About assets upgrade

The upgrade for image and location assets will be completed later in 2023. Bulk upload for upgraded price, app, and location group assets will also be supported later in 2023.

Assets are being upgraded to enable new features and reduce the complexity of asset creation and management. The upgrade involves a new feature through which you can pause your assets. This change won’t affect the performance of your ads or assets.

This article explains any differences that you may notice during this time period, and how to switch between upgraded and legacy reporting in the UI if you also use the Ads API or Editor to manage assets.

A few features that have been deprecated as part of the assets upgrade are:

  • Device preference for mobile in all assets
  • Start and end date in call assets
  • Ad schedules in app assets
  • Start and end time and ad schedule in price and structure snippets
Note: If upgraded assets and legacy assets of a particular type are attached to the same customer, campaign or ad group, the automatic migration process will remove the legacy assets automatically and keep the existing upgraded asset.

Table view

After the data migration is complete, you won’t be able to see legacy data on the assets page. But, you’ll still be able to access it in your "Reports".

Upgraded vs. legacy assets

If you use the Ads API or Editor to create upgraded assets during the migration period, you may see separate views for legacy and upgraded assets.

  • Historical stats for legacy assets will be available in the "Reports" page through June 2024 for image and location assets.
  • Reporting for upgraded assets will continue to be available in the assets table view. Once the switch to upgraded asset is complete, legacy asset data will no longer be available in the assets table view.

Access legacy data during migration

If your account has both legacy and upgraded assets, you’ll see separate views for reporting in the assets table. You can toggle between upgraded and legacy reporting for individual assets:

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Assets drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Assets.
  4. Select Association from the “Table view” drop-down menu.
  5. You will now see a table with all your assets.
    • Using the table view, select the dropdown near the filter bar Filter at the top of the table to switch between "upgraded" and "legacy" assets.
An image showing how to access legacy data during migration in the Google Ads UI.

You can also view reporting for both legacy and upgraded assets in the "Assets" table via the dropdown menu.

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Assets drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Assets.
  4. You will now see a table with all your assets. Select Association from the “Table view” drop-down menu.
  5. Select an asset type above the table toolbar.
    • If you want to view upgraded assets, select All.
    • If you want to view legacy assets, select All (legacy).

Access legacy data post-migration

Once the migration has been completed, you'll only be able to view historical stats for legacy assets in the "Reports" page.

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Insights and reports drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Report editor.
  4. Click View all under the "Predefined reports (Dimensions)" header.
    • If you want to view post-migration stats, select Assets.
    • If you want to view historical stats, select Assets (legacy).

An image showing how to access legacy data post migration in the Google Ads UI.

How to pause your assets

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Assets drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Assets.
  4. Select Association from the “Table view” drop-down menu. You will now see a table with all your assets.
  5. Click Add Filter next to the filter icon Filter and select "Assets status: All but removed" as your filter.
  6. Select the asset that you want to pause by clicking on the tick box next to it.
  7. Click Edit, then click Pause icon for ad campaigns Pause.
    • The pause symbol Pause icon for ad campaigns will appear next to the particular asset and a message that says "Pausing your asset" will be displayed at the bottom of the page.
Note: Multiple assets can be paused at the same time.

Tracking upgraded assets using ValueTrack parameters in URLs

All ValueTrack parameters will continue to function when used in URLs in upgraded assets except for {feeditemid}. Instead, use {extensionid} to link any final URL, tracking template or custom parameter to an upgraded asset. The {feeditemid} parameter will no longer return any value once the legacy asset is migrated to an upgraded asset.

The migration procedure won't change occurrences of {feeditemid} into {extensionid} for you. You must update any URLs that utilize the {feeditemid} parameter to also include the {extensionid} parameter. Doing so will ensure that you're tracking clicks to either type of asset. However, only one of these fields will be populated when a click occurs.

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