Societal organizations (organisasi kemasyarakatan) registered with the Ministry of Home Affairs, provincial governor or local authorities.


  • Organizations must be registered as: (1) charitable organizations with the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA); (2) organizations with charitable tax-exemption status with the Revenue Commissioner; (3) sports bodies with tax exemption; or (4) companies limited by guarantee and operating on a nonprofit basis for the public benefit registered on the Companies Registry Office.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (1) Association (Amuta), (2) Association with certificate of proper management, (3) Public Benefit Foundation, (4) Public Benefit Foundation with certificate of proper management, (5) Public institution approved for tax exemptions, (6) Public Benefit Companies, (7) Public Endowment organization or (viii) Religious endowment.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Association (Associazione), (ii) Foundation (Fondazioni), (iii) Social Cooperative (societa cooperativi), (iv) Nonprofit social utility organisation (Organizzazione non lucrativa di utilità sociale – ONLUS), (v) International NGO (organizzazioni non governativa – ONG) registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, (vi) Religious organisation (istituzioni religiose), (vii) Other nonprofit organisation.


  • Organization must be registered as a (i) Public Interest Association (Koueki Shadan Houjin), (ii) Public Interest Foundation (Koeki Zaidan Houjin) authorized by the Public Interest Commission, (iii) Special Nonprofit Corporation, (tokutei hieiri katsudo hojin) certified by the city government or prefectural government, (iii) Social Welfare Corporations approved by the city government, the prefectural government and/or the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, or (iv) General Incorporated Associations with nonprofit status as recognized in the Corporation Tax Act.


  • Organizations must be registered as (i) Non‐governmental organization registered (or exempt from registration) with the NGO Coordination Board, (ii) Company Limited by Guarantee registered with the Registrar of Companies, (iii) Nonprofit Society registered (or exempt from registration) with the Registrar of Societies, (iv) Trust registered with the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning, (v) Community‐based organization registered with the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Services.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Public Benefit Organisation eligible to receive tax deductible donations, (ii) Nonprofit Private Organisation eligible for donations, (iii) Other Nonprofit, Non-Governmental organization.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Public Benefit Organisation (sabiedriskā labuma organizācijas), (ii) Association (biedrību), (iii) Foundation (nodibinājumu), (iv) Religious organization.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Charity, (ii) Sponsorship fund, (iii) Organization with beneficiary status, (iv) Public institution, (v) Association, (vi) Religious organization.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Public Benefit Organisation, (ii) Non-profit Association (Association sans but lucratif (ASBL) or (iii) Foundation (Fondation d’ utilité publique).


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Association (社團) registered with the Identification Services Bureau (身份證明局) with an approved subsidy request from the Social Welfare Bureau, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, or Labor Affairs Bureau.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Non-Governmental Organization and Institution eligible for tax deductible gift, (ii) Charitable Trust, (iii) Youth Society, (iv) Nonprofit Society, (v) Nonprofit Company limited by guarantee, (vi) Islamic Trust Endowment, (vii) Mosque.


  • Organizations must be registered with one of: (i) Tax-exempt Philanthropic Organisation or Nonprofit Club, (ii) Voluntary organization (VO).


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Authorized Donee, (ii) CLUNI Organisation, (iii) Other Private Charitable or Assistance Organisation operating not for profit, (iv) Religious Association.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Nonprofit Association (Verenigingen), (ii) Nonprofit Foundation (Stichtingen), (iii) Association or Foundation with public benefit organisation status (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling – ANBI), (iv) Church and other Religious Organisation (kerkgenootschappen en hun zelfstandige onderdelen).

New Zealand

  • Organizations must be  located in New Zealand or Tokelau and registered as: (1) charities with NZ Charities Services; (2) nonprofits with tax-exemption status with the Inland Revenue; or (3) donee organizations.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Nonprofit eligible for tax deductible donations, (ii) Association with incorporated trustees of a corporate body, or (iii) Company limited by guarantee operating not for profit.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Nonprofit Company (selskaper), (ii) Foundation (Stiftelser), (iii) Association (Sammenslutninger), (iv) Religious Community (livssynssamfunn), (v) Organisation eligible to receive tax-deductible donations.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Approved Nonprofit, (ii) Association with charitable purpose (Section 42 Companies), (iii) Society, (iv) Voluntary Social Welfare Agency (v) International Non-governmental Organization (INGOs).


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Association, (ii) Foundation, (iii) Committee, (iv) Association or Foundations approved for tax deductible donations.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Donee Institution, (ii) Other Non-stock corporation operating not for profit.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Association (stowarzyszenie), (ii) Foundation (fundacja), (iii) Public Benefit organisation (organizacjami pożytku publicznego), (iv) Religious organisation (organizacja religijna).


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Legal Entity of Public Utility; (2) Private Institution of Social Solidarity, (iii) Non‐Governmental Organisation, (iv) Religious Organization, (v) Non‐governmental Development Cooperation Organisation.

Puerto Rico

  • Part of the United States of America territory, please refer to the nonprofit definition for the United States of America.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Association, (ii) Foundation, (iii) Federation, (iv) Religious organization. All organizations must be operating on a nonprofit basis.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Organisation eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Article 15 of the Corporate Profit Tax Law), (ii) Foundation, (iii) Association, (iv) Endowment, (v) Other Nonprofit Organisation.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Institutions of a Public Character (IPCs), (ii) Charity, (iii) Other Organisation operating on a nonprofit basis for the public benefit, (iv) Charitable Trust registered as a corporate body, (v) Society, (vi) Companies limited by guarantee.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Non-profit Organization, (ii) Foundation, (iii) Non-Investment Investment Fund, (iv) Civil Association , (v) Slovak Red Cross, (vi) Church, Religious Society and Other Religious organization, (vii) Organisations with an international element.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Association, (ii) Foundation, (iii ) Private Institute licensed to engage in public benefit services, (iv) Religious community registered with the Ministry of Culture.

South Africa

  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Section 18A Non-Profit Organization, (ii) Public Benefit Organisation, (iii) Nonprofit Organisation, (iv) Nonprofit Company operating on a non-profit basis for the public benefit, (v) Nonprofit Trust.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Association, (ii) Foundation, (iii) Social Initiative Cooperative, (iv) Other Nonprofit Entity such as sports club or federation, (v) Public Utility Organisation or (vi) Religious organization.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Nonprofit Association (Ideella föreningar), (ii) Foundation (Stiftelser), (iii) Faith Community.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Association in the Swiss Civil Code, (ii) Foundation (Stiftung) in the Swiss Civil Code or (iii) Tax Exempt organization.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Social Association, (ii) Public Endowed Foundation.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Charitable organization approved for tax deductible donations, (ii) Non-governmental organization, (iii) Religious organization.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Tax exempt organisation, (ii) Public Benefit Organisation, (iii) Foundation, (iv) Association, (v) Foreign Non-governmental Organization.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Foundation, (ii) Foundation with tax exempt status, (iii) Associations, (iv) Social cooperatives operating on a nonprofit basis for the public benefit.


  • Organizations must be registered with one of (i)Charitable organizations, (ii) Public Association, (iii) Religious Organization, (iv) International Nonprofit Organisation.

United Kingdom (including England & Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland)  

  • Organizations must be registered with the charity regulator in England and Wales (Charity Commission), Northern Ireland (NICC), or Scotland (OSCR); or HMRC as charitable tax exempt charities or churches.

United States of America

  • Organizations must be (i) registered with the IRS as exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) a group exempt organization with proven affiliation to a central nonprofit that has 501c3 status
  • Currently not eligible organisations: Fiscally sponsored organizations that do not have their own 501(c)(3) status.


  • Organizations must be registered as a (i) Private Social Relief Establishment (SRE), (ii) Charitable Fund and Social Fund, (iii) International NGO (INGO), (iv) Association, (v) Religious organization, (vi) Scientific and Technological Organisation (STO), (vii) Other nonprofit organization.

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