arithmetic operator
Arithmetic operators perform arithmetic operations in formulas.
To do this | Use this arithmetic operator | Examples, when A2 contains 20 and B2 contains 2 |
Add two values | (plus sign) | A2 B2 returns 22 |
Subtract one value from another value | – (minus sign) | A2 – B2 returns 18 |
Multiply two values | * (asterisk) | A2 * B2 returns 40 |
Divide one value by another value | / (forward slash) | A2 / B2 returns 10 |
Raise one value to the power of another value | ^ (caret) | A2 ^ B2 returns 400 |
Calculate a percentage | % (percent sign) | A2% returns 0.2, formatted for display as 20% |
Using a string with an arithmetic operator returns an error. For example, 3 "hello" is not a correct arithmetic operation.