What types of content can I share with my family?
You can share content that you purchase from Apple including music, movies, TV shows, apps, and books. You can also share your Apple subscriptions including Apple One.
What you can share
Music from the iTunes Store.
Movies and TV shows from the Store in the Apple TV app.
Books from the Book Store in Apple Books.
Apps that you can purchase or download from the App Store.
Subscriptions and in-app purchases from participating apps.
Subscriptions from Apple, including:
Apple One Family and Premier plans
Apple Music family subscription
Apple Arcade
Apple Fitness
Apple News
Apple Podcasts Subscriptions
Apple TV
Apple TV channels
What you can't share
Individual subscriptions to Apple Music, Apple One, and subscriptions and in-app purchases from non-participating apps.
Student subscriptions, such as a student subscription to Apple Music.
Consumable in-app purchases, such as coins or gems.
Items that are no longer available in the App Store, iTunes Store, Books Store, or Apple TV app.
Purchases that you or another member of your family group have hidden.
Content that was assigned through a child's school using Apple School Manager.
Learn more
If you want kids to get permission before downloading or buying new content, set up Ask to Buy. But you can't use Ask to Buy to prevent kids from downloading content that someone in your family group has already purchased.
Some apps, content, and subscriptions aren't available in all countries and regions. Find out what's available in your country or region.