Google Ads features in Google Ads Editor

If you're wondering about a particular feature that isn't listed below, visit the Google Ads Help Center or the Google Ads Editor Help Center for more information.
  Google Ads feature Google Ads Editor support More information
Ad types Basic ad types (text, image, WAP mobile) Yes Learn how to add text ads, image ads, and WAP mobile ads in Google Ads Editor.
Display Ad Builder ads Yes (limited) Learn about display ads in Google Ads Editor.
Dynamic Search Ads Yes Learn about Dynamic Search Ads in Google Ads Editor.
Product Shopping ads Yes Learn about Product Shopping ads in Google Ads Editor.
Video ads Yes Learn about video ads in Google Ads Editor
Call-only ads Yes Learn about call-only ads.
Ads using ad parameters Yes Learn about ad parameters.
Shared creatives No To view and manage shared creatives, you'll need to sign in to Google Ads online.
Ad gallery ads Yes (limited) You can download Ad gallery ads and copy them to other campaigns in the same account. To create an Ad gallery ad, you'll need to sign in to Google Ads online.
App promotion ads Yes (limited) You can download app promotion ads and copy them to other campaigns in the same account. To create an app promotion ad, you'll need to sign in to Google Ads online. Keep in mind that app promotion ads aren't supported for TrueView video campaigns in Google Ads Editor.
Product groups in Shopping campaigns Yes (limited) Learn about Shopping campaigns and product groups in Google Ads Editor.
App install ads Yes Learn about app install ads and “mobile app installs” campaigns in Google Ads Editor.
App engagement ads Yes Learn about app engagement ads.
Gmail Yes Learn about Gmail ads.
Expanded dynamic search ads Yes Learn about Dynamic Search Ads.
Responsive ads Yes Learn about responsive ads.
Hotel campaigns Yes Learn about hotel campaigns.
Hotel callouts Yes Learn about hotel callouts.
Campaign settings Campaign types Yes (limited) Types of changes vary depending on the campaign type. Learn about campaign types in Google Ads Editor.
Shared budgets No Shared budgets are read-only in Google Ads Editor.
Ad scheduling Yes Learn about ad scheduling in Google Ads Editor.
Campaign experiments Yes (limited) You can download existing Google Ads campaign experiments and update experiment status. Learn about campaign experiments in Google Ads Editor.
Bid settings Portfolio bid strategies Yes Learn about bid strategies in Google Ads Editor.
Basic bidding options Yes Learn about bidding options in Google Ads Editor.
Enhanced CPC Yes Learn about enhanced CPC.
Automatic CPC bidding (Budget Optimizer) Yes (limited) Learn about automatic CPC bidding in Google Ads Editor.
CPA bidding (Conversion Optimizer) Yes (limited) Learn about CPA bidding in Google Ads Editor.
Target ROAS Yes Learn more about Target ROAS bidding
Maximize clicks Yes Learn more about Maximize clicks bidding
Ad targeting Demographic targeting Yes Target and exclude by parental status, age, and gender.
Topic targeting Yes Learn about topic targeting in Google Ads Editor.
Audiences Yes Learn about audience targeting in Google Ads Editor.
Device targeting Yes Target certain types of devices (computer, mobile, tablet, etc.) and operating system versions.
Publisher-defined placements Yes (limited) If you download a campaign that already contains publisher-defined placements, you can make changes and re-post the campaign.
Exclusions from the site and category exclusion tool Yes (limited) Excluded sites appear in the Negatives tab in Google Ads Editor. However, excluded topics, page types, and media types may not be viewed or changed.
Display targeting optimization Yes Learn about targeting optimization for Display campaigns in Google Ads Editor.
Mobile app placements Yes Target by app.
Mobile interest categories Yes Target specific user interests.
Other Sitelinks Yes Learn about sitelinks in Google Ads Editor.
Upgraded URLs Yes Learn about using upgraded URLs.
Labels Yes Learn about using labels.
Location assets Yes Learn about location assets.
Promotion assets Yes Learn about promotion assets.
Price assets Yes Learn about price assets.

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